November 26, 2007, - 4:10 pm

Our “Ally” Pakistan: A Hollywood Director Describes Paki Anti-American Racism

By Debbie Schlussel
What’s racism? Well, I think a great example of it is what Director Marc Forster found when he was in Pakistan scouting locations for his movie, “The Kite Runner.” Out at the end of December, I loved this very powerful movie. (He is also directing the next James Bond flick.)
He has the guts to say the un-PC stuff about the Pakistanis (that’s “Pakis” to you, my friends at the Nazi-funded Media Matters for America) and their hatred for us. I think this sums it up about why President Bush is idiotic for ordering free elections in this outpost of Greater Barbaria:


Director Marc Forster

I fly in to Islamabad, and we drive up to Peshawar. We have three cars. I’m in the middle car, and I have seven security guards — all Special Forces. So I ask, ‘What’s up?’ They say: ‘Oh, this is going to be a whole different thing. It will be much more dangerous. There aren’t many Westerners up north in that part of Pakistan. So we will wear traditional clothing and drive in these (pock-marked) cars, so as not to draw any attention.’ So we’re driving up there. I have two security guys with me in the back and two sitting in the front, plus the driver. We get there, and we go into the hotel, and they check the hotel and tell me where the escape route is — how to get out in case something happens. Then we go out on the street and people realize that I’m white and a Westerner, and they just looked at me like they wanted me to die. Like ‘You are the enemy, and you are evil.’ It just freaked me out. It was beyond racism. It was pure hatred against the West.”

The thing is, given the script and story behind “The Kite Runner” and what we know goes on there, this shouldn’t have “freaked [him] out” in the least. Still, a glimmer of sanity that a Hollywood bigwig recognizes their utter hatred of us.
Sadly, Forster isn’t 100% on target. As I’ve noted, he’s making an absurd movie whitewashing Islamic terrorist and deportable alien Ibrahim Parlak in one of his next flicks.
Maybe he’ll learn. Here’s hoping his experience in Pakistan was enlightening. But since he’s making the Parlak film, I doubt it.

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12 Responses

Of course it won’t change his mind, he is a part of Hollywood. They feel that the hatred of America is a justified emotion. The only thing America and its citizens should do is sit on their butts and watch their propagand flicks. God forbid, someone actually know what is really going on.

Ford Jones on November 26, 2007 at 4:36 pm

Yes, but does he think the hatred is justified and that it’s all our fault?

dm60462 on November 26, 2007 at 4:41 pm

C’mon- they hate us for our freedoms!

gregdn on November 26, 2007 at 5:44 pm

Casino Royale was directed by Martin Campbell, the director of Banderas’ Zorro flicks and the previous Bond movie Goldeneye.
The one Forster will direct is the 22nd Bond movie, due in 2008.

Hector on November 26, 2007 at 7:53 pm

Martin Campbell directed Casino Royal. Forster will make the 22nd Bond movie, due in 2008. I doubt you have seen that one.

Hector on November 26, 2007 at 7:54 pm

The Pakis hate us because we are not Muslim. Their religion instructs them to convert the infidel or kill him.

lexi on November 27, 2007 at 12:14 am

    That is so not true. Should probally find out more bout the religon before making a guess and being a bias.

    Natalie on May 11, 2010 at 10:22 pm

    We don’t hate Americans it’s totally wrong.That director said people of Peshawar wanted to kill.
    tell me something Americans we respect you if you kill somebodies families what do you aspect them to do welcome you with open arms…

    Ateeq ur rehman on August 2, 2011 at 4:55 pm

Nice try Hector. Can you give me the quotes from the Quran that say this? Got any sura/verse numbers? Lets get crunchy here! You even refer to them with a racist epithet that Ms. Schlussel had earlier labeled “Nazi.” Good move, sport!
In reality, the Quran teaches that the teachings of Moses and of Jesus are all correct and should be completely honored as God’s law. I guess, if you aren’t faithfully Christian or Jewish, maybe there’s some worry there, because the Quran does make it plain that those who do not live for God are lost. Doubtless, many muslims may think this means these “Godless” westerners might as well be killed, but to say the whole relegion flat out demands it smacks of simple bigotry

Anthony on November 28, 2007 at 2:34 pm

Oh heck. I just misattributed my remark. Sorry Hector, that was meant for lexi.

Anthony on November 28, 2007 at 2:36 pm

All i am from Pakistan….I m just here to make some issues correct….As the director said that peoples of peshawar look like him like they want to kill him….its because of drones attacks at there their family dies every day….and for All AMERICANS kind information i am from the capital city of Pakistan Islamabad ,if i go to Peshawar they will kill me the director was luckey that he is alive….the Peoples of peshawar are Mind washed or they have made their mind for Revenge. But such situation is not in whole Peshawar its just in Villages out there U peoples dont know about the present ,if any American go in the main city of Peshawar they will welcome u with heart…this is about peshawar not and about me as i am from Islamabad the most expensive city in ASIA , someone up said that We are Muslims and our relegion says to kill U…its TOTALLY WRONG …ISLAM is the only relegion whith the most Humanity and Brotherhood…no one is allowed to talk about any relegion until he or she is confirmed about any issue…And We respect all RELEGIONS.U justt have to know about ISLAM and Our Holy PROPHET MOHAMMAD SAW, and u can see his name in ur Bible ,in the phrase that ALLAH will send his LAST and most loved prophet and ALLAH told this to UR CHRIST (who is Our Second last prophet named in Arabic”HAZRAT ESA”) and CHRIST CRIED with happiness that ALLAH LOVE SOME ONE SO MUCH…I just wanna tell read about ISLAM to know that its Relegion of Brotherhood…
NOW i also saw a comment that pakistani hate Americans .I want my ANSWER to seen by every American.
ANSWER:(“U said that Pakistani hate Americans,I am Pakistani U dont know that Americans Peoples are at the Top in list in the heart of Pakistani peoples for LOVE… I will tell about me , I LOVE AMERICAN SO MUCH if any one ever say any wrong thing about American we fought on that… And we make him to Love american….I Love America so so much that u cann Imagine….these TV CHANNELS show that we hate U,but no one ONLY Allah can show how I Love Americans…AND MY DESTINY DREAM and Desire is to become a Hollywood actor i m struggling but havent got any answer even i am so so BEAUTIFUL (The most beautiful boy of Asia and may be the world)….and the American thought us as their Enemy but I never thinked that..the right THING is right and the Wrong THING is Wrong….AND MY heart says that i will Become HOLLYWOOD AMERICA ACTOR…I just wanna share that Most of PAKISTANI DONT even see PAKISTANI FILMS …and There is no day in which i dont hear selena , miley and taylor swift songs and Michael JACKSON is one of my Favourite even his Mother died at PAKISTAN……
The fact is that I PAKISTANI LOVE AMERICA I WANT BOTH COUNTRIES TO BE FRIEND and live with peace…PUBLIC is the main Power of the country thats why i am delivering my Message to solved peoples…..AND as about those peoples who hate american also exist but these peoples are not liked BY us…specially i hate those peoples who hate America….AND such peoples are villagers , un educaed with no descipline if some one says America is bad such peoples Believe that , JUST LIKE THEY VOTED OUR PRESIDENT. and now only those villagers are crying for food who voted our ADMN PRESEDENT……

THE LAST THISNG IS I LOVE PAKISTAN , AMERICA both and my FUTURE is AMERICA…..and AMERICA and AMERICA and AMERICA ….AND i Pray that i will succeed in my Mission and my future and U peoples shall love me….

I love ALLAH , I love my Holy Prophet , I love ISLAM , I love PEACE, I love Humanity , i Love My Life , I love Pakistan , I love my destiny , I love America

Prince Umer on June 28, 2011 at 2:57 pm

thats my website

Prince Umer on June 28, 2011 at 3:00 pm

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