January 18, 2008, - 2:20 am

Immigration Official Solicits Bribes From Arab “Go-Between” for Green Cards

By Debbie Schlussel
An Arab barber in New York illegally secured green cards for other Arabs by bribing a Citizenship and Immigration official. We already know so many similar schemes have happened in Detroitistan and other parts of the country.
The problem with cases like this is that while they caught these people, you know it’s the tip of the iceberg. There are so many others like this selling out our country, who haven’t been caught because so few of these cases are actually investigated:

A Department of Homeland Security official was charged Thursday with soliciting a $12,000 bribe in exchange for a green card.
Jose Gomez, 58, who approved green cards in the office of Citizenship and Immigration Services, was allegedly in cahoots with the owner of a salon in Astoria, Queens, who acted as a go-between for the official.


Muslim Alien Thanks America With a Special Salute

Gomez demanded $12,000 for the green card from a confidential informant who secretly recorded his conversations with Gomez and the salon owner, Farid Bouchaib, during the past year, according to an affidavit unsealed Thursday in Brooklyn Federal Court.
Gomez was released on a $150,000 bond. Bouchaib was detained pending a bail hearing.


A federal immigration agent and a Queens barber have been charged with processing green cards for immigrants in exchange for bribes, federal prosecutors said today.
The immigration officer, Jose Gomez, was accepting thousands of dollars for official green cards that he processed out of a U.S. Customs and Immigration Service office in Long Island, according to federal court papers filed in the Eastern District of New York. The barber, Farid Bouchaib of Astoria, acted as a middleman, authorities said.
Both were arrested in front of Mr. Gomez’s house in East Elmhurst Wednesday night and arraigned yesterday, authorities said.
An undercover agent helped to bring the scheme to light by wearing a wire to meetings in parked cars in Queens and inside Mr. Bouchaib’s Astoria barber shop, the court papers said. At the meetings, the agent brought the two men cash that eventually totaled $12,000 in exchange for immigration forms.
During the last meeting, on Wednesday, the immigration officer and the barber met with the undercover agent in a car parked outside of Mr. Gomez’s house, where they discussed the green card and the agent handed over a final $2,500, according the complaint.

We can’t stop bribery of greedy officials. But, if only we strictly limited the number of Arabs and Muslims who were allowed to immigrate to America, that would help solve a big part of the problem.
Good luck, America. G-d save our sinking nation.

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6 Responses

Debbie, God here (Jeff’s my bloggee name)…
All you Americans care about is your next, larger SUV, your useless minivans with DVD players and captain’s chairs, and your flat-screen TVs. You morons even fight at little league games. You allow criminals to run your country, and then you’re too apathetic to care about the damage done by them. Once you take your heads out of your asses, I might consider thinking about saving your country.

jeff on January 18, 2008 at 12:53 pm

Gomez – go figure…………..

No Camel Jockey on January 18, 2008 at 4:45 pm

to jeff (pig-mohamad)-
we wouldn’t have to save our country if it wasn’t for freaking arabs like you! all arabs (christnes too) need to get out of the USA.

No Camel Jockey on January 18, 2008 at 4:49 pm

I do not want you to consider thinking for this is something you have missing before you were even born.
May G-d burn you in Hell for your Evil gestures.

Daniel on January 18, 2008 at 9:17 pm

Gomez has been terrorizing immigrants for years, I will gladly testify against him!
This is a moment to celebrate because a crook (Gomez) and his accomplice were caught, finally! I have been waiting for this great news for years!
Gomez used to work at the INS Garden City office; he has been aggressively soliciting money for many years. I met him while processing my citizenship 10 years ago. On purpose he delayed my application terrorizing me by saying that ìhe had the power to take away my green cardî if he wanted to. He even bragged about all the cases/folders on the floor around his desk from people who ìhe did not want to approve their casesî. He is a terrorist. He has a sick mind. He deserves going to jail for the rest of his life to teach ìother arrogant INS officersî that crime does pay: with jail time!
The Garden City office of the Bureau of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has more crooks than just Gomez, the Attorney General should launch a full investigation on each and every Officer, including the office of 26 Federal Plaza. There are Federal Officials refusing to do their job unless there is a bribe involved.
I would gladly testify against Gomez, bringing the letters that I had to send to his supervisor at the time and to Washington as well in order to obtain my citizenship.
This unethical behavior should not be taking lightly because it affects us all. Gomez is a criminal, a thief that robbed the American dream from many immigrants because they couldnít pay him a bribe. Gomez is a bastard! The lowest scum! Gomez will rotten in hell! Justice finally is being served!

integrityntruth on January 24, 2008 at 2:40 pm

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