December 15, 2010, - 3:40 pm

Islamo-FIFA: World Cup Soccer Chief Endorses Sharia! Tells Gays “No Sex” @ Qatar World Cup

By Debbie Schlussel

I warned you about FIFA, the international soccer body’s choice of anti-Semitic, apartheid Islamic monarchical theocracy Qatar to host the 2022 World Cup.  (See also, here.)  And, now, my fears and warnings have already come to fruition, with FIFA chief, Sepp Blatter, telling gays how to behave in Qatar.

Dhimmi Sepp Blatter (w/Qatar’s Sheikh Hamad) to Gays:  No Soup–or Sex–For You in Qatar

It’s interesting.  The religious right–and conservatives like me–only want to maintain legal marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman.  And the gay world goes nuts.  But Muslims–and their dhimmi Sepp Blatter–tell gays that in more than a decade from now they still can’t have sex in Islamo-fascist Qatar and . . . crickets chirping except for a handful of gay activists from a little known gay organization.  Sepp claims he was joking, but you be the judge:

FIFA boss Sepp Blatter has joked that gay people “should refrain from sexual activities” at the 2022 Qatar World Cup.

The president of football’s international governing body was speaking at a news conference in South Africa, arranged to discuss the legacy of this year’s tournament.

He was asked what he would say to gay football fans who want to go to Qatar for the 2022 competition, given that homosexuality is banned in the Middle East country.

Grinning, he said: ‘I would say they should refrain from any sexual activities.’

Mr Blatter went on to insist that he believed discrimination would not be an issue in Qatar by 2022, saying ‘we are living in a world of freedom’.

Whatta moron. It’s a safe predication that homosexuality will still remain outlawed and punishable by death in Qatar in 2022, just as it is in 2010. The country has only gotten more extreme in the last decade. No reason it will go the other way in the next one.


American gay rights activist and former basketball star John Amaechi says the treatment of homosexuals in Qatar is not a laughing matter.

He has called on Mr Blatter to make an apology.

“It is the most childish response I could ever imagine, the fact that he would joke about something that is a serious issue,” he said.

“It’s not about people having sex in public and being sanctioned for it. It’s the fact that Qatar was one of 79 countries to sanction executing gays at the UN.”

Mr Blatter has said FIFA will not tolerate any form of discrimination and that he was sure everyone would be able to attend and enjoy the World Cup in Qatar.

PUH-LEEZE. If FIFA truly didn’t tolerate discrmination, it would never have even considered anti-Semitic, travel-apartheid Qatar for the World Cup.

Unlike Muslims, I think that what you do in your own bedroom is your business.  I just don’t want it in my face (just as I don’t want straight people making out in my face, either) or legally sanctioned as marriage (or given special legal protections, unlike everybody else).  Muslims, on the other hand, put gays to death.  And an international soccer chief from liberal Europe gives his stamp of approval to this Islamic intolerance.

And no one cares.  Or notices.

13 Responses

If FIFA didn’t tolerate racism Israel would be playing against Arab countries in the lead-up to the WC. Too bad nobody asked what FIFA and the host country would do if Israel would make it past the lead-up to the WC and actually secure a place at the WC…

Eliezer on December 15, 2010 at 3:56 pm

Ms. Schlussel, you nailed it on the head sweety, since the majority of us conservatives and also christian right wingers are against gay marriage, gay rights, etc. the militant gay-fascist go nuts and scream from the top of their lungs, these phonies do this because those of us who oppose their stupid agenda are NOT violent. Now flip the page and the Qatar government tells homosexuals that they can’t have sex at the world cup and where is the militant gay-fascist, nowhere to be seen, heard or found. Plain old crickets are communicating with eachother! Debbie, you and I know that the so-called gay movement are a bunch of hypocrites and phonies, don’t look for them to speak out against the Qatar government, because their intimidated of the muslims, it’s that simple.

“A nation is identified by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on December 15, 2010 at 3:57 pm

No one notices – or cares.

Funny how the Left puts up with stuff with Muslims they never would accept in Europe… or here at home.

FIFA is an association of America-haters and Islamo-pandering dhimmis.

They’ll never get what the rest of us do get!

NormanF on December 15, 2010 at 3:59 pm

Agreed…to a degree.

I am gay and I am NOT happy about this (nor are many of my friends), so we are NOT staying silent about this (I just don’t have a blog or a magazine or a TV show to announce this…but lots of gays think Qatar getting the World Cup is offensive).

Brad on December 15, 2010 at 5:43 pm

    Well, there are things you could do. Why not contact GLAAD, or some other gay activist organization? Ask them how they are going to respond to this? This is the real deal here. Feminist groups, such as NOW, tend to shy away from doing much of anything when Islam comes into the room and practices openly its various forms of misogyny. It seems that weak or non-existent targets are easier to protest against than the real thing.

    worry01 on December 15, 2010 at 8:05 pm

With all that $$$ you’d think somebody would get their teeth fixed.

Sam Adams on December 15, 2010 at 7:01 pm

What’s most offensive to me is the blatant, in-your-face double-standard. Westerners, and other infidels, are admonished not to have gay sex in Qatar during the World Cup, but I’m quite sure that mooooslims who attend will be certain that there is a surplus of bacha boys for their “entertainment”.

CornCoLeo on December 15, 2010 at 9:37 pm

8 Responses

If FIFA didn’t tolerate racism Israel would be playing against Arab countries in the lead-up to the WC. Too bad nobody asked what FIFA and the host country would do if Israel would make it past the lead-up to the WC and actually secure a place at the WC…

Eliezer on December 15, 2010 at 3:56 pm


Ms. Schlussel, you nailed it on the head sweety, since the majority of us conservatives and also christian right wingers are against gay marriage, gay rights, etc. the militant gay-fascist go nuts and scream from the top of their lungs, these phonies do this because those of us who oppose their stupid agenda are NOT violent. Now flip the page and the Qatar government tells homosexuals that they can’t have sex at the world cup and where is the militant gay-fascist, nowhere to be seen, heard or found. Plain old crickets are communicating with eachother! Debbie, you and I know that the so-called gay movement are a bunch of hypocrites and phonies, don’t look for them to speak out against the Qatar government, because their intimidated of the muslims, it’s that simple.

“A nation is identified by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on December 15, 2010 at 3:57 pm


No one notices – or cares.

Funny how the Left puts up with stuff with Muslims they never would accept in Europe… or here at home.

FIFA is an association of America-haters and Islamo-pandering dhimmis.

They’ll never get what the rest of us do get!

NormanF on December 15, 2010 at 3:59 pm


Agreed…to a degree.

I am gay and I am NOT happy about this (nor are many of my friends), so we are NOT staying silent about this (I just don’t have a blog or a magazine or a TV show to announce this…but lots of gays think Qatar getting the World Cup is offensive).

Brad on December 15, 2010 at 5:43 pm


Well, there are things you could do. Why not contact GLAAD, or some other gay activist organization? Ask them how they are going to respond to this? This is the real deal here. Feminist groups, such as NOW, tend to shy away from doing much of anything when Islam comes into the room and practices openly its various forms of misogyny. It seems that weak or non-existent targets are easier to protest against than the real thing.

worry01 on December 15, 2010 at 8:05 pm


With all that $$$ you’d think somebody would get their teeth fixed.

Sam Adams on December 15, 2010 at 7:01 pm


What’s most offensive to me is the blatant, in-your-face double-standard. Westerners, and other infidels, are admonished not to have gay sex in Qatar during the World Cup, but I’m quite sure that mooooslims who attend will be certain that there is a surplus of bacha boys for their “entertainment”.

CornCoLeo on December 15, 2010 at 9:37 pm


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Fhyy on December 15, 2010 at 11:24 pm


Does that mean we won’t see Ricky Martin perform “Allez Allez Ole” 2022?

That’s the price of cowardice, eh?


The Reverend Jacques on December 15, 2010 at 11:26 pm

Jacques- the song is actually Allez Ola Ole, sung by Jessy Matador, whom I suspect is also family, like Ricky.

Fhyy- As I understand it, your motto that “Guys don’t make passes at girls without mustaches” would exclude most non-Muslims, so I can only guess that you make such witty banter in between avoiding the use of modern plumbing and gazing longingly at your neighbor’s camel.

Brad- I’m with you on being gay AND outraged at the choice of Qatar, but I do think that most gay folks in the US just don’t care enough about soccer. Now, if Eurovision was hosted in Qatar, there might be more outrage. Sad, but probably true.

Sam- LOL about the teeth.

worry01- Interesting idea, but more likely, a non-US LGBT org will lead any vocal outcry on this issue. I’d like to hear Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s take on this as well (not that she’s family).

Robert on December 16, 2010 at 3:21 am

So you only want to discriminate against gay people a little bit. Thats alright then. You are no less biggoted than Sepp Blater himself. People in glass house my friend,people in glass houses

craig on December 16, 2010 at 10:09 am

Just shows that most gay Americans don’t care about soccer anymore than straight ones. This would get more attention in the USA if it were the Olympics, but even with all the hype and vuvuleza (sp) whimsy last summer, no-one really give a crap about soccer.

maatkare on December 18, 2010 at 1:30 pm

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