November 9, 2007, - 4:14 pm

Catfight of the Day: Fabio v. George Clooney

By Debbie Schlussel
Gee, this is a fight–like Donald v. Rosie–that I wish could go on forever: Fabio v. George Clooney. And at the center of it, George Clooney thinks it’s all about him. That’s how this male catfight got started:

George Clooney and romance icon Fabio stunned diners at Hollywood’s swanky Madeo restaurant on Friday, when they exchanged fighting words over a photo session.
Actor Fabio was dining with friends when one stood to take photos close to a table Clooney was sharing with his girlfriend Sarah Larson.


Kramer v. Kramer: George Clooney Feuds With Fabio

According to In Touch Weekly magazine, Clooney thought the photographer was trying to take shots of him and asked her to stop — a request that annoyed his fellow diner.
The magazine reports Fabio went over to Clooney’s table to explain, but the conversation became heated, and the long-haired actor was overheard telling the “Ocean’s Eleven” star, “I thought you were a nice guy. Stop being a diva!”
The encounter reportedly prompted angry Clooney to stand up and approach Fabio.
An eyewitness tells In Touch, “The waiters broke it up before it got out of hand.
“George looked annoyed. … George was drinking but he wasn’t drunk.”
Clooney reportedly skipped the rest of his meal, asked for his bill and left.
Fabio’s manager has refused to comment about the incident, but says, “George is lucky he didn’t end up in the ER.”

Nothing better than a girlie-man like Fabio almost beating up a liberal fascist like George Clooney.
Please, keep it comin’!

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15 Responses

Now I won’t pay to see any of Clooney’s flicks, but I would pay to see him get his butt kicked by an aging, Harlequin Romance novel cover boy.
Damn waiters!

Southernops on November 9, 2007 at 4:44 pm

I don’t think Fabio is a girlie man. I saw him interviewed once, discussing his home theater system, apparently he’s pretty hardcore about it (like many men). He seemed surprisingly intelligent and articulate. Didn’t strike me as arrogant. It would seem appropriate to say:
“It makes no difference to me what a man does for a living, understand.”
-Don Corleone
Clooney on the other hand is a grade A jackass. If he hadn’t been in the right place at the right time (ER), he’d probably be nobody today.

melchloboo on November 9, 2007 at 5:57 pm

What Southernops said! Excellent!

Crimsonfisted on November 9, 2007 at 7:16 pm

Fabio seems like a stand-up guy. He’s got long hair, but why not? … George Clooney I’ve never had any use for! He’s as stupid as he is UGLY! (yes I said it! )

svetlana_60656 on November 10, 2007 at 10:51 am

LOL Debbie,
I wondered if you were a Fabio fan. Yikes. He kind of reminds me of Stallone some–the many eccentricities. Yeah, I’m still jealous of Sly’s hug photo with you! The old steroid laden war horse you went gaga over!

BB on November 10, 2007 at 1:02 pm

Debbie, your drooling over Sly was a real low point on this blog, particularly when paired with his grotesque picture. It’e even worse if you consider his knee jerk, left-wing politics. At least Angelina has an excuse (X chromosome) and is genuinely hot. But I’m not one to pile on.

Anonymous1 on November 10, 2007 at 1:17 pm

LOL … Fabio should have slugged him. I bet Georgina would have burst into tears.

Freudianslippers on November 10, 2007 at 1:46 pm

I think the comments are funny. Some even taking sides over a couple of pretty boys. As if they had some connection to them in knowing how they really are outside the “image” that makes them money by you guys.

ArloRay on November 10, 2007 at 8:36 pm

The problem with my reply here is that no one has seen Sailor Moon SuperS. If you have, then you understand that this “fight” was like Hawkseye fighting Tigerseye. That’s exactly what these two remind me of!!
Anyway, ROFL

Squirrel3D on November 10, 2007 at 8:36 pm

Perhaps this will be the next bout on “Celebrity Death Match”?

Carl on November 10, 2007 at 10:09 pm

Hey, Debbie. What do you have against Fabio? Odd line of work aside, he seems like a stand-up guy and gentleman.
Squirrel – What’s the difference between normal Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon SuperS?

LibertarianBulbasaur on November 11, 2007 at 3:26 pm

Let’s see…George Gooney’s 5’11” and about 190 pounds. Fabio’s 6’3″ and probably goes about 220. Would’ve loved to see them go at it. Sounds like Fabio was trying to expain to Clooney that the photog was taking pictures of someone else and that maybe Clooney had had a little too much to drink to process that. Or maybe Clooney simply said he COULD believe it wasn’t butter.
Until Clooney and Roberts won Oscars, I thought that only the great actors won such awards.
Way to go, Fabio!

richardzowie on November 11, 2007 at 7:38 pm

“Squirrel – What’s the difference between normal Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon SuperS?”
Well since you never did research on the manga/anime nor ever read/watched (in subtitles, not english) the manga/anime…I’m not suprised by such an uninformed question. I hope I inticed you to do the following.
I also have alot of things against Fabio too.

Squirrel3D on November 12, 2007 at 9:32 am

“Well since you never did research on the manga/anime nor ever read/watched (in subtitles, not english) the manga/anime…I’m not suprised by such an uninformed question. I hope I inticed you to do the following.”
字幕は弱虫の為の物だよ。まあ、とっちにしてもSailon Moonを観る必要は無いもんっすね。

LibertarianBulbasaur on November 12, 2007 at 7:22 pm

I have met Fabio, and he is not only an incredible babe…he is the KINDEST PERSON I have ever known! And make no mistake about it, he could easily beat the c**p out of Mr. ‘It’s All About Me’ Clooney. If he had no class…like Clooney! I think George Clooney is a conceited ass! Why don’t you jealous little boys talk about something you know about…like ‘Sailor Moon’…Good Lord!!! Grow up! Sailor Moon…what are you, little girls?

Michelle on May 10, 2010 at 2:45 pm

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