January 25, 2008, - 11:53 am

Religion of Funny Money: Yet Another Dearbornistan Muslim Restaurateur Owner Engaged in Crime

By Debbie Schlussel
I always warn people: Don’t eat at Middle-Eastern restaurants owned by Muslims. It’s a cash biz, and you don’t know where your money is going after the point of payment. Often it is going to Hezbollah or Islamic Jihad, and not just at La Shish.
Then, there’s the other crime Islamic restaurant owners are involved with. I’ve written about Noureddine Hachem, who owned a Detroit-area restaurant, The Sheik. He went to prison for running an international auto theft ring, and some of the profits apparently went to Hezbollah. Waiters at his restaurant cheered on the 9/11 attacks, and he lost a lawsuit claiming that was untrue.
Now, there’s yet another Dearbornistan Muslim restaurateur whose criminal activities are financing who knows which Hezbollah activity, with his use of counterfeit money to purchase goods in New York and New Jersey. And his “relationship” with his half-sister sounds very incestuous . . . er, Islamist:


Radhwan “Tareck” Al-Marsoumi & Glenda Al-Marsoumi:

He Counterfeits, She Sharp-Shoots

A Michigan man printed thousands of dollars in counterfeit cash in a township motel room that he shared with the teenage half-sister with whom he was recently reunited, police said Thursday.
Radhwan Al-Marsoumi of Dearborn, Mich. [DS: he also goes by the name, Radhwan “Tareck” Al-Marsoumi], was arrested Wednesday after he tried paying his rent at the Stagecoach Motel – where he was staying with half-sister Glenda – with the $20 bills that he forged, Sgt. Robert Kaiser said.
“The owner said it didn’t feel right, the money,” Kaiser said. “[Al-Marsoumi] said, ‘OK, I’ll come back later then,’ and we were called in.”
Kaiser later spotted Al-Marsoumi and his 19-year-old half-sister walking toward a bus stop along Route 46.
The 26-year-old was arrested after police found forgery equipment and $1,500 in counterfeit $20 bills inside the motel room that the pair had been sharing since Saturday, Kaiser said. She has not been charged, police said.
The pair told police they’d been staying together in the metropolitan area ever since celebrating New Year’s Eve in Times Square.
“They said they were in the area looking for an apartment together,” Kaiser said.
The siblings were reunited last summer in Wilmington, N.C., where Glenda Al-Marsoumi graduated from high school last year — after spending nearly their entire lives apart.
Al-Marsoumi “spent most of his adolescent years living in Baghdad after his dad snatched him off a school bus in Englewood, N.J., for a ‘magic carpet’ ride with Aladdin,” according to a June 9 story in the Wilmington (N.C.) Star-News that profiled their reunion, a copy of which police found among Al-Marsoumi’s possessions. . . .
South Hackensack police said it was unclear when Al-Marsoumi returned to the United States.
According to the article, he is a restaurant owner in Dearborn, a suburb of Detroit. . . .
On Wednesday, the siblings told police that they’ve been staying in area motels since late December – first at the Airport Hotel in Teterboro and then at the Stagecoach, located down the street on Route 46.
Investigators found a laser-jet printer inside the motel room, along with ink cartridges, razors and 75 counterfeit $20 bills, Kaiser said. Al-Marsoumi later admitted to printing more than $6,000 in counterfeit cash, Kaiser said.
He would apparently go to stores and purchase items, and the following day he’d return the stuff with a receipt for real cash,” Kaiser said.
Radhwan Al-Marsoumi carried out the scheme in places such as the Virgin Megastore in Times Square, police said. He also purchased items at the Dunkin’ Donuts in Little Ferry and the Burger King in South Hackensack, they said.
Radhwan Al-Marsoumi, who was being held on $40,000 bail at the Bergen County Jail, was charged with forgery, possession of a forgery device and theft by deception, police said.

I couldn’t find the name of the restaurant, but I did find that Al-Marsoumi recently incorporated “Almarsoumi Transport, Inc.” in Michigan, this past November. Just how much fake money did he plan to “transport”?
Thanks to reader Mike for the tip.
**** UPDATE: In another article about Al-Marsoumi, he discusses his life in Baghdad and his sisters plans to join America’s military to become a sniper. Wish I could say those plans are now out, since she was involved in this counterfeiting scam, but Glenda Al-Marsoumi has not been charged along with her brother. She is an award-winning sharp-shooter, an excellent skill for any criminal . . . or terrorist:

Glenda’s a state champion rifle shooter. . . .
He spent most of his adolescent years living in Baghdad after his dad snatched him off a school bus in Englewood, N.J., for a “magic carpet” ride with Aladdin, he said. At age 7, he watched his father call his mother from a hotel room and tell her he had died in the Iran-Iraq War.
“Kids threw rocks at me because I didn’t know Arabic,” Radhwan said about his initial experience in Iraq. “They thought I was a spy. First, it was hard. You adapt to it. That’s all.” . . .
Her goal is to join the Army and become a sniper. If that plan is derailed, her second choice is joining the Marine Corps.

Yup, the ideal Army sniper–a Muslim counterfeiter.


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5 Responses

I buy my gas at Meijers, and my party supplies at Meijers or Kroger. I enjoy ethnic foods but not middle eastern food, so doing business with Islamic terror supporters isn’t on my conscience. Wake up America. There are measures you can take!

samurai on January 25, 2008 at 12:46 pm

Also a couple of days ago on the O”Reilly factor he had a guest on that was exposing American companies that do business with terror sponsoring countries through mostly irish companies. Among them were Coke, Pepsi, and hometown honey Ford. Guess I can drink Faygo. I already don’t drive a Ford.

samurai on January 25, 2008 at 12:50 pm

“…her second choice is joining the Marine Corps.” In what alternate universe does she live where she thinks the USMC would ever want her?

dm60462 on January 25, 2008 at 3:56 pm

Women aren’t allowed to be snipers in the U.S. military. Sorry, too bad.

Spanky on January 25, 2008 at 4:46 pm

Interesting friends of this Arab trash.

West Dearbornistan on January 30, 2008 at 10:01 am

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