February 9, 2011, - 2:41 pm

Told Ya: Dearbornistan Shi’ite Muslim Planned College Massacre; Had Child Porn

By Debbie Schlussel

As you’ll recall, last year, I told you about an unnamed, unidentified Wayne State University (WSU) student from Dearbornistan, who threatened violence and was banned from the campus. I asked if his name was Mohammed and predicted he was likely a Shi’ite Muslim from Dearbornistan. As you’ll recall I interviewed WSU Police Chief Tony Holt and asked him these questions, and he declined to respond regarding whether the student is an Arab Muslim. Well, I was right. Ali Saad, a Shi’ite Muslim, has been charged with threatening to shoot up a lecture hall at Wayne State and with possessing child porn, including gay child porn.  (Hey, Ali, you are manyak). I suggest you read my summary of the interview with Chief Holt (who really downplayed the threat) and the  disturbing affidavit by Detroit FBI Special Agent Christopher Pennisi, attached to the Federal Criminal Complaint against Ali Saad. I was 100% on the money.  And my sources say the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force was looking into this guy . . . for a reason.  Religion of Peace, baby!


Religion of Peace: Dearbornistan Shi’ite Muslim Planned College Massacre

It’s chilling.  Saad not only surfed the web for information on several mass-shootings and massacres at schools so he could plan his attack, but he posted plans to shoot up a Wayne State lecture hall. Next to his plans, he posted photos of Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris (who committed the Columbine High School massacre), as well as statements that he planned to beat Cho Seung-Hui (who committed the Virginia Tech massacre) in the number of people murdered.

FBI agents also found that Ali Saad had several instances of child porn, including gay child porn of an adult male raping a male child.  Remember that the next time you are lectured about the “modesty” of Muslims.  They make women cover their hair and necks and, yet, they watch all kinds of stuff online that would make even the ghost of Bob Guccione blush. There’s a reason online porn consumption is greatest in the Islamic world. Well, actually two reasons (and the second one is quality control).

By the way, Agent Pennisi and the feds obscured Ali Saad’s Dearborn address.  I’m not sure why, as it is a matter for public record. And for the record, Saad resides at 5430 Neckel Street, Dearborn, Michigan, 48126–in the heart of the Hezbollah Shi’ite Muslim Caliphate beachhead on American soil.  There are many people who live on that street, who don’t even know how to speak English.  But they know how to pray to allah five times a day (and access online porn 500 times a day).

This should be a major national news story, but isn’t. Why? Does it have anything to do with the political correctness of the Islamo-pandering mainstream media. Nah, they’d never do that, right?

allahu FUBAR.

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29 Responses

Correct as ALWAYS! no need to reply.

Muslime=child porn, rape, pedophilia, murder, terrorism.

wolf2012 on February 9, 2011 at 2:50 pm

Wow Deb, you have a bigger pair than this guy does! I give you credit and pray for your safety.

KayserSozay on February 9, 2011 at 3:13 pm

LMAO! Allahu FUBAR? That’s a new one to me Debbie, and hopefully soon to be a classic. I just wish I’d thought of it. Actually that should also apply to the underwear bomber and the Times Square SUV bomber!

Thanks for covering what the MSM won’t!

Sean on February 9, 2011 at 3:38 pm

Debbie Schlussel: Don’t care about 99% of school shooters. When one is a Muslim/brown/foreign, raise a shit-storm! Is there any evidence he was very religious, or planned to do this in the name of his religion? When a Catholic/Protestant/Hindu/Buddhist does something immodest, remind them of their respective faiths modesty. Debbie, you are FAIL!

Ronnie B on February 9, 2011 at 4:04 pm

    I’m certain there was a connection, because there always is one.

    Occam's Tool on February 9, 2011 at 4:17 pm

    Let us know when you finish middle school. Also, I do not see Buddhists, Jews, Hindus, or Zoroastrians threatening the United States on a regular basis. Do we really need to go over the Ft. Hood Shooter, Diaper Bomber, Times Square Bomber, etc? This was not an attempt at a robbery or one on one murder, but a planned massacre. Your taqqiya is quite pathetic my friend. Finally, stop slandering racial groups who are not Muslims by associating them with your co-religionists. Hindus and Buddhists are not blue-eyed blondes and suffer from Islamists as well, whether in India or Thailand. Islam is an equal opportunity oppressor.

    Worry01 on February 9, 2011 at 7:11 pm

Debbie, I give you a 99%, because his name wasn’t “Mohammed”.

Dr Dale on February 9, 2011 at 4:25 pm

What do you mean by “quality control”? Rehearsal for child brides?

Broomer on February 9, 2011 at 4:27 pm

It sounds like he has many problems, but Islamism isn’t one of them. No evidence he was doing this for religious reasons. More like he was a sicko like the Columbine and Va Tech shooters were. Why try to make a case that it was the fault of Islam? In some cases it is; this is not one of them.

Petunia on February 9, 2011 at 5:36 pm

    And how do you know Petunia? Were you dating the dude?

    Worry01 on February 9, 2011 at 7:12 pm

A model Muslim!

No doubt he did all those things to put himself in an appropriate frame of mind to commit mass murder. That’s why they like seeking out strippers and consuming porn to shed their inhibitions. If you’re already impious, murder doesn’t look such a grave sin.

Religion Of Peace, baby!

NormanF on February 9, 2011 at 7:14 pm

Again when a muslims planned attack fails or he survives his planned massacre they roll out the “mental illness” card. When will people realize that islam is a mental illness to begin with, not just after you cut your wife’s head off.

ender on February 9, 2011 at 8:46 pm

    I thought they always cried “Islamophobia” and played the race card, but those could be considered mental illnesses.

    Rocky Lore on February 10, 2011 at 10:58 am

Stupid-assed multi-culti government pukes are going to get us killed!

P. Aaron on February 9, 2011 at 9:49 pm

Time for Concealed Carry on campus.
There’s nothing like being able to shoot back to stop these creeps.
See Michigan House Bills 4009 & 4010 and Michigan Senate Bills 0057 & 0058

Shootist on February 10, 2011 at 8:22 am

Petunia – you need to come up for air, where have you been for 10 years?

CJ on February 10, 2011 at 9:57 am


“Saad said he was not was not serious about carrying out an attack. He said he wrote about the plans in such detail to make it appear more credible to people on the Website, the affidavit said.”

Yeah right – just like the one in AZ didnt mean to run over his daughter….

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) offers a clearer picture here:

“Islamists arrive in the United States despising the country and all it represents, intending to make converts, exploit the freedoms and rights granted them, and build a movement that will effect basic changes in the country’s way of life and its government. The superpower status of the United States makes it especially attractive to those who wish to change the world order; what better place to start? Islamists do not accept the United States as it is but want to change it into a majority Muslim country where the Qur’an replaces the Constitution. They have two alternate strategies, non-violent (i.e., conversion of the Christian majority) and violent (i.e., jihad), to accomplish this.”


jdiz on February 10, 2011 at 1:30 pm

Debbie your fucking retarded if you think this kid is religious. You blame religion on a kids stupidity? Cant anyone be stupid? If a Jewish kid did this would you call him a terrorist? Or is it just because you want Islam to look bad? This kid isnt religious hes just a normal kid like all the other kids in America. Your fucking stupid Debbie. GET AT ME!!! Reply to my emails you never tend to do so. And you only pull this off on Muslims because of your brother who died on 9/11.

JOE on February 10, 2011 at 1:47 pm

    You’re the fucking retard. Keep making excuses for that “religion of peace” that advocates stoning rape victims, flying planes into buildings, and rioting over cartoons.

    Rocky Lore on February 10, 2011 at 2:49 pm

    Joe: Either you are a Muslim, or you are just plain IGNORANT OF THE TRUTH!

    READ history; read the truth about Fort Hood, etc….you are wrong! Debbie has proven a courageous journalist – far more capable than those we hear on the MSM and read in any major newspaper, blog or otherwise.

    If you’re not a Muslim, then I suggest you educate yourself – or you will suffer greatly! if you are a Muslim, then may I suggest you get the hell out of this country and go live in Iran or elsewhere where you can learn what living under Sharia Law really means…read Robert Spencer’s books as a start on your education…lack of educating ourselves to the TRUTH is the greatest danger we face in this country!

    LitlBits on February 10, 2011 at 3:06 pm

      If you educated yourself you would see that no religion is wrong and also that you are a complete idiot and Debbie isnt smart shes just a whore.

      JOE on February 10, 2011 at 10:50 pm

    you’re …you’re… not “your” dumbass

    Randal P on February 10, 2011 at 5:26 pm

Hey Debbie,

Just because he is muslim, does not mean he had any religious motivation and this does not represent muslims. Do you know how many Muslims there are in the world? There has to be at least a few billion in the world today. Sure, there are some extremists but doesn’t every religion have its share of extremists. I am sure there are christians, jews, etc that commit crimes worse than this, watch child pornography, etc. Why dont you bring there religion down? I wish you well.


Alex on February 10, 2011 at 9:44 pm


JOE on February 10, 2011 at 11:06 pm

Hi Debbie,
I know this kid and he isn’t a bad kid. I know this post was posted a while ago but I wanted to wait to tell you all the full story. All he wanted to do was to see how far this would go and yes it was a mistake but that’s alright because everything in the end will be alright. That’s all there is to it. So don’t go putting your nose in other people’s business cause you have no idea with what your talking about. Oh and by the way, you put the wrong address you retard.

Maya on March 23, 2011 at 10:34 pm

This article is absolutely bias. Yes, the individual that planned on shooting up a lecture hall and possessing child porn is wrong. There is no question about that. He is a sick person, but let me point out he is an INDIVIDUAL. Why are you linking him to Islam? He is obviously acting outside not only the context of Islam, but also the context of morality in every culture/religion (I hope, at least). Can the author of this article be that STUPID and IGNORANT? Most people would realize that if someone does something “wrong” that it is not always a reflection of the group that individual belongs to. And no, I’m not Muslim, but I have sense enough to know that Islam does not condone this behavior. Geez, I could give examples in every single religion/culture where some sick person has done something similar. What about all of the priests that have been linked with child molestation? Is that a reflection of how perverted Christianity is? The answer is obviously, no.

Either this Debbie Schlussel chick has a major chip on her shoulder, or she is just plain ignorant/stupid. I’m betting on both.

madeline on April 12, 2011 at 1:50 pm

I would Do deb so freakin hard. Mmmm What I would eat out of her ass

Ontwon Reviarra on December 4, 2011 at 10:25 pm

For 1 u dumb bitch he doesn’t live at 5430 neckel so u need to get ur shit str8 I live at 5430 and 2 u dumb skank u need to STFU that’s all I got to say!

.. on March 17, 2013 at 2:16 am

Wrong fucken address retard thats my address and hes my neighbor before u fucken publish shit u fucken get ur facts right, what makes it right for u to call us what ur callin us and i dont have the right to call you a red neck or a honky take my fucken address off or im making a police report

Mohamad on March 18, 2013 at 2:54 pm

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