February 25, 2011, - 4:52 pm

“Religion of Peace” . . . & Pope-Hatred

By Debbie Schlussel

And now for another episode of “Your Day in Religion of Peace Peacefulness.” Yes, they’re Muslims.  As you’ll recall, last September, six Muslim men from North Africa, including Algeria plotted to kill the Pope in London, ironically during an “interfaith dialogue” meeting with Muslims about religious tolerance and respect.  Now, six Moroccan men in Rome, tried to incite hatred against the Pope, whatever that means.  Sounds like a sanitized way of describing Islamic terrorists who tried to kill him.  Yup, they’re neither Catholic nor Jewish nor Hindu nor Wiccan. Shocker. And this is after decades of the Vatican and the Pope, current Pope included, pandering to Muslims and attacking Israel. Uh-huh, sounds like that’s working. Not.



Italian police on Friday arrested six Moroccan men suspected of inciting hatred against Pope Benedict XVI for converting a Muslim journalist in Italy to Catholicism.

Stefano Fonsi, head of Brescia police’s anti-terrorism squad in northern Italy, said the suspects allegedly banded together and met privately with the goal of stirring up religious hatred against non-Muslims, including the pope.

Investigators say they found literature exhorting Muslim immigrants against integrating into Italian society and saying the pope should be punished for having baptized the journalist during an Easter vigil ceremony in St. Peter’s Basilica.

The investigation grew out of security checks ahead of a pastoral visit by Benedict to Brescia in 2009, but authorities insisted that their probe revealed no plot against the pontiff or other terrorism aims. . . .

In 2008, Egyptian-born journalist Magdi Allam angered some Muslims by becoming a Catholic. After being baptized, he changed his name to Magdi Cristiano Allam. He had built a career in Italy as a newspaper commentator and author attacking Islamic extremism and supporting Israel.

Yeah, and we can’t have that, can we?  Becoming Catholic AND supporting Israel.  Two fatal sins.

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43 Responses

how about the realization

that islam is the code of satan

that allah has been historicly
the name of satan

that all moslems
devout or not
by reason of their faith

are regardless of dna


prestigio on February 25, 2011 at 5:26 pm

Well, the Pope and the Muzzies have one thing in common.
They both hate the Jews.

Michelle on February 25, 2011 at 6:24 pm

So how’s that interfaith dialogue working for ya? The Vatican should know better than trying to lie with their enimies. It’s so amazing to me why Catholics and Jews alike seem to think that pandering to barbarians hell bent on their destruction is somehow a good thing.
Jew’s are violating their commandment to G-d, and Catholics, well noone ever said they were the brightest in the bunch.
The saying “Don’t break bread with the armies of the anti-christ” aparently means very little this day and age.

wolf2012 on February 25, 2011 at 6:41 pm

Wolfie – not every Jew panders. Too bad that the ones that do are in the eye of the mainstream media.

Cat K on February 25, 2011 at 6:51 pm

You can effectively kiss the rear ends of all the scum of the earth but it will get you nowhere. If you don’t stand up for the truth, the enemies of truth will devour you. I guess that’s what the Catholic hierarchy is finding out.

Margie on February 25, 2011 at 7:25 pm

Christianity 101:

The Roman Catholic Church , which is the mother of harlots (the Protestants) evolved from the Babylon mystery religion. The Pope is an “anti-Christ”, meaning “another Christ”.

Stated another way, according to Roman Catholic teaching, when the Pope speaks “ex-Cathedra”, he is speaking as God’s representative on Earth, from “The Throne of God”. Ergo, he is another Christ.

Muslims understand this concept very well. It is their duty to kill the Pope, and all of his followers.

Dr Dale on February 25, 2011 at 9:00 pm

    When the pope speaks “ex cathedra” he is making an infallible statement about faith or morals “from the chair (of Saint Peter).” The Church believes that when the pope speaks in this manner he is being inspired by the Holy Spirit. He is most definitely NOT speaking “as God.”

    I just thought I’d help you out.

    Nomadic100 on February 26, 2011 at 10:33 am

      When the pope speaks “ex cathedra” he is making an infallible statement about faith or morals “from the chair (of Saint Peter).” The Church believes that when the pope speaks in this manner he is being inspired by the Holy Spirit. He is most definitely NOT speaking “as God.”

      I just thought I’d help you out.

      Then what do these statements from the roman catholic catechism mean?

      “Let us rejoice then and give thanks that we have become not only Christians, but Christ himself. Marvel and rejoice: we have become Christ.” Pg. 210, #795

      “For the Son of man became man so that we might become God.” Pg. 116, #460

      “The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods.” Pg. 116, #460

      INFINITE on February 26, 2011 at 12:49 pm

@wolf2012 : Have you done extensive research to conclude that catholics were not “the brightest in the bunch”? Thought not.But if it makes you feel better to try and chastise an entire religion and its people for the sake of an insult go ahead.P.S You better tell all those Catholic doctors, scientists,artists and great thinkers throughout human history that they were apparently not that smart and coming from a person named after an animal like yourself, I’m sure they’ll take you very seriously! Oh, and nice appropriation of the Sarah Palin “how’s that workin’ out for ya…” — if you’ve been reduced to copying that mama-pimp’s words, I really doubt you’re very informed.

As for the generalised language of how Catholics and Jews pander to Islam, that’s another gross exaggeration. Like many faiths and people’s in general, it is sadly those in power who shape policy.And policies these days — throughout the world — are suffocated by political correctness.

Many in the United States pander to Islam — infact, Americans are some of the most pronounced Islamo-panderers on the face of the earth. However, there’s also huge swathes of America who rightly despise the wicked religion and actively speak out against it — those like Debbie for example.

And it’s not just Catholics and Jews who pander to Islam — Barack Hussein Obama (a muslim) was voted in as the president of the U.S. by supposed Christians, feminists, libertarians and atheists.

The moral righteousness of some to constantly play the Catholics, Jews or Europe “pander to Islam” is highly hypocritical when it was Americans who voted in a racist, un-qualified, allegedly gay, former drug using Muslim as their president. And now thanks to the 97% of African Americans who supposedly are not racist yet voted for Obama along-with 60% of of self-hating white ppl — AFTER it was public knowledge he was raised a Muslim and attended a racist church for 20yrs — The US is now empowering Islam and its jihad.

I guarantee the Americans who voted for Obama have done more to embolden Islamic Jihad than any Jew or Catholic or the Vatican even.

Barry on February 25, 2011 at 9:06 pm

Wow, so none of you have ever read my posts on here before. I wasn’t refering to all Jew’s or Catholics in my statement, so chill out.
My point was those who do are violating their own religion, and what the tennants of their religion stand for.

The statement “How’s that working for ya” wasn’t penned by Sarah Palin, just as the fist bump wasn’t invented by Obama. I know more about being Catholic since that’s what I was raised from one side of the family. The other side of my family history is Jewish.

I’ve spent 30 years studying Religions, as in more than one, which gives me ample knowledge to critisize them all. I have traveled the world in my pursuit of knowledge and I can tell you clearly that everyone is fucked up in some way.

I know Catholics who hate Jews, Lutherans who hate Catholics, and Muslims who hate everyone. Oddly enough the only group that gets it on all counts are the Wiccan’s. They understand that Jew’s have their own covenant with G-d. Christ was a Jew who fullfilled prophesy and allowed salvation for the rest of humanity. They also know that Mary Magdelan wasn’t a prostitute. I could go on and on about the things that I know to be truth, but the information at my disposal takes up several books.



wolf2012 on February 25, 2011 at 10:39 pm

The other day a Muslim leader in Europe compared Muslims in Europe to Muslims in the US, that because we do a better job at “integrating” Muslims here in the US, there is less risk of “radicalization” of Muslims here.

His assumptions are debatable, as well as the reasons he gave for his assumptions.

Frankly, his comments are sort of a threat; if the US or Europe doesn’t sufficiently please Muslim immigrants, they may become “radicalized” (PC for terrorist).

The solution is obvious; keeping Muslim immigration to a minimum will minimize any risk of radicalization.

Scott on February 25, 2011 at 11:26 pm

When have Muslims ever been not trying to kill people?

pat on February 26, 2011 at 1:48 am

Debbie, Contrary to the common belief among many people that Islam is the fastest growing religion on Earth, I see Islam as collapsing terribly from within. I have studied Islam analytically for the last ten years and i am positive that Islam is collapsing from within as if it is suffering a faith quake of 8 on the Richter scale. This is what is unleashing panic among Islamists. They see it, they know it they don’t know how to stop it and believe me it can not be stopped. WHY???? Because Islam’s power was based on obfuscation and prevarication in an ignorant society. Today the Internet is spreading knowledge and enlightenment all over the world. There is nowhere for Islam to hide behind darkness. It is now totally exposed and people from all faiths – including – Moslems themselves are realizing the fallacies inherent in Islam, and are finding trouble believing it. This pope is taking a firm position versus Islam and that is why they hate him. By the way I am not a Roman Catholic. I respect all religious leaders no matter who they are. I even respect enlightened Moslem leaders.

G. R. SCHAROUBIM on February 26, 2011 at 10:39 am


In aHadith Muhammad said;”The best thing a man can do is to Kill or Die in way of God????” I think he mis-spoke and wanted to say in the way of Satan.

G. R. SCHAROUBIM on February 26, 2011 at 10:46 am

No Scott, Keep them out period.

G. R. SCHAROUBIM on February 26, 2011 at 12:57 pm

Hello Debbie Schlussel and All

Nomadic100 wrote

“When the pope speaks “ex cathedra” he is making an infallible statement about faith or morals “from the chair (of Saint Peter).” The Church believes that when the pope speaks in this manner he is being inspired by the Holy Spirit. He is most definitely NOT speaking “as God.”

I just thought I’d help you out.”

Then what do these statements from the roman catholic catechism mean?

“Let us rejoice then and give thanks that we have become not only Christians, but Christ himself. Marvel and rejoice: we have become Christ.” Pg. 210, #795

“For the Son of man became man so that we might become God.” Pg. 116, #460

“The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods.” Pg. 116, #460

INFINITE on February 26, 2011 at 12:58 pm

    *Then what do these statements from the roman catholic catechism mean?

    “Let us rejoice then and give thanks that we have become not only Christians, but Christ himself. Marvel and rejoice: we have become Christ.” Pg. 210, #795

    “For the Son of man became man so that we might become God.” Pg. 116, #460

    “The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods.” Pg. 116, #460

    INFINITE on February 26, 2011 at 12:58 pm*

    Those are all direct quotes–the first one from St. Augustine, the second from St. Athanasius, and the third from St. Thomas Aquinas. The first two lived in the 300’s and early 400’s, long before Martin Luther broke off from the Catholic Church. Before Martin Luther, all Christians were Catholic. We Catholics have a unbroken tradition that dates back to Christ and the apostles. Christ set up the Catholic Church with Peter as the first pope. You Protestants have a tradition that dates back only 500 years. In fact, the books that make up the New Testament were decided by the Catholic Church.

    JM on February 26, 2011 at 10:40 pm

Let’s get back to realty. Jesus Christ is LORD. He actually died on the cross concerning the sin of the world, and that includes YOU! (all).

Anything or anyone else that says or acts otherwise are liars.

“He who believes in Him is not condemned; he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the Name of the only Son of God.” Jn. 3:18.

Margie on February 26, 2011 at 3:16 pm

Yeah, Margie. You go to Hell if you don’t believe in Jesus. But if you cover for kiddie fiddling priests, all is well.

Oedipa Maas on February 26, 2011 at 3:25 pm

    Hello Oedipa Mass,

    Please don’t count me in with the Catholic Religion. I despise its false doctrines.
    God bless.

    Margie on February 26, 2011 at 3:27 pm

Is that one of those keffiyeh things wrapped around his shoulders? Good thing he’s got enough security to keep some jihadist from strangling him with it. The way the Vatican treats Israel maybe he should wear it on his head “Arafat” style. Pictures like this is why I call the papacy, the papASSy. Do those popes really, actually think that they speak for all Christians? I guess they really earn their positions as chiefs of the Nicolaitans spoken of in the New Testament.

CornCoLeo on February 26, 2011 at 6:37 pm

Hello Debbie Schlussel and All

*Then what do these statements from the roman catholic catechism mean?

“Let us rejoice then and give thanks that we have become not only Christians, but Christ himself. Marvel and rejoice: we have become Christ.” Pg. 210, #795

“For the Son of man became man so that we might become God.” Pg. 116, #460

“The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods.” Pg. 116, #460

INFINITE on February 26, 2011 at 12:58 pm*

Those are all direct quotes–the first one from St. Augustine, the second from St. Athanasius, and the third from St. Thomas Aquinas. The first two lived in the 300?s and early 400?s, long before Martin Luther broke off from the Catholic Church. Before Martin Luther, all Christians were Catholic. We Catholics have a unbroken tradition that dates back to Christ and the apostles. Christ set up the Catholic Church with Peter as the first pope. You Protestants have a tradition that dates back only 500 years. In fact, the books that make up the New Testament were decided by the Catholic Church.

JM on February 26, 2011 at 10:40 pm


I am not a Protestant nor catholic, I follow Yahushua. You should look up and study who Yahushua is.

All of those quotes I posted come from the catechism of the roman catholic church http://www.vatican.va/archive/ccc_css/archive/catechism/ccc_toc.htm.

If St. Augustine, St. Athanasius, and St. Thomas Aquinas lived in the 300?s and early 400?s, long before Martin Luther broke off from the Catholic Church, then why are their writings in the catholic church’s catechism today?

INFINITE on February 27, 2011 at 12:06 pm


The Catholic Catechism is is just a compilation of traditional Catholic teachings. The three quotations all have footnotes and are direct quotes. The footnotes state that they are direct quotations from the three saints I mentioned.

We Catholics believe that the Pope has papal infallibility which includes teachings of the Catholic Church. We don’t believe the Pope is God. In fact, they can be completely wrong when they start giving out their own personal and faulty political opinions on things that have nothing to do with faith and morals, such as their pandering to Islam.

They will wake up to the threat that Islam poses sooner or later, hopefully before it is too late. There are some cardinals that are very good about battling Islam, such as Cardinal Pell of Australia. Unfortunately, there are a lot in the Vatican that pander to and try to appease Islam.

JM on February 27, 2011 at 6:26 pm


All Christians who became such after the death & Resurrection of Jesus by the Grace of God were not Catholic. That Religion didn’t start up until a few hundred years later. There are plenty of historical sites online where you can read about the history of Christianity.
Catholicism’s doctrines are false and not Biblical, all anyone has to do is open up the Bible and compare.
The Truth will set you free.

Margie on February 27, 2011 at 6:41 pm

    My dear Margie, let’s be clear…

    The Bible is a closed book to unbelievers. The Ethiopian eunuch could not understand what he was reading, except that someone guide him. “And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him.” The truth is only learned from faith, to faith.

    Dr Dale on February 27, 2011 at 10:05 pm

Greetings Dr. Dale,

I agree, and I believe I just guided someone. As Philip went up and sat with the eunuch, so do I desire to do the same with our friend, Infinite (the above poster).

As to your saying that the truth is only learned from faith to faith~ if you mean to say what the Bible says, “So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes by the preaching of Christ.” Rom. 10:17.

Then I fully agree.

God bless you.

Margie on February 27, 2011 at 11:59 pm

Hate to say it Barry, but I have to agree with you. I tried to educate every friend/voter I knew about Obama’s historyand associations but no one wanted to listen, as he was “a cool black man” who was technically savvy (NOT so in reality, just marketed well by someone), and the media would not print or show anything negative on him. I CRIED on election day. I felt inside my heart that I was seeing the beginning of the end of my great country. I knew the dye was cast at the inaugeration speech and then the speech in Cairo. We who love freedom must band together to fight this evil in our midst.

CJ on February 28, 2011 at 11:33 am

Funny watching fanatics of one false religion (Islam) getting all worked up about those who convert to another false religion (Romanism). Both are works-based roads to hell.

Repent and believe on the biblical Jesus – not the pale imitation from Rome.

Manfred on February 28, 2011 at 1:56 pm

    Actually, Manfred, I’m astonished watching Protestants and Catholics tearing at each other (with the P’s doing most of the initiating), while both dismiss the Jews without a second thought, as in the remarkable claim that those who don’t believe that Jesus was the Messiah must be “a liar.”

    I’m even more surprised that the Catholics here do such a lousy job defending their faith. For example:

    “Let us rejoice then and give thanks that we have become not only Christians, but Christ himself. Marvel and rejoice: we have become Christ.” Pg. 210, #795”

    The following link puts the quotation in context:


    Not that I care to defend Christians! No, I’m a Jew and think you’re all mistaken. However, I also think it prudent to focus on the Big Threat. I also think that, as has already been said, pandering to Islam is a tradition in elite strata throughout the world.

    skzion on February 28, 2011 at 6:57 pm

Does the Pope wear a bullet-proof vest under his garments? Every country he visits he is in his pope-mobile when it comes to mixing with the masses and security costs a fortune, but he seems to be completely off his guard now. Maybe he doesn’t remember that the last Pope John was badly injured by an Islamic lunatic from which he never fully recovered.
If the Catholics had chosen Francis of Assisi above Thomas Aquinas, the world would have been a better place. Thomas ruled with his head and Francis would have ruled with his heart emphasising our accountability to Nature. The legacy of over population now speaks for itself.
Anyway, thought Debbie’s readers would enjoy the latest spoof.Latma brings you the Arab democracy band and the UN saves the world…
Please go on-line and look at the Iranian threat to boycott the Olympics in Britain. Mr I’m-a-dinner-jacket and his cronies say that if you look CAREFULLY you can read ZION in the sign…gawd, talk about delusional…well that takes the Burkini long distance swim off the agenda….

Eyes Wide Open on February 28, 2011 at 6:09 pm


Thanks for your help. It is very amusing that Protestants do not know where their Bible came from. They are like the people who hate Henry Ford, but drive around in a Henry Ford manufactured automobile.

savvy on February 28, 2011 at 9:38 pm

I’m not a Protestant, I’m a Christian and if you knew your history you would understand that that is a derogatory categorizing used by Catholics to refer to everyone who isn’t part of their Religion, hence we are “Protesting” their Religion. It’s just another fallacy amongst the zillions of others. The early Christians after Pentecost were not Catholic, that Religion wasn’t created for a few hundred years and included numerous (and still does) false doctrines created by men that are not found in the Bible ANYWHERE.

I know full well where the Bible comes from. It comes from God. As it is written “Men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God”. 2 Pe. 1:21. Yes, men put together the books but the Catholic Religion with its false and unbiblical doctrines are not found in the books of the Bible.

And one last note: too bad you find it amusing, it only shows the haughtiness typical of someone who THINKS he knows what he’s talking about, but is in the darkness still.

Margie on March 1, 2011 at 1:20 am

    Margie sweetheart said on February 26, 2011 at 3:16 pm:

    “Let’s get back to realty. Jesus Christ is LORD. He actually died on the cross concerning the sin of the world, and that includes YOU! (all).

    Anything or anyone else that says or acts otherwise are liars.”

    But now this dear sensitive soul criticizes me for being insensitive enough to call her a Protestant. Of course, if I called her a “Christian” I would surely annoy Catholics, though most on this site would have better manners than Margie.

    Margie, I think you’re a foul mouthed anti-Semite and none too bright.

    skzion on March 2, 2011 at 5:54 pm

Margie, bless your misguided soul.

Skzion, thanks for quoting from a credible source, Catholic Answers.

Actually Margie, you have no idea where the Bible comes from. Every doctrine pronounced by the Catholic Church IS found in the Bible…the Catholic Bible. The Protestant bible is missing seven books of the Early Church canonical bible. Heck, Martin Luther even removed the Book of James before other Protestant heretics convinced him to put it back into his Lutheran version of the Bible.

In the Early Church there were MANY books vying to be in the New Testament. The Catholic Church sorted through them and canonized the 27 you have in your Protestant Bible today. But why did the Protestants decide to change the Old Testament? The Church had, at the same time relatively, decided the final canon of the Old Testament which by the way, was the same version Jesus quoted from! The LXX version of the Old Testament.

Jesus quoted from the LXX, THE SEPTUAGINT, but the Protestant reformers and Jews look to the Masoretic Text. When Jesus said, “search through the Scripture” (Jn 5:39) he meant the Septuagint. When he read prophesy in the synagogue, it was from the Septuagint’s Isaiah (Lk4:16-21). The Apostles also quoted from the Septuagint.

The Jewish rabbis of the first century saw the rapid defection of Jews from Judaism into Christianity. Large amounts of Jews were becoming Christians. Something had to be done.

Rabbi Jochanan ben Zakkai solved it. At Jamnia. With a selected team of rabbis, he removed from the Septuagint those books, or altered those passages in the Septuagint that supported Christian claims of the divinity of Jesus, and his identity as the Christ, passages that relate to his mother, etc.

MANY OF THE OLDEST Biblical fragments among the Dead Sea Scrolls, particularly those in Aramaic, correspond MORE CLOSELY with the THE SEPTUAGINT (the LXX) than with the Masoretic text. This confirms the scholarly consensus that the LXX represents a separate HEBREW-TEXT TRADITION from that which was later standardized as the Masoretic text!

French (Gaul) Bishop Irenaeus, of the second century, noted that Jewish translators (Aquila and Theodotin) removed parthenos—”virgin”— from Isaiah 7:14. The Septuagint clearly writes of a virgin that shall conceive. They inserted, neanis, which is rendered “young woman”. And the good bishop wasn’t the only one to notice these improvised passages as Jamnian versions of the OT started to become locally accessible.

A virgin birth was absolutely necessary to fulfil Scripture. If you have a Jamnian derivative version of the Bible…the OT reference to virgin is mistranslated as young girl. So just about every Protestant alive gets the Mary stuff wrong. Except for Scott Hahn, at the time (but that guy was his own miracle)…but then he finally converted and became a Catholic. Jesus quoted from the Septuagint, as did the Apostles, but the Protestant reformers, and the Jews look to the Masoretic Text.

Mary is the Mother of Jesus. Hopefully, you’ll love His mother as much as Jesus does one day. “There your disciple…there your mother.” Mary is the Queen Mother, the Queen of Heaven. Jesus, as any faithful Jewish son would, according to his own power and stature in society, and abiding by the commandment, “Honour your father and mother” honoured within his stature and power, and this honoured her as the Queen Mother, not of an earthly throne as King Solomon had done, but the Heavenly one. That’s where Jesus rules. As EVERYONE will see, soon enough. Jesus honoured his Father by dying on a cross, as was necessary for the remission of sins for all of mankind and to established the New Covenant.

But the Protestants/Evangelicals are wrong about a lot more than just Mary…

We’ll leave that for another day, Margie, darlin’~

The Canadien on March 1, 2011 at 3:15 pm

    Canadien, Torah is not the Septuagint. Jews removed nothing from Torah; rather, early Catholics altered the Torah and formed an “Old Testament.”

    Jesus cannot be the Messiah according to Torah. For one out of many reasons, Jesus did not come from the House of David.

    In addition, the great number of early Christians were not Jews, but “gentiles.”

    One of the reasons that I really dislike these within-Schlussel religious disagreements is that they do no good. Nobody will be convinced of anything. Still, at least you manage to write coherently.

    skzion on March 2, 2011 at 6:06 pm


Too bad you either don’t know that what you post are lies, or if you do know you are consciously going against the Bible. The facts are the facts.

In this link anyone can find out the truth. Just grab your Bible and take a seat. Read awhile. Jesus has left His light on for ya.

Margie on March 1, 2011 at 5:46 pm

The facts are the facts as I posted them. A smarter, less defensive version of yourself, would acknowledge the intellectual honesty of my post.

You don’t know the difference between discipline and doctrine. The Church can’t change doctrine but they can change discipline. Jesus created an authoritative Church that would interact with the world around it. The Catholic Church demands the that priest be celibate in the Roman Rite but priests can marry in the Ukrainian Rite. Test-tube babies are not found in the Bible. Not everything is found in the Bible. Jesus left the Church behind to pronounce on these various issues of immorality as they would appear in the future. The Church is a living entity as the Mystical Body of Christ. And the pronouncements the Catholic Church makes on anything in FAITH or MORALS is binding on all mankind.

The list you provided is not accurate. Candles is church discipline stuff or items…it is not DOCTRINE.

The Early Christians prayed to the saints. In the catacombs, etchings of “St.Peter and St. Paul pray for us” can be found. The NT elaborates on intercessory prayer. Well, we believe our friends in Heaven, not just on Earth, can hear us and assist us with their own intercessory prayers on our behalf. They are quite close to God.

The Middle-East is falling apart—thank God!

Long live Israel!

And may Israel fulfil its outstanding promises to the Vatican…if indeed it is friends of Catholics worldwide, and Christians, in particular.

The Canadien on March 1, 2011 at 6:50 pm

    “And may Israel fulfil its outstanding promises to the Vatican..”

    This tops the rest of the baloney taught by Catholicism that you speak of.

    What do the Jews owe the Vatican?

    The Vatican owes the Jews and all Christians the truth and repentance from their false doctrines and lies concerning concerning same.

    This new pope believes in something called Replacement Theology. Look it up, folks. It says that the Catholic church replaces Israel. Just another huge unScriptural lie to add to their poison.

    Real Christians are the friends of Israel and we don’t have to pretend.

    Margie on March 2, 2011 at 1:14 pm

“Mary is the Queen Mother, the Queen of Heaven.”?…Mary worship (deification-noun: the elevation of a person as to the status of a god)…just as “St.Peter and St. Paul pray for us”, elevates them to gods.

Everything about Papists reflects their interests in making Christianity into a works religion. Making the Lord’s Supper into cannibalism is probably the most offensive aspect of all. Man just HAS to do something to earn his way into Heaven? Jesus said “believe”…and THAT is a gift. Anyone that has to do something, is trusting in works. The question “I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” was rhetorical.

Dr Dale on March 1, 2011 at 9:20 pm

“One of the reasons that I really dislike these within-Schlussel religious disagreements is that they do no good.”

skein, it isn’t a disaster that we can disagree on a few things. Debbie decided to recast an old pet peeve of hers…every sitting Pope (in Debbie’s eyes) is “pandering” to Muslims AND attacking Israel.

Often, in life, we project our own thoughts about an event onto others, so that when others fail to react to our standard—we deem them blameworthy.

The Pope is following Catholic tradition that dates right back to the New Testament. Can be found in the NT and the tradition, or principle the current Pope is following, is one THE FIRST POPE, PETER followed.

The apostle Peter, as he closes off 1 Peter, sends his greetings through Silvanus who writes the letter and relays greetings from “your sister in Babylon” which is code for Rome. Peter hid his location in case this letter was intercepted by hostiles while being delivered. Peter was being hunted by persecutors, and didn’t want to draw down very serious (lethal) attention onto the church at Rome, and her Christian parishioners which Peter happened to be dwellingamongst.

When the Pope makes even slight negative inferences against Islam, the Islamic crazies can’t get at the Pope, but they can go down to the local Catholic Church and burn it down to the ground, kill the parish priest, mob or kill the local Catholic parishioners, and/or even kill other Christians…all, in retaliation, for the Pope telling the Muslims, both the truth about themselves, and that of their heretical religion.

Jesus commissioned Peter, and all the on-going Peters thereafter with an office to shepherd the flock, not destroy it. Debbie wants the pope to play fast-and-loose with that very flock…while the pope, himself, remains safe from afar. He is not going to do it. These vulnerable people are not expendable—just so the Pope can make a statement.

It is not the job of the Pope to solve all the political problems in Nicaragua, the never-ending strife in Israel, or the bankruptcies of the member-partners in the EU.

It is HIS JOB to shepherd the flock until the end of time. To guide and encourage Catholics to draw closer to God at all times. And to care for the real needs of the less fortunate members of God’s household.

Very little will be resolved in this world. Everything will be resolved in the next. Every crime, even untempered blow-outs of anger will be punished…every good deed, rewarded.

Marg wrote, “What do the Jews owe the Vatican?”
Not the whole deal, for sure, but for starters, SEE what THIS RABBI says:

The Catholic Church also wants to ensure Christians have free, unimpeded access to all Christian holy sites, especially in Jerusalem. Now (which they have), and in the future which isn’t so clear. And that the Palestinian problem be resolved. I’m personally for Muslim Palestinians being absorbed by neighbouring Islamic states…but I doubt few would agree.

The Canadien on March 3, 2011 at 3:03 pm

Hopefully this link works…

Marg wrote, “What do the Jews owe the Vatican?”

Not the whole deal, for sure, but for starters, SEE what THIS RABBI says:

The Catholic Church also wants to ensure Christians have free, unimpeded access to all Christian holy sites, especially in Jerusalem. Now (which they have), and in the future which isn’t so clear. And that the Palestinian problem be resolved. I’m personally for Muslim Palestinians being absorbed by neighbouring Islamic states…but I doubt few would agree.

The Canadien on March 3, 2011 at 3:08 pm

Tvi Bar David Says:

The City State of the Vatican is an independent country recognized by the United Nations. The State of Israel, also sovereign and independent, concluded a treaty with the City State of the Vatican and there are currently concerns about the rapidity in which certain representations are being lived up to.

Take the religion out of it, the parties at issue are two separate sovereign countries in a dispute.

The Canadien on March 3, 2011 at 3:21 pm

“The Pope is following Catholic tradition that dates right back to the New Testament. Can be found in the NT and the tradition, or principle the current Pope is following, is one THE FIRST POPE, PETER followed”

Yes, the ROMAN Catholics have many gods, including Peter. Their faith is of their imagination, and “traditions OF MEN”. “Pope” means “father”, and a Papist priest, his Pope, and his imaginary god Peter, on a “throne of Peter”, are no gods of mine, or any other believer.

Dr Dale on March 3, 2011 at 8:50 pm

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