February 15, 2011, - 5:24 pm

How Muslims Celebrate Victory: Egypt’s “Peaceful, Moderate, Democratic” Protesters

By Debbie Schlussel

*** UPDATE #2: David Horowitz’s Blogger Employees Praised Anti-Semitic, Holocaust-Denying Muslim Death, Rape, and Torture Threats, (But Upset About Lara Logan Column on Islam)  ***

*** UPDATE, 02/16/11: The reaction of the left to this article is funny in its predictability. Sooo damn predictable. Of course I don’t support “sexual assault” or violence against Lara Logan, and I said that nowhere here. RIF–Reading Is Fundamental. Your premature articulation is a problem. I did say that it warms my heart when reporters who openly deny that Islam is violent and constantly promote it get the same kinds of threats of violence I get every day from Muslims. Because now they know how it feels. They aren’t so dismissive of the threats when those threats are directed at them, instead of at us little people. And yet they still won’t admit that THIS. IS. ISLAM. Lara Logan was among the chief cheerleaders of this “revolution” by animals. Now she knows what Islamic revolution is really all about.

I’ve received many moronic insults and threats of violence from the left in the hours since I posted this, showing me more and more that there is very little difference between the left and the dominant, violent, fanatical forces in Islam. In fact, there’s really no difference at all. They are all in need of rehab. My favorite part of all of the responses is their common claim that the “real rapists” of the world are white males and American soldiers. Uh-uh, you keep telling yourself that, as you live here under the protection of American soldiers. Riiiight–It’s not Muslims who don’t respect women and treat them as baby factories, sex toys, and property. It’s America and the West. You keep tellin’ yourself that, morons.****

As I’ve noted before, it bothers me not a lick when mainstream media reporters who keep telling us Muslims and Islam are peaceful get a taste of just how “peaceful” Muslims and Islam really are. In fact, it kinda warms my heart.  Still, it’s also a great reminder of just how “civilized” these “people” (or, as I like to call them in Arabic, “Bahai’im” [Animals]) are:


Alhamdillullah [Praise allah], Islam Fan Lara Logan Gets a Taste of Islam

On Friday February 11, the day Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak stepped down, CBS correspondent Lara Logan was covering the jubilation in Tahrir Square for a “60 Minutes” story when she and her team and their security were surrounded by a dangerous element amidst the celebration. It was a mob of more than 200 people whipped into frenzy.

In the crush of the mob, she was separated from her crew. She was surrounded and suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating before being saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers. She reconnected with the CBS team, returned to her hotel and returned to the United States on the first flight the next morning. She is currently in the hospital recovering.

Hey, sounds like the threats I get from American Muslims on a regular basis. Now you know what it’s like, Lara.

There will be no further comment from CBS News and Correspondent Logan and her family respectfully request privacy at this time.

I just love it when the people of the profession of “the public’s right to know” suddenly want “privacy.” Tell it to your next interview subject, Lara. Of course CBS has no further comment. Wouldn’t wanna impugn the “peacefulness” of “Religion of Peace” animals, would we? Now, if they were Christians or Jews, well, then there would be comments galore.

So sad, too bad, Lara. No one told her to go there. She knew the risks. And she should have known what Islam is all about. Now she knows. Or so we’d hope. But in the case of the media vis-a-vis Islam, that’s a hope that’s generally unanswered.

This never happened to her or any other mainstream media reporter when Mubarak was allowed to treat his country of savages in the only way they can be controlled.

Now that’s all gone. How fitting that Lara Logan was “liberated” by Muslims in Liberation Square while she was gushing over the other part of the “liberation.”

Hope you’re enjoying the revolution, Lara! Alhamdilllullah [praise allah].

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841 Responses

As I’ve noted before, it bothers me not a lick when mainstream media reporters who keep telling us Muslims and Islam are peaceful get a taste of just how “peaceful” Muslims and Islam really are. In fact, it kinda warms my heart

Let me deconstruct that screed:

It doesn’t bother you when people -who claim Islam is peaceful- are beaten and/or sexually assaulted. In fact, it warms your heart.

That’s sick and twisted. Reading is fundamental. You can obfuscate your meaning with snark and innuendo all you want, but in the end, you’re pretty despicable for deriving any pleasure or a heartwarming experience from the physical and sexual abuse of anyone regardless of their politics.

Sim427 on February 16, 2011 at 2:31 pm


To me, it sounds more like you choose hatred and intolerance, and to remain ignorant to the fact that not all Muslims follow extreme Islam, just as not all Christians use Christ as their excuse for doing harm. Religious fanatics have been using their “gods” as an excuse to do bad things since the beginning of time, all religions, not just Islam. Sadly, history shows that just as many, if not more, people have died in the name of, and at the hand of, Christianity than any other religion. Yet, all Christians aren’t grouped together as a murdering, animalistic pack of dogs just because some of them are. What about all the priests that molest young boys right here at home. They are helpless, after all. Why isn’t Little Debbie spewing off at the mouth about that? I don’t condone the actions of the people who did these acts to this reporter, but the same thing happens here in the US. Remember when the woman (a Liberal) had her head stomped on by a Tea Party supporter not long ago? You really think we here in the US, this ‘Christian’ nation of ours, is exempt from senseless violence? Your part in all of this is to perpetuate hatred and fear toward a great number of peace-loving people just like you who despise these acts, live among us, but just happen to follow a different religion. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all share the same origins and Old Testament (basically). Where they diverge is the more recent texts from prophets Mohammad and Jesus, and man’s own interpretation of the intent of these texts (which were actually penned, remember, by men). I’ve seen studies that show that there are a great number of interpretations in the Christian bible that are quite violent that we as Christians just now seem to ignore. But that wasn’t always the case, nor is it for those who want to use ‘god’ as an excuse to do their dirty work. We are a product of our upbringing. Islam is steeped in tradition, good or bad, but that seems to be changing with the younger generation as information becomes more easily accessible, like access to the internet. Recent studies suggest that extreme Islam is more of a political movement, than a religious movement, and I tend to agree. We must view it as such, remain rational, and dispose of our fear and intolerance.

will undoubtedly be called a leftist dumbshit on February 16, 2011 at 2:32 pm

    Christians and Jews don’t justify murderous violence in the name of their scriptures.

    Islam does and that is a significant difference. Plus, jihad is an Islamic religious obligation.

    Hating evil doesn’t make one one hateful and intolerance. It ensures good will triumph on the earth and men will truly love each other.

    And yup, that is exactly the way I think!

    NormanF on February 16, 2011 at 3:09 pm

      “Christians and Jews don’t justify murderous violence in the name of their scriptures.”

      What about the Crusades? All those people killed as ‘heretics’? If you want a more recent example, what about anti-abortion violence? These have all been justified by scriptures.

      Martin on February 16, 2011 at 3:46 pm

        Martin sez:

        “What about the Crusades? All those people killed as ‘heretics’? If you want a more recent example, what about anti-abortion violence? These have all been justified by scriptures.”

        Martin, the Crusades were launched (1000 years ago!) to oppose an ongoing and calamitous Muslim seizure of land. You see, Muslims of 1000 years back were just like those of today. As for anti-abortion violence, how many years do you have to do for THAT? And was it ever a mass movement? And is such violence an inseparable part of Christianity the way jihad is for Islam?

        You see, Martin, the reason why the regulars here think of you with contempt is because you deserve it.

        skzion on February 16, 2011 at 4:16 pm

      It’s amazing how ignorant you are… You think that ONLY muslims rape and physically assault others…

      Pick up your local paper and read the blotter…. Violence is inherent in our nature, many ignorant people see it as their only outlet/recourse when they feel wronged… That’s the real issue noone wants to face… We are ALL capable of these deeds.

      It’s only with a good moral compass (notice i didn’t throw in a religion here on purpose) we CHOOSE not to act like savages…

      I know in your walled in existance, the catholic priests that molest your boys were secretly muslim….

      Bob Bailey on February 16, 2011 at 8:51 pm

    The fact is that all religions are bad. They should all be outlawed. However, Islam is particularly repugnant. True not all Muslims are extreme, but enough are that it shows that something is terribly wrong with this “religion”. Any country that has a minority of Muslims has significant problems controlling them and maintaining order. Any country that has a majority of Muslims has significant human rights issues. If I am wrong, please indicate any country that does not follow this simple rule.

    I have been to Egypt. I found the people there to be very nice, except for a sizable number that clearly hated the ground we walked on and required armed guards to keep the distance. I have also seen the very nice people suddenly and for not apparent reason suddenly become very violent to the people that they had previously been in close communication with. In short, the people there don’t act in any way similar to what goes on here except in our inner ghettos.

    Currently we are at war with Islam. For some reason, we can’t articulate that concept. The sooner we are able to then the sooner we can get the job done and make the world a safer, better place. If you think different, just wait a few years.

    david7134 on February 16, 2011 at 4:44 pm

      I could not agree more, friend.

      johnny33308 on February 16, 2011 at 7:40 pm

    You are a leftist dumbshit

    Jonathan E. Grant on February 16, 2011 at 5:28 pm

I wonder why you feel the need to chalk this violence up to Muslims in general? This wasn’t a religious uprising, but a political one, against a dictator who’d held on to emergency power for thirty years. Surely you don’t tabulate acts of political violence in Christian countries against the Christian faith?

Mark on February 16, 2011 at 2:36 pm

    Mark… *shhhhh* the Righties want,need & covet keeping church and state together, not SEPARATE. 😉

    They gets so confused sometimes. 😀

    sewcool on February 16, 2011 at 2:53 pm

    Hey Mark: because Islam is Nazism with a more capable leader.

    skzion on February 16, 2011 at 4:45 pm

I guess Muslims should equate America “liberation” with rape and murder as well:

One of the U.S. soldiers accused of raping and killing an Iraqi and slaying her family told investigators that after the killings he poured kerosene on the girl’s bullet-ridden body, according to testimony Monday in a military hearing.

In an interview with the U.S. Army’s Criminal Investigative Division in June, Spec. James P. Barker, 23, said that he held the girl down while she was raped by another soldier, Sgt. Paul Cortez, during an incident in March in Mahmoudiya, according to testimony from CID Special Agent Benjamin Bierce.


Christian on February 16, 2011 at 2:43 pm

Wow… is this chick one seriously demented Ann Coulter wannabe or what?

Right wing conservatives see things as very black and white. Thus, this is the picture we are getting:

1: ALL muslims are evil, no matter where they live.
2: ALL christians (even those sicko pedophile priests) are goodly people.

Right… got it.

sewcool on February 16, 2011 at 2:50 pm

Let’s see, this is, what, my fifth or sixth try to get the experts on Islam here to answer this question: If Muslims are all “animals,” how can you account for the fact that it was a group of Egyptian women and Egyptian soldiers who rescued Ms. Logan?

Is the rescuing aspect of humanity in a Muslim country somehow separate from the violent aspect of humanity in a Muslim country?

Dave in Boise on February 16, 2011 at 2:52 pm

    Dave in Boise sez:

    “Let’s see, this is, what, my fifth or sixth try to get the experts on Islam here to answer this question: If Muslims are all “animals,” how can you account for the fact that it was a group of Egyptian women and Egyptian soldiers who rescued Ms. Logan? Dave in Boise on February 16, 2011 at 2:52 pm”

    For some reason Dave seems very proud of his question. Hey Dave, some animals are more disciplined than others. And, not all animals are equally vicious. I expect that the soldiers who noticed this realized what a PR disaster this was and stopped it. The fact is, however, that Islam holds that slavery and the rape of women are good things. As you are a willful ignoramus, you blather here with passion in support of a political and ideological system that is abhorrent.

    Have I addressed your devastating question?

    skzion on February 16, 2011 at 4:04 pm

      Wow, great way to take a chapter out of “The Eternal Jew” playbook. “Hey Dave, some animals are more disciplined than others. And, not all animals are equally vicious. I expect that the soldiers who noticed this realized what a PR disaster this was and stopped it.”
      “Not all Jews of course live among the filth of rats and vermin, some seek to covet and ape the mannerisms of the civilizations they inhabit.” (A close enough translation going off of my grad-school memory.)

      Way to lose the gravitas of your argument.

      Tamerlanethelame on February 16, 2011 at 6:12 pm

        The lame Tamerlane sez:

        “Wow, great way to take a chapter out of “The Eternal Jew” playbook.”

        After careful analysis, I have found that someone who begins a comment with a “wow” is almost certainly an idiot. Kind of like someone who, as a matter of course, uses his fingers to create quotation marks in the air.

        Our cripple suggests we–wait for the novelty–replace “Muslim” with “Jew”:

        “Not all Jews of course live among the filth of rats and vermin …”

        Of course, Muslims, by definition, subscribe to a totalitarian ideology that dehumanizes all non-Muslims, without exception. Nothing in Judaism does that. In addition, classical antisemites alleged that Judaism was racial, and that simply by being Jewish, regardless of belief, one had all sorts of negative traits. I say nothing of the sort. A Muslim animal can become human simply by leaving Islam. So we see that our grad student has managed not only to be banal but to be sloppy as well.


        skzion on February 16, 2011 at 9:10 pm

          I’ve read all of your posts here. I have to say you are a credit to Christianity and to conservatism. Strange how cruel you are in calling people things like ‘cripple’. I am so sure Jesus would have done the same thing. He would also kill all the gay people in the world just like you Christians. I’ll bet you’re ‘pro-life’ as well. Save all the fetuses but not adopt any and kill the doctors. So since Christianity is so much more civilized than Islam, how is it you are one? Christianity has killed millions of innocent people just like Islam has done. Christians are at this moment murdering gay people all over Africa at the behest of evangelical American Christians who travel there for the expressed purpose of inciting more ignorant Christians to kill even more gay people. You are complicit in a holocaust. Your ‘religion’ is responsible for yet another holocaust, too. I’d just bet Jesus murdered innocent people, too, right? Aren’t Christians followers of Jesus? He killed many, right? He condemned everyone not like him, right? Your evil religion deserves to be extinguished forever as does Islam-both nasty excuses for murdering millions upon millions of innocent people for your ‘god’. How proud you Christians must be of such an accomplishment. Good for you. Christianity is a religion of peace, right? Like Islam, right?

          johnny33308 on February 16, 2011 at 10:27 pm

          Two things:

          “Islam, by definition, is a totalitarian ideology that dehumanizes non-Muslims”-a canard that one can easily dismiss out of hand. It’s called “Begging the question,” (air-quotations are appropriate this time) you dolt. A priori assumptions are sloppy philosophy. Most religions ask for a submission to the will of God. Hinduism, as stated in the Mahabharata is a possible exception.

          As far as a muslim “animal” becoming “human” by leaving Islam, is something which Torquemada insisted could happen to your happy Sephardic brethren around 1500. Why no change of heart. Deus volt!

          Tamerlamethelame on February 16, 2011 at 11:07 pm

By God, what the hell has happened to this country? And what the hell is the matter with you people? A woman was attacked.

Does it REALLY matter that a loudmouth like Debbie S. has gotten nasty threats from people she chooses to publicly revile? Likewise, does it matter than the woman in question was in a dangerous place at the time? Does it matter whether you agree or don’t agree with ANYONE here on their politics?


Yes there are many, many other victims. Almost all of them less famous. And they too should be equally respected and protected. But this is a case you know of, where the details are also known. And you in this forum are turning it into an opportunity to trumpet the merits of your respective ideologies.

Human civility in America is all but dead. Your vicious and ugly by choice. It is absolutely disgusting. And you know what’s more disgusting? Without question, some imbecile will see this and then tell me that if I don’t like it then I should leave America myself.

And that’s the saddest bit. Those claiming the most to be “patriots” are the ones killing this country and any legacy it might have had, faster than any outside threat ever could.

Sad, sick, evil, and as un-American as you could ever be… that’s what you people are… it’s just heart-breaking. This country had the chance to really be something, a historical beacon. And we’re blowing it folks. Really blowing it.

Go ahead… unleash your attacks, your defenses, and whatever else you feel you have to… but if you have the least bit of reflective ability and character, you’ll see as the rest of the world is seeing, America is undoing itself. A true tragedy.

JF on February 16, 2011 at 2:54 pm

    I thought your post was quite right and on the money. Sadly, ‘conservatives’ seem to have no regard for humanity at all and for women, even less. They have destroyed America and are turning it into Iran. See how much freedom religion gives us?
    In my view, Christians and Muslims are exactly the same. Neither has any moral high ground in any way whatsoever.

    johnny33308 on February 16, 2011 at 7:10 pm

Wow, just wow. Are you in the KKK too or is your fanatical racism limited to brown people of arabic decent? Animals? Holy crap girl, you’re fucked up, seriously.

Urufu Shinjiro on February 16, 2011 at 2:57 pm

    Anyone who says “wow oh wow” must be an idiot. Like Urufu Shinjiro, for example.

    skzion on February 16, 2011 at 4:36 pm

      Christianity has murdered as many millions as has Islam. You Christians are equally as evil. At this very moment, Christians are murdering innocent gay people all over Africa at the behest and encouragement of American evangelicals who travel there often to promote this mass murder, this holocaust. You religion is as corrupt as is Islam-neither has any moral high ground, and never will. It seems the two religions are neck in neck in how many innocent people they can kill in the name of their god. Getting rid of these two religions would greatly enhance the lives of all humanity.

      johnny33308 on February 16, 2011 at 7:19 pm

Dont blame the left for the threats and comments you are receiving. Decent people share all kinds of beliefs. Accept responsibility for how vile your comments were and they had nothing to do with politics. This kind of ignorance is across the board. As much as you criticize the Muslim world, your comments show you share their beliefs toward women.

Sharri on February 16, 2011 at 2:58 pm


    And what feminist criticized Islamic male misogyny towards women?

    I am still waiting.

    NormanF on February 16, 2011 at 3:11 pm

      Oh, you mean like these?

      Dave in Boise on February 16, 2011 at 3:19 pm

@ California Screaming – There are already plenty of liberals in Egypt. Who do you think was out there on Tahrir Square for all those weeks? Certainly not Egyptian conservatives.

Valkyrie607 on February 16, 2011 at 3:03 pm

Allahu Akhbar! Nothing I like better than raping white women! Man, soon as I get done sharpening my scimitar and planning my caliphate takeover of the Western world, I’m gonna go rape me some more! This Debbie infidel has sure got it right here – we are just a bunch of rape-y camel jockeys out for your daughters and your freedom! I put a jihad on you all!

Muhammad al-RapeRape on February 16, 2011 at 3:03 pm

    It is apparent by your comments that you are a ‘conservative’ and an American, sadly. People such as you give America a bad name. Grow up already.

    johnny33308 on February 16, 2011 at 7:23 pm

The far left websites ARE advertising that Debbie is talking about this. The lefty hypocrites claim Debbie has “hate” and then show everyone what “hate” is really all about. Debbie, can you delete the majority of the disgusting name-calling and profanity from the hate-mongering idiots???

PDMac60 on February 16, 2011 at 3:06 pm


I didn’t read where they stated that the people responsible for the acts were Muslim.

I guess we can make presumptions. We can clearly see they are brown.

Can we make the same presumptions about group rapes here in the U.S.? That they would be primarily Christians?

proxy on February 16, 2011 at 3:07 pm

That animals like Moshe Katsev?

Or animals like the Egyptions who came to her rescue?

Bigotry is ugly. Period.

wondering on February 16, 2011 at 3:11 pm

Debbie –

Since, like everything else you do, this was clearly meant to promote Debbie Schlussel’s Multi-Media Hate-O-Rama, here’s an idea (no charge):

After Lara Logan gets out of the hospital, why don’t you contact her people and arrange for a face-to-face on one of those highly credible media outlets you frequent — I’m thinking Mancow would be perfect.

Then, you can explain to her how warmly self-satisfied you were to hear about her being sexually assaulted, and how people sending nasty emails in response to your free-form vitriol is EXACTLY THE SAME THING as being raped.

And then she can kick your fucking teeth in.

Charlie on February 16, 2011 at 3:11 pm


    Tamerlanethelame on February 16, 2011 at 6:14 pm

    Right on! The truth will set us free!

    johnny33308 on February 16, 2011 at 7:27 pm

I am really heartened to see that most people have objected to Debbie’s disgusting post. It is really good to see!!!

The Sage on February 16, 2011 at 3:12 pm

you really are such an ignorant right-winger to believe, to assume that the crowd which assaulted Ms. Logan wasn’t also made up of Christians, or even entirely so. talk about your “premature articulation.” actually, that’s not true; you didn’t articulate prematurely, just the opposite: you’re impotent and faking it.

as for “baby factories, sex toys, and property,” you just described the history of Western civilization via Christianity. (oh, that’s right; Christians only like it with children, judging by a similar sampling.) no surprise that you suffer from dissociation and projection in order to protect your ego, as is a hallmark of conservatism. the question is whether that’s conscious of subconscious.

in that regard, the other possiblity, of course, is that you DO know perfectly well and that you’re engaged in anti-Muslim propaganda, which would hardly be a surprise; same was done by Germany’s right wing 80 years ago.

let’s see now; a handful of people sexually assaulted her within a bad element of 200 people amid a crowd of how-many hundreds of thousands. and if they’re all Muslim, who was it who came to her rescue? who was it that protected Christiana Amanpour and Katie Couric during the Mubarak-backed violence that one Wednesday? and you lament the ouster of Mubarak, but to what religion did he belong?

in being so very, very, very glad that it happened, of course you support seuxal assault: “So sad, too bad, Lara.” … “How fitting that Lara Logan was “liberated” by Muslims in Liberation Square…” “Hope you’re enjoying the revolution, Lara!”

and please, do post those alleged “many moronic insults and threats of violence from the left” and from American Muslims and report the threat-of-violence ones to the proper authorities… where they’ll be public records. unless, of course, you’re soft on potential hate-crimes against women.

??? ???? on February 16, 2011 at 3:16 pm

    The brainaic “???????” sez

    “you really are such an ignorant right-winger to believe, to assume that the crowd which assaulted Ms. Logan wasn’t also made up of Christians, or even entirely so….”

    Oh yes, a crowd of Copts (with the women in hijabs!) were doing the raping! ??????? must be a Muslim.

    skzion on February 16, 2011 at 4:20 pm

Wow, Debbie, aren’t you just the most hateful bitch on the planet. Yes, you kick Ann Coulter’s ass for psychopathy. Although I see some of the commenters on your blog are trying to out do you.

You owe Lara an apology for your crass remarks. As for me, I’d prefer you’d just go away. I don’t like women like you representing women like me. Not one tiny bit.

psycho on February 16, 2011 at 3:30 pm

Debbie, Debbie, Debbie—it really does “suck to be you”. I’d like to be there to see you in your future nursing home pad. You’ll be the one sitting in the corner all alone, drooling all over yourself and being totally ignored by everyone. Much like you are now.

Kris on February 16, 2011 at 3:32 pm

debbie schlullel, you are a worthless racist scumbag.

george jefferson on February 16, 2011 at 3:32 pm

I guess the proposed law change in South Dakota regarding legalizing the murder of abortion doctors has no roots in Christianity, the religion of love and peace?


Durp on February 16, 2011 at 3:33 pm

Schlussel is a jew-girl name. Stop pretending to be a Christian.

Ann Coulter on February 16, 2011 at 3:34 pm

Now here is a typical blond pundit stupid and not afraid to shout it to the world. Yes I am Stereotyping for argumentation as she does in her insights. So since the rape was done in Egypt by a small group of barbaric people. Well then it just goes to show you, this horrific act occurred because Mubarak regime had fallen. This is what happens when the majority of people want a democracy and protest peacefully to overthrow a dictator. After all most muslims are hateful and need strict militant tyranny or they rape women from the liberal press. The conclusion is Schlussel does not use logic, compassion, tolerance, and is a hateful crank.

John Davis on February 16, 2011 at 3:35 pm

I am saddened that such a hateful person like you exists.

Martin on February 16, 2011 at 3:43 pm

    Agreed Martin!

    concerned on February 16, 2011 at 7:13 pm

…And when was the last time you were raped by a Muslim?

G Forrest on February 16, 2011 at 3:44 pm

DIAF, Schlussel.

Dave Laurel on February 16, 2011 at 3:48 pm

I am not on the left but I have to say: it should happen to you.

david miranda on February 16, 2011 at 3:57 pm

After reading the above I really only have one question: who the hell is “Debbie Schlussel”?

Joseph Shahadi on February 16, 2011 at 3:58 pm

    From Joseph Shahadi’s web site:

    “Feminist Autobiographical Fictions: Performing the Self on Stage & On the Page”

    It seems that our Joseph is the ultimate useful idiot. My interpretation of his background follows. Probably a homosexual and definitely a chattering class leftist, our hero is apparently a Maronite whose family fled Lebanon to the US because of Muslim depredation. Rather than learn anything from his experience, he naturally feels close to those who would kill him gladly.

    Go back to Lebanon, Joey. You’re NOT one of the good ones.

    skzion on February 16, 2011 at 4:32 pm

Thanks for telling it like it is Debbie! Let the stupid politically correct liberals keep hiding their heads in the sand if they are comfortable there. But one day the truth is going to bit them or their children or their grandchildren in the ass!!

Karen on February 16, 2011 at 4:05 pm

You are spot on Debbie!
I am an American who lived in Saudi Arabia, a much stricter Muslim country for 3 years and experienced a similar crowd rushing and pinching me in the butt by these so called peaceful and religious Muslims. I was with my husband shopping downtown and it still happened while having my arms and legs covered in respect for their laws. It was very frightening.
As a Christian I was not allowed to practice my religion nor allowed to work by the Saudi government. Women have no rights in these Muslim countries. I lived in fear of being caught shopping downtown near chop square and being jostled to the front by the crowd because they want westerners to witness a beheading or hand chopping. This is a brutal and barbaric religious justice system.
I have been to Cairo and found the same mind set although they like the tourist dollars.
In contrast I also visited Israel later and found the people friendly, helpful and a happy joyful people in spite of living under the daily threat of Arabs.
I stand with Israel, people need to know the truth about the violent Muslim religion, thank you for being that voice and speaking the truth.

Barb on February 16, 2011 at 4:06 pm

This is an incredibly disgusting rant that transcends any claims of “political” lines. It’s as simple as this, Ms. Schlussel: YOU ARE A MORON.

Wow on February 16, 2011 at 4:11 pm

Debbie you really hit a nerve!

All of you nimcompoops who think that Debbie relishes in Lara’s misfortune ARE OUT OF YOUR MINDS.

Her point is Islamic Fascism views you (AND I MEAN YOU) as another species, a species to be hunted, abused and killed. They do not consider you to be human; they don’t care a twit about human rights; they don’t care about free speech; they don’t care about whether you have one or two chickens in your pot (unless it comes to taxing you to oblivion); they don’t care to reason with you; they don’t care if you feel good appeasing them; and they don’t care if you aid and/or support them because they hate traitors and they’ll judge you as unreliable, and you will meet a very painfull end. THEY CAN’T BE BOUGHT.

If you aren’t steaming mad at those animals that did this to Lara are as misogynist as those bastard perpetrators.

Doc Holiday on February 16, 2011 at 4:22 pm

Debbie Schlussel the Khazar

Yuyu on February 16, 2011 at 4:45 pm

Absolute garbage ; and garbage and punditry are pretty much synonymous surprise surprise.

What I hope to read THANKS TO ACTUAL JOURNALISTS is what the soldiers did with these scum. The soldiers were there to protect the peace and enforce the rule of law, so presumably the guilty have been caught and will see there day in court, right? I want news, not narrow-brained, presumptuous, self-serving and hateful opinion.

I hope I NEVER heat the name debbie shullel again. STOP spreading HATE and start thinking a little harder as to how to get along with all the different souls on this planet.

Rape is barbaric and this should be the central tenant of any reporting of such a story. I’m so tired of the spin doctors who errantly believe they are entitled journalistic reverence. Get over yourself and get educated you loud-mouthed right-wing ignoramuses.

justice on February 16, 2011 at 5:16 pm

670 comments and still counting.

Is this a new record for this site?

Who the heck is Lara Lagan? Is she the only one who got injured by the happy crowds in Egypt? I heard Anderson Cooper got beat up pretty bad too.

This Egypt riot was never about Democracy OR Islam. It was about POVERTY and the corruption that sustains it. It was the news media that wanted to make this a story about “Democracy”. When they actually got off their duffs and went to Cairo, they got more “Democracy” than they bargained for.

I wonder if they’ll think twice the next time they try to spin a food riot into a “democracy movement”. Yah! They’ll think twice. They’ll spin it into a “democracy movement” but report it from Tel Aviv. In Tel Aviv they can be safe, stay in luxury hotels, drink fine whiskey and chase young members of the opposite sex at night while on corporate expense accounts. That’s why there’s so many foreign news reporters per capita in Israel!

Oh! One last thing! Thank you Debbie for writing this column. There’s nothing more fun than watching the uber-left get into a hissy fit over something you wrote.

Oh well… comment #671 and counting…

Gzei Gzundt,

There is NO Santa Claus (aka TINSC)

There is NO Santa Claus on February 16, 2011 at 5:20 pm

“Of course I don’t support “sexual assault” or violence against Lara Logan, and I said that nowhere here. RIF–Reading Is Fundamental. Your premature articulation is a problem.”

That sooooo many people have ‘articulated prematurely’? And I’m not just talking about the comments all over this lame blog of yours.
That so many readers did not get what you ‘really said’ just proof that you are a LOUSY WRITER, Debbie.

“I did say that it warms my heart when reporters who openly deny that Islam is violent and constantly promote it get the same kinds of threats of violence I get every day from Muslims. Because now they know how it feels. They aren’t so dismissive of the threats when those threats are directed at them, instead of at us little people.”

‘Warms my heart’…hmmm…you DO take a perverse pleasure from what happened to Laura.
Not a big suprise, since you are such a sick, Zionist BITCH.

NYC on February 16, 2011 at 5:21 pm

10% of Egyptians are Christians, who according to reports also participated in the anti-Mubarak/pro-democracy demonstrations in Egypt.

mm on February 16, 2011 at 5:27 pm

Well Deb, as you may know, but most of your readers probably do not, there were a number, a large number of rapes on women in Cairo leading up to the attack on Lara Logan. No one, absolutely no one in the press, reported on these attacks of which they had to know.

Even now, the network press is not reporting on these rapes.

They are still protecting the Muslims that attacked one of their own

Jonathan E. Grant on February 16, 2011 at 5:29 pm

What happened to her is in no way acceptable ,there should be some justice here.Also remember the story of the young woman who was raped by a family member then beaten to death by the religous leaders.
Why not just nuke em all and let allah sort them out.

Charlie McDonald on February 16, 2011 at 5:33 pm

1 in 6 American women will be, or have been, “sexually assaulted” by American “animals”. The rate of rape in the United States, predominately Christian, is 29.3 per 100,000 people. The rate of rape in Egypt, predominately Muslim” is 0.1 per 100,000 people. Both of these numbers may be higher, as sexual assaults in both countries are underreported out of fear, however, Egypt would have to have an astronomical number of unofficial rapes in order for it to reach even a rate of 10 rapes per 100,000. The rate would have to increase by 29,200 % in order for Egypt to match the United State’s rape count per capita. These numbers are

The mob mentality of the Egyptians, who just witnessed the overthrow of a dictator, was the only proven factor in this crime. Many of the protesters were also Christian, and there is a good possibility that among the crowd of 200 men who attacked Lara, a Christian was among them. Probability states that in a country with a 10% Christian population, there is a very high chance that at least 20 of these men who participated could have been Christians. Depending on the circumstances, this number could be higher or lower.

Of course these types of incidents are not limited to Egypt. You may remember that in June of 2000, during the Puerto Rican Day Parade in Central Park, N.Y., “A total of 47 women – including a French newlywed, two British tourists and girls as young as 14 – have come forward to report being groped” by teenage and adult New Yorkers, with the chance of any of these assailants being Muslim at close to 0. Of course, groping is considered a sexual assault, and Lara Logan was probably the victim of this kind of attack, rather than an all out gang rape, which would not have been called a sexual assault but rather a flat out gang rape.

mazi on February 16, 2011 at 6:04 pm

    here is a link to the quote from a new york story:


    If something is wrong with any of my facts, please acknowledge that. Also, do not resort to rhetoric, I want to see real facts that may indicate a predisposition for a Muslim to commit rape. Otherwise, if you cannot back up your argument, and if it relies entirely on your judgement about Islam or the Islamic World or the words of the Quran, it will be easily refutable by the evidence I supplied above and I will not repeat myself.

    mazi on February 16, 2011 at 6:08 pm

Please understand that rape is religionless, nationless, genderless, mindless, heartless, ruthless, and yes, very savage. So is gloating, which is why unlike you, I’m not condemning the whole of America and its citizens with your careless words.

When Mubarak’s grandson died last year, not one of the 86 million “Bahai’im” or animals, as you call us, gloated and rubbed it in, calling him out on his callousness over the years. Instead we respected his hardship, supported him in his time of difficulty, and did not strike at him when he was down, as you are doing to Ms. Logan. Because we believe there is a right time and place for everything.

We Egyptians have shown the world what a peaceful and respectable nation we are. For 18 days our voices were heard with nothing but peace, and pride. We even cleaned up after ourselves once the revolution was done. Show me another “civilized” nation that ever did that. We are not the savages you’re trying to make us out to be. We have clearly shown that to the world, and nothing you say will ever change that.

I ask you to think before you speak, get a cure for your xenophobia, and stop your fear-mongering.

I hope you have the courage to keep my post.

Egyptian Muslim Female on February 16, 2011 at 7:31 pm

    Egyptian Muslim Female sez:

    “Please understand that rape is religionless …”

    No it’s not. Your infantile feminism is wrong. Rape is encouraged in many ways in Islam. Learn it already.

    On second thought, why do I care? When you convert to a real religion, I’ll worry about you.

    skzion on February 16, 2011 at 8:49 pm

Rape is rape and it is perpetrated by people of all religions. Let’s remove the religious angle for a moment. Ms. Schlussel, when one looks at your comments coming purely from the perspective of violence against women, the mentality those comments portray set us back decades. How can we as a gender move forward in trying to get men to respect us more when there are women that say we deserve to be raped in certain situations? You may not have said those exact words but the words you did say imply it. Furthermore, with a career in law enforcement, I promise you that we have plenty of homegrown Americans who treat women as “baby factories, sex toys, and property” and rape them horribly and they aren’t Islamic. I deal with them quite regularly. You have power with your voice as a journalist. Please use it to help protect women from violence and to teach people to respect one another.

Heather on February 16, 2011 at 7:55 pm

Country of savages?

Let’s not forget Woodstock 1999, when a bunch of NON-MUSLIM, EUROPEAN-AMERICAN MALES sexually assaulted any woman in sight!

And yes, many US troops have committed rape, they even raped their fellow soldiers! Only dummies didn’t know that!

But Ms Schussell doesn’t truly care about rape victims, she just likes to PIMP rape victims who are assaulted by Arabs, just for the sake of promoting anti-Arab hatred!

country of savages on February 16, 2011 at 8:04 pm

How many sects are there within Christianity? How many sects within Islam? You talk about Islam as though it were one, single movement. It’s not. You betray your ignorance when you do that, Schlussel, and you betray the weakness of your arguments when you must target “the Left” instead of defending what you say with evidence and logic.


US: Only a moron and ignoramus like you would make that comment. There are only TWO sects in Islam, but they both have one thing in common: Hatred of Jews and the West. Oh, more than one thing: intolerance, violence, savagery, hatred of women, etc. DS

urban socrates on February 16, 2011 at 8:16 pm

i think your right on the money. all muslims are animals. nuke them before they kill us

john yodice on February 16, 2011 at 8:32 pm

nuke all muslims their all animals. dont let the press white wash this they hate everyone that is not muslim. its a general practice to rape family members in most muslim countries

john yodice on February 16, 2011 at 8:35 pm

Hey, the press was covering up the violence of the protestors, since the members of the press and Hollywood (same thing these days) are the primary cheerleaders for Islam. Why? Because they are owned or paid off by Muslims.

You all are missing the point. The cover up of the violence ended, at least temporarily, because one of the press’ own, Lara Logan was attacked. The cheerleading will, however, will continue unabated.

Rape is, in fact, part of the Islamic culture. Read the Koran to learn how infidels are to be treated.

Jonathan Grant on February 16, 2011 at 8:39 pm

What has been written here is abhorrent. I’ve never been so ashamed to have a first amendment.

Ms. Schlussel, you have ruined your career. I hope you regret writing this. I hope Lara Logan forgives you. I hope god forgives you.

Anthony Emerson on February 16, 2011 at 9:01 pm

It was also Muslims (both men and woman) that saved Lara from her attackers — so I guess Debbie thinks those people are horrible animals also. Also, many of the protesters in Egypt are Coptic Christians — so they are animals also Debbie? Just trying to understand the crap I read on your blog. You’re an ignorant idiot.

Rob on February 16, 2011 at 9:06 pm

    no crap- like they treated Christian Amunpour (SP). They HATE white people. So why is it wrong to be angry when people hate you for being WHITE. Can we help being what we are? Please. An OV10 bronco across the square would do a lot of good. A few less sand Nigg-rs and hey no big loss, but a great result.

    was there on February 16, 2011 at 9:56 pm

      Sand Nigg-rs? What’s that and why don’t you have the sack to spell it out? I prefer to call them Sand Crack-rs. Or Sand Honk-ys. Sand Redn-cks. Maybe Sand Peckerwo-ds. Sand K- Kl-x Klansm-n?

      chuck on February 17, 2011 at 12:39 am

    While she is virulent in her religious prejudice against Muslims, she doesn’t mention that she is Jewish and that her writings are basically to promote Israel, in an effort to justify its treatment of Palestinian Muslims and Christians.

    Checkmoot on February 16, 2011 at 11:03 pm

    The day Islam is the only religon remaining, there wont be any excuses

    qddwdswds on February 17, 2011 at 1:35 am

The problem w/what you said isn’t just about your islamaphobia; to callously comment that Lara should enjoy the revolution after what has happened to her while she was in the process of performing her job is heartless….and brainless…..and cowardly….congrats, you’ve won the wizard of oz trifecta…..never a bucket of water around when you need one. Good luck with what’s left of your “career”.

joe dc on February 16, 2011 at 9:06 pm

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