September 5, 2005, - 8:19 am

Dr. Phil Takes His Turn Leeching off Hurricane Victims

By Debbie Schlussel
Guess who just got face-time on NBC’s “Today Show” with Katrina victims? Why it was none other than Dr. Phil–the annoying mustachioed TV psychologist. (Would the word “cheesy” be redundant in a Dr. Phil description?)
First, I write about , tomorrow. Now, it seems only fitting that Ms. O’s preferred psychologist, Dr. Phil, too, would use these poor victims for his slimy talk show. Who’s next, Jerry Springer?
Dr. Phil told Matt Lauer that these people are devastated and many know they will never return to their homes. Thanks for the tip. Gee, tell me something I don’t already know. He needed a Ph.D. in psychology to figure that out?
Look for these victims, whom Dr. Phil “visited” in the Houston Astrodome, to be victimized again, on an upcoming episode of “Dr. Phil.”

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9 Responses

I understand Oprah is doing her show from New Orleans tomorrow.
Since I never watch that self serving white bread wannabe
I’ll need to come back and read your comment, that is assuming you watch her show.

RJay on September 5, 2005 at 11:58 am

One more thing.
How do I make my profile work?

RJay on September 5, 2005 at 12:00 pm

Now that all the work of getting the refugees out is over, the self promoting media ‘hos will be swooping in. Is anyone surprised at the action of these jackels? When will the braindeads wake up and see Oprah and Phil for what they are?

CoolToTheEnd on September 5, 2005 at 12:35 pm

cool 2.You are right.They have no shame.Just watching ‘Jess the jack..f’ with the police capt. on cnn.they just went to break;”stay with cnn oprah next”.no kidding,they just said that.I guess it’s good,I don’t know It’s sad these are the ones folks look to for guidance and direction.

danny on September 5, 2005 at 5:50 pm

Hi there, I am a huge fan of Oprah’s but if I am truly honestI must say that I have been looking for Oprah. I thought for sure she would be one of the first to be out there to do something. In fact I double checked to make sure that I was right about her being from Mississippi. I was right she was born there and lived there. I thought for sure she would really have heartfelt feelings about all this. But no…. I went to her website to see if maybe ther was somehting in the works, but no….I went to her TV show to see if maybe she had preempted the reruns and was going to do a show on Katrina but no…I really am left speechless and defeseless of someone I have admired for so long. I can only hope there is a good reason.

tucsonfashionista on September 5, 2005 at 6:04 pm

Oprah definitely feels your pain. After all, Oprah’s facing her own injustice: Hermes still won’t let her in, afterhours, to purchase a designer handbag. Oprah won’t rest until this sort of deprivation ends…..even if it means a N.O.-style looting of the Hermes store to obtain such necessities as the $1500.00 handbag she made such a fuss about.

glamchild on September 5, 2005 at 6:15 pm

I would agree that Dr. Phil and Oprah have this need to throw themselves into the spotlight for their own personal gain. With that said, imagine if your life was very abruptly turned upside down by a hurricane and you had no home, husband was found face down in the flood water, you have children with no school to attend and you were sitting in the Astro dome among 70,000 other people wondering what to do. Meeting Dr. Phil or Oprah may just be enough to keep you going.
Not a bleeding heart liberal….a true Republican.

Joe on September 6, 2005 at 8:19 am

I’d rather meet someone who can tell me how to get out of there and back on my feet than those two phonies.
My dream scenario: Oprah or Phil drags some poor soul before a live camera and the person asks “Can about 10 families come stay with you guys a year?”
I’ve been on a Hollywood tour and seen Dr. Phil’s mansion. He can hold a lot of families there.
In addition, aren’t all these celebs hurting the relief efforts by going down there? They will undoubtedly have a large entourage and crews taking up space. I would think they need room for people who are being truly useful, like handing out food and water and medical supplies.

Jeff_W on September 6, 2005 at 9:29 am

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