December 22, 2010, - 4:33 pm

Wimp Nation: Candy Canes Violate “School Weapons” Policy; Principal: Christmas Causes Suicide?!

By Debbie Schlussel

Reader Ari, a fellow Jewish lawyer and friend who is training to become an Orthodox rabbi, is as annoyed by this absurd story as I am.  It’s a mix of intolerance for anything Christmas in an Islamo-pandering Christian nation and the stupidity of obtuse “zero tolerance” policies by lazy idiocrats who refuse to use their brains and reason.  A school Christmas singing group is in trouble for giving out candy canes.  Apparently, they are considered weapons because they can be sharpened into weapons to stab people.  HUH??? We are a nation of wimps. Do you think Bin Laden is worried if his kids can turn tabbouli into weapons? Come on. Then, the principal tells the students’ parents that spreading Christmas cheer causes “suicide.” Um, do you think she’d get away with saying that about the Muslim Eid Al-Fitr or Eid Al-Adha? No, she’d be looking for a job.

Candy Canes Are Now Weapons?! Christmas Singers Cause Suicide?!

Ironically, their Haymarket, Virginia high school is called Battlefield High.  Uh, the Union and Confederate soldiers who probably died on the battlefield nearby are probably turning over in their graves over the nation they fought for and what it has become.

Says the always brilliant and hilarious Ari:

On the plus side, if there’s a school shooting, you would hope that there are some candy cane wielding vigilantes around to put an end to the violence Santa style.


They call themselves the “Christmas Sweater Club” because they wear the craziest ones they can find. They also sing Christmas songs at school and try their best to spread Christmas cheer.

Now all 10 of them are in trouble because of what they did at their school.

“They said, ‘maliciously maim students with the intent to injure.’ And I don’t think any of us here intentionally meant to injure anyone, or did,” said Zakk Rhine, a junior at Battlefield High School.

The boys say they were just tossing small two-inch candy canes to fellow students as they entered school. The ones in plastic wrap that are so small they often break apart.

Skylar Torbett, also a junior, said administrators told him, “They said the candy canes are weapons because you can sharpen them with your mouth and stab people with them.” He said neither he nor any of their friend did that.

Next thing they knew, they were all being punished with detention and at least two hours of cleaning. Their disciplinary notices say nothing about malicious wounding but about littering and creating a disturbance. . . .

The boys’ parents think the school went overboard and maybe administrators were trying to stop their boys from spreading Christmas cheer.

BINGO. That’s exactly what’s going on here. But it gets even more absurd and offensive:

Mother Kathleen Flannery said an administrator called her and explained “not everyone wants Christmas cheer. That suicide rates are up over Christmas, and that they should keep their cheer to themselves, perhaps.”

We don’t need Islamic terrorists to mass murder us. Our liberals are softly, slowly doing their work from within.

G-d save this aimless nation.

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19 Responses

Across the nation, there is a war on all religions except Islam – whose adherents are easily subjugated.

Duane on December 22, 2010 at 5:04 pm

    duane – muslims are not “easily subjugated”, they are pre-subjugated… no, that’s not right either… they are pro-subjugation. individual subjugation is assumed.

    howardroark43 on December 22, 2010 at 5:58 pm

According to their “reasoning” then I’m sure the school has outlawed pencils and pens for the same reason, along with all hard candies.
I miss the days when winter break was actually Christmas break, and Christmas was actually Merry Christmas not happy holidays at the stores.

wolf2012 on December 22, 2010 at 5:05 pm

What’s next? ….Highway patrolmen in speedos? The inmates ARE running the asylum. Hey, maybe the principal should be sent for some sensitivity training this time.

Not Ovenready on December 22, 2010 at 5:42 pm

I hate stupid liberals who hate Christianity. I’d get a good lawyer and the sue the school’s bosses for ruing Christmas fun!

NormanF on December 22, 2010 at 5:45 pm

I hate stupid liberals who hate Christianity. I’d get a good lawyer and the sue the school’s bosses for ruining Christmas fun!

NormanF on December 22, 2010 at 5:45 pm

I hate stupid liberals who hate Christianity. I’d get a good lawyer and sue the school’s bosses for ruining Christmas fun!

NormanF on December 22, 2010 at 5:46 pm

“the best way to spread christmas cheer is to sing loud for all to hear”

howardroark43 on December 22, 2010 at 5:55 pm

Not sure about this story. The school can only say they were disciplined for causing a disruption. Some reports are coming out that the disruption was them not just tossing the candy but throwing it as hard as they could while yelling “Merry Fing Christmas, bitches”. So there is more to this than what one news story has stated with only the boys and their parents version of events.

ender on December 22, 2010 at 6:43 pm

    The school and school district have had time to respond to the allegations, but have chosen not to do so far. Does that give you some clue that maybe “their side of the story” is not one that they would care to defend publicly? What disrupion is the school referring to? It is not defined. In addition, notices were handed out, according to the article, to the students regarding their disruption and littering. If you attended high school, detention is a very serious sanction usually reserved for a very serious offense, and not simply for littering. Also, you are really taking a leap to imply that the parents of ten kids encouraged them to disrupt their high school. You should reread the actual articles before putting up your fists.

    worry01 on December 22, 2010 at 8:35 pm

Har har har. The whole bit about sharpening candy canes into weapons immediately reminded me of this famous routine:

Irving on December 22, 2010 at 11:52 pm

    Dear Irving: It’s been years since I’ve seen Monty Python and the fresh fruit. I’d forgotten a lot of it. Thanks and Merry Christmas.

    Miranda Rose Smith on December 23, 2010 at 3:24 am

    Dear Irving: It’s been years since I’ve seen Monty Python and the fresh fruit. I’d forgotten a lot of it. I just laughed and laughed. Thanks and Merry Christmas.

    Miranda Rose Smith on December 23, 2010 at 3:27 am

This bit sums things up quite nicely:

“We don’t need Islamic terrorists to mass murder us. Our liberals are softly, slowly doing their work from within.”

Indeed. Why look for terrorists at airports when they are sitting in Congress and the White House, destroying America from within.

Erwin Alber on December 22, 2010 at 11:52 pm

I wonder if Battlefield High is going to ban apples and hard-boiled eggs from the lunchroom. After all, they can be used as projectile weapons.

That principal thinks Christmas leads to suicide. Labor Day leads to car accidents. Does he want to ban that?

Miranda Rose Smith on December 23, 2010 at 3:13 am

Fredericksburg VA would like to counteract this commie crap with a flash mob of professional choral members singing the “Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel’s “Messiah.”

Ken Blazek on December 23, 2010 at 5:26 am

Gee. We have people killing each other over idols, getting stupefied by celeb porn and poisoned by meth each day. And this HIGH “school” decided to ban candy canes?

That’s not wimpiness. That’s just plain stupidity. And cowardice.

And why can’t we call dhimmis for what they really are: traitors.

The Reverend Jacques on December 23, 2010 at 10:00 am

Candy Can Shivs. I’m more afraid of the mind that can think that one up than of any conceivable candy cane dangers.
These are the kind of people who wanted to replace ‘In God We Trust’ on the penny with “Choking Hazard, Children Under Three”.

poetcomic1 on December 23, 2010 at 1:18 pm

Debbie its about time somebody cracked down on Xmas. I don’t want anyone throwing candy at me unless it’s my aufruf. Also I Googled “Ari” and it turns out he’s a 40 year old virgin who lives with his mother and his real name is Shmuli.

A1 on December 24, 2010 at 8:44 am

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