January 26, 2011, - 4:28 pm

Honor Killing Dad’s New Halal Twinkie Defense: Spitting?!

By Debbie Schlussel

In 2009, I told you about Muslim honor-killing Dad, Faleh Hassan Almaleki, the Arizona resident who murdered his daughter, Noor Faleh Almaleki, because she was becoming “too Western.”  His idea of “too Western,” included her shopping at “Forever 21,” eating fast food, and texting friends with the word, “dude.”  Wow.  Scandalous.  And since both Daddy Islamic Dearest and his now-deceased daughter (whom he ran over) are both U.S. citizens, I guess this must mean they are the “American Muslims” Barack Hussein Obama told us, last night, are a “part of the American family.” As reader, Joe, wrote, “Nobody in my family ever ran over their kids because they put on too much makeup.”

Well, now, Mr. Almaleki has a new form of the Halal Twinkie Defense: “I got distracted trying to spit on another woman.”


Daddy Dearest Faleh Almaleki’s Honor Killing Halal Twinkie Defense

A fanatical Iraqi-born Muslim charged with killing his beautiful daughter because she wanted to live a normal American life whined yesterday that he ran her over by accident — because he was concentrating on spitting at another woman. . . .

Almaleki’s lawyer said his client was only trying to demonstrate his disgust with the woman standing next to Noor — her boyfriend’s mother — and wound up hitting them both.

But a prosecutor said in opening remarks that Almaleki was so enraged by his daughter’s Westernization that he “revved and raced” his car directly at his child.

“Noor wanted to live her life like those her own age, but the defendant would not allow it,” said Laura Reckart.

After Almaleki moved in with her boyfriend’s family, her father told the dad that if Noor didn’t leave, “something bad was going to happen,” a court document said.

And, per usual, with many of these Muslim immigrants we’ve taken in from Iraq (and everywhere else), the deceased daughter was helping her boyfriend’s Iraqi Muslim mom sign up for welfare. Cha-ching!

Earlier, Noor had glimpsed her dad at the state office where she was helping translate forms for Amal Khalaf, her boyfriend’s mom.

“Dude,” Noor texted a friend, “my dad is here at the welfare office,” the Broward-Palm Beach New Times said.

Yup, just more of the “American family” Barack Obama told us about, last night. Because, hey, there aren’t enough Americans on welfare. We need to allow Iraqi Muslims to immigrate here to collect welfare and murder their daughters. And to “spit” on people.  This is a Shi’ite Muslim family.  Shi’ites are now in control of Iraq because we sent in American soldiers to die for that questionable cause.  Why must we now bring more Iraqi Shi’ite Muslims (all of them loyal to Iran and Hezbollah) into this country?

Religion of Peace, baby!

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26 Responses

We have to have more Muslims in this country because our Saudi masters say we must.
Back in the early eighties,there were Saudi nationals attending the Air Force tech school I was in.
My instructor always had his feet up on his desk,with the soles of his shoes facing the class when we came in.
It was hysterical!

ebayer on January 26, 2011 at 4:56 pm

I accidentally ran over 3 people when I tried to spit on someone’s mom, so hey, it happens.

BoKnows on January 26, 2011 at 5:02 pm

This is friggin unbelievable – NOT!!!…what would we expect from these low-life scimbags who daily read from the most vile, ignorant, intolerable piece of garbage that was ever written?…Lets hope that dog-face fries – wait better still take him out and string from the largest finest American Oak!!!!!

BIG IRISH on January 26, 2011 at 5:04 pm

To bad for Almaleki that he can’t get a change of venue to Iran. I’m sure that the court there would buy 100% into this defense argument.

Ralph Adamo on January 26, 2011 at 5:09 pm

For the life of me I can’t see why he just didn’t say “I was trying to run over that Iraqi whore standing next to my daughter, but in the last instance I couldn’t remember which one was the whore.” or he could go with the underwear bomber’s excuse. “Well I was really aiming for the Iraqi whore but my daughter got in the way, it shouldn’t count cause whe wasn’t the one I was aiming for.” just like…”the bomb wasn’t going to blow up the plane anyway, so I should just go free….” DEFENSE

wolf2012 on January 26, 2011 at 5:11 pm

What an excuse for murder! Its good to know though the feminists are not exercised by a man killing a woman… if he’s not a white male, Republican and conservative! Islam’s brutality towards the female sex for slight or imagined offenses gets a pass from progressives.

Yup – and they tell us much we need to accept Muslims into our American family! Ka-ching, indeed.

NormanF on January 26, 2011 at 6:26 pm

Norman, your absolutely right, had this been a white family, christian, conservative, living in either in a rural area either in the midwest or deep south, and the father killed his daughter because she was becoming too “21st century” for the family, etc., the lesbian-feminist, left wing media, etc., will be all over the story like insects on a dead animal. Since it’s a muslim family (from the shi’ite sect of islam) this type of story doesn’t fit the criteria because afterall, the left wing MSM doesn’t want to offend muslims in this country. And this is why the left wing media is ruining this country from top to bottom, it’s not the politicans from either party.

“A nation is identified by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on January 26, 2011 at 6:38 pm

Why are immigrants allowed to cash in on our social programs? Aren’t they supposed to have sponsors who bear the costs of supporting them if they can’t support themselves? And why are they allowed into the nation if they can’t support themselves after a month or so?

As for Mr. Spit, he’s just trying to downgrade his problem from murder to manslaughter. I guess it’s just takkiyah to lie like that in dhimmmie court.

OmAnonymous on January 26, 2011 at 6:51 pm

And why do they come here if they don’t want to become American in every sense of the word?

OmAnonymous on January 26, 2011 at 6:55 pm

I strongly object to describing this islamic filth as a dad. My dad, a veteran of WWII and the Korean War, was a real man. Both of my granddads were real men as well. I am a dad and a man. None of the dads I know have ever contemplated destroying their daughter as this piece of islamic filth destroyed his daughter.

Mark F on January 26, 2011 at 7:36 pm

they don’t want to become American in ANY sense of the word!

Other nationalities can keep a sense of pride in the ‘Old Country’ and still be true Americans but not these 7’th century cultists. Since their backwards lifestyle will never fit in with ours they have to change us to fit their mould.
No thanks.

BTW, in my neck of the woods Muzzammil Hassan(chop) is on trial for the multiple stabbing and beheading of his wife. This 250lb 6’2″ brute claims his 110lb wife abused him and he feared for his life!
Clearly this was an honor killing since she recently filed for a divorce. The irony here is it all happened at the TV station that she convinced him to open to show Americans that our view of muslims was all wrong. Ummm…sorry, but no it wasn’t.

theShadow on January 26, 2011 at 9:02 pm

I think feminists don’t speak out because they all secretly want to murder their make-up wearing shopoholic daughters, too.
I mean, that’s the only logical reason I can think of.

Agen T. on January 26, 2011 at 11:27 pm

I can’t believe that it has taken this long to bring this case to trial. This was a premeditated act, and was planned to the extent that an escape plan was executed, even if unsuccessful.

Worry01 on January 26, 2011 at 11:48 pm

When my son was 13 he was caught along with a friend trying to shoplift a video game out of a store. He was caught, the police called, I was called and we all met at the store. The shop owner didn’t want to press charges, the police let the matter drop and I took my son home for disciplining. It didn’t occur to me that I should kill him. We talked for awhile about integrity, about how people work hard to make money and by stealing you are taking money away from the shop owner who has to feed his family, and finally decided that since my son wanted to purchase video games but was short of money he would be allowed to find odd jobs around the neighborhood to earn some spending money during summer vacation. But killing him? Ummmm..no.

kenny komodo on January 27, 2011 at 12:03 am

Debs, you don’t care about the girl anyway, because she’s a Muslim (although westernized). So why do you care?

Systemic Failure on January 27, 2011 at 12:09 am

    You apparently have no concern for her either my friend, since you use this opportunity to demonstrate your non-existent mind reading skills rather than showing any empathy for Noor. Noor was a human being murdered by her father, and Debbie has brought up this case before. Systemic failure is an appropriate moniker for you and your co-religionists.

    Worry01 on January 27, 2011 at 4:42 am

Thank Allah he is in a State with death sentences.

pat on January 27, 2011 at 1:12 am

I do not expect any better behavior from Muslims.

Pat on January 27, 2011 at 1:29 am

Is the Muslim family TV version of the Huxtables that Katie Couric waxed wantingly about needing to be made going to have a plot-line similar to this in one of its episodes?

Show us those lovable little lugs going about their daily struggles to keep their family together. I can’t wait to see it.

P. Aaron on January 27, 2011 at 2:31 am

    Yes, honor killings, beheadings, and jihad will be available each week for family viewing. The climatic scene will be of Daddy taking the Greyhound to escape the scene of some horrific act he had committed. In addition, we will get to meet and greet the lovely people who run Islamic safehouses for such people.

    Worry01 on January 27, 2011 at 6:01 am

I don’t think anybody should waste sympathies on victims of honor killings, since very often, they are as Islamophilic as their killers. Both this girl, as well as Asiya Hasan, the wife of the Bridges TV executor who cut off her head.

They should only be a showcase for how barbaric Muslims are. Nothing more, nothing less.

Infidel Pride on January 27, 2011 at 11:07 am

    Well, if that is all you want, you really are just the mirror image of them then.

    worry01 on January 27, 2011 at 2:39 pm

Enough of this crap! Why aren’t they being thrown out…prosecuted for their crimes…still here? Who is feeding them…giving them money…minimizing their evils…forcing us to cater to them?

Why are we tolerating them? WHO is behind all this insanity?

I’m sorry, but when I read, or hear about these things, I can’t help but feel like I’m losing my mind…it can’t be possible that these things are happening and being TOLERATED! Why hasn’t this man been hung up by his balls in the middle of Times Square as an example to others?

WHAT are we doing allowing this man to live here? WHO is allowing it?

sgt on January 27, 2011 at 11:21 am

Having traveled all over the country, residing in several states, along with my extensive travels abroad I have noted some interesting things along the way.
Every state across our Republic is filled with gravestones that date back hundreds of years, and in those small rural towns that the settlers established you will see Crosses, The Star of David, and interestingly enough, the Pentacle, or Triquetra, representing our Wiccan brethren. These are our forefathers and mothers who shaped and built this country on the backs of their sweat and brow. What I have never seen across this nation is a Muslim Crescent and Moon symbol adorn any headstone of our past.
Muslims may be a part of America, but they have sacrificed nothing to its existence. To suggest that they somehow fought against the English for the Freedom of this country, or died in the Civil War is akin to Ahmadinijad declaring the holocaust didn’t happen.
It has only been within the last 20 years that Muslims have infected our Country. They lie cheat steal and have absorbed every waking hour of news in this County for the past 10 years. There hasn’t been a single day where some news organization isn’t commenting on another Muslim story…It never ends….It’s not even the fact that Odumbo said Muslims are a part of the American Family….Quite frankly who gives a shit. He not only left out every other nationality, creed, and sexual preference, but the very idea of mentioning Muslims at all in the STFU is obscene. For the past four years all we’ve heard from this weasel and the Liberal Left is The American’s who built this country are Racists and Evil and the relative new comers to our shores the Muslims are the real American Family…..Again, its obscene.

wolf2012 on January 27, 2011 at 11:41 am

Give Almaleki a break you guys! There is no sense being an ignorant and retarded adherent of a repulsive, primitive, vile, bloody, anti-intellectual, anti-American so called “religion” if you can’t act out according to its tenets. As a US citien, Almaleki is simply enjoying “the pursuit of happiness” as he interprets it. Mohammed, piss be upon him, would be proud.

tantalon on January 27, 2011 at 12:20 pm

The author sounds like a disgusting ass racist.

Sara on June 12, 2012 at 1:59 am

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