February 6, 2011, - 2:15 pm

Barack Obama’s & Bill O’Reilly’s Mutual Super Bowl Orgy

By Debbie Schlussel

Today, during all the Super Bowl coverage on FOX, Bill O’Reilly is set to engage in a mutual love-fest with President Barack Obama.  Don’t expect it to be anything other than that.  Softball . . . the favorite sport of non-lipstick lesbians and Bill O’Reilly.  It figures to be much like when Bill O’Reilly whined endlessly that he wasn’t on Oprah’s daytime talk show (but liberal Frank Rich was), and then, when Oprah relented and had him on, O’Reilly cowered and pandered to HRHSBotU [Her Royal Highness Supreme Being of the Universe] Oprah, telling her she is a “traditionalist,” not a progressive.  Huh?  If she ain’t a progressive, what is?  He, of course, did this so Oprah would have him on again to promote himself, just like he pandered and apologized to “The View” hags for the “crime” of saying Muslims committed 9/11.  The guy has no guts and even less cojones.  Reader and retired U.S. Army Col. Harry Riley says it best:

Bill (I love myself) O’Reilly and Barack (I love myself more) Obama will meet for an advertised “interview” during pre-Super Bowl festivities for a single purpose …to build both “blow-hards” egos.

Does anyone think Bill and Barack swapping spit will be of any benefit to anyone other than themselves? This is a staged, fabricated, media smoke-screen to allow O’Reilly to recover some of his lost viewers (because of Beck) and Obama to demonstrate his loyalty to the vast Super Bowl audience….Obama seems to be on a mission of convincing America he really is ……………..???

I hope America will turn them off…….my TV will be on another channel during the O’Reilly/Obama snow-job……God knows we have enough snow in America without suffering through the O and O wind.

Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret.

Amen. Gives good meaning to the phrase, “Give ‘Em Hell, Harry.”

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20 Responses

At least President Obama is going on Fox. When is Palin going to go on a network other than Fox?

Norman Blitzer on February 6, 2011 at 2:19 pm

    Boring Blitzer borezzzzzzzzzz again. He ain’t on a side because he believes them to be “right”…he’s a kool-aid guzzler.

    I am so glad you posted this. There is NO ONE I love to rip apart more than Bill O’Reilly. I remember back in 2000 when peeps though he was arrogant…I did NOT at the time as he seemed more than fair then. Then 9/11 happened and I loved watching his show. I even bought his books (even though after the third one I realized he was writing the same book over and over again…I liked his traditionalist message so it did not bother me so much at the time).

    THEN comes 2004 and the loofah/fallafel incident. WHAT. A. HYPOCRITE. Sorry BOR, I will NEVER forget you did that…and your nasty harassment schtick lives on on the smoking gun, loofah-boy.

    Then come Cap’n Zero and BOR feigns “fairness” and lets that Marxist POS get away with everything. Go suck it, BOR.

    I’ll watch a cement wall while eating dry toast before I watch those two tool tete-a-tete.

    BOR is a Fraud and he is on Fraud News. He is an uber-arrogant SOB and treats women contemptably. He used to have Michael Savage on, but has him now black-balled because MS had the guts to call him on the carpet. Truth hurts, Leprechaun!

    BOR, you are NOT fooling any of your past viewers because your show has become such a joke. It used to be hardcore news and now you pander due to white-guilt and fill your show with dopey filler.

    Skunky on February 6, 2011 at 5:17 pm

That’s the Fox Broadcast Channel, not the news channel. As for the state-run media, the only journalist I’d sit down and talk to is Jake Tapper. The rest of them are biased hacks. Too bad Tim Russert is no longer with us.

My TV will be tuned to the Puppy Bowl during this waste of TV time.

As for Obama and O’Reilly, I wouldn’t urinate on either of them if they were on fire.

The Underground Conservative on February 6, 2011 at 2:32 pm

Watching any interview, regardless of who conducts it, is a waste of time. IF Barry is asked a question of any consequence that he doesn’t want to answer, he will either dodge it or outright lie. Hook him to a polygraph, force him to answer, and the I’ll tune in.

peter on February 6, 2011 at 2:49 pm

“Softball . . . the favorite sport of non-lipstick lesbians”..LOL What a riot!

All laughs aside. I never did care for B.O. (hey, the two share the same initials)…well, the 100% white one. He’s always with the statements “let’s be fair”, “Give the guy a break”, “we can’t know for sure”, “we shouldn’t rush to judgememnt”, when he’d be discussing the destructive policies of the other B.O. (the 50% white one). In short, Bill O’Reilly has a chameleon like form conservatism. Untrustworthy.

Globe Warmer on February 6, 2011 at 2:56 pm

Hey Blitzer, you are one dumbass internet ass-pirate, the network that Obama went on to talk to O’Reilly was “Fox Broadcasting Channel”, it wasn’t “Fox News Channel”, both networks are a little different stupid. As for the discussion between these two phonies, I didn’t watch it, hell I watched womens college basketball on ESPN networks (yes I watch womens basketball, so I’m NOT a narrow-minded knuckle-dragger) and from there, I’ll watch my Steelers hopefully beat the Packers in the Super Bowl (the game can go either way, so it won’t be easy for either side, if the Packers win, I won’t be surprised at all).

“A nation is identified by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on February 6, 2011 at 4:02 pm

    YOU IDIOT, SEAN R!!! I just typed Fox,I couldn’t care less about the difference because I didn’t think some idiot would point out the difference. I didn’t think I had to type anything more but you are so stupid I guess I’ll have to next time. And BTW Sean, you moron, Rupert Murdoch owns both channels.

    Norman Blitzer on February 6, 2011 at 8:20 pm

I did tune in. Some of you may know that I suggested 10 good questions on RedState, and then wrote 10 time-waaters that O’Reilly would actually ask.

it was a horrible interview. When you’re getting an answer like “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it” (we’ve heard that lie for two years!), you know something’s off course.

Bill O’Reilly then asked even more softballs, like how does he like his job, and how does he handle his critics. Obama answered that he has a tough job. Oh, poor you!

Yeah, maybe I should have watched paint dry. Oh well.

Barry Popik on February 6, 2011 at 8:10 pm

[the network that Obama went on to talk to O’Reilly was “Fox Broadcasting Channel”, it wasn’t “Fox News Channel”, both networks are a little different stupid
Sean R. on February 6, 2011 at 4:02 pm]

HEY STUPID SEAN R.!!! ‘Fox’ by itself refers to the broadcasting channel not the news channel so I was right. Get a brain you moron.

Norman Blitzer on February 6, 2011 at 9:12 pm

The Green Bay Packers Are Good For America

Every Red Blooded American should jump in line to support the Green Bay Packers! The Packers defeated the Chicago Bears on Sunday afternoon thus earning them the opportunity to go to the Super Bowl. By doing so, they saved the Hard-Working, Red Blooded, Taxpaying Americans literally several million dollars of tax money. How you say? Simple, we were told that if the Chicago Bears had won that President Obama (and probably his family) would be attending the Super Bowl to cheer on his hometown team. Since the Bears lost, the President won’t be attending. The money saved from not using Air Force 1, the limousines, all the additional security, and let’s not forget Michelle Obama’s entourage, is literally several million dollars! Therefore every American should cheer on the Green Bay Packers at the Super Bowl to show them our gratitude.

Let’s circulate this email to everyone we know so they can understand why they should cheer for America’s team…the Green Bay Packers!

Just Me on February 6, 2011 at 10:24 pm

Blitzer the assclown, your right about Murdoch owning both Fox organizations, but lookit here stupid Blitzer, there is a “difference” between the two networks. One reports the news all day long, while the other one is mainly for “entertainment”, etc. So your the moron here Blitzer and my brain functions and works very well, unlike yours.

BTW, as a Steelers fan, I tip my cap off to the Green Bay Packers, I wasn’t surprised that the Packers won, they were the better team. Now I’ll worry about the NY Rangers, Kansas State Wildcats mens and womens basketball teams.

“A nation is identified by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on February 6, 2011 at 10:32 pm

    [So your the moron here Blitzer and my brain functions and works very well, unlike yours.Sean R. on February 6, 2011 at 10:32 pm]

    HEY STUPID SEAN R, read what I wrote not what you think I wrote.
    Like Debbie says, “RIF- Reading Is Fundemental”

    “At least President Obama is going on Fox.”

    You get it? I was right and you were wrong! So you definitely need to get a brain Sean R.

    Norman Blitzer on February 6, 2011 at 10:43 pm

Blitzer, as I said, there is a “DIFFERENCE” between the two networks stupid, you need to get a brain. Yes Debbie said “Obama is going on Fox”, but it was “Fox broadcasting”, NOT Fox News Channel! Fox broadcasting is mainly for entertainment, while Fox News Channel is 100% “news”. And BTW, Fox News Channel or Fox broadcasting is NOT conservative if you actually believe that lie. And I don’t watch Fox News Channel either bro.

“A nation is identified by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on February 6, 2011 at 11:03 pm

[Sean R. on February 6, 2011 at 11:03 pm]

Sean R. you are super stupid. You don’t even know what you’re talking about and you sure haven’t properly read my posts.

[Yes Debbie said “Obama is going on Fox”, but it was “Fox broadcasting”, ]

Debbie didn’t say it, I said it, you illiterate dumbass. Your point about there being a difference between Fox broadcasting and Fox News is moot since I didn’t make that mistake in the first place.

Sean R., go get a brain you stupid jackass!

Norman Blitzer on February 7, 2011 at 12:00 am

Blitzer, I acknowledge that I made a little error in my last post to you stupid, yes you said “Obama is going on Fox”, atleast I admit that I made an error, you know why, because I am a regular human being. What the hell are you, some robot? And yes there is a difference between Fox broadcasting and Fox News Channel, Fox News Channel is a “POLITCAL” news outlet, while Fox broadcasting is an “ENTERTAINMENT” network (about 90% of the time, they have 60 minute local news for different markets in this country).

Blitzer, there are numerous Fox networks, there’s Fox News Channel (politics & news), Fox broadcasting (entertainment), Fox Movie Channel (films), Fox Sports Net & Fox College Sports (sports). As for Rupert Murdoch, the man is a apart of the Bilderberg group, and the Bilderberg’s is NOT a conservative & NOT a liberal group. The Bilderberg’s is a gloablist, new-world-order group with people who NO loyalty to any country in this world. And I hope you heard of the Bilderberg group assclown?

“A nation is identified by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on February 7, 2011 at 12:13 am

LOL Blitzzzzzzzzzer. You argue like you ingest ideology…retardedly.

Wow, high-dudgeon over such a minutia…meanwhile, in almost every hit-and-run post you soporifically post, you can never defend your kool-aid-acid-test ideology.

Sean has made more sense in posting here than you ever wish you could make. Go kiss you MaObama “change” poster. It’s hungering for your robotic and chapped lips, reee-tahd!

Skunky on February 7, 2011 at 11:05 am

Skunky, thanks bro, arguing with this moron Norman Blitzer is like your debating a mule. And I’m calling out Blitzer to know if he knows who the “Bilderberg group” are, and I bet that he’s never heard of them so that’s why this Blitzer the jackass didn’t post afterward. If I was a violent person and I saw Blitzer on the road, I would knock him real hard in the face. But then again, I DON’T advocate or provoke violence, because I am NOT a violent person, I’m more of a peaceful person who minds his business all the time. And Blitzer is the reason why we have Obama right now!

“A nation is identified by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on February 7, 2011 at 11:20 am

The Blitz comes onto this site for one thing only. Too disagree with EVERYTHING and everyone. In the three years that I’ve been reading this site, there has only been 1 time that he actually agreed with Debbie and it was for something innocuous like a movie review. If Debbie wrote an article explaining why the sky was blue, he’d disagree with that as well.

Even when the truth is blatant, such as Obama giving nuclear secrects to Russia via wikileaks-his response was “that’s all lies” with no substance to back up his statement.

Someone who willfully and deliberately denies the truth suffers from a mental psychosis. Sociopaths exhibit this same type of behavior.

wolf2012 on February 7, 2011 at 12:42 pm


The Pillars of Good Journalism: Thoroughness, Accuracy, Fairness and Transparency

Sadly, FOX News led by the pompous, self-righteous and arrogant Bill O’Reilly have failed and actually betrayed the American people when it comes to upholding these pillars of Good Journalism. This is especially true as it relates to the USURPATION of the presidency of the United States and the sham court-martial, conviction and imprisonment of U.S. Army LTC Terrence Lakin.

“FOX News: Fair and balanced”



ON FEB. 6, 2011


1. Mr. Obama, all American presidents have had their birthplaces established and commemorated. Mr. Obama, why is there no effort to commemorate your place of birth? After all, isn’t reasonable to expect your supporters would want to make a public event and establish your place of birth? This would serve an obvious historical purpose but more importantly would help put to rest many of the questions from millions of Americans who sincerely doubt your birth narrative.

2. Did you write a letter to Kapi’olani Hospital just four days after the presidential inauguration stating that Kapi’olani was the place of your birth? I ask because numerous phone, email, and in-person verification requests have been made and the hospital refuses to verify the authenticity of the letter.

3. Why Mr. Obama, for more than 2 years, have you employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate long form birth certificate, college records, medical records and numerous other bona fides? And as a follow-up, why are you using American taxpayer’s money to do so? Do you think that this fair, especially in light of the public’s continued outcry against big government, irresponsible spending, and excessive waste? Will you reimburse the American citizens?

4. Mr. Obama you have represented that you taught Constitutional law for twelve years before you entered politics. One must assume that you have a pretty fair understanding of the basic concepts set down by the Founding Fathers. And I think it fair to assume that you must know what the constitutional requirements for president are. Mr. Obama would you please tell me the definition of “natural born citizen” as intended by the Founding Fathers in Article 2, Section 1, as defined by Emmerich de Vattel in “The Law of Nations”? Also could you distinguish “native born citizen” from ”natural born citizen” and please tell me what is meant by “naturalized citizen”? Which are you and where is your proof for the American people?

5. Mr. Obama, you have stated that you are the son of a Kenyan “goat-herd” named Barrack Hussein Obama. Was your father ever an American citizen?

6. Do we have proof that the various Certifications of Live Birth, i.e., the COLBs that were placed on the internet by your surrogates in the summer of 2008 were in fact issued by the State of Hawaii? Isn’t the COLB as Lou Dobbs stated, just a piece of paper that refers to another piece of paper? Is it possible to get a COLB and not been born in Hawaii? For example, it is common knowledge that Sun Yat-sen, the famous Chinese revolutionary who was actually born in China had a COLB issued by the state of Hawaii. Mr. Obama will you concede that the various versions of the COLB which have only been shown as digital images and proven to be fraudulent are NOT your long form birth certificate and thus lack most of the ESSENTIAL and VITAL information necessary to determine your eligibility to run for the office of president of the United States? And, why sir have you continued to keep silent for more than two years hiding behind this digital image with scant information and fraudulent origins; a document so bogus and obviously ill-conceived that it has your father’s race listed as African?

7. Your friend, Neil Abercrombie, now governor of Hawaii, has created such a stir lately claiming that he was determined to provide positive proof to the American people that you were in fact born in Hawaii. He has since backtracked claiming that he was legally prohibited from doing so. Mr. Obama, if Mr. Abercrombie called you today, would you authorize the release of your BC or whatever birth records are claimed to be on file in Hawaii? By the same token, why don’t you just produce the birth certificate that you reference on page 26 of your life narrative, “Dreams of My Father.” In fact, you wrote: “I discovered this article, folded away among my birth certificate and old vaccination forms, when I was in high school.” Sir, this would have been in the mid 70’s, so your certificate certainly would not have been computer generated. Mr. Obama why not produce it and put the issue to rest? You claimed that you would be the most transparent administration and it has been quite frankly just the opposite. Mr. Obama, how can the American people trust you if they don’t know who you are?

8. Mr. Obama, you lived in Indonesia when you were a young boy. You were adopted by your stepfather Lolo Soetoro correct? Isn’t it true that you became an Indonesian citizen? As such, how and when did you reacquire American citizenship? Were you naturalized? If so, where and under what circumstances?

9. And isn’t it true Mr. Obama that your name was legally changed to Soetoro, i.e., you were known as Barry Soetoro when you were a young boy and even when you returned to the United States and went off to college? If that is true, then when did you have your name legally changed back to Barack Obama? Also, why did your father spell his first name with two “r’s” and you only one? As a follow-up, it is my understanding that your name change would have required the state of Hawaii to issue a revised birth certificate listing Soetoro as your last name. Isn’t that correct? So Mr. Obama, what is your legal last name as we sit here right now and can you offer the American people proof as such?

10. On your Illinois state bar application you indicated that you had never been know by any other names other than Barack Obama. That was not a true statement was it? Also, isn’t it true that you are no longer a licensed attorney in any jurisdiction of the United States? Why is that? Why on earth would you give up your license to practice law?

11. Mr. Obama, recently it was discovered that your Selective Service card may have been doctored. Federal law requires all American males to register for the Selective Service (the draft) in case a major war broke out. Blogger, Debbie Schlussel, has discovered solid evidence that your Selective Service registration form was submitted not when you were younger as required, but rather in 2008 and then altered to look older. Indeed, the forgers forgot to alter the “Document Location Number” which shows that it is clearly a 2008 form. This is fraud and it’s a felony and these allegations are backed up by Stephen Coffman, a former high-ranking Federal agent. Moreover, the document shows a September 4, 1980 date and the location of the transaction as Hawaii, but at that time you, Mr. Obama, were thousands of miles away attending Occidental College in Los Angeles. Is the real reason why you did not submit this form as a teenager is that you assumed that your, Kenyan, British, or Indonesian citizenship exempted you from this requirement? Also, isn’t it true that as you grew older and entered politics, you saw that any documents which reflected a foreign birth or foreign citizenship – e.g., Selective Service registration, birth certificate, school applications, passport records, etc., would be problematic if you ran for political office, especially a run at the highest office in the land, the U.S. presidency?

12. Mr. Obama it appears that you have multiple identities in terms of possessing numerous social security numbers. Orly Taitz, an attorney who has filed numerous suits against you challenging your eligibility to serve as president, appears to be the first to discover this. In her suit, representing a number of military officers who are refusing to serve under an ineligible commander in chief, she hired private investigators to conduct research on your prior addresses and Social Security numbers. The investigations revealed that there were at least 25 Social security numbers connected with your name. In your home state of Illinois, the investigation revealed 16 different addresses for a Barack Obama or a Barack H. Obama, of which all are addresses he was known to have lived at. Two Social Security numbers appear for these addresses, one beginning with 042 and one starting with 364.

In California, where you attended Occidental College, there are six addresses listed for you, all within easy driving distance of the college. There are no addresses listed in New York where you purport to have attended Columbia University, but there is one listed for you in nearby Jackson, New Jersey, with a Social Security number beginning with 485. All told, there are 49 addresses and 16 different Social Security numbers listed for a person whose name is spelled “Barack Obama.” In some cases the middle initial “H” is listed. If you were to expand the search to include closely related names and spellings you will find more than a dozen additional addresses and Social Security numbers. Finally, the one Social Security number most frequently used by you, the one beginning with 042, is a number issued in Connecticut sometime during 1976-1977, yet there is no record of you having lived or worked in Connecticut. Indeed, during this time period you would have been 15-16 years old and living in Hawaii at the time. There is even more evidence of you and your wife having associations with other states as it relates to possible identity fraud.

Mr. Obama, what is going on here? According to investigators, those who create additional Social security numbers are typically engaged in criminal activities such as Social security fraud, welfare fraud, tax fraud, real estate fraud, campaign contributions fraud, voter fraud and so on. I should also note that your grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, was a volunteer at the Oahu Circuit Court probate department and had access to the Social Security numbers of deceased people. Why would YOU obtain so many Social security numbers? Even your wife, Michelle has more than one Social Security number? Mr. Obama an explanation is in order. This is serious and the American people deserve an explanation.

13. Looking for evidence of your past, FOX News contacted 400 Columbia University students from the period 1981 to 1983 when you claim to have been a student there. The problem is Mr. Obama, none remember you. For example, Wayne Allyn Root was, like you, a political science major at Columbia who also graduated in 1983. In 2008, Root said of you, “I don’t know a single person at Columbia who knew him [Obama], and they all know me. I don’t have a classmate who ever knew Barack Obama at Columbia. Ever! Nobody recalls him. I’m not exaggerating, I’m not kidding.” Root also adds that he was also, like you sir, “Class of ’83 political science, pre-law” and further says, “You don’t get more exact or closer than that. And I never met him in my life and don’t know anyone who ever did. At the class reunion, our 20th reunion five years ago, who was asked to be speaker of the class? Me. No one ever heard of Barack or Barry Obama! And five years ago nobody even knew who he was.” Mr. Obama, your photograph does not appear in any of the yearbooks. In short, no one at Columbia remembers you. Mr. Obama, did you attend Columbia University during this time and did you graduate in 1983? At a minimum could you produce your diploma for the American people to see? Isn’t that a reasonable request?

14. From 1979 to 1981 you attended Occidental College in Los Angeles, Columbia University supposedly from 1981 to 1983, and then Harvard University from 1988 to 1991. Where did you obtain the funding to attend these prestigious and expensive schools? Did you get loans? Did you in fact purport to be a foreign student at anytime while in college and thereby receive foreign aid? Is that the real reason why we are not allowed see your school records and financial aid applications?

15. Why did you state in 2007 on Preliminary Presidential Preference Primary Nomination forms that you were a natural born citizen while a year later after you were nominated by the DNC, Nancy Pelosi signed the subsequent Nomination Form but removed any and all language as to your constitutional qualifications in the forms that went to 49 of the 50 states? Mr. Obama, it appears that the DNC perpetuated a massive fraud on the American electorate and you sir signed off on these forms. What say you, Mr. Obama?

16. Do you feel that LTC Terrance Lakin, now in prison in Leavenworth, Kansas because he wanted proof from you, Mr. Obama, that you were in fact a lawful and legitimate commander-in chief, was given a fair trial? After all Lakin was not allowed to present any evidence or witnesses on his own behalf? And on a personal note: Mr. Obama, what legitimate commander-in chief of the armed forces would simply ignore an officer’s respectful and thoughtful letter to him and allow him instead, to be court martialed, dishonorably discharged, stripped of all his benefits including pension and health care and incarcerated just because that CIC refused to allow him to see his bona fides? Because Mr. Obama that is precisely what you did to LTC Lakin, a man who had served with honor for 18 years in the U.S. Army both as a soldier and a medical doctor. Mr. Obama, doesn’t everyone in the military deserve to know that you are not an imposter?

17. Legislation in Arizona to require presidential candidates to prove their eligibility to run for POTUS has just been introduced. It looks like it will pass sometime this spring. Other states are expected to follow suit and more than a 100 electoral votes will be in play in these states. Mr. Obama, how can you run for re-election if you are not allowed to be on the ballot in one or more of these states? Also, given the fact that you refuse to produce your long form birth certificate AND given the latest news that the State of Hawaii says – after two years of obfuscation and lies – that they DO NOT have your birth certificate, this begs the question sir: What proof, i.e., what documentation did you provide the DNC in 2008 to establish your constitutional eligibility to run for POTUS? Why can we not see this documentation now?


Mr. Obama, my final question, though rather lengthy, covers a lot of ground and I believe inquiring minds would very much like a clarification and a chance to set the record straight. Mr. Obama, you are a lawyer or you were at one time. No doubt you are familiar with the various tools for obtaining discovery. For example, I am sure that you understand what RFA’s or Request for Admissions are. Correct? For our viewers let me explain that request for admissions (sometimes also called a request to admit) are a set of statements sent from one litigant to an adversary, for the purpose of having the adversary admit or deny the statements or allegations therein. Requests for admissions are part of the discovery process in a civil case. In September 2008, you failed to respond or even object for that matter to a series of 56 RFAs which were served upon you by attorney, Phil Berg, as part of his Federal lawsuit challenging your constitutional eligibility to be POTUS. Mr. Obama, you completely ignored them. No response was filed by you by way of a either a response or an objection! Why on earth would you allow that to happen? You do understand Mr. Obama that when you failed to timely respond to Mr. Berg, the allegations are deemed admitted by law, and one cannot be permitted at time of trial to introduce evidence that would controvert the deemed admission. In effect, Mr. Obama, under the Federal Rules of Procedure, you are on record as having ADMITTED to the statements which I have on this sheet of paper. I will hand you the list and I willthen read out loud the first 10 for our viewers to give the flavor as to the type of questions that were asked. All 56 are being posted simultaneously on the screen for our TV viewers. Mr. Obama what say you? Why would you not object or respond to these? Did you know the case was going to be thrown out? Perhaps we could take the time right now and give you the opportunity to respond. You have the opportunity right now Mr. Obama to state on the record, before millions of Americans and millions more around the world, your answer to each and every one of these allegations. We can do it relatively quickly Mr. Obama, as they are basically the equivalent of true or false questions. Wouldn’t you agree that this would be most beneficial and serve to alleviate some of the doubts about your background? After all the American people cannot trust their leaders if they don’t have the basic knowledge as to who they are. Shall we begin?

[You are to ADMIT or DENY]

1. I was born in Kenya.

2. I am a Kenya “natural born” citizen.

3. My foreign birth was registered in the State of Hawaii.

4. My father, Barrack Hussein Obama, Sr. admitted Paternity of me.

5. My mother gave birth to me in Mombosa, Kenya.

6. My mother’s maiden name is Stanley Ann Dunham a/k/a Ann Dunham.

7. The COLB [Certification of Live Birth] posted on the website “Fightthesmears.com” is a forgery.

8. I was adopted by a Foreign Citizen.

9. I was adopted by Lolo Soetoro, M.A. a citizen of Indonesia.

10. I was not born in Hawaii.

11. I was not born at the Queens Medical Center in Hawaii.

12. I was not born at Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women and Children in Hawaii.

13. I was not born in a Hospital in Hawaii.

14. I am a citizen of Indonesia.

15. I never took the “Oath of Allegiance” to regain my U.S. Citizenship status.

16. I am not a “natural born” United States citizen.

17. My date of birth is August 4, 1961.

18. I traveled to Pakistan in 1981 with my Pakistan friends.

19. In 1981, I went to Indonesia on my way to Pakistan.

20. Pakistan was a no travel zone in 1981 for American Citizens.

21. In 1981, Pakistan was not allowing American Citizens to enter their country.

22. I traveled on my Indonesian Passport to Pakistan.

23. I renewed my Indonesian Passport on my way to Pakistan.

24. My senior campaign staff is aware I am not a “natural born” United States Citizen.

25. I am proud of my Kenya Heritage.

26. My relatives have requested changes to the portion of my birth certificate that identifies my first name.

27. My relatives have requested changes to the portion of my birth certificate that identifies my last name.

28. My relatives have requested changes to the portion of my birth certificate that identifies my place of birth.

29. I requested changes to the portion of my birth certificate that identifies my first name.

30. I requested changes to the portion of my birth certificate that identifies my last name.

31. I requested changes to the portion of my birth certificate that identifies my place of birth.

32. The document identified as my Indonesian School record from Fransiskus Assisi School in Jakarta, Indonesia is genuine.

33. I went to a Judge in Hawaii to have my name changed.

34. I went to a Senator and/or Congressman or other public official in Hawaii to have my name changed.

35. I had a passport issued to me from the Government of Indonesia.

36. The United States Constitution does not allow for a Person to hold the office of President of the United States unless that person is a “natural born” United States citizen.

37. I am ineligible pursuant to the United States Constitution to serve as President and/or Vice President of the United States.

38. I never renounced my citizenship as it relates to my citizenship to the country of Indonesia.

39. I never renounced my citizenship as it relates to my citizenship to the country of Kenya.

40. I am an Attorney who specializes in Constitutional Law.

41. Kenya was a part of the British Colonies at the time of my birth.

42. Kenya did not become its own Republic until 1963.

43. I am not a “Naturalized” United States Citizen.

44. I obtained $200 Million dollars in campaign funds by fraudulent means.

45. I cannot produce a “vault” (original) long version of a birth certificate showing my birth in Hawaii.

46. My “vault” (original) long version birth certificate shows my birth in Kenya.

47. The only times I was to a Hospital in Hawaii was for check-ups or medical treatments for illnesses.

48. Queens Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii does not have any record of my mother, Stanley Ann Dunham (Obama) giving birth to me.

49. Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women and Children in Honolulu, Hawaii does not have any record of my mother, Stanley Ann Dunham (Obama) giving birth to me.

50. I was born in the Coast Province Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya.

51. I represented on my State Bar application in Illinois that I never used any other name other than Barack Hussein Obama.

52. I went by the name Barry Soetoro in Indonesia.

53. My Indonesian school records are under the name of Barry Soetoro.

54. I took an Oath to uphold the United States Constitution when admitted to the State Bar of Illinois to practice Law.

55. I took an Oath to uphold the United States Constitution when I was Sworn into my United States Senate Office.

56. I hold dual citizenship with at least one other Country besides the United States of America.

Gary Wilmott on February 7, 2011 at 7:32 pm

You’re basically a stupid bigot who idolizes being a shrill harpy like Ann Coulter, but unfortunately no one pays attention to you.

Take some more headshots, you’re gonna have to rely on looks because you’ve got no brains.

Jesse on February 9, 2011 at 4:00 am

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