November 19, 2007, - 6:18 pm
The Adams’ Love Letters: Is It Just Me . . .
By Debbie Schlussel
. . . Or is there just something really wrong about Ted Kennedy a/k/a “Club Ted” and his wife reading the love letters between John and Abigail Adams at a special Fanueil Hall presentation of the new book, “My Dearest Friend: Letters of Abigail and John Adams“?
I mean, really, what would John Adams think, if he knew that the man impersonating him in reading his letters was the same guy who:
a) apparently drowned the girlfriend he got pregnant;
b) woke up his nephews for a night of carousing, after which a rape was committed by one of them;
c) had sex with a different woman during lunch in the middle of La Brasserie restaurant;
d) was photographed having sex with yet another woman atop a boat in the middle of the ocean off the coast of France;
e) repeatedly cheated on his first wife and probably his current one; and
f) got expelled out of Harvard for cheating?
Yup, I think John . . . and Abigail are turning over in their graves on this one.
The Adams’ story is about a great, loving union and partnership that helped our nation in its early days. Ted Kennedy’s story is about a “great” 1-2 minute lusting union and transaction that helped Club Ted in his non-premature days.
But, hey, at least Ted knew how to swim. Driving, not so much.
Tags: Debbie Schlussel, Fanueil Hall, France, Harvard, John Adams, La Brasserie restaurant, Ted Kennedy, Ted Now Into Adams
Debbie, I didn’t know the girl he sank was with child. That’s low even for a Kennedy. Anyway, I think you should be aware of some genuine Jewish content in the cool new cowboy movie “3:10 to Yuma”. The land-grubbing, creek damming, barn torching landlord of the Job-like hero is a Jew named Hollander. I havn’t been this proud since I watched “Oliver” last week.
Anonymous1 on November 19, 2007 at 8:58 pm