December 14, 2007, - 12:09 pm

Megahed UPDATE: Smiling “Just Fireworks” Terrorists’ Mysterious New York Ties

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember the Goose Creek terrorists? Youssef Samir Megahed and Ahmed Abdellatif Sherif Mohamed, the two guys who keep smiling in every photo (mug shots, in court, et al.), were stopped by State Troopers in Goose Creek, South Carolina near a military installation, with pipe bombs in their trunk (which they claimed were “just fireworks” and barbecuing materials).
Well, as investigator Bill Warner points out, the New York FBI is heavily involved in the case. Why?
Yesterday, The Tampa Tribune reported that there is now a third suspect, Moroccan national and University of South Florida student Karim Moussaoui, who was involved with the Smiling “Just Fireworks” terrorists, Megahed and Mohamed. He possessed a firearm, in violation of his visa and immigration status and on November 14, a federal criminal complaint was filed against him.


Mohamed and Megahed:

Smiling “Just Fireworks” Terrorists Have Mysterious New York Ties

As Bill Warner points out, the affidavit, signed by Tampa FBI Agent William Ortiz, accompanying the complaint notes that in August, Moussaoui told New York FBI Agents about his activities in July at a shooting range with Megahed:

4. On or about August 12, 2007, MOUSSAOUI told New York FBI Agents that on one occasion, he and AHMED LNU (a person now known to the FBI as AHMED ISHTAY) went to a shooting range with YOUSSEF SAMIR MEGAHED. He claimed that MEGAHED went to the range but that MOUSSAOUI and AHMED remained in the store browsing. MOUSSAOUI told New York FBI Agents he did not see what type of weapon MEGAHED used on this visit to the range.

[Emphasis added.]
So why is the New York FBI office involved when the activities of all of three of these people, thus far disclosed, occurred in Florida and South Carolina.
Apparently, they have a strong tie to New York–either Muslim terrorists there or a terrorist attack planned for the area.
What is the New York connection? And who is Ahmed Ishtay a/k/a Ahmed Lnu? What is his role in this terrorist conspiracy?
Stay tuned. We’ll be watching.
Bill Warner points out that everyone’s trying to minimize the third terrorist in this plot as just an innocent, green immigrant:

Everybody is downgrading the arrest of Karim Moussaoui as no big deal, just some naive Moroccan playing with a .22 rifle at the Shooting Range, he did not know the “Fed Rules”.

Riiiight. Just an innocent Muslim Arab hangin’ with two Muslim Arab terrorists at weapons training. Uh-huh. Nothing to see here. Move along.
**** UPDATE: Bill Warner sends the smiling photo of Karim Moussaoui, the third Smiling Terrorist and notes that the Temptations, sang in their 1971 song, “Smiling Faces,” sang:

Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes they don’t tell the truth, Smiling faces, smiling faces tell lies


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3 Responses

“Smiling Faces” was recorded by a band called Undisputed Truth, not the Temptations. Honest mistake, though. It did have a ‘Temptations” sound to it, albeit with a female vocalist in the mix.

spiffo on December 14, 2007 at 3:57 pm

My mistake, sorry! I looked it up, and the Temps did record it first. UT had the hit, however…

spiffo on December 14, 2007 at 4:00 pm

hey, that dude has a killer last name, MEGAHED!

travis on December 15, 2007 at 3:13 pm

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