December 4, 2007, - 5:12 pm

Attention, Feminists: Girls Now Dominate Major Math/Science Contest

By Debbie Schlussel
For years, feminists have been telling us that we must spend more and more money on girls in public schools because they are “behind” boys in science and math. And, for years, though it violates federal law against gender-based discrimination, our government and academia have responded nationwide, with girl-friendly and girl-specific seminars, tutorials, and other programs to get girls on par in the two academic areas where they do not dominate boys.
Well, now, despite feminist yelling and screaming, girls are dominating math and science, too. And boys? Well, now they’re behind in everything. At least, that’s the case when you look at the prestigious Seimens Competition in Math, Science and Technology, in which awards were announced yesterday in New York City.
Lots of media outlets are reporting that girls swept the competition:


Siemens Science Competition Grand Prize Winners

Janelle Schlossberger and Amanda Marinoff

Girls walked away with top honors in both the individual and team categories.
The individual grand prize of a $100,000 scholarship went to Isha Jain, a senior at Freedom High School in Bethlehem, Pa., for research into bone growth. Results of the nine-year-old competition were announced on Dec. 3. As winners of the team grand prize, Janelle Schlossberger and Amanda Marinoff, seniors at Plainview-Old Bethpage John F. Kennedy High School in Plainview, N.Y., will split a $100,000 scholarship awarded for their research on tuberculosis. . . .
[Jain] and her fellow champs beat out 1,641 students and 1,361 projects, persevering through grueling local and regional competitions. . . . Sponsored by the Siemens Foundation, the contest was started in 1998 after Siemens (SI) lost its bid to take over the original Westinghouse Science Competition, which was first held in 1942 and is now known as the Intel Science Talent Search (INTC).
Women lag far behind men in professional math, science, and computer fields, an issue that became the subject of renewed debate in 2005 when then Harvard President Lawrence Summers suggested the lack of top female scientists may stem in part from biological differences between men and women. Jain vehemently disagrees, but acknowledges with some annoyance that “the guy-to-girl ratio in math and science competitions is absolutely ridiculous. It’s usually seven or eight guys to one girl.” [DS: Um, this is a free country. If they’re not interested, they’re not interested.] The results of this year’s Siemens Competition may signify that more girls are “finally stepping up to the plate and are more than capable,” Jain says. “And I’m proud to be a part of that.”
Siemens Foundation President James Whaley says the percentage of girls entering the competition has increased each year; this year, 48% of the contestants were female. Eighty percent of this year’s competitors were from public schools, and one team of finalists consisted of home-schooled girls. Many of the schools whose students were represented also have close ties to nearby universities or research labs. “There are very few [high] schools that have the resources or labs to support this high level of research,” Whaley notes.

So, what was it that feminists were squawking about regarding the “bias against girls” in math and science? I’d say it’s a bias in favor of them at this point.
Time to swing the pendulum back to, hopefully, arrive at some balance. Maybe if they got rid of this math and science feminism and spent equally on everyone and used the excess to support labs and advanced science for everyone, America would not repeatedly be behind other major Western industrial countries in math and science.

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6 Responses

Let’s look at the bright side: We lead all other nations in the production of hip-hop artists

spiffo on December 4, 2007 at 5:56 pm

Hey you. Glad you wrote us and told us what you were up to. Thought something might be wrong and I might have to send you a personal mailing to prop you up. More people than just me worry about you lady. Thanks for a nice human interest story and I really mean it. I read this shortly after reading an article about how leaving one candle unlit during Hanakku will help save ‘Mother Earth’. I think I’m losing it Deb. The insanity is taking its toll on me. It’s like living in a bad fantasy. It just can’t be can it? Glad the ladies showed up the guys and the idiots that beleive women are inferior in mathamatics and whatever else. Happy Hanakku to you and your family Debbie–joe

JoeBoy on December 4, 2007 at 6:13 pm

I agree Debbie. Girls want equal results the only way to do that is to not to allow men to have the opportunity to do anything and neglect them and in the end we are just weaker overall (as are overall math and science skills are behind other countries) to not allow men to use their skills and sadly I see this all to often where boys get no support in anything and the girls take their place but still aren’t as good as the men in these area’s if the men had equal attention to use their talents.

adam6275 on December 4, 2007 at 9:34 pm

Schlossberger and Harinoff. Mazal Tov.

melchloboo on December 4, 2007 at 10:37 pm

It’s the “boys become doctors, girls become nurses” problem. Engendering an interest in ANYTHING requires not stereotyping any subject, but making it available to everyone. (FYI, the VERY BEST kicker on my son’s HS football team was a female soccer player. How did she get the job? She competed and beat out everyone else, all boys. She was also protected better than the quarterback since she won more games for the team than the QB did)
I teach college accounting. A majority of my students are now female. When I was an undergraduate accounting student, there was ONLY ONE female majoring in accounting.(Accounting is a “good old boys network”, but that is changing.)
Also, the teacher ratio in my Business Department is about 50/50 now, with most of the women holding CPA’s.

Codekeyguy on December 4, 2007 at 11:33 pm

Notice that the entire competition was subjective, and thus, one can assumed, rigged to embarrass
Harvard President Lawrence Summers and millions and million of boys that feminists see merely as competition for the fairer sex:
Poise and speaking ability were on full display
as finalists gave oral presentations during the
final round of competition.
So, instead of a round of applause for the winners, we can congratulate the boy-bashing media and academia, and their ilk.

markjames on December 4, 2007 at 11:41 pm

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