February 23, 2011, - 3:40 pm

“Don’t Try to Blow Sunshine Up My Butt”: Allen West for President! – KICKS CAIR Network’s Ass

By Debbie Schlussel

Over the last couple of days, many readers and friends sent me this video, which is a MUST WATCH. The person questioning (and getting a “shellacking” from)  U.S. veteran and Florida Congressman Allen West is from the HAMAS financier, CAIR Action Network.  I’ve seen no Republican–running for President or not–who approaches West’s courage, guts, wisdom, intelligence, wit, and service to the country.  He gets it. I’d vote for him for Prez in a heartbeat.  One other thing:  the Koran not only says plenty about killing “infidels,” as West points out, but also the Hadith (considered the word of Mohammed and as binding as the Koran).  And that’s not to mention the many sermons, textbooks, etc.


Watch the video . . .

Reader Ari:

I met Alan West when he gave a sermon at Chabad [DS: synagogue] of Boynton Beach last year. This video is awesome.

One observation: no matter how American the accent, you can always tell those CAIR fanatics by the way they pronounce “Islam” to rhyme with “‘Slam” (as in “let’s slam the airplane into the building.”)

Right on, brother.

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69 Responses

That was fantastic. Finally a politician that’s not afraid to tell it like it is!

KerryB on February 23, 2011 at 3:53 pm

We need to start teaching this stuff in our schools. After we bust up their unions, of course.

Rick on February 23, 2011 at 4:02 pm

HOOAH Conressman West! The only problem with this clip (and it’s a minor one) is that the crowd is cheering him so loudly that you can’t hear all of the instances of Muslim violence against non-believers. But you can hear enough. It’s obvious that West has studied this part of history well and can debunk this cretins. Can we start a Draft West for President campaign right now?

Sean on February 23, 2011 at 4:20 pm

WOW!! Thanks for this video Deb!!

PDMac60 on February 23, 2011 at 4:26 pm

God Bless Congressman Col. Allen West. We need millions of him in every state.

He is the real deal. Here it is 2011 and STILL no one on the Conservative side is setting the world on fire for the next Presidential run.

So far, I like Herman Cain. Mitch Daniels has proven himself to be a swish and it looks like 4 more years of Chairman MaObama. Don’t think USA can take it.

Skunky on February 23, 2011 at 4:33 pm

West or Bolton. As PG Wodehouse would phrase it, “veritable dream rabbits” for President.

Occam's Tool on February 23, 2011 at 4:41 pm

I also think he is great. Unfortunately I believe he is allied with Scamela.

I_AM_ME on February 23, 2011 at 4:53 pm

Easier to channel critism primarily through the koran, they can’t wiggle out of it as easily as a hadith. Its not like the koran doesn’t give us plenty to work with.

sg on February 23, 2011 at 4:54 pm

    Actually, sg, in Islam, if a hadith is “strong,” i.e., has been verified as coming from Mo, one can’t “get around it,” anymore than one can get around the Koran (where later suras counter earlier ones). When a hadith comes from, say, Bukhari or Abu Muslim’s collections, it is authoritative.

    skzion on February 23, 2011 at 6:49 pm

      Yep– when it is preceded with “sahih” you can bet your boots it is authentic

      tommy on February 24, 2011 at 3:23 am

Noting absence to date of a strong conservative candidate, Skunky writes, “… and it looks like 4 more years of Chairman MaObama. Don’t think USA can take it.”

On that I agree. But Obama’s power of incumbency and a massive campaign war chest (not to mention a supportive media) are already scaring off some potential challengers. Which makes it that much more important that the Senate falls to conservatives in 2012.

Raymond in DC on February 23, 2011 at 5:07 pm

Dear (hopefully-future) U.S. President West,

Feel free to use the following to help spread your message Sir.

Multiculturalists and Moral Relativists believe that no cultures, societies, or religions are morally better or morally worse than others. They are wrong.

They say “Who are we to judge?”
If we cannot judge, how do we know good from evil, right from wrong?

If we cannot demonize demons, who can we demonize?
If we cannot demonize demonic belief systems, what can we demonize?

1. Which of the acts below would demons and Satan approve of?
Satan and demons would approve of all evil acts below.

Rape, Child Rape (pre-pubescent), Child Marriage, Child Divorce, Sex Slaves, Slaves, Amputation, Crucifixion, Beheading, Theft, Robbery, Extortion (jizya), Lying (Taqiyaa), Omitting Truth (Kitman), Kidnapping, Ransom, Murder, Honor Killings, etc.

2. Which of the acts above would a loving, compassionate, caring God approve of?
God would approve of none of the evil acts above.

All of the above acts, criminal and abhorrent by Western Legal Standards, are allowed/condoned/required under Islamic Shariah Law by Muslims.

Why would any healthy person try to assimilate terminal cancer?
Why would any civilized society try to assimilate evil, i.e., Islam?

Many things are black and white.
Good is not evil and right is not wrong.
Truth is not “hate speech.”

Any civilized society that accepts Muslim immigration is in effect accepting their own demise. They’ve just allowed terminal cancer to enter, but it’s only Stage 1. Only matter of time before it’s Stage 4 and IT CAN’T BE STOPPED.

Jew Lover on February 23, 2011 at 5:11 pm

more Muslim lawsuits.


stan on February 23, 2011 at 5:48 pm

I believe that it is imperative to introduce all our black, democratic friends, associates, business and personal relationships to Allen West and coutinue to do so steadly and relentlessly. It will certainly take time, but over time, if we are able to get through to a certain percentage of the Obama voters, to really look at this mans vords, and deeds, then I think there could exist hope that through his voice and those black representatives of similar thinking, we can ultimately swing over some of these stuck, inculcated, voters into our “tent”.

h billy on February 23, 2011 at 5:59 pm

Dear Mr. West,
Please run for President!
I will work for your campaign.

Michelle on February 23, 2011 at 6:32 pm

Thank GOD for Congressman Col. Allen West. I pray he runs for higher office. This country desperately needs this “grown-up” in the oval office RIGHT NOW instead of the “man-child” we are having to deal with daily.

Thank you, Debbie, for posting this. It is very inspirational and has raised my outlook for this country.

Pats on February 23, 2011 at 6:51 pm

From the holy Jewish book, The Talmud;

Talmud Sofrim 15:10

R. Shimon ben Yochai taught: Kill [even] the good among the gentiles(non-Jews).

on Jesus;

Sanhedrin 43A: “On Passover Eve they hanged Jesus of Nazareth. He practiced sorcery, incited and led Israel astray…Was Jesus of Nazareth deserving of a search for an argument in his favor? He was an enticer and the Torah says, ‘You shall not spare, nor shall you conceal him!”

Yeah, real peaceful!!

IronMan on February 23, 2011 at 6:59 pm

    Some Rabbinical commentary is not considered to be inspired, IronMan. Those two passages are not discussed in Hebrew School, or in any Seminary I’m aware of. Judaism has evolved some, you know. We no longer sacrifice goats, either.

    Occam's Tool on February 23, 2011 at 7:26 pm

    Regarding Talmud Sofrim 15:10, I see the Muslim IronMan is quite the Talmud scholar all of a sudden. Alas, as usual for a Muslim, he lies. In fact, this ruling applied to a very specific situation included in Exodus (see linked article) when the “good gentiles” were aiding Pharaoh.


    Note to my fellow Jews:

    When the Bnei Amalek (Muslims) start quoting Halacha (almost always Talmud), you can count on it that they are lying. Of course, they’re always lying, but you should not accept any of their libels.

    skzion on February 24, 2011 at 1:21 pm


So glad you are focusing on Lt. Col. Allen West. I live in Florida and although I am not in his district, I donated to his campaign. Why? Because he is a black conservative. Even though I’m not all that happy with Fox News and their pandering lately, I am immensely proud to say I saw Lt. Col. West on a Fox News show (sorry I can’t remember what it was now) but I was instantly impressed. He talked about how he was called a Uncle Tom and harassed because he didn’t go along with the “I’m black, give me what I deserve” mentality. He believed, just like the greatest president ever, Ronald Reagan, about the strength and freedom of this country and how the individual in this country can be anything they want if they want it bad enough regardless of skin color. I was blown away by this man. Then I saw him speaking at CPAC on TV and my belief was reinforced. This man is the real deal. A conservative, black, and a veteran of the first gulf war. I agree Debbie, I would vote for him in a heartbeat.

Always love your work Debbie, and the next donation is to you for spreading the right message!

Barb Betts on February 23, 2011 at 7:21 pm

I saw this clip on “michaelsavage.com” over the weekend, and I applaud Mr. West for standing up to CAIR and not being bullied & intimindated by these muslim pressure group. Until “moderate-muslims” condemn islamo-terrorism, I’ll no longer be a little skeptical of muslims/islamist!

PS, I would love to see all of the nasty left wingers who were here a week ago and attacked Debbie for what happend to Lara Logan, come over here and call Allen West every disrespectful word under the sun and apologize for the islamist (all of the leftist know who they are, I dare them come over here and apologize for CAIR?)!

“A nation is defiend by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on February 23, 2011 at 8:01 pm

West is great- jbjd seems to not like him but i believe she is a dem-so go figure-i wont hold it against her-west seems a conservative man we all would want- time will tell if he truely believes in small and limited gov.
anyone wonder why obama took so long to comment on libya.
hmmmand what the rebels want for a gov? seems obama dont want a change in a islamic run country. and throws isreal and Honduras under the bus. just like his life as a muslim and then a marxist than a liberation marxist theology christian,, how else would he act

markcon on February 23, 2011 at 8:53 pm

Congressman Col. West comes from a Democrat leaning district and the Democratic party machinery is already in full gear to unseat him the earliest. This is how afraid they are of him.

Rex on February 23, 2011 at 8:56 pm

Now there is a man who gets it! I’m with Debbie, I’d vote for him in a heartbeat. If he does run, Obama and the democraps won’t be able to use the conservatives are all racists card again.

wolf2012 on February 23, 2011 at 9:12 pm

I have been saying on Debbie’s message boards for a long time now about how everyone should check out Lt Col Allen West because I felt he was the one man who could straighten out this country (and world).
I am glad he is starting to get the notoriety and recognition that he deserves.

I have never been the type to campaign for politicians in the past although I absolutely will for Allen West.

I saw a YouTube video of him talking to his constituents in Broward County, FL and it literally brought tears to my eyes.

Here is the link.


If you do not want to click on the link, then go to YouTube and type in “Allen West
Click on the first video that comes up and you will see exactly what I mean.
Spread the word about this man because he is the last and best chance to stop the appeasement of radical islam.

Do it for your kids and future generations.

Stephen on February 23, 2011 at 9:37 pm

Thank you for posting this, Debbie.

Ladies and Gentleman:

It appears that we have finally our next Ronald Regan (or maybe even better) and–G-d willing–the next President of the United States–Mr. Allen West!

JeffE on February 23, 2011 at 9:46 pm

Why was Paul Revere revered for saying “The British are coming, the British are coming?”

Why is Allen West reviled for saying the truth?

America bled for independence from England yet is not fighting to survive from Islam.

If people are not willing to fight to be free from the evils of Islam, some might say that we deserve what we get.

Jew Lover on February 23, 2011 at 9:50 pm

Debbie If AW was a Jew I think he’d go to Chabad. While the reform Rabbi-like-figures are pontificating about Martin Luther King and abortion rights the Chabad guys are plotting to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem and drinking schnapps with their pals. They also do a nice vegetarian cholent. I couldn’t deal with a wig wearing Mrs. A1, though.

A1 on February 23, 2011 at 10:32 pm

“Look ‘West’ young man!”

CornCoLeo on February 23, 2011 at 10:48 pm

I’d support a Scott Walker/Allen West ticket in 2016. Doubt much can be done about 2012.

Infidel Pride on February 23, 2011 at 11:05 pm

KING HUSSEIN OBAMA’s, Jesse Jackson’s, Al Sharpton’s and Spike Lee’s worst nightmare.

CaliforniaScreaming on February 23, 2011 at 11:09 pm

Calif’ Screaming- you’re exactly right. Now watch the MSM either try to delegitimize him (how????G-d only knows how, but they’ll try) and if that fails, they’ll try to ignore him.

Not Ovenready on February 23, 2011 at 11:29 pm

More from the Jewish Talmud and how it views Christians.

Menahoth 43b-44a: A Jewish man is obligated to say the following prayer every day: Thank you God for not making me a gentile(Non-Jew), a woman or a slave.

Yebamoth 98a. All gentile(Non-Jew) children are animals

IronMan on February 23, 2011 at 11:38 pm

    I have already shown that the Muslim IronMan lies. There’s no point in running around addressing all of them, as possible lies are infinite. However, just from memory …

    Menahoth 43b-44a: Jewish men should be grateful to be Jewish men because of the additional burdens that they can carry for G-d.

    However, I do not see why IronMan has any problem with the murder of unbelievers, as this is canonical Islam. In addition, IronMan believes that Jews are pigs and monkeys. Islam is just as bad as we think. The history of the pedophile murderer Mo shows it all.

    Imagine a world without Islam!

    skzion on February 24, 2011 at 1:31 pm


You are full of crap.
You will never hear anything but love for all mankind (including muslims) at a Jewish Synagogue.

So as Allen West says- “take your pro-hamas butt and get the hell out of my country”.

Stephen on February 23, 2011 at 11:48 pm

I heard some of this guy’s interviews during/after his run for office. He sounded like he knew what the hell he was talking about, and he came off as a guy that “gets it”. EXACTLY the sort of guy needed for America’s Conservatives (notice I did not say Republican).

Pit and Pen on February 23, 2011 at 11:53 pm

WOW! Thanks so much for this post and introducing me to this man. The link that you posted in your comment,Stephen,also was excellent! I did not vote in the last election because I could not stand either of the choices. It was the very first time that I had not voted since I was 18. I can not really see how the MSM will discredit this man – he is clearly the real deal and so intelligent and unafraid. I sure wish that it was possible for him to run in 2012. If he had the $$$ he could definitely beat Obama, IMO.

This is OT but it is really aggravating me. Why in the heck is Obama constantly photographed publicly bowing? He bowed to Chinese leader Hu Jintao and the Emperor of Japan, Akihito. He publicly bowed to the Saudi Arabian King Abdullah. The bow was extremely low, with Obama’s knees bent. When knees are bent it is considered the ultimate signal in subservience, with only kneeling on the ground to follow in terms of degree of subservience and deference. It also signifies an apology as when anyone usually bows that low they are usually apologizing for something. Low and subservient. The bow to the Saudi King was extremely inappropriate for an American President under any circumstances.

Obama also bowed to the Queen of England, which may be protocol if you are a British subject. But if you are the President of the USA you do not have to do it. Nevertheless he gave her a little bow. He even gave a deferential bow to the Queen’s husband, Prince Philip! I believe that a President of one of the most powerful nations in the world should not have been bowing to a powerless husband who was only of any significance because he married the Queen.

In Feb 2010, Obama also bowed to Ukrainian leader Viktor Yushchenko who has the identical superior ramrod straight head and body posture as Chinese leader Jintaoe Hu. The Ukrainian leader gazes down upon Obama as did the Chinese leader. Just like Hu he has a ramrod straight posture and does not exhibit a mutual bow or anything deferential towards Obama. That same month Obama was doing even more bowing as he bowed a low head down to Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio, who looked at him a bit surprised. Obama even bowed to the Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie with a very low and humble bow. While there must have been a good joke they shared during the circumstances,(you can see them laughing) it is clear that body language wise Gov. Christie, he is in the top dog position. He turns his head to the side and doesn’t even look at the President who bows too low for comfort. Like it or not, the botom line, perception wise, is that when a President of a powerful country bows to other heads of state or those in a lesser political position like the husband of a Queen, a governor of a state or the Mayor of a city, it makes him appear weak as a leader. He must comport himself as the leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world. Thus, not bowing should be second nature!

It would seem that neither of the Obamas have a clue as to how to greet foreign dignitaries. When Michelle Obama met Queen Elizabeth she actually put her arm around the Queen. This is a huge faux pas in the protocol for meeting British Royalty. Either the Dept. of Protocol is messing up big time and not giving proper instruction or Obama and his wife are not listening to them. However, he didn’t bow to Netanyahu.

NancyB on February 24, 2011 at 1:47 am

I’ve been saying I want Allen West and Bolton as VP in 2012! I’m glad to see you&many others support West. I just hope he’ll run;he would make Obama look like the child he is in a debate.

freedom4usa on February 24, 2011 at 2:24 am

NancyB wrote: “He publicly bowed to the Saudi Arabian King Abdullah. The bow was extremely low, with Obama’s knees bent. When knees are bent it is considered the ultimate signal in subservience, with only kneeling on the ground to follow in terms of degree of subservience and deference. It also signifies an apology as when anyone usually bows that low they are usually apologizing for something. Low and subservient. The bow to the Saudi King was extremely inappropriate for an American President under any circumstances.”

My response: Obama is a Saudi Vassal; we are under the suzerainty of the House of Saud. We are “sovereign”, but no longer fully independent — we are beholden to the interests of the Daru’l-Islam. This degradation of the greatest nation on the planet must cease.

Philip_Daniel on February 24, 2011 at 2:48 am

DEPORT ALL MUSLIMS……soon this will happen, it is the civilized worlds only real option, nothing else will end the reign of terror that these animals have wrought upon our societies

shmujew on February 24, 2011 at 3:22 am

Take the letters CAIR, cut off the R and reverse the A and I and you get what I think of CAIR this fake organization which is nothing more than another peg in the ladder of global elites. Or to coin a phrase…

CAIR=CIA! And of course, Mr. Soetoro ONCE WORKED for said CIA.

Bob Porrazzo on February 24, 2011 at 7:27 am

I’ve heard Allen West speak before. He’s got my vote. Thanks for sharing.

Naomi R on February 24, 2011 at 7:54 am

Yep! Allen West gets it!

When I was in Israel earlier this month, I was pleased to see several African-Americans visiting the country. Sometimes, we let the LIB news media define African-American sentiment toward Israel and Jews. While the polls are consistent and not particularly promising, we have far more friends among African-Americans than we realize.

Unfortunately, the pro-Israel segment of the African-American community tends to be older, but I’ve seen young adults at AIPAC policy conferences. While Deb and I share some concerns about AIPAC, these young, adult African-Americans wouldn’t be attending the policy conference if they didn’t support Israel. I take a measure of comfort in that.

There is NO Santa Claus on February 24, 2011 at 7:55 am

I pray for Allen West’s safety because the radical islamists will not hesitate to do him harm.
I have heard that he carries a gun although the terrorists are very creative at killing.

Please pray for his safety and support Allen West so he can win a presidential bid for 2012.

He is the best chance to get this planet back on track.

Stephen on February 24, 2011 at 8:30 am


When do you think that the Council on Foreign Relations is going to make a play for West? And when they do, what do you believe that West’s response will be?

Gerald on February 24, 2011 at 9:45 am


George W. Bush did just as much bowing and kissing with the Arabs, Muslims and Chinese as Obama does. It is just that when Bush did it, the right wing blogosphere wasn’t nearly as quick to circulate the pictures.

Gerald on February 24, 2011 at 9:54 am

The cultists of islam will say any lie to fabricate false notions that there are moderate islamists….it is a requirement of islam to lie for allah the cult god of jew hate.

shmujew on February 24, 2011 at 9:54 am

nothing to argue with. koran/hadith is the arab/muslin mein kampf -END OF STORY.

Deport every single one of them back to muslamia. destroy all mosques here!

Bill C. on February 24, 2011 at 10:56 am

Allen West get my vote, too! He should run for President in 2012 and shock Obama.

Bobby on February 24, 2011 at 11:00 am

I loved the end where West said…”take your book and go home” It was hard to hear but that should be his mantra.

wolf2012 on February 24, 2011 at 11:03 am

    Actually he said, “put the microphone down and go home”.
    I would be very supportive of a presidential run by Allen West. He could be the 1st African-AMERICAN president.

    IM4Israel on February 24, 2011 at 1:20 pm

      Thanks for the clarification. If it were me, I’d tell that CAIR piece of shit to take his book and shove it up his ass.

      wolf2012 on February 24, 2011 at 1:51 pm

Allen West ? kook

Mildred Smith on February 24, 2011 at 12:22 pm

    Mildred Smith? kookier.

    IM4Israel on February 25, 2011 at 9:29 am

Love this guy. He’s the type of American that liberals don’t want you to see or know about (and specially minorities). A true American story – no victim, no handouts – all on his own. Colonel West, USA. That’s what these pansie politicians need to do: serve a good tour of duty in combat, then become a pol (no John Kerry’s need apply and lawyers, community organizers, give me f*cking break – don’t even run).

“When the Army comes marching along…” Proud to be an American from Florida. Semper Fi, Colonel!!

TheSarge on February 24, 2011 at 12:23 pm

Thanks for posting that video Debbie. I had never heard of him before. WOW WOW WOW WOW. Love it. He gets my vote!

Epic! on February 24, 2011 at 12:49 pm

When West is president the whole White House will be the West Wing!


Actually, former high ranking military officers usually don’t do well in presidential bids. Eisenhower being the only one to become president in the past 100 years or so (before that, Teddy Roosevelt). I guess Americans prefer career politician/scumbag lawyers, hype instead of heroes. Bah.

ShoWest on February 24, 2011 at 1:06 pm

Colonel West, the anti-obama! We can only pray that there are more MEN like thwe Colonel out there. Bless him!

Herbster on February 24, 2011 at 2:12 pm

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