January 26, 2011, - 2:27 pm
Your Day in Muslim “Civilization”: Interesting Warning to US Troops in Iraq
As I’ve always said, it’s totally inaccurate to describe Islam’s war against the West as a “clash of civilizations.” That would assume that the Islamic world is actually a civilization. And here’s yet another piece of evidence that it most certainly is not. A loyal reader who is a proud U.S. soldier currently serving in Iraq sent this memo he received from authorities, on Friday, warning American soldiers of an impending, um, “celebration” at Joint Base Balad (JBB):
Hey, Everyone Knows Civilized People Celebrate w/ Gunfire Aimed @ US Soldiers
I believe you mentioned something similar around new years in Detroit. Apparently, it doesn’t have to be a special holiday. The following is from a military email.
WHAT: Possibility that errant small-arms rounds [DS: To our friends in Dearbornistan, that means “stray bullets”] may impact JBB this evening as a result of celebratory fire from outside the base. Result of Iraq playing Australia in the Asian Cup.
WHEN: Today, 22 Jan anytime after 16:25L. If Iraq wins, fire most likely to occur between 1730L and 1900L.
WHERE: Joint Base Balad
WHY: Awareness of possible errant small-arms rounds
Religion of peace…..
Yup, “Religion of Peace” . . . and pieces.
Sooo glad we sacrificed American boys’ lives to take Iraq from despot Saddam Hussein to give it to these equally classy acts. Mission accomplished, indeed. These people don’t need American-style democracy. They need an authoritarian dictator to keep the peace.
In case you were wondering, Iraq lost to Australia in overtime, so some American soldiers in Iraq, thankfully, didn’t have to die because these barbarians won a soccer match.
Hey, don’t say I didn’t warn you about soccer. And Islam.
Tags: American soldiers, Asian Cup, Australia, bullets, Celebration, celebratory fire, civilization, clash of civilizations, errant small-arms rounds, gunfire, Iraq, Islam, Islamic civilization, JBB, Joint Base Balad, Muslim, Muslim celebration, Muslim civilization, soccer
In Islam, violence is a form of celebration as well as release. To be fair, its an outlet for them also seen in repressive regimes. You can change the nature of the regime but you can’t change the nature of the ideology. If Islam did not glorify violence as an every day affair, not just jihad, we might be able to characterize it as a civilization. The Romans fed people to the lions for entertainment and did torture and other barbarous things but fortunately they are no more. Islam will be with us for a long time yet and they are more cruel to human dignity and freedom than even the ancient Romans were.
NormanF on January 26, 2011 at 3:01 pm