December 20, 2010, - 1:22 pm

Of Course It’s a Terrorist Attack!: Lessons From the Muslim Stabbing Murder of an American in Israel

By Debbie Schlussel

By now, you’ve likely heard about the Muslim Arab stabbing of an American tourist in Israel, while she was hiking in the Jerusalem forest near the border of the so-called West Bank.  It’s tragic, and I pray for the family of Kristine Luken, who was murdered for daring to listen to Muslim Arabs “requesting water.”   She is the latest American victim of Islamic terrorism.  As you may also know, her friend, Kay Susan Wilson–a British immigrant to Israel–survived the terrorist attack by playing dead.  But, it’s important to note, that Wilson was wearing a Jewish star around her neck, which the murderous Islamic terrorists saw and pulled on.

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Kristine Luken, RIP: Latest American Murdered By Islam

Luken was a Christian missionary. (I do not know if Wilson was also one. She may be Jewish.)  Luken was one of those who did not heed the call of the anti-Semites and scumbags of the world, and voted with her pocketbook and her feet in visiting Israel.  And she didn’t die in vain, as she, hopefully, taught the world some important lessons:

*  There is no difference between the Islamic killers in the Israeli woods and the Muslims in the United States and the rest of the Western world.

Despite media and PC Islamo-panderers’ claims, there is absolutely no difference between the two Arab Muslims who murdered the one woman and thought they murdered the other.  If you think that couldn’t happen in the woods and parks of Dearbornistan or Al-Minneapolis/St. Paul, think again.  It could and it will.  There is no difference between the economic opportunities the Muslims get in Israel and those they get here.  In fact, there is even more money and affirmative action thrown their way in Israel and the so-called “territories.”  The Muslims in the offices of Ford Motor Company and on the streets of Canton and Hamtramck are no more “moderate” and “peaceful” than those in the woods of Israel who killed these two women over the weekend.  There is nothing unique or special about those two men.  And, in fact, a Muslim Arab from Lebanon, Houssein Zorkot, was doing training exercises for Hezbollah in a Dearborn park, not too long ago.  I have no doubt he’d kill me, given the chance to get away with it.

Although one of the women in this sad story was proud to display her Star of David necklace, I routinely hide my Hebrew jewelry when entering most places where I believe Muslims are loitering and could hurt me.  I’m a brave person and a proud Jew.  But not a stupid one. It’s the real “don’t ask, don’t tell.”  And there is no difference between what Muslims could do to me in Israel and what they can do to me here.   In many ways, they are freer and have sanction to do more here.  Remember, Muslims never succeeded in flying planes into buildings in Israel.  Israel is not dumb enough to employ Muslims as immigration and airport screening officials.  America is.

*  This was an Islamic terrorist attack on non-Muslims, on Westerners, and on a woman the Muslims perceived as a Jew (whether she was or not).

Incredibly, Israeli police are just like American law enforcement authorities in this case.  They say it’s “probably” a terrorist attack.  But they are still “investigating” whether or not it was.  PUH-LEEZE.  It was an Islamic terrorist attack, without question, and the Jewish star around the neck of one of the women was seized upon by these modern-day Nazis.  They thought this woman–and perhaps both of the women–were Jews, and certainly, they knew they were Westerners.

*  Westerners continue to engage in dangerous political correctness toward Muslims.  And it literally will kill them.

These women–with all due respect–were too nice.  Their experience is an allegory for what typically happens with us, Westerners.  We want to be nice.  We don’t want to be seen as bigots or inhumane.  And, so, we throw all caution to the wind and bend over backwards to be kind to Muslims, who literally stab us in the back for doing so.  These Muslim Arabs asked the women for water, and the women listened to their request, getting stabbed in return.  If I saw two Arab Muslims anywhere near me in a secluded area of Israel, I would assume the worst and run like hell.  I certainly wouldn’t give them the time or close proximity to ask me for water.  And I’d never spare them a drop.  I wouldn’t even hear their request or spend a second to think about it.  I know my life might depend on it.  That’s where these women acted like typical dhimmis.  They didn’t initially assume the worst and, out of the goodness of their heart, got murdered.

Even the survivor’s description, from her hospital bed, is too nice.  Although she says “it was clear they came to kill us,” she describes the savage Muslim attacker as behaving “like a gentleman”:

“I had a Star of David hanging on a chain around my neck,” Wilson told Haaretz. “He took it off like a gentleman and then turned me around and stabbed in the place where the Star of David had been.”

The woman says that they went off the trail, sat on a hill, when the Arab Muslims approached them and asked in Hebrew for water.  The woman said she wanted the men to leave and said, “Yalla bye.”  “Yalla” means “go” or “let’s go” in Arabic.

I had a similar experience, once, when I was on a tour of the so-called West Bank on one of my trips to Israel, and it was because I was in a location I did not want to be in.  It was my last day in Israel.  I wanted desperately to see “Kever Rachel,” the tomb of Rachel, but every day of the trip, the so-called “West Bank” was closed due to Arab Muslim uprisings.  Finally, on the last day, it was safer and opened up.  The only tour available, that day at the last minute, was Gallilee Tours, a Christian tour.  I didn’t know that this was the tour because my sister’s college friends–who were staying at the same hotel as me–booked us and I just followed.

After Rachel’s Tomb, we went to Bethlehem.  I did not want to get off the bus, but we were forced to, out of safety concerns.  Walking in a town square, an Arab merchant–an older man–kept trying to sell me postcards.  I kept saying, “Leh” (“no” in Arabic) to him, and he wouldn’t listen.  Finally, I said, “Yalla”  He responded by pulling a knife on me. I immediately ran and screamed, “Shotrim! Shotrim!” (Hebrew for police or security). A ton of Israeli soldiers and police pounced on the guy. But this was in the middle of main street Bethlehem, not the forest, where police and soldiers are nowhere nearby.

*  Israel is still one of the safest tourist destinations in the world, safer than many places in America.

Don’t let this story scare you out of going to Israel as a tourist and visitor.  I feel safer walking the streets of Jerusalem (well, the West side of Jerusalem, which is not infested by Muslims), than the streets of Dearbornistan, Detroit, Miami, Los Angeles, and New York.

These women made a mistake hiking alone there.  I would not hike alone in the forests or woods of Israel. . . or the parks of Dearborn or Birmingham, Michigan.  It is like hiking alone in the jungle, where  you might encounter a poisonous snake or other deadly animal.  Or it’s like a White (or Black) person hiking in South Central Los Angeles or Detroit’s Six Mile Road.

Whenever I’ve traveled in Israel, it’s with someone holding a gun or rifle.  That’s typical.  It’s not because the streets of Israel are dangerous.  They are not.  They are safer than the streets of suburban Detroit.  It’s because we know Muslims are hiding in remote locations looking to kill people.  They are like vampires (with apologies to vampires), regularly seeking Western prey.

Your odds of this happening to you as a tourist in Israel don’t even come close to the odds of you getting hit by a car crossing a street in your neighborhood.  Israel is safe, it is fun, and it will change your life.  Just don’t go hiking alone in a secluded area.

Kudos to Ms. Wilson for using her own knife to stab one of the attackers in self-defense.  It probably helped save her life and might help identify him.

Again, I feel for these women and I pray for them and their families.

Kristine Luken, Rest In Peace.

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26 Responses

The only thing I don’t care for in Israel is terrorists get luxury accommodations in Israeli prisons and they can get educated at taxpayer’s expense instead of being executed.

The value of a Jewish life sad, to say, is cheap in Israel. That’s why Islamic terrorists get away with slaughtering Jews.

A society without the death penalty is making a statement that human life isn’t sacred. And as long as Israel refuses to execute terrorists, innocent people will continue to be senselessly slaughtered.

My heart goes out to the family of Kristine Luken. She didn’t deserve her fate. I hope her killers are liquidated by the IDF instead of receiving Israeli “justice” which is no justice at all.

I too, feel for Kay Susan Wilson and ironically enough, her life was spared because she WAS a proud Jew. Its time for Jews to stop apologizing for and hiding their identity and fighting back and not letting Islamic savages steal from them all they hold dear, not just their lives. There’s a lesson there, too.

NormanF on December 20, 2010 at 1:49 pm

Debbie, about that affirmative action of Muslims, there’s that picture of a Muslim female TSA agent – yup – TSA – wearing a full burqa on the way to work that’s on The Web. Think she gets checked while us dhimmis are sexually molested by her and her colleagues? Uh huh.

Whatever my feelings are about the way Israelis are not dealing with terrorists as they should, I am in complete agreement with you Debbie, that they aren’t dumb enough to hire Muslims to oversee their airport security. America can afford affirmative action; its stupid but won’t get people here killed for awhile. In Israel, on the other hand, they know full well its a literal matter of life and death. Now they just need to treat murder with the appropriate harshness the crime rightfully demands.

NF: I’m not sure why that photo is news. I’ve written about many Muslim TSA screeners over the years, including those in hijabs, etc. It’s hardly a new phenomenon, just like there are Muslim cab drivers, doctors, ICE agents, FBI agents, etc. They are everywhere b/c we did nothing to stop their immigration. And Bush imposed a “Muslim affirmative” action on the federal agencies. DS

NormanF on December 20, 2010 at 2:09 pm

    Debbie, its not really news since you’ve written about it over the years but it rather does highlight the absurdity of the people who hate us being placed in charge of our safety. That’s akin to having the fox guard the henhouse and no good will come of it.

    NormanF on December 20, 2010 at 3:07 pm

I agree that Muslims can be dangerous but u can’t say that all of them are. Some muslims and more than you think are good normal people, just the non normal terrorist make all the muslims look bad and shold be stopped. and no i’m not muslim.

L: Do you know the secret code that tells us which Muslims are dangerous and which aren’t? It’s not like they come pre-packaged with a “Danger!” tattoo on their foreheads. Until I can tell which ones aren’t dangerous (and that’s very few, since most Muslims openly support Hezbollah and HAMAS and refuse to condemn them), you feel free to risk it, but I will not. My life is the most important civil right I have. DS

larryyy on December 20, 2010 at 2:18 pm

    I was about to observe that its this kind of thinking I discussed in the post after yours that will get us all killed and we can’t go around assuming every one we meet in life is going to have benign intentions towards us. And my friend Debbie here is correct when she says “my life is the most important civil right I have.” No government is going to protect it. As free people, its up to each of us to ensure our safety and that’s our responsibility alone. We need to listen to that small voice in our heads and obey it if we think we might be in trouble. Plus, when it comes to Muslims, you don’t know if they have murder on their minds. I do my best to avoid them.

    NormanF on December 20, 2010 at 3:12 pm

I’m sure this was a “lone wolf,” as Obama loves to say.

JeffT on December 20, 2010 at 2:28 pm

The other issue that needs to be addressed is Western niceness – we’re too good for our own good and one woman paid for it with her life and the other almost lost hers.

There is the mistaken belief that all cultures are the same and that all people are good. In truth, there are some cultures, such as in Islam, where there’s no respect for human life, particularly if you’re viewed as the “enemy”, They can and will kill you if they can get away with it.

Both Luken and Wilson should have run like hell on encountering Arabs in the Jerusalem forest. Had they exercised good judgment and common sense – they would both be alive today. People need to listen to what their gut tells them in the face of danger rather than to the politically correct notion to give every one the benefit of the doubt. Not every one in this world is going to gratefully accept the gift of human kindness at face value.

Perhaps we should say “Caveat Persona.” Beware the Person. Verify and then trust. That’s another lesson out of the terrorist attack in Jerusalem every one should take to heart.

NormanF on December 20, 2010 at 2:55 pm

The other issue that needs to be addressed is Western niceness – we’re too good for our own good and one woman paid for it with her life and the other almost lost hers.

There is the mistaken belief that all cultures are the same and that all people are good. In truth, there are some cultures, such as in Islam, where there’s no respect for human life, particularly if you’re viewed as the “enemy”, They can and will kill you if they can get away with it.

Both Luken and Wilson should have run like hell on encountering Arabs in the Jerusalem forest. Had they exercised good judgment and common sense – they would both be alive today. People need to listen to what their gut tells them in the face of danger rather than to the politically correct notion to give every one the benefit of the doubt. Not every one in this world is going to gratefully accept the gift of human kindness at face value.

Perhaps we should say “Caveat Persona.” Beware the Person. Verify and then trust. That’s another lesson out of the terrorist attack in Jerusalem every one should take to heart.

NormanF on December 20, 2010 at 2:55 pm

Wow, we must be making progress. NBC admitted the killers were “two Arab men”. When an Arab was finally captured in the US after a spree of knife killings, he was usually referred to as an “Israeli”; they couldn’t bring themselves to say “Israeli Arab”.

That remark at the end by PA “President” Abbas that he was against violence was clearly pro forma, as only recently he indicated that he opposed violent resistance to the occupation “for now”. Meaning when the time is right …

Raymond in DC on December 20, 2010 at 3:21 pm

What they mean is they don’t mind if Jews are murdered when they can get away with it. When Israelis are on their guard, the Arabs don’t attack. It has nothing to do with any sense of moral scruples on their part.

NormanF on December 20, 2010 at 3:28 pm

[Debbie – Westerners continue to engage in dangerous political correctness toward Muslims. And it literally will kill them.]

It is even worse than that and I don’t get it. I guess I am just getting to be to trusting in my old age that people have common sense. Its not like no one knows how gays, feminists and other leftists will do under Islam. The people most likely to have their heads separated from their body’s (ala Daniel Pearl) by Muslims seem to fall all over themselves supporting and promoting Muslims over Jews and Christians.

Will someone please explain this to me?

I_AM_ME on December 20, 2010 at 3:28 pm

    Sure. Its fear. That’s the reason leftists, feminists, gays and dhimmi Jews cower before Islam. The fear of getting killed is what compels them to scrape and bow before those would kill them. But it doesn’t necessarily buy them protection. As both Daniel Pearl and the Swedes found out, being pro-Islam won’t buy you immunity from their desire to kill you anyway. We should be standing up to the Islamic savages but we’re too paralyzed by fear and being politically correct to do what we must to save ourselves.

    NormanF on December 20, 2010 at 3:56 pm

    metaisrael, I don’t defend missionaries. But I do not approve of the taking of an innocent human life.

    We’re made in the image of G-d and one who takes an innocent human life is worse than a beast. The animals kill for food, to survive. Human beings can kill because evil has taken ahold of them.

    There is a difference.

    NormanF on December 20, 2010 at 8:27 pm

I’m genuinely sorry the two women were attacked and the one killed, by you guys crack me up – you sling the same pejoratives used openly against Jews in other times and they are just as offensive now as they were then. “Infested”!?! Hath not an Arab eyes? Hath not an Arab hands, organs, dimensions, senses . . .? You relish each attack as a validation of your special status as the most persecuted people on the planet and led by a Jewish Ann Coulter – just as skewed, just as inane. I get a kick from reading this stuff in the same way I laugh at other racist sites: don’t you see the insanity inherent in these extreme positions? By the way, I think “yella” is a contraction of “Ya Allah” or “Oh God”, which colloquially means a number of things depending on the context. “Ruah” means “go away”. And I’m a blond, blue-eyed native American.

MarcoSolo on December 20, 2010 at 5:25 pm

Since when is a random murder a terrorist attack? If anything, this is a hate crime.

Mike on December 20, 2010 at 6:23 pm

Let’s not get too carried away by the identification of the killers as Arabs. In the Ivory Coast there is a disputed election that is likely to lead to civil war again. The loser, who is being backed by the US, the UN, etc. etc. is Muslim. Out of the dozens of articles I read on this election in ‘respected’, publications, not a one identified this loser as Muslim.

Little Al on December 20, 2010 at 6:39 pm

Like I said in my FB post, this woman was a missionary of the highest caliber. She went to Israel in order to steal Jewish souls, whether or not she was doing it out of “love.” Arabs (who I hate a hell of a lot more than you probably do) are a million times better than this woman and her ilk, who use trickery to entice Jews, specifically unaffiliated Israelis to become Xtians. Learn more about her mission to bring the gospel to the Jewish people here:

Murderers are a hell of a lot better than soul stealers in my book. Find someone better to pray for. I am appalled at your lack of judgment regarding this post and now doubt your integrity as a supposed Jewish voice.

metalisrael on December 20, 2010 at 7:03 pm

    Yes, some of the Christian missionaries try to convert, to “save” from their point of view, non-religious Jews. I say “Let them try.” If a child is given a proper Jewish education, his religion will hold its own. I believe Judaism can hold its own. I have no sympathy for the religious Jews who treat non-religious Jews with contempt, rejection, even violence, then complain when the Christian missionaries find it easy to hook them.

    It is vile to support this woman’s murder.

    Miranda Rose Smith on December 21, 2010 at 9:52 am

Debbie, was it last year or the year before where the muslim, away at muslim camp in TN, attacked a woman in a church, stole a car and was finally caught. His family of course said, oh no not him he is such a nice guy and was at mosque camp. Last news I saw on that was the old stand by of getting a mental evaluation.

No matter how much you think, oh this muslim is not like the rest, they are. They are just waiting for the opportunity. Nothing radical about it, it is their beliefs taught to them from birth.

ender on December 20, 2010 at 10:34 pm

Has anyone else noticed that the victims of those pagan back stabbing cowards are usually women? Can’t see how any woman in her right mind could support Islam. The Arab women have an excuse: brainwashed from birth.

Norman F, I really don’t agree with you answer to I_AM_ME.
Fear is the reason if you happen to live among the barbarians. As for the “people that seem to fall all over themselves supporting and promoting Muslims over Jews and Christians” mostly it’s just plain stupidity, ignorance and a good dose of anti-Semetism. People love to take sides so an anti-Semite will always side with muslims, even if the dhimmi happens to be next on their list.

metalisrael, Stealing souls……….really.
We have many missionaries in my neck of the woods too, Jehova’s Witnesses among them. You simply say not interested and slam the door in their face.
Now try doing that to muslim ‘missionaries’.

theShadow on December 21, 2010 at 12:37 am

The comparison between big cities in the U.S. is valid. You’ve educated me a bit on how things are in Israel. It’s a shame that good people will continue to be murdered for lack of common sense.

samurai on December 21, 2010 at 1:00 am

Israel is a safe country. As long as you use common sense and for example stay out of Arab towns and don’t go into forests without an armed escort, you should be safe. The same applies in Israel to not going out alone at night as here.

NormanF on December 21, 2010 at 1:56 am

An article at debka today:
goes a lot further in respect of the terrorist angle to the attack, providing a fairly convincing argument that this was actually committed by a Hamas kidknap gang. The article also talks about the appalling dhimmi attitude of the Israeli security forces.

Edgar Davidson on December 21, 2010 at 6:54 am

From the Qur’an –

Disbelievers are losers. 2:121
Allah will leave the disbelievers alone for a while, but then he will compel them to the doom of Fire. 2:126
“Who forsaketh the religion of Abraham save him who befooleth himself?”
Cited in the Hamas Charter (Article 27) to condemn the idea of a secular state. 2:130
Those who reject the proofs, are accursed of Allah. 2:159
Those who die disbelievers, are cursed by Allah, angels, and men. 2:161
The doom of the disbelievers will not be lightened. 2:162
They will not emerge from the Fire. 2:167
Disbelievers will be deaf, dumb, and blind. 2:171
Those who hide the Scripture will have their bellies eaten with fire. Theirs will be a painful doom. 2:174
How constant are they in their strife to reach the Fire! 2:175
Believers must retaliate. Those who transgress will have a painful doom. 2:178
Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kil them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. (But if they desist in their unbelief, then don’t kill them.) 2:191-2
Fight them until “religion is for Allah.” 2:193
Those who fail in their duty to Allah are proud and sinful. They will all go to hell. 2:206
War is ordained by Allah, and all Muslims must be willing to fight, whether they like it or not. 2:216
Those who die in their disbelief will burn forever in the Fire. 2:217
Intermarriage is forbidden. 2:221
The disbelievers, they are the wrong-doers. 2:254

This is but a tiny sample of verses that attack the infidel (us). Reading the Qur’an will raise the hair on the back of your neck, as this book gives the believer permission to do anything to an unbeliever without punishment.

These two unfortunate women should have treated these “men” as dangerous predators and fled the area immediately.

Tanstaafl on December 21, 2010 at 9:10 am

Was it an act of terrorism or an act of common assault?

That all depends on whether the travel insurance has an exclusion on repatriation charges for the dead and medical costs for the survivor.

It’s always the stinkin’ money, Debbie! ALWAYS.

There is NO Santa Claus on December 21, 2010 at 3:02 pm

I’d like to point out a passage from your post:

“It’s because we know Muslims are hiding in remote locations looking to kill people. They are like vampires (with apologies to vampires), regularly seeking Western prey.”

I am a Muslim. I do not hide in “remote locations” to kill people. I am from the West. I’m pretty sure that people have more hardships in Palestine (such as attacks from israeli soldiers, poverty, bombing, etc.) that they don’t really care about a jewish woman looking to cause problems.

Muslims are not anti-semitists. If you look at Arab culture and history (but let’s face it, you didn’t get much of a proper education – only learning to be racist and small minded) they are SEMITIC. Do you know what that means? Arabs can’t be anti-semitic – unless they hate themselves…

Also, do you want to stop contradicting yourself? I can’t tell you how many times you’ve written “israel is a safe place” but then written “you need to be with someone armed”. Those two don’t go hand in hand. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure I don’t need a bodyguard to go to a Dunkin’ Donuts.

You’re going to one day realize that the world doesn’t revolve around the hatred for jews, and that you need to one day get over your hate for Muslims. If you don’t, well you you’ll have to die one day and this will simply be a blog that no one really cares about.

Evelyn on June 23, 2012 at 11:16 am

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