February 2, 2011, - 2:49 pm

Muslim Modesty: Top UK Imam Raped Boy, Age 12

By Debbie Schlussel

It’s yet another example of “peacefulness” in the “Religion of Peace.” And as I always say when we hear of these many stories, remember this the next time Muslims lecture you on “Islamic modesty” .  .  . the same “Muslim modesty” that the hooker/stripper procuring 9/11 hijackers practiced, too. And this wasn’t just some “fringe” or irrelevant Muslim cleric. He was one of the top Muslim clerics in Britain, honored by British royalty and as the first full-time Muslim cleric in the British Prison Service. I’ll bet he took, um, “liberties” there, too. A leopard doesn’t change its spots. Nor does this member of the Islamic Man-Boy Love Association:


One of Britain’s most respected Muslim ministers was behind bars last night for raping a boy of 12 and abusing another.

Mohammed Hanif Khan – honoured by Princess Anne at Buckingham Palace for his work – preyed on the lads when they went to his mosque for religious lessons.

Imam Khan, 42, play-wrestled with one boy after prayers then raped him. He told his terrified victim: “You’re my bitch.” [DS: emphasis added.]

The boy told his father – and a 15-year-old cousin revealed he had been abused. Furious relatives attacked father-of-four Khan before he was arrested.

The twice-wed holy man [DS: this is “holy?”], whose mosque is the largest in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs, was the Prison Service’s first full-time Muslim minister. Khan was convicted at Nottingham Crown Court yesterday of rape and a sex act.

He was remanded in custody to await sentence.

“Religion of peace” . . . and “getting a piece.” And don’t think this imam is the only Muslim religious cleric preying on young boys. There are many more like him where he came from–as in, Islam.

I wonder how many prisoners this imam raped as he worked at HMP [Her Majesty’s Prison] Dovegate. And how many boys he raped as founder and chief of Hizb ur Rasool (HUR), an Islamic charity dealing with youths and promoting Islam.

More details on Imam Khan, convicted rapist, and his young victims, here.

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21 Responses

Looks like they’ve got another bad way of making rank in the cult. Sick.

samurai on February 2, 2011 at 3:02 pm

Hey, don’t look for the MSM in this country to report this story, because if you tell any of the morons in the left wing media that a story like this occured, they’ll look at you like if your out of your mind, and they’ll use demagogurey and tell you that your a hatemongeror, etc.

Debbie, this seperates you from the rest of the conservatives, forget about the liberals, we know who the lefties are. Debbie, your the type of conservative that I describe as a “Big C” conservative (though I agree with you on political issues, social issues, cultural issues & fiscal issues. But I only disagree with you when it comes to womens sports, that’s my only disagreement with you Debbie, but I still love you and respect you despite that one disagreement.), you go after the main issues such this story and other stories similar to this one. While the other conservatives I describe as “Little C” conservatives, they only do the boring, partisan talking points of “Republicans good, Democrats bad, conservatives good, liberals bad”!

“A nation is identified by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on February 2, 2011 at 3:22 pm

Well, I don’t think there was anything wrong with this cleric being honored by British royalty. Considering the behavior of the royals, they and the cleric are two of a kind.

Little Al on February 2, 2011 at 3:22 pm

ABC, CBS, and NBC will happily report child abuse by priests, and by a rabbi shown on Dateline. They will re-run each story many, many times.

I bet they will not even report about this child molesting Imam.

Jonathan Grant on February 2, 2011 at 3:28 pm

    Jon, what I find interesting is how evil Christians are depicted in American culture. That there is always something depraved about them and the Left battles hard to remove ANY mention of Christianity in American public life.

    You see Islam accorded exaggerated respect. We told they’re the most pious believers on the planet. Not only that but the Left wants the government to go out of its way to make them feel welcome in American public life. Barack Obama did say last week at his SOTU Muslims should be welcomed into the American family.

    Quite a contrast, huh? Tearing down American Christian faith and building up Islam. Don’t be shocked if American Mohammed Hanif Khans never make into the news here. After all, modest Muslims are the opposite of savages. Or so we’re all led to believe – unless you come to this site!

    NormanF on February 2, 2011 at 7:12 pm

“Furious relatives attacked father-of-four Khan before he was arrested.”


“Hey, don’t look for the MSM in this country to report this story, because if you tell any of the morons in the left wing media that a story like this occured, they’ll look at you like if your out of your mind, and they’ll use demagogurey and tell you that your a hatemongeror, etc.”

Either that or they’ll use moral equivalency and say Catholic Priests do the same thing.
So see,Islam is the same as Catholocism.

ebayer on February 2, 2011 at 3:29 pm

He looks like someone who would be in the Obama administration. Is that our new minister of ethics?
Debbie, I am waiting for your take on Obama encouraging the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
This is not a good thing for our friends in Israel.

Bill on February 2, 2011 at 4:08 pm

Is he, like so many UK Muslims, Pakistani? Maybe like next-door Afghanistan they too have the tradition of the “dancing boys”. Lots of young US male soldiers serving there tell of being propositioned by the locals.

Apropos, today I’m reading of the latest MPAC initiatives to get Muslims working in Hollywood, and to tell positive stories about Islam. I don’t know if this is da’wa or simply “whitewash”.


Raymond in DC on February 2, 2011 at 4:16 pm

There are psychopath rabbis, too but Islam takes the prize for deviant and anti-social behavior.

Can’t say I’m surprised. They’re so modest that they think nothing of sodomy.

Whatta religion!

NormanF on February 2, 2011 at 6:22 pm

Homosexuality is forbidden only between adults. There is nothing in the Koran that prohibits pederasty or the sexual abuse of male boys.

I mean a respected Islamic cleric should know that it would, right? There is nothing unIslamic about his conduct.

And nope – there is no prohibition on raping infidel girls and women either. Happens all the time in Europe!

This is the true moral standard of the Religion Of Peace. You can take the barbarians out of Barbaria but you can’t make the barbarian Muslim into a civilized European.

Not in our century as this conviction has revealed.

NormanF on February 2, 2011 at 6:51 pm

If he sodomizes a boy(s), I guess that would make him a sod-imam-ite!

CornCoLeo on February 2, 2011 at 8:05 pm

Miss Schlussel, Et Alii:

In 1972, I returned from Viet Nam and was stationed at Hunter-Liggett Military Reservation (now Fort Hunter-Liggett) with the Combat Developments Experimentation Command (which no longer exists).

My supervisor was Sergeant First Class Geisler, which might be a Jewish name, although I don’t know.

While I was in Viet Nam, I did visit Israel on a special thirty-day leave, so it’s possible Sergeant Geisler and I discussed Judaism and Israel.

Anyway, he told me something VERY strange.

He said the Muslims believed that the son of God could never be born of a woman, because women are inferior to men.

Therefore, each year, on some special holiday, they get together in some mosque (or somewhere) and indulge in sodomy with each other.

I had never heard of such a thing, and found it revolting and unbelievable.

But, Sergeant Geisler swore it was the actual truth, and one of Islam’s dirtiest little secrets.

I do know (because it’s been in the news) that Islamic males have a favorite saying, which is,

“For reproducing, use a woman, but for sex, use a young boy.”

Also, because it’s been in the news, we now know that due to a shortage of available females in rural Afghanistan, that sodomizing boys is very common.

Thank you.

John Robert Mallernee
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Gulfport, Mississippi 39507

John Robert Mallernee on February 2, 2011 at 8:21 pm

[ABC, CBS, and NBC will happily report child abuse by priests, and by a rabbi shown on Dateline. They will re-run each story many, many times.
I bet they will not even report about this child molesting Imam.
Jonathan Grant on February 2, 2011 at 3:28 pm]

Why would they? It happened in the UK.

Norman Blitzer on February 2, 2011 at 9:19 pm

Notice the word play, he is called a “Muslim minister” not an imam, but a minister. Just as the media calls the muslim criminals asian youths, they try to be subtle to not offend muslims and call him a minister.

ender on February 2, 2011 at 9:36 pm

The more I learn about muzzies the less likeable they become. Wonder if their victims will begin sueing on a broad scale ala the victims of Catholic priests.

GC on February 3, 2011 at 10:22 am

It is just a language mix up. Prey vs. pray — what’s the big deal?
/sarc off

SLOHomemaker on February 3, 2011 at 11:08 am

It is becoming more apparent that buggery is a norm in the Islamic world.
They seem to have an affinity or obsession with it.

BD on February 3, 2011 at 1:03 pm

The link “More details on Imam Khan, convicted rapist, and his young victims, here”
gave me this warning when I tried to visit it….

WARNING: ProxyAV has detected a virus/PUS in this

Don’t know if anyone else got this warning.

jdiz on February 3, 2011 at 1:15 pm

The usual, textbook DoubleSpeak BS from Muslims about their pathological depravity – that they claim doesn’t exist in their lands.

Phineas on February 3, 2011 at 1:16 pm

If you think that this is bad have a read of this as well.

JohnPaul Bagnoli on February 4, 2011 at 5:10 am

well, lets start with this, its strange that you pick out the bits about how muslims are wrong. What about white people, christians, they’ve properly raped the most. Debbie you seriously need to change the way you speak, p.s there is still no proof that muslims were the cause of 9/11. Next time you write your little articles, give us some proof, so we know its not just you making stories up.

we all know you’re going to burn in hell, peace out suckerrr

H. on February 22, 2012 at 7:25 am

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