September 8, 2005, - 4:38 pm

Oprah Disaster Minstrel Show is Nothing New

By and Tony Busch
As I , on Tuesday, Oprah created a whole new form of Blaxploitation, natural disaster Blaxploitation. Oprah’s show, Tuesday, was nothing short of outrageous and sickening. She added nothing to the hurricane disaster discussion–nothing, that is, except, publicity for Oprah and self-congratulation. What she took away was enormous–the dignity of the dead and dying.
And apparently she found the exploitation so successful, the self-congratulation so gratifying, that she stretched this Oprah minstrel show into two episodes, with yesterday’s part two featuring chief race-merchant/shakedown artist (telling the government how to fix the disaster damage when he couldn’t even deliver the buses he promised to the Superdome) and stars Julia Roberts (complete with obtrusive Arabic t-shirt), John Travolta and Kelly Preston (“look at our private plane”), and Lisa Marie Presley (shopping at Target for probably the first time ever).
Now, I find out that, in fact, HO-prah’s new form of victim pimping is not so new for her. Read this eye-opening e-mail from, Tony Busch–a reader of this blog (who served our country in the U.S. Navy), about HO-prah’s behavior after Hurricane Hugo:
Hi Debbie,
I was at the taping of the Oprah show in Charleston, SC,
when she came ambulance chasing right after Hurricane
No I was not there of my own accord, I was in the Navy
and they asked us to attend in our uniforms.
Anyway, there was a woman who stood up and gave kind
of a lame interview during one segment, and Oprah
hugged her at the end of it and said in a somber tone,
“We will be right back.” As soon as the camera
stopped shooting, Oprah walked straight to her stage
manager and proceeded to say, “You call that story a
tragedy? You had better get your s… together or you
will be out of a f…… job!!” She then stormed
over to the producer and said, “This next story had
better be a little more heart wrenching, or we will be
stopping this joke right now!”
Just then the stage manager yelled, ” Back in 5, 4
etc..” And Oprah turned quickly to the camera, put on
her sad face and welcomed everyone back.
Needless to say everyone around started talking under
their breath, about what a fake and fraud this woman
really is, as if I needed an outburst like that to
confirm it for me.
Tony Busch

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15 Responses

I don’t know about Presley or Roberts, but I know the “private plane” jab is a convenient way of ignoring just what was DONE with that private plane. Seems like no one can do enough for you, is that it? What have you contributed to helping in the aftermath of Katrina?
You’ve become no better than the press. They report the negative and say nothing about the positive. The press will pick up on one tiny negative and blow it up for international daily inspection and completely ignore positive efforts that save many lives.

Shannon on September 8, 2005 at 5:57 pm

Shannon,I know it’s shattering but ,the bucks $$”s to fly in the private plane,which by the way is an old bucket in relation to what was in it, is for show.O.K. the positive is huge for the feel good effect.I bet it helps some to sleep . so be it .The fact is, she’s a lump of crap.
Maybe she’ll start an “Angel Network” theme park, G-d willing.When I say “some to sleep”I mean the Shannon’s.Can’t wait to get my picture taken with the oprah and other stars at the theme park.Let’s see her and you help burry the dead.Just send money and shut the F up

danny on September 8, 2005 at 6:43 pm

Shannon,I know it’s shattering but ,the bucks $$”s to fly in the private plane,which by the way is an old bucket in relation to what was in it, is for show.O.K. the positive is huge for the feel good effect.I bet it helps some to sleep . so be it .The fact is, she’s a lump of crap.
Maybe she’ll start an “Angel Network” theme park, G-d willing.When I say “some to sleep”I mean the Shannon’s.Can’t wait to get my picture taken with the oprah and other stars at the theme park.Let’s see her and you help burry the dead.Just send money

danny on September 8, 2005 at 6:44 pm

A) if they had just sent in money and nothing was know of it, they would have been criticized for not contributing (because no one would know of it),
B) While it is nice in theory to not let people know of good things done because it appears to be attention grabbing, the fact is that people complain about people not doing things even when they are so attention MUST be drawn to when something is done,
C) The media ONLY reports on the negative and I see you putting lots of negative in your comment too. “lump of crap”? Who the hell cares? NTSB. It has to pass air worthiness standards.
D) why the concentration on burying the dead? Helping the living now is more important. More living folks helped so they can help others makes the overall task of cleanup and rebuilding a lot easier.

Shannon on September 8, 2005 at 6:59 pm

if you burry the dead and you are one that really does it.Picks up the shovel, you try harder not to let it ever happen again . I do think it’s o.k.for oprah and them to be out there showing the $$$’s they give .At least it’s a start.but and this is a big ‘but’ she’s self promoting . I know in this world it’s easy to love the good the stars let you see they do and you are kind to want that in everyone .I know I’m neg. in a upbeat person’s eyes.For that I’m truly sorry I see and weigh things through a survivors eye’s.And Oprah has already proven by her buddies who hate the jews + hate israel that the love on t.v. isn’t in her off time.But Shannon it’s cool and I’m sorry I wrote Shut the F up. truly

danny on September 8, 2005 at 8:22 pm

Oprah a fake and phony…I hear water is wet and fire is hot, too.
Shannon, since when does the mainstream press report anything negative about celebs? They never do because they know their access will be cut off.
I couldn’t care less what any celeb does, but since they nominate themselves as these elite spokesmen on government policy and public morality, it’s important they be exposed.
Now here come the telethons and they are hounding middle America, who they loathe, to part with their hard earned money while these hypocrites sit in their mansions and contribute just a small percentage of their riches (no doubt getting a tax writeoff). For example, just today I saw yet another “give till it hurts” plea from Destiny’s Child, while Beyonce is wearing a $3 million dollar engagement ring.
C’mon, HO-prah is a billionaire. She won’t ever spend it in her lifetime. What’s contributing $50 million to her? Bill Gates could easily give a billion. Just have Speilberg, George Lucas and a few others give half of their fortune, which they will never need or miss, and you could build a supremely nice house for each refugee and they wouldn’t have to work again. Bingo, problem solved. I just can’t believe nobody hasn’t mentioned this as a solution.
Keep rocking, Debbie!

The_Man on September 9, 2005 at 12:17 am

“C’mon, HO-prah is a billionaire. She won’t ever spend it in her lifetime. What’s contributing $50 million to her? Bill Gates could easily give a billion. Just have Speilberg, George Lucas and a few others give half of their fortune, which they will never need or miss, and you could build a supremely nice house for each refugee and they wouldn’t have to work again. Bingo, problem solved. I just can’t believe nobody hasn’t mentioned this as a solution.”
What are you a communist/socialist? Why should these people never have to work again. Because they chose to live in a soup bowl surrounded by water?
Look it was a tragedy, but no way should these people get a free ride.

hunkpapa on September 9, 2005 at 9:49 am

I “unfortunately” missed Hoprah with The Extortionist(*)-but I did catch an upcoming preview of her show with K.”The English Patient” West(To rally “the rap community” behind dis’ foo’
who got his ass on the cover of TIME,thanks to
limousine liberal honkies.Apparentely,Bush had the CIA make him crash his car).(*”…Among them were documents from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference that alleged Jackson had misapropriated funds from Operation Breadbasket in Chicago in the late 1960’s.The file clearly demonstrates that Jackson was not the favorite son of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., or his intended heir,but a hustler who fabricated a reputation out of thin air…”One of the attorneys working for Anheuser-Busch cut him off
..”Mr. Jackson,before you go any further,read this”..He slid a black legal binder across the conference table to Jackson…”After about 15 minutes,Jackson slammed thre file shut,got up,and walked out without a word..Jackson announced the end of the PUSH boycott of Anheuser-Busch almost immediately afterwords…Meanwhile,lawyer Frankie Freeman,defending the St. Louis Sentinel,called Jackson’s libel action against the paper, a misuse of legal process that constitutes an extortion…”(‘Shakedown-exposing the real Jesse Jackson’ by Kenneth Timmerman p.135-136).

jaywilton on September 9, 2005 at 10:35 am

I have heard that in many ways Katrina was a test run for a national terrorist attack. Is this is true, we are in for serious trouble. We knew at least four days in advance that New Orleans was a possible target. In an actual terrorist attack, their would be no advance warning. Every level of government…from local to Federal failed at every level.President Bush was actually compared to the Ku Klux Klan. Cooperation was little at best and nonexistent in most cases. There was more finger-pointing and blaming then there was actual relief.Can you believe that they were blaming the army corps of engineers for work done in the 1960s? You would have thought that maybe those levies could have been tested sometime in the last 40 years. How about those pumping stations…somebody explain why they are placed below sea level? FEMA and Homeland Security better get their act together and soon.

MichaelRoland on September 9, 2005 at 1:14 pm

I tend to agree with the person who said in essence take a third or even a tenth of all the richest people in america’s money and donate that. They may not be able to live without working but that would sure solve the disaster relief problem. But that will never happen because they are too busy being out there trying to get us to donate our money, you know all that extra cash we all have lying around from sneaker deals and sitcom appearences, etc… BTW, I am not socialist either. I just find it ironic that they pretend to care so much and their walk certainly does not match the talk.

Uncle Tim on September 9, 2005 at 1:19 pm

God bless America, capitalism and a deregulated free market where Whoreprah can exploit people and make $$$ too

KOAJaps on September 9, 2005 at 11:54 pm

Aside from Oprah’s expected emotional “I’M MAAAAAAAAD” grandstanding and phony kissing up to Mr. Incompetent.. Mayor Ray Nagin, was the “Lisa Ling” segment on Oprah’s show.. making her irresponsible comment/insinuation about how she wondered how different the response would have been if it had been a white and affluent community that was affected.
Hey Lisa Lingo.. SOME ADVICE.. Keep your BIAS STIRRING, LIBERAL politics out of it when you’re supposed to be OBJECTIVELY reporting a story ESPECIALLY on SOMEONE ELSES program!!
But you know what Lisa Lingo? MAYBE, it would have been different.. THAT IS, if the voters of that so called white, affluent community (or ASIAN or other African American community) in the USA did not vote for such UNQUALIFIED UNPREPARED leaders like a Mayor Ray Nagin and Governor Kathleen Blanco!!
Don Aldona

don_aldona on September 10, 2005 at 8:28 am

you guys have spun this to decide how much $$$’s your movie stars should give. and asking each other how much you have given, wait …slow down listen to debbie.

danny on September 10, 2005 at 5:33 pm

You rock! I’ve always been suspicious of Oprah Winfrey’s sincerity given her rags-to-riches story. Your articles confirm my suspicions.
I’ve always despised race merchant/shakedown artist extraordinaire Jesse Jackson. People like him and Al Sharpton have done more harm to blacks than white America ever has, for the simple fact that they do everything in their power to keep blacks locked in pertetual victimhood.
Great work!!!

Dutch on September 11, 2005 at 4:11 am

Please tell me just how much Money did Kanye West give to the disaster relief???

peachtree on September 12, 2005 at 9:30 pm

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