October 19, 2007, - 12:47 pm

Bravo, Mr. Kohlberg: Putting His Millions Where His Mouth Is For Our Troops

By Debbie Schlussel
In this day and age when so many billionaires and multi-millionaires we hear from are trying to take America down (George Soros), or make it harder for those who are not wealthy (Warren Buffett denouncing income tax cuts and decreases in the estate tax), or engage in racist policies (Bill Gates giving foundation scholarships to Blacks and minorities only), Jerome Kohlberg is a breath of fresh air . . . and dollars.
Washington Wire reports that he’s giving millions to help our troops get educated, in a sort of private G.I. Bill:

Onetime KKR executive Jerome Kohlberg gives $4 million to increase education benefits for former Iraq and Afghanistan soldiers, while lobbying Congress to offer its own funding. Arguing the value of such benefits has eroded since the GI bill financed his post-World War II education, Kohlberg says Congress must “get the idea that this is an investment.”


Jerome Kohlberg Gives $4 Million to Educate U.S. Iraq/Aghani War Veterans

The G.I Bill was a good thing in its day, allowing veterans to attend college and grad school who otherwise might not have. But as for a new G.I. Bill, whether or not you believe more tax money financing this is a good idea (and it may not be), at least Kohlberg is putting his money where his mouth is. On the other hand, there are plenty of multi-millionaires like Bono, who ask U.S. taxpayers to give millions in increased taxes to African, terror-base debtors, while he gives nothing or next to nothing and doesn’t pay Irish taxes.
Three cheers for Jerome Kohlberg. Unlike many in his position, he’s no hypocrite.

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2 Responses

Bravo to him. I don’t understand why there can’t be a fund of $1 to 100 billion started, that would draw 4% a year and pay for vet’s kid’s education, or be used to increase their pay so their spouses wouldn’t have to be insulted by being given assistance to supplement the low pay.

steve ventry on October 21, 2007 at 12:34 am

After spending the better part of his professional years along with his partners at KKR buying up companies and firing alot of hard working employess (many who gave the best years of their lives to their companies)in order to “improve” operations and then sell off the companies for substantial profits (almost entirely for KKR’s personal piggy banks), a small part of me thinks Mr. Kholberg is trying to asuage some feelings of guilt over the lives he caused alot of hardship and stress to to satisfy his insatiable appetite for more millions. Though Mr. Kholbergs’s actions did not affect me personally, I know several individuals whose personal, professional and financial lives were turned upside down by KKR. It is always nice to see people recognize the sacrifice our veterans make for our country and perform nice deeds in helping our veterans. However, I just wish Mr. Kholberg had given a little more thought to how he and his partners treated many workers who were just trying to make a living and support their families.

Liberty on October 21, 2007 at 6:29 pm

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