December 5, 2007, - 10:12 am

Your Day in Hip-Hop Rapper Hypocrisy and Natural Selection News

By Debbie Schlussel
It’s hardly a secret that many low-life pop stars and rappers who push sexually explicit tripe on your young kids won’t have the stuff get anywhere near their precious children. Yes, as we know, they are hypocrites. (One example I’ve already written about: Eminem and his niece.)
The latest is former real-life pimp and drug dealer Snoop Dogg a/k/a Calvin Broadus who continues to pimp that lifestyle on your kids. Yesterday on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” (Does anyone really watch that show?), Mr. Dogg told Ellen that he is very strict with his 8-year-old daughter, Cori:

Tell Ellen how old you have to be before you can have a boyfriend.

The daughter answered:


(Video here.)


Appropriate Roles for Your Daughters, But Not For Snoop Dogg’s

Hmmm . . . I guess his daughter is the only female in America that isn’t a bitch and a ho. As for your daughters, well . . . he doesn’t give a whit about them as he tries to transform them into that “profession.”
Do as Daddy Says, Not as He Raps.
Then, there’s the latest in hip-hop natural selection. Also yesterday, rapper “Pimp C” a/k/a Chad Butler was found dead at age 33 in his gazillion-dollar hotel room at L.A.’s swanky Mondrian Hotel.
Pimp C made it big with a camoe in rapper Jay-Z’s hit “Big Pimpin'” and also hit the big-time with his 2006 solo album “Pimpalation,” wich reached the top threein the Billboard 200. And then, there’s his hit single with his rap group, UGK, “Intl’ Players Anthem.” Here’s more about Pimp C’s and UGK’s contribution to America:

Over laid-back beats, they laid out incisive details that remain Southern rap mainstays: descriptions of sex and conspicuous consumption, wood-grain steering wheels and triple-beam scales used to weigh drugs.
Butler led off Three 6 Mafia’s 2000 ode to drinking cough syrup to get high, “Sippin’ on Syrup,” with the lines: “I’m trill working the wheel. A pimp, not a simp. Keep the dope fiends higher than the Goodyear blimp. We eat so many shrimp I got iodine poisoning.”
Butler was jailed for three years in 2002; he had plead no contest to aggravated assault for brandishing a gun during an argument with a woman at a mall, then fell behind on required community service. UGK’s rise was derailed, but the “Free Pimp C” slogan caught on and an unauthorized album of Pimp C’s freestyle rhymes was released while he was in prison.

Gee, whatta loss. American Pimp and Playa “culture” will never be the same without this poet laureate.
Who says it’s not conservative to believe in natural selection? Sometimes, what comes around really does go around.

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12 Responses

Unbelievable. These rappers are the biggest hypocrites among so-called musicans. So now we know that they do this “pimp and ho” culture just to make a buck off of it. Whatever is sleazy…sells.
They make me sick, and are a real disgrace to my ethcity.

Squirrel3D on December 5, 2007 at 10:30 am

What instrument did “Pimp C” play? It must have been the mouth full of shit with a F#.

warpmine on December 5, 2007 at 12:17 pm

I’m not surprised — this gutter trash slimeball is thoroughly repulsive. I never understood the appeal of rap anyway. I hate all of it.
I wonder if we will ever get our country back.

AmericanJewess on December 5, 2007 at 1:54 pm

It’s bad enough that the public, primarily the youth, subject themselves to that mind-mush but what really gets me is sitting at a light and having a vehicle pull up next to me with the thumpers going, windows rattling, and seeing a bunch of white kids punkin’ away to that crap. I’m not sure who or what they’re trying to emulate but that makes as much sense as Ice T jammin’ to Hank Williams.

1shot1kill on December 5, 2007 at 2:22 pm

“Southern Rap” and “Southern hip hop”: Now that just ain’t right! Conway Twitty is spinning (wildly, no doubt) in his grave. Rappers: What a bunch of no talent idiots.

Southernops on December 5, 2007 at 3:33 pm

Although most people on this site hate rap, there was a time in my life where I really enjoyed it. In the mid to late 70’s, the Disco movement had practically killed of many of the funk/R&B groups that we youth enjoyed, groups such as The Ohio Players and Earth, Wind and Fire. Because of Disco, Black music in the late 1970’s was a bland as a piece of ricecake. So up from the streets of New York pops up this fun dance music to fill the void, a new kind of music where a performer did humorous verbal rhymes over familiar R&B beats. And I loved it! For us young folks, it definitely filled the void left by the musical wasteland created by Disco. I’m old enough to remember when the early 80’s when rap was fun dance and party music. I still have fond memories of the Sugar Hill Gang, Kid-n-Play, Sequence, Kurtis Blow, Queen Latifa (“Ladies First”), Heavy D and the Boyz, Slick Rick, Dana Dane, LL Cool J (“I”m Bad!”), Special Ed, Doug E. Fresh, and my favorites, DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince (Will Smith). I remember playing their “Parents Just Don’t Understand” over and over again on my new cassette player! During my “rebellious” years in college, I remember vicariously enjoying the Black nationalist rantings of Chuck D of Public Enemy and KRS-1. Back then, rap was dominated by the East Coast, and a premium was put on placing complex word structures over syncopated beats. And also back then, I was just having fun dancing to the music and chasing girls….I could never have predicted the violent and sleazy direction rap would take and the damage it would do.
SouthernOps, actually there is such a thing as Southern Rap/Hip Hop. Each section of the country generally has its own style of rap. For example, when rap hit the West Coast, it turned “gangsta”, reflecting the gang lifestyle of way too many young Black men in Southern California. Rappers in the southern part of the United States tend to speak in a slower manner (drawl) over a heavier bass beat (those are bass-heavy ones that make your whole car vibrate when they are being blasted by the car next to you!). East Coast rappers tend to speak at a much faster rate and place more emphasis on verbal gymnastics and lyrical skills. But that’s all besides the point. Too make a long story short, instead of mere party music, over the years hip-hop has become a “lifestyle”. And I have to agree with Jason Whitlock in his assertion that this “lifestyle” has brought much death and destruction for young Black kids, especially boys. Yes, rap has produced a few entrepreneurial-minded multi-millionaire Black execs and performers, but is that enough to make up for the damage it has caused? I don’t think so. And I’m not speaking from a “holier-than-thou” position, because I have quite a few rap CDs in my music collection, mostly 80’s and 90’s stuff. Funny though, I have Jay-Z’s “In my Lifetime” CD sitting right next to my Count Basie’s “The Complete Atomic Basie” CD. Count Basie might be spinning in his grave over that one!
As far as Snoop, someone needs to remind him that while his concern for his daughter is admirable, all of those girls he’s pimped are someone’s daughter, all of those women he’s called bitches and ho’s are somebody’s daughters, all of the young women he’s turned out in his porn flicks are someone’s daughter. He needs to hope and pray that his daughter never encounters a man like her sleazy weedhead-ass father…..

JibberJabber on December 5, 2007 at 6:01 pm

The real racists are the whites who embrace, exploit and ‘authenticate’ all this vile nihilism.
The media that portrays the ‘rap style’ and street attitude as ‘the real norm’ of African-Americans. Bill Cosby understood this. The liberal whites only want to keep blacks on the Welfare Plantation with them handing out the largesse and collecting the votes.

poetcomic1 on December 5, 2007 at 7:47 pm

Granholm wants to trim the budget. She could try not embracing the pimp daddy mayor of detroit(not capitalized on purpose) who leads the gangster life style in clothing fashion and in actions. Less hip hop rap crap, less outlaws in prison. As it is the lifestyle is revered and thats bad for the future. The po po should target and target some more anyone who sports any type of gang wear. Black, white or brown. Hopefully some day it will happen. May rap rot in hell.

samurai on December 5, 2007 at 11:30 pm

I’m in total agreement with you regarding the promotion of the hip hop image as being the “authentic” image of Black Americans and applaud Bill Cosby for calling folks out on it.
If you have a chance, check out a documentary called “Hip Hop: Beyond Rhymes and Beats” by Byron Hurt. Although he uses e liberal commentators like Mike Eric Dyson (whom I lost respect for when he went on his diatribe against Bill Cosby and his message), the film’s examination of hip-hop and the Black male image are spot on. He also takes to task the companies that knowingly promote this image and encourage rappers to rap about filth in order to sell CDs. Snippits of the the documentary can be found at:
By the way, DEBBIE, you continue to amaze me with your research. I didn’t know many folks outside of Texas knew what “sippin’ syrup (siz-zerp)” meant. I didn’t know myself until a college girlfriend of mine (from Houston of course!) did this to get high. I thought she was just weird….I didn’t know it was a popular way of getting high until the song came out! Gee…thanks hip-hop for exposing yet another dangerous practice to kids nationwide who probably couldn’t wait to try it because they heard it in a song!

JibberJabber on December 6, 2007 at 12:07 am

The point is 99% of all music is bollocks, indeed 99% of all art is crap. It’s the 1% of art, that has real value that will be remembered and cherished for all time.
In that sense Rap is no different than opera, poetry, country music, or Elizabethan plays. The 1% of Rap that is good (Public Enemy, N.W.A. Ghostface Killah etc) will endure, the rest (Snoop, 50 Cent, Eminem etc.) will fall by the wayside.
100 years from now people will still be playing “It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold us Back” because it’s one of the greatest albums ever made by any act in any musical genre (up to now). A true landmark in 20th century American culture.
Anyway, continue your education with some quality hip-hop from my side of the pond.

No Pasaran! on December 6, 2007 at 4:42 am

No Pasaran!
Aw man, you just brought back some serious memories! I remember being in a record store in 1988 (I think!) when an employee there starting playing “Prophets of Rage” from the yet unreleased “It Takes a Nation of Million to Hold Us Back” album. Everyone in the store just froze. No one had ever heard anything like this, including me. Then there was a rush to the counter of customers wanting to know who this group was and could they buy this album. Given that I was the only Black dude in the store, it was an amazing sight. To this day, it still remains my all time favorite rap album. I just purchased the CD a few weeks back because I realized my cassette tape of it was nearly 18 years old!
On the other hand, NWA’s “Straight Outta Compton” hit me like a mental grenade. It definitely disturbed my “Black middle class church boy” sensibilities. It was like the rap version of Gun’s N’ Roses “Appetite for Destruction” The first time I heard it, I felt like someone had hit me in the stomach. I could NOT have handled this as a young kid, so I was glad I was a little older when I first heard it. Yes, it blew me away with its sheer boldness, vulgarity, brutality, and power, but damn, it also signaled to me that hip-hop was headed in a very disturbing direction and was going to take a lot of kids along with it. And sure enough…..

JibberJabber on December 6, 2007 at 11:54 am

If you really feel that your somebody because you can rant about people on the internet, then you should really stop wasting your time and get a life. The only thing your making a point of is that your a bitch ass haten dyke nigga that aint got a trillion dolloar endorsmant deal. So take the nuts up off your tonsols n speak up not text in cyber space.:)

D3BO on September 8, 2011 at 5:34 am

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