December 31, 2010, - 4:25 pm
What’s the Diff?: New Year’s Eve in D-Mecca v. the Mid-East
What’s the difference between New Year’s Eve in Detroitistan (“D-Mecca,” in Nation of Islam speak) and the Middle East?
Say Nice Things About Detroit: “Happy New Year From Motown”
Well, in Detroit, the Mayor and police have to beg people not to shoot off their guns. And in the Middle East, they don’t bother–it’s customs to shoot off their guns whenever, wherever (plus, they don’t celebrate New Years, because that’s an infidel holiday of Al-Salibyeen, the Christians; and they prefer to save their shooting in the air for other celebrations, like when the slaves on the Qatari soccer team beat the slaves on the Omani soccer team, or when 3,000 Americans disintegrate in the ashes of planes and buildings on the land of the “Great Satan”). And if you are one of the few mistaken souls who doesn’t know that this is about the only difference, come visit, or read this story which was in both major Detroit newspapers, yesterday and today:
Detroit city leaders and members of a youth initiative project are urging people to refrain from kicking off the new year with celebratory gunfire.
Members of the Neighborhood Service Organization’s Youth Initiatives Project, joined by Detroit Police Chief Ralph Godbee Jr. and Detroit City Councilman James Tate, kicked off the sixth annual Hugs, Not Bullets campaign Wednesday.
Hmm . . . I wonder how many “Hugs” will be recorded as opposed to “Bullets” when the night is over. My guess is zero to some other number. Just sayin’. Reminds me of the Devil’s Night, er . . . “Angels’ Night” BS they have here, every year. Good luck with that.
The message: What goes up must come down, so a bullet shot into the air could injure or kill someone.
No, really?
Hey, another difference between D-Mecca and the real Mecca: on the Arab street, they know the bullet is gonna come down and maybe kill someone. And they don’t care. In Detroit, they don’t even know. But if they did, would they care?
Hey, Detroit & Beirut Have a Lot in Common . . . & Not Just Bombed Out Buildings & a Ton of Hezbollah Members
Like I said, come visit. You’ll see.
Detroit . . . From World Class Auto Producing Capital to City Where Leaders Must Beg People Not to Shoot Guns Into the Air on New Year’s Eve.
Tags: celebratory gunfire, Detroit, gunfire, guns, Hugs Not Bullets, Islam, Middle East, Muslim, Muslim world, New Year, New Year's, New Year's Eve, shooting
I love that T-shirt!
Where can I get one?
John Robert Mallernee on January 1, 2011 at 12:10 am