February 11, 2011, - 3:36 pm

Israeli Ghosts of Sharm El-Sheikh Cry Out Over Egyptian “Revolution,” Mubarak Exit

By Debbie Schlussel

Yesterday, I told you about the worries at the Israeli borders with Egypt and Gaza over what’s to come in terms of Egyptian aliens, both those fleeing the coming Islamic regime and those who are terrorists with evil plans for Israel.  But there’s also the issue of Sharam El-Sheikh a/k/a Sharm A Sheikh and various other spellings (“Bay of the Sheikh”), which you’ve likely heard about in the wake of the Mubarak resignation, since that’s his new temporary residence.  But let me tell you a little bit more about Sharam El-Sheikh, its significance and why it’s duly tragic that Mubarak not only resigned, but that his point of escape is this city that marked incredible Israeli and Jewish heroism.

Mubarak’s Last Stand at Sharam El-Sheikh, Egypt, Formerly Sharma Sheikh, Israel

One of the worst parts of the Sinai giveaway to Egypt, as part of the Camp David Peace Accord, was the relinquishment of Sharm El-Sheikh. It is ironic that, with Hosni Mubarak’s resignation, his family was apparently whisked away to Sharm El-Sheikh. The area was part of Israel from 1967 until 1982. Israeli soldiers, in one of the bloodiest battles of the Six-Day Way in 1967, were ambushed, mutilated, and otherwise barbarically savaged by Egyptian soldiers and other supporting Arab fighters. They held strong, and despite the murder of many of them, the Israeli soldiers showed incredible courage, and they were victorious. After they died in the name of protecting the area, then-General Yitzchak Rabin visited to plot the course of the rest of the war. (As you can see from the picture, below, it was desolate desert land on the ocean, but Israel built it into an international resort destination, before giving it to Egypt in ’82.)

Yitzchak Rabin at Sharm a Sheikh, 1967 – Six Day War

Sharm El-Sheikh and the Israeli soldiers who gave their lives there are the subject of a well-known Hebrew song by Amos Ettinger, which my late father occasionally sang to us as kids. I can hear my father singing it now to me from his grave, while he turns over in it. He was very sad on that day that Sharm El-Sheikh was turned over to Egypt, but he hoped it would result in lasting peace for Israel and the Jewish people. I’m glad he’s not here to see this.

When Sharm El-Sheikh was given up to Egypt, it was the subject of great sadness and regret by the many israelis who know what happened there, some of them related to the brave men who died there.  It was also a source of much tourism money for Israel, since Ofira–the city Israel built–became a well-known resort destination. Sharm El-Sheikh was also a strategic location in Israel because the IDF used it as a take-off and landing point for its aircraft.

But everyone was told that the men didn’t die in vain because, now, the land would be given in return for a lasting piece.  Lasting?  Well, 32.5 years ain’t exactly a lifetime.  That’s how long the Camp David Peace Accord lasted, to date.  But it’s basically off now.  Null and void because the other side, the cold side of “peace,” won’t be keeping it, now that the Muslim Brotherhood and its many radical Egyptian compatriots have taken over and deposed the only guy who maintained order for the last several decades there.

Say good-bye to Sharm El-Sheikh as we know it.  Good-bye to the resorts and vacations.  Good-bye to the cold, but steady “peace.” Israelis were told they could go to Sharm El-Sheikh any time they wanted, but soon Sharm El-Sheikh will be part of the caliphate, a war zone, off limits forever.

The brave Israelis who died at Sharm El-Sheikh are crying out.  They did not die in vain.  But the hallowed ground on which they died was given to Egypt in vain.

Egyptian Gun w/ Israeli Soldiers Graffiti From Six Day War, Straits of Tiran, Sharm A Sheikh

Were their lives worth a mere 32.5 years . . . and now this? Like I said, I’m glad my father didn’t see this. Sadly, the many relatives of the Israeli soldiers who died there in 1967 are here to cry the tears of futile peace agreement giveaways signed in the blood of ambushed soldiers.


Sharam Al-Sheikh by Amos Ettinger

Great is the night and it smiles at you
We returned in the morning to Sharam Al Sheikh
We passed in the night, the sea and the mountain
Arriving in the morning at the straits

You’re Sharam Al Sheikh,
we’ve returned to you once again
You are in our hearts,
always in our hearts

The sea and the salt will view the song
We’ve returned to you Tiran and Snapir
The same skies above your heart
Strait, sea and water- you are Sharam Al Sheikh

You’re Sharam Al Sheikh,
we’ve returned to you once again
You are in our hearts,
always in our hearts

The morning rises in the coral beach
Fishing boats pass through the water again
The evening sets, bringing another dream
Brings on the water a hope for peace

You’re Sharam Al Sheikh,
we’ve returned to you once again
You are in our hearts,
always in our hearts

Hoy, Sharam Al Sheikh

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8 Responses

We have a bizarre leader who thinks that Islamists are closet liberal democrats.

Worry01 on February 11, 2011 at 3:55 pm

is the white house imposter
rejoicing in his victory ?

will he be in cairo for the
dedication of egypt as an
islamic theocracy ?

anyone who thinks the planning of this
didn’t happen in the oval office
is just as stupid as the democrat
party thinks they are

prestigio on February 11, 2011 at 3:56 pm

Terrible, really. I believe in Democracy, but one must take care to notice what sort of government that would be elected in a Democracy. Our administration in their incompetence just doesn’t know or care how that will play out. Or more likely, they know and are proud see this new era of Islamic extremism for Egypt.

I really worry about the many Coptic Christians in Egypt there. Their fate hinges on whether the military restores some sort of sane order, or if it collapses in the face of the fundamentalist crazies.

If only we had a government that knew how to project strength overseas, rather than failure and incompetence. Pawlenty just made this a significant part of his CPAC address. “Bullies respect strength.” I’m still uncertain on him as far as President, but at least he talks about a foreign policy that isn’t dangerously weak.

Brian R. on February 11, 2011 at 4:07 pm

The future presents a great unknown to Egypt, their citizens, Israel and the entire Middle East region. How Iran sticks their fingers into the future elections will be worth noting. I can understand the frustration of the citizens of Egypt, and I hope they elect a government that gives them what they want, and part of what they should want should be continued peace with Israel. Yes 32 years is not a lifetime, but factor in what 32 years means to those who are now part of the Internet and Twitter platforms. 32 years to those folks can be considered prehistoric…..

RD on February 11, 2011 at 4:47 pm

For those of us who are not hotwired into the web 24/7, 32 years feel like last month.

The Reverend Jacques on February 12, 2011 at 8:47 am

Mark my words. Once the Ikhwan comes to power in Cairo, sooner or later, they’ll start another war w/ Israel, where they will drag Syria, Hizbullah/Lebanon & Hamas/PA, just like Nasser did in 1967 w/ Syria & Jordan. Israel will then have no choice but to re-occupy Judea, Samaria, Gaza, Sinai and probably even Damascus.

Hopefully, they expel all Muslims from all these territories, and annex them to Israel, just like they did the Golan Heights, and tell the US to stuff it. The only lasting solution for Israel is the ‘Transfer solution’, where all Muslims are expelled from Israel & all its territories, and sent packing to Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia. While they are @ it, also send packing all the Islamo-Christians (pro-Muslim Christians) & Islamo-Jews (self-hating, pro-Muslim Jews) there. Also empty Lebanon of all Muslims – both Shi’ites & Sunnites. Give it to the Samir Gaegae faction of the Lebanese Forces – that’s today’s successor to Bashir Gemayel.

Israel should also make as many cities in the Sinai as they can, and also posses the eastern bank of the Suez Canal (wonder how much shipping goes thru it nowadays?) Also repossess & de-Islamize completely Jericho, Nablus, Hebron & Bethlehem. And if needed, Damascus as well.

Infidel Pride on February 14, 2011 at 7:27 am


I share your concerns about Egypt but I’m getting a bit tired of “prophets of doom” telling us that what’s going on in Egypt is a pre-destined disaster. Just the other day, I reminded you that it was Donald Rumsfeld who proposed (prior to 9/11/01) that the USA pull out of the multi-national force in the Sinai. It was a cost-saving measure, don’tcha know! I was quite outraged at the time. America has a military responsibility in the Sinai and I think we must keep it.

It was understood at the time of the Egypt/Israel peace treaty that the Sadat regime could be overthrown. For that reason, there are some international safeguards standing behind the Egypt-Israel treaty that have U.S. participation. It is important to me that I remind my government leaders not to shirk our responsibility. I hope you find this important too.

Come to think of it, the presence of even a small U.S. military contingent (and Egyptian de-militarization) might explain why Hosni Mubarak chose to retire to Sharm El Sheik. The U.S. still has some leverage. While I certainly don’t think this is a joyful democratic movement (as some in the media would like us to believe), I’m not throwing in the towel yet.

There is NO Santa Claus on February 15, 2011 at 7:30 am

Another outstanding article, Debbie. I had this thought that if Israel had not given the land to Egypt none of this would ever have occurred. AND the only reason that I knew about this resort and this piece of land was because of an earlier article that you had written about Sharm A Sheikh. Again, many thanks for all the excellent work that you’ve published on this blog.

Nancy B on November 10, 2015 at 12:23 pm

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