November 9, 2007, - 4:49 pm

Marcel Khalife, Islam’s Wagner: Singer/Composer/Playwright of Islamic Terrorists Hosted by Tax-Funded Arab Museum/Social Agency

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember Richard Wagner? The European composer was not only a well-known anti-Semite, but the Nazis played his music while they murdered hundreds of thousands of the 6 million Jews whose lives they snuffed out. He is not only considered an early proponent of the Holocaust decades before it began, but his influence over the Nazi National Socialist Party was enormous.
Now, there is an Arab, pan-Islamist version of Wagner. His name is Marcel Khalife. His plays and songs have served as inspiration for Hezbollah, Lebanese Communist, and Palestinian terrorists in their slaughter of innocent Israelis and Lebanese, including members of the South Lebanese Army (SLA) which fought off Hezbollah for many years. He praises “the Resistance”–yes, that resistance: Islamic terrorists–in everything he writes and performs.
Ironically, he is a “UNESCO Artist for Peace.” That means our U.S. funds that subsidize the United Nations go to this cretin to inspire more terrorist killings. But there’s more. He’s now on our shores.


Marcel Khalife: Terrorists’ Muse Glorifies the “Resistance”

Last night, this muse for barbarians was hosted at a meet and great at the tax-funded, Muslim-run, anti-Israel National Arab American Museum in Dearbornistan. Tonight, he is performing in concert at a tax-funded concert hall in Dearbornistan. And tomorrow night, he will perform in the People’s Republic of Ann Arbor.
In addition to the tax-funded propaganda museum, Khalife is also being hosted here by the tax-funded Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS–which gets millions in federal tax funds), and a number of other Muslim-dominated Arab organizations.
My peaceful, moderate Lebanese friends here in town are mortified and outraged. And they are shocked. How could a country that claims it is fighting the War on Terror, they ask, welcome this inspirer of terrorism onto our shores?
They point to one very stark example, among many others: Soha Beshara, a Lebanese Communist terrorist murderer and Hezbollah supporter who impersonated an aerobics instructor in order to get in close enough proximity to shoot Antoine Lahd, head of the South Lebanese Army. In late 1988, she shot him (but failed to kill him). She was in the Israeli-supervised El-Khiam prison, where she was scheduled for execution. Beshara told Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram that she was inspired by Marcel Khalife:

When asked about her last wish before her execution, she said that she would “sing a song by [Lebanese singer] Marcel Khalife, a song that glorifies the Resistance.”

Ironically, the article about her from Al-Ahram is reprinted on the Dearbornistan-based Bint Jbeil website (as I’ve repeatedly noted, Bint Jbeil is the Hezbollah stronghold in South Lebanon where most of the Shi’ite Lebanese Muslims in Dearbornistan come from).
Unfortunately, the Israelis released Soha Beshara from prison after 10 years. But, at least, she is not here on our shores . . . for now.
Disturbingly, the man who inspired her violent acts is. And you are helping subsidize Marcel Khalife with your taxes.
As one Lebanese friend of mine remarked:

I am wondering who invited Marcel Khalife to Michigan. He is to perform two concerts, one in Ann Arbor and one in Dearborn. He is well known in Lebanon and I know as others that he is a member of the Communist party and all of his songs and plays were in the support of terrorist groups against the SLA and Israel. Funny world!!!!!

Yes, and not just funny. Frightening.

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17 Responses

I hate Ann Arbor and Dearborn(istan).

samurai on November 10, 2007 at 1:13 am

>>I hate Ann Arbor and Dearborn(istan). Posted by: samurai <<
The mini-madrassa in Franklin Village (of all places) is okay with you then?
Pan Islam has long ago moved out in to the outer suburbs. While you focus solely on Dearbornistan, you are doing precisely what the Islamists want you to do. Don’t be surpised if Khalife appears at The Palace next year.
I was at Hussien Zorkot’s re-adjourned pre-trail today. Were you? Or do you only snipe from your far perch? There still are a few of us “gringos” who still live in Mecca-West….I suppose we’re the enemy too.

Zoyadog on November 10, 2007 at 3:20 am

I’m sure this guy will be the new flavor of the month in Hollyweird. Oliver Stone, Jane Fonda, Brian DePalma, Sean Penn, you’re being paged.

Rich B on November 10, 2007 at 10:54 am

I clearly addressed that comment to “samuri,” not to you. I’m sorry you seem to have misread my remark.
His/her comment was specific about Dearborn and Ann Arbor, as if the Islamic leprosy resides only here, and there. I suggest to “Samuri” and anyone else that we’ve not surrendered just yet. I do read the site regularly and I’m fully aware that YOU do NOT concentrate on Dearborn alone, if fact, that was my point.
Truth is I can think of only one point I ever disagreed with you on in the past 2 years, and that was a minor one. Your site opens with my browser as a permanenet tab, check your logs if you doubt it.
I took the remark of “samuri” to be of the NIMBY class….as if Islamic nut cases are soley here, not anywhere else. Being at the pre-trial, as I was and a person from D’brn Underground was, at a minimum, isn’t special in any way except that we cared enough to be there, because we live here. Someone who just “hates” for the hell of it has little to talk about when the roots are already in their own back yards as well. In that context, to “hate” Dearborn without participation is nothing but a cheap shot.
In short, I live in Dearborn, and I am not ashamed of it. The only way I will leave is feet first tits up….the Islamists can go to hell in the same manner if need be.

Zoyadog on November 10, 2007 at 11:56 pm

A site dedicated to spreading this enmity is a good thing. Religious and tribal minded Jews, Muslims, and “Christians” hating each other and conspiring to kill each other–how cool.
You are a good influence in the world. Keep stirring the pot, watch out though, the witches brew sometimes has unintended consequences.

Marcus on November 12, 2007 at 12:45 am

Good comments, and the misunderstanding with Deb points out the need to *always* address the remarks to someone.
If it is to no one in particular and is just adding to the discussion, then address it to Debbie.
I have seen pointless flames develop based on this sort of misunderstanding on this and other blogs.

Red Ryder on November 12, 2007 at 9:06 am

It’s unfortunately easy to find antisemites in the arts — Chopin was another. But, as you say, Wagner holds a special place due to his utilization by the Nazis. Therefore it’s noteworthy that in 2001 the conductor Daniel Barenboim broke a decades-old Israeli taboo by conducting a piece from Wagner’s opera ‘Tristan and Isolde’ at a concert in Jerusalem. The piece received a standing ovation from most of the audience, but some angry protesters left the hall banging doors and shouting “fascist,” “Juden raus” (“Jews out” in German), and “go home.” Jerusalem’s then-mayor Ehud Olmert (this was before he turned quisling) called Barenboim’s behaviour “brazen, arrogant, uncivilised and insensitive” and the Israel director of the Nazi-hunting Simon Wiesenthal Center said what Barenboim did amounted to “cultural rape.”

John West on November 12, 2007 at 9:39 am

    For anyone to criticize and complain about this man an artist this internationally renowned musician Marcel Khalife and to call him and anti-semite and a supporter of terrorists is just plain stupid and wrong. This man stands up for his Palestinian brethren who have been denied there home land and living under occupation and facing daily terrorist attacks On their homes and having their farms uprooted and facing daily settler violence against them. This is plain stupid and venoms talk from this publisher of this article. She do not know this musician and never heard his music and does not know his history in order to make such stupid comments about him. Marcel khalIfe does not only criticized Israeli Zionist expansionism and the stealing of Palestinian land on a daily basis, but he also sings about freedom for all people in this world. He was sent to court in Lebanon because in one of his songs he was accused by one fanatical person of blaspheming the Koran. When the honest Muslim judge heard the song dismissed this case against him. He was also criticised for writing music for a play based on an old Arabic romantic story because it was deemed a bit too sexual.

    The music of Marcel was taken by the Italian Philharmonic Orchestra and rearranged for an entire symphony.

    Marcel Khalife is a Christian not Muslim.

    Basim Daoud on December 24, 2010 at 2:59 pm

I guess you’re right. We should sleep in blissful ignorance while evil men carry out plots to destroy us with the complicity of ignorant or worse public officials.
This will truly bring peace to the world.

Facts of Life on November 12, 2007 at 9:57 am

The Murder of Jewish Toddlers!
What Hezbollah is all about!
On July 12, 2006 Lebanese Hezbollah militants crossed the border with Israel in an operation dubbed “Operation Truthful Promise,” which was aimed at nabbing Israeli soldiers in exchange for Lebanese prisoners. Hezbollah succeeded in the operation and successfully took hostage two Israeli soldiers, Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser. During the operation, eight Israeli soldiers were killed. This ignited the sequence of events which led to the Israel/Lebanon summer war.
The story goes further back than July of 2006. It really began in April 1979! On Sabbath day, April 22, 1979, Danny and Smadar Haran met up with a monster named Samir Kuntar.
Danny and Smadar were a loving Israeli couple. They had everything they could ever hope for… love, marriage and two precious daughters, Einat, 4 and Yael, 2. That day Smadar was home anticipating Danny’s return from work and preparing for the Sabbath. She had just picked up their two toddlers from day care. Danny, on the other hand, was looking forward to nothing more than getting home and spending time with his wife and his two young daughters.
Traditionally, the Sabbath is the most special day of the week, the day the family gets to spend time together and celebrate their bond to Judaism. It was especially important for Danny who, as a young father, had to work extra hard in order to provide for his wife and young children. Little did Smadar know that this would be the last Sabbath she would celebrate with her family because of a man named Samir Kuntar. Around midnight the nightmare began!
What’s the deal with Samir Kuntar?
Since April 22, 1979 Samir Kuntar has been incarcerated in an Israeli prison. Samir Kuntar, a Druze from the Lebanese mountain village of Aabey , who currently holds the dubious distinction of being the longest held Lebanese prisoner in Israeli jails. Kuntar is currently ONE of THREE Lebanese prisoners still serving time in Israeli jails. Kuntar was convicted and sentenced to a 542 years prison sentence by the state of Israel . Israel even almost tried to pass a bill to have him executed! What did he do? What was his crime? The crime Kuntar committed was one of the most sickest, heinous, barbaric crime ever committed on Israeli soil.
The crime took place on April 22, 1979 when Kuntar led a group of 3 other terrorists, all members of Abu Abbas PLF (Palestinian Liberation Front), infiltrated the Israeli coastal city of Naharya and broke into the Haran family apartment and took Danny Haran and his 4 year old daughter Einat Haran hostage. When Kuntar and his gang broke into the apartment, the wife, Smadar Haran and her 2 year old daughter Yael, were also present in the apartment. Smadar managed to find a crawl space into which she, her younger daughter, 2 year old Yael, and a neighbor all hid. To prevent Yael from crying and giving away their hiding place, Smadar covered the child’s mouth with her hand.
Kuntar and his group took Danny and little Einat down to the beach. At the beach Kuntar shot Danny in the back. Danny survived the gun shot but moments later was drowned personally by Kuntar. All this was witnessed by the young daughter. Kuntar forced her to watch her father’s murder so that [in Kuntar’s words] “his death would be the last sight she would ever see.” Kuntar then laid the little toddler down on a rock and smashed her head with the butt of his rifle. She didnÔø?t die right away, so Kuntar beat her with his rifle repeatedly, over and over again (all this done, while she was screaming and crying), to ensure that she was dead.
Meanwhile in the apartment, Smadar’s attempt to muffle her daughter’s whimpering proved fatal. Yael was accidentally suffocated and died within the hiding space.
And on July 12, 2006, the ONLY reason why Ehud Goldawasser and Eldad Regev were kidnapped by Hezbollah, was to force Israel to release/surrender Samir Kuntar.
Now the dilemma is, should Israel release Samir Kuntar in order to gain the release of Goldwasser and Regev? Unfortunately Kuntar might be freed in the next couple of days in exchange for these two soldiers, or their caskets, since there hasnÔø?t been even one sign of life since their kidnapping on July 12th. For those who didnÔø?t know, Samir Kuntar was the only reason thatÔø?s been holding back the release of Goldwasser and Regev, for almost a year and a half.
The nerve of Hezbollah to honor a child killer like Kuntar. The nerve of Hezbollah to kidnap two Israeli soldiers in order to force Israel to release a child murderer from jail! This is what Hezbollah is all about.
The July 12, 2006 abduction was originally named Ôø?Operation Freedom Samir Kuntar,Ôø? by Hezbollah. But days before the kidnapping Hezbollah changed the name of the operation to Ôø?Operation Truthful Promise,Ôø? due to the fact that Nasrallah made a true promise to the family of Samir Kuntar to have him freed from jail.
In September 2000, three Israeli soldiers were kidnapped by Hizbollah, along with an Israeli businessman, Elhanan Tennenbaum. Nasrallah immediately demanded Israel release all its Lebanese prisoners INCLUDING Samir Kuntar. In 2004 Israel was holding a TOTAL of 26 Lebanese prisoners. That same year, 23 out of those 26 prisoners were released, in order to secure the release of those 3 IDF (Israeli Defense Force) soldiers as well and Elhanan Tennenbaum. This prisoner exchange also had a second phase, which involved Hezbollah providing solid evidence on the fate of Ron Arad (the Israeli pilot who went missing in Lebanon in 1986) and in exchange, Israel would release the 24th Lebanese prisoner, Samir Kuntar! Hezbollah failed to deliver the information on Arad, and the deal was off.
In 2006, when Goldwasser and Regev were kidnapped Israel was out of bargain chips, its only choice in order to gain information on the fate of these two soldiers is the release Samir Kuntar. Who even knows if Goldwasser and Regev are alive! LetÔø?s not forget, the four years prior to the Ôø?infamous Israel-Hezbollah prisoner exchange of 2004,Ôø? Israel had no idea on the fate of their soldiers until the day of the exchange. Only on the day of the exchange Israel found out, they would receive 3 caskets instead of 3 soldiers.
It is beyond sickening, a man who beat to death a little toddler is celebrated for his glorious deed. Kuntar has been dubbed by some parts of the Arab world as the Ôø?Dean of World Prisoners.Ôø? Who would imagine? Hezbollah crossing the border into Israel, killing four Israeli soldiers and kidnapping 2 more, going through all this trouble, JUST to free a child killer!
There is another point worth mentioning. Hezbollah has never claimed that Kuntar was innocent or that he may have been framed. They only demand his release as if he were being held unlawfully and that Israel had no right to imprison him.
Kuntar is probably the most hated person by the Israeli public. He is known as the Ôø?killer of NahryaÔø? instead of Ôø?terrorist of Nahrya.Ôø? And to think that this person is being released under the context of threat, extortion, and blackmail! If it wasnÔø?t for kidnapping of soldiers, Kuntar would have continued to serve out his sentence.
Israel has an extensive history of releasing prisoner with blood on their hands, it has been done in the past and most expect that, it would happen again. This time with Kuntar. It is important to keep in mind that prisoners who are in Israeli jails are serving time for something. Israel is not a “gangster” or “lawless” state that imprisons people based solely on a whim. Every prisoner was charged, stood trail, convicted and properly sentenced. They were not kidnapped simply because they were Arabs. Hence, there is no justification in comparing the kidnapped Israeli soldiers to Samir Kuntar.
There is a fine line between a humanitarian release of prisoners or releasing prisoners for the sake of peace AND knuckling under to unadulterated extortion. There is also a huge difference between someone with hatred in his head and he who has blood on his hands! Nobody expects that someone like Kuntar who is released will become Lovers of Israel! But someone and others like Kuntar who have committed murder or collaborated in the planning of that murder should be considered an unacceptable risk. It goes beyond forgiving terrorism. It becomes an abetting in any future terrorism carried out by those released. Israel will viewed as a weak state that can be brought to its knees by extortion.
If Israel was to release Kuntar it would be the biggest thing they ever surrendered! The Sinai Peninsula, Israel gave back under negotiations, the West Bank and Gaza Israel also gave back under negotiations of the Oslo Accords. In 1985 during the famous Ôø?Ahmed Jibril ExchangeÔø? Israel released 1200 prisoners for the release of 3 IDF soldiers, some of those prisoners who were released had blood on their hands including Kozo Okamoto who killed 22 Israelis. BUT even all those 1200 prisoners put together, cannot compare to the savage murderous act committed by Samir Kuntar. Israel also currently holds 10,000 Palestinian prisoners, some of which have been incarcerated for conspiring, carrying out, and masterminding murderous terrorist attacks (suicide bombings, shootings, etcÔø?), which targeted Jewish civilians in Israel. BUT even all those 10,000 prisoners put together cannot compare to Kuntar.
Kuntar could have shot little Einat or blown her up, but instead he took his loaded gun and just bludgeoned her on the head repeatedly for several minutes until she was dead! Lets not also forget, the fact, that several minutes prior to murdering Einat, Kuntar drowned her father in front of her, and forced her to watch.
Anyone, who reads this article and does not shed a tear, is not a human being.
What kind of country is this to release a child murderer from jail under the context of threat and extortion? If we release Kuntar, we know what message it sends to Hezbollah and other terror groups like Hamas, etcÔø? But what obscene messages does it send to the families of those Israeli murdered, especially Smadar Haran whose daughter was beaten to death by a man who hates Jews. What Kuntar did was not only a terrorist act but should also be considered a criminal act. And what demoralizing message does it send to the Israeli troops and security services who risked their lives in order to capture and arrest the terrorists?
There is no doubt that Goldwasser and Regev need to be unconditionally released from Lebanon, Syria, Iran or from wherever they are now being held. Olmert’s “good will gesture” has disaster written all over it. Appeasement didn’t work with Hitler and it will not work with Hezbollah. “Negotiations” will not work either for over what exactly is there to negotiate? How far will Israel go to assure its own disappearance?
There will be nothing positive coming out of the release of Kuntar. There is no worst context of releasing prisoners than under the context of threat. But today October 15, 2007 there is chatter within Israel to drop the demand for Ron Arad for the exchange of Kuntar.
The Official Website of Samir Kuntar
Israel moots Kuntar prisoner swap
(AL-JAZEERA 9/17/2006)
Free the monster Samir Kuntar
(Haaretz article 09/04/2006)
Plot to free terrorist (Kuntar) may have led to fight
(Washington Times 8/8/2006)
Nasrallah says no deal without Samir
(9/12/2006 BBC article “Nasrallah Demands Militant Free”)
“Hizballah Wants Israel to Free Child-Killer”
(Cybercast News Service, 7/18/2006)
More than 25 years later, militant still atop Hezbollah’s list for swap
(Seattle Times 8/16/2006)
Why Hezbollah Attacked Israel
(Mens News Daily 8/09/2006)
Samir Kuntar to be released very soon
The Jerusalem Post 1/6/2007
Video of an interview with Smadar Haran on CBC
(RealPlayer required)

Cedars1559 on November 13, 2007 at 11:04 am

i fuckin hate the jews. they’re so ugly with their noses and they small bad. Arab g

erika on June 11, 2010 at 3:08 pm

i fuckin hate the jews. they’re so ugly with their noses and they small bad. Arab guys are hotter, and better tanned 😛

erika on June 11, 2010 at 3:09 pm

For anyone to criticize and complain about this man an artist this internationally renowned musician Marcel Khalife and to call him and anti-semite and a supporter of terrorists is just plain stupid and wrong. This man stands up for his Palestinian brethren who have been denied there home land and living under occupation and facing daily terrorist attacks On their homes and having their farms uprooted and facing daily settler violence against them. This is plain stupid and venoms talk from this publisher of this article. She do not know this musician and never heard his music and does not know his history in order to make such stupid comments about him. Marcel khalIfe does not only criticized Israeli Zionist expansionism and the stealing of Palestinian land on a daily basis, but he also sings about freedom for all people in this world. He was sent to court in Lebanon because in one of his songs he was accused by one fanatical person of blaspheming the Koran. When the honest Muslim judge heard the song dismissed this case against him. He was also criticised for writing music for a play based on an old Arabic romantic story because it was deemed a bit too sexual.

The music of Marcel was taken by the Italian Philharmonic Orchestra and rearranged for an entire symphony.

Basim Daoud on December 22, 2010 at 12:49 pm

Also one other note Marcel Khalife is a Christian not Muslim.

Basim Daoud on December 22, 2010 at 6:50 pm

Miss Schlussel, you have taken a peaceful activist who promotes the peaceful resistance to Israeli breaches of international law and corrupted his good name. You use hateful garbage and anti-intellectual rhetoric to defame him, to the point where I can’t even take your writing seriously. People like you are the worst enemy to peaceful discourse. Thank you for being the unwelcome poison in the well of democracy.

Boutros Bsharin on April 21, 2012 at 5:57 pm

BTW He’s a christian

tony sader on November 21, 2012 at 5:45 pm

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