September 15, 2005, - 7:57 am

ABC’s “View” Hostess: Ex-FEMAn Mike Brown Worse Than Pedophile

Last week, she .
But, yesterday, Joy Behar, co-hostess of ABC’s annoying yenta-fest, “The View,” outdid even that absurdity. Behar, the unfunny “comedienne,” implied that Ex-FEMA Director Mike Brown was worse than a Nebraska pedophile, who had sex with a 12-year-old girl and got her pregnant at age 13 (recently marrying her).
Behar objected that fellow co-hostess Elisabeth Hasselbeck was upset over the pedophile, but not more so about Mike Brown and FEMA’s reaction to Hurricane Katrina relief. In yet another ludicrous outburst, Behar asked Hasselbeck, “Why aren’t you more adamant against this FEMA Director [than the pedophile]?” implying that Brown was worse than the pedophile.

Joyless Behar: FEMA’s Brown Worse Than Pedophile, Bush Like Klan

Hasselbeck replied that Brown was fired. But that wasn’t enough for Behar. She and host Baba Wawa (Barbra Walters) chastised Hasselbeck for not understanding that it’s not a big deal for 12-year-old girls to have sex with 20-year-olds, that the 12-year-old’s single mother can’t be expected to be responsible for her daughter “dating” a 20-year-old. Then, they admonished Hasselbeck for having two parents who stayed together and disciplined her into not having sex with adults when she was 12. Yeah, that’s the problem.
To sum up yesterday’s “The View” lessons: ex-FEMA director worse than pedophile; pedophilia not so bad; sex by 12-year-old girl not her approving mother’s fault; single mothers are blameless. And you wonder why housewives who watch this stuff are mindless . . . .
***UPDATE: On today’s “The View,” Behar said of President Bush, “This guy needs to take a permanent pee break.” Classy.

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12 Responses

Deb, why bring this no-talent loudmouth on your precious website? I don’t even know who she was until I saw her here. I live neear a lot of these actors and actresses you rag on and I don’t know who they are until I read your site.

KOAJaps on September 15, 2005 at 8:53 am

I think the real problem is that it’s just an absurd comparison to begin with. They’re both bad, but they don’t even belong in the same discussion with each other.

Clompo on September 15, 2005 at 9:40 am

Hey, KOJaps, if you don’t know who these birdbrain actresses are, then how do you know you live near them?
As far as the no-talent, speach-impaired Walters is concerned, she recently made a big flap about having to sit near a mother nursing her child while in first class on a flight. She did this on her show, “The Viewless”, and she also chastised Hasselbeck for nursing her child at home. She later had to backpedal after a lot of viewers complained about her remarks.
This, and Joyless Behar’s remarks, are just more examples of the intolerant Left and how their anti-family, pro-criminal agenda has destroyed this country. I didn’t catch the show, but I bet every pinhead in the audience applauded Joyless Behar’s absolutely asinine comments.

Thee_Bruno on September 15, 2005 at 10:26 am

My first reaction is, “Why concern ourselves with the prattlings of a ‘comedienne’ with all the talent and credibility of Al Franken?” Then the answer comes, “The View” has not been on as long as it has because nobody watches it. There are a number of people who watch that drivel religiously and take the pontifications of Ms. Behar et al seriously. God help us!

JRob on September 15, 2005 at 10:46 am

Joy BirdBrainHar needs to take a permanent “Shut Up” break.
I can understand goofs like BirdBrainHar and Baba Wawa, what I can’t comprehend is who watches that slop and likes it.

Jeff_W on September 15, 2005 at 2:39 pm

People need to remember that the core audience of The View are a bunch of old yentas and the unemployed. Nobody with a job watches that crap! You’re talking about fools preaching to fools here! These people don’t vote. They’re too lazy. They’re what I call the apathetically ambivolent. Joy Behar can come sniff the dried matzah ball batter off my ball sack! F-her!

Yiddish Steel on September 15, 2005 at 2:40 pm

Thee, I find out who they are afterwards. There’s this broad who is on General Hospital and I didn’t know she was on there. She’s a friggin neighbor. They are nice but that’s it.

KOAJaps on September 15, 2005 at 6:00 pm

You say that you know the identities of these birdbrain actresses/talk show hostesses (Joyless Behar, Blabra Walters, Starless Jones, et al) only after Debbie exposes them on this blog? Tell me, how do you find out where they live? Are they listed in the phone book, perhaps? LOL!

Thee_Bruno on September 15, 2005 at 6:18 pm

King, your neighbor isn’t Kelly Monaco is it? She is on General Horsepital I’ve heard.
I’m beginning to think the King is not a Japanese after all. With all the conspiracy theories, living in LA, knows actresses….Oliver Stone, is this really you?

The_Man on September 15, 2005 at 8:42 pm

Bwahahahaha the_Man. naw, i’m learning about this from a Conservative fellow by the name of Alex Jones
I love money and the power it brings. I’m your typical money-hungry liberal who loves the tax break but don’t want to see everything wiped out because some wealthy a-hole wants what little I have.

KOAJaps on September 16, 2005 at 12:37 am

You say that you know the identities of these birdbrain actresses/talk show hostesses (Joyless Behar, Blabra Walters, Starless Jones, et al) only after Debbie exposes them on this blog? Tell me, how do you find out where they live? Are they listed in the phone book, perhaps? LOL!
Posted by: Thee_Bruno at September 15, 2005 06:18 PM
Actually, i don’t know who these broads are. They’re not on Howard Stern.

KOAJaps on September 17, 2005 at 12:23 pm

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