January 15, 2008, - 12:00 pm

OutBushing Bush (& Laura): French Leader Gets Way Too Sarkozy with Saudis

By Debbie Schlussel
Last week, I told you about Saudi Arabia’s not-so-tactful demand that French President Nicolas Sarkozy not bed up with paramour/ex-model Carla Bruni while on Saudi soil. They’re not married, and it’s against Islamic law, the Saudis proclaimed (despite the fact that, they have plenty of non-spousal concubines at their disposal in the Kingdom).
Well, Sarkozy bowed to Saudi demands and married Ms. Bruni, last Thursday, to avoid Saudi ire. Anything for those Wahhabis. And I mean anything.
On Sunday, as Sarko began his Saudi sojourn, he was greeted by Saudi King Abdullah (he’s one of the guys with the non-married concubine cadre at his disposal), whence they

initialed accords on education, vocational training, political cooperation, and oil, and gas.


French Prez Nicolas Sarkozy Marries Bim Carla Bruni to Avoid Saudi Ire

You know what that means. It means that, just like George W. Bush, Sarkozy has signed an agreement to allow thousands of Saudis onto French soil on student visas, in the same way Bush has agreed to allow tens of thousands of Saudi students here.
Not sure what the “political cooperation” aspect consists of, but the “education and vocational training” part is scary enough.
So much for all the lauding of France’s new “get tough on Muslim immigration” policies. All smoke and mirrors.
But score one for Mr. Sarkozy, sort of. He matched Bush in pandering to Saudi immigration and visa demands. But he surpassed Bush–and his wife, Laura–in pandering to the Saudis with his coincidentally-timed marriage to avoid upsetting the Saudis.
Mrs. Bush only did the outrage of donning a hijab for the Saudis, after expressly telling USA Today and others she would not. But Mr. Sarkozy married a woman to avoid angering them.
Yup, two major Western leaders egregiously in the Saudi’s back pockets. And so many others who are, as well, only haven’t yet taken a wife for them yet.
And to those who believe that more Saudi and other Muslim students in Western countries makes them more pro-western, tell it to the ghost of Syed Qutb (the pre-eminent Islamic scholar who went to college in Greeley, Colorado and whose writings guru’ed Bin laden).

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6 Responses

As far as French sites inform us, poor (fortunately I can read French, Spanish, Italian and Russian, almost entirely avoiding American one, to which I don’t have any confidence), Ms. Bruni recently came out of the cabinet of her gynecologist with some good news to Mr. Sarkozy, who may become papa the fourth time in his life. How true the gossip is Ôø? is not in my power to know. On one side Ms. Bruni (or, rather, Mrs. Sarkozy already) is far from being young for this trick (she is 40, and, usually at or about this age, the vast majority of even healthiest woman experience great difficulties to become pregnant, many even some years earlier). On the other side, she is not old either. If the news are right, this factor and not anything else is the main contributor to the wedding.
As to the SaudiÔø?s reaction, their Ôø?non-spousal concubinesÔø? are Saudis Ôø? or out of their Ôø?slavesÔø? that are serving them everywhere, represented in S. Arabia 8:1 to the native citizens.
Besides that former Ms. Bruni is not a Saudi, the last name of her step-father (father? Ôø? who may know?) Ôø? klingt not gut for Saudis, who are better informed about Ôø?not-goodÔø? last names originating in Europe, and this negative factor, in which neither Carla Bruni nor Nicolas Sarkozy are in fault at all, may contribute to SaudisÔø? resentment to Her. And to Him too.

MarcAurelio on January 15, 2008 at 1:14 pm


samurai on January 15, 2008 at 2:04 pm

Ah, I completely forgot – there is also an inner politics. Sarkozy’s raiting is at all times low – and continue to decline. He intends to show to his fellow Frenchmen that he, at least, can secure some outstanding deals in the place, where his chief competitor, as a non-spousal concubine of a man with suspicious last name and a mother of 4 children – all out of wedlock – cannot yield any successful deal since at S. Arabia she cannot be considered anything else but a whore.

MarcAurelio on January 15, 2008 at 2:26 pm

Boy, we’re stupid.

John Cunningham on January 15, 2008 at 9:53 pm

MarcAurelio, what happened to the characters in your last paragraph? I have no idea what you just said.
I had such high hopes for Sarkozy, but boy, is he an idiot. I guess she sort of fits the profile for a French First Lady, though.

AmericanJewess on January 16, 2008 at 3:07 am

Time to check the off shore bank accounts. Every time politicians visit the Saudis, I am sure they are getting big deposits for selling out their countries.
I just wonder how much GWB got for the new weapons deal?

ScottyDog on January 16, 2008 at 12:25 pm

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