December 4, 2007, - 3:07 pm

Apologies to My Readers: Internet Probs & Movie Screenings

By Debbie Schlussel
My apologies, dear readers, for not having put up any new material, thus far, today. My Internet access was down until mid-day, at which point I was in the middle of two movie screenings, the awful “Charlie Wilson’s War” and the laudable anti-Islamist Iranian animation, “Persepolis.” Reviews of those to come later. Stay tuned.
I’m in the process of putting new stuff up, and I thank you for your patience, understanding, continued interest, and loyal readership.

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2 Responses

Happy Chanukah, Debbie. Bagels, Lox, Latkes, & Blintzes for 8 days! Mmmmmm… I don’t know how you can stand sitting thru some of the movies you have to review. There are so many that I consider “Life Stealers”: 2 hours of your life that you’ll never get back, just to watch a bad movie. I crack this bottle of Maneschevitz in your honor; L’Chaim!

Yiddish Steel on December 4, 2007 at 4:16 pm

I was thinking of seeing “Charlie Wilson’s War.” I like Tom Hanks, and I’m looking forward to seeing him do a Texas character. It’s awful?
Mike Nichols hasn’t had a hit in a long time, though–“The Graduate” was 40 years ago!

barrypopik on December 4, 2007 at 8:27 pm

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