January 6, 2011, - 2:39 pm

Hockey Goes Sharia: Ref Suspended For Mohammed Cartoon

By Debbie Schlussel

If I were a referee or player in the NHL, NFL, or other American major league sport, I’d watch out for the Islamic speech police.  A Swedish hockey referee was suspended for posting a Mohammed cartoon on his private Facebook page (join me on Facebook here).    News That Matters, a Swedish Christian blog, has a translation of the newspaper story on this from Aftonbladet.  Here’s an excerpt:


A Swedish Premier Division hockey referee published a caricature of the Prophet Mohammed on Facebook.

Now he has been suspended and, according to sources, SÄPO [the security police] were contacted.

“We had a meeting with this person and we agree that he should take a time out,” said Swedish Hockey Association’s security chief Peter Anderson.

It was just before Christmas when Swedish Hockey Association Awards and Safety Manager Peter Anderson called in the premier hockey referee for a personal meeting. Sport manager Mikael Lundström was also at the meeting held in the Association’s office at the Globe.

According to Sportbladet the referee was confronted with information that he published a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed on his Facebook page. The Security manager also had a transcript of the page.

Read the rest, and remember that, apparently, sports refs no longer have free speech in the West . . . if it offends Muslims.

New Hockey rule:  Don’t skate over the blue line that Islam puts in your rink. . . or else. (Thanks to reader HM.)

Swedish Muslims Who Threatened Violence Against Israeli Tennis Players

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2 Responses

Yup…. glad you don’t live in Sweden… or the Security Police would tell you to take your blog.

That’s Islam… not big on free speech rights and every one else must be a good dhimmi. A lesson well learned in ScandoIslamia.

NormanF on January 6, 2011 at 3:29 pm

Yes, the Islamist run wild in Malmo, but the heavens quake if you post a cartoon image of Mohammed. Sorry, I do not believe that he was a prophet, but a Bedouin warlord with a gimick.

Walter on January 6, 2011 at 9:53 pm

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