November 8, 2007, - 1:29 pm
The Immigration “Leaders” Who Praised Blackface Costume; UPDATE: Rumor – ICE Princess Asked to Resign
By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE: Well, I think she’s finally done for. And that’s hopefully–depending upon who replaces her–a good thing for immigration enforcement. Rumors coming from the ICE Palace: Julie Myers has been asked to resign. Buh-Bye. And don’t let the door hit you on the way out. See ya. ****
More details are getting out about the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Halloween costume party hosted by ICE chief, Julie L. Myers a/k/a The ICE Princess.
It’s really beyond incredible that The White House won’t denounce Myers and that Michael “Serpenthead” Chertoff is praising her. Apparently, they need to be reminded that she hosted a silly party, then awarded a racist “Blackface” costume, and then suspended the employee Myers and two of her top personnel praised. As I noted, Myers lied and claimed she didn’t realize the employee was in Blackface. And, hey, I didn’t realize the judges of the contest were in Blackface, too. I mean it doesn’t look like they’re wearing make-up to me. . .

In case you didn’t recognize them, here’s what these people look like when they’re in complete makeup:

It’s they–not just this guy–who should be suspended. Frankly, they are more to blame. So, whom do I mean when I say “they”?
Well, in addition to Myers, the other two judges who awarded the Blackface costume were Myers’ Chief of Staff, Nicholas J. Smith, who ironically was ICE PR/press chief until recently. Gee, he’s demonstrated he knows a lot about that topic. And the other is ICE Deputy Assistant Secretary for Management Theresa Bertucci, the third-in-command over the agency. Ironically, among her duties Ms. Bertucci oversees ICE’s Office of Equal Employment Opportunity, where I’m sure she’s “doin’ a heckuva job.” Sources say she was given her position in ICE by Michael Chertoff, where she was put in place to keep an eye for him on The ICE Princess. And clearly, she’s “doin’ a heckuva job” at that, too.
All three of these incompetents must be shown the door.
So, what happened to the picture for which Myers posed with the Blackface dude? How did that “accidentally” and quickly get deleted? Shouldn’t we get to see for ourselves whether we believe Myers’ absurd lie that she couldn’t tell he was wearing make-up? What happens to criminals ICE is investigating when they are caught “accidentally” destroying evidence?
She should face the same consequences as they do.
Either way, unless Senator McCaskill lifts her hold on Julie Myers, the woman will be out of a job in T Minus less than 2 months.
Buh-Bye, Blackface Originality Princess. BTW, Nice Costume (but not really original) . . .

Tags: chief, chief of staff, David Lunde, Debbie Schlussel, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Halloween, ICE, ICE chief, ICE Palace, ICE PR/press chief, ICE's Office of Equal Employment Opportunity, Julie L. Myers, Julie Myers, Julie Myers Diet Coke, Julie Myers Halloween, McCaskill, Michael "Serpenthead" Chertoff, Myers' Chief of Staff, Nicholas J. Smith, Nicholas J. Smith Praised, Princess, Theresa Bertucci, White House
I just linked to this at Hotair, “Myers’ ICE nomination hits a snag”
feralcat9 on November 8, 2007 at 2:53 pm