September 2, 2005, - 7:40 pm

Where’s Oprah? Self-Anointed Savioratrix AWOL From Hurricaid

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember , the daytime talk show host? Remember Oprah, who dropped everything and changed her season’s new shows in September 2001–so we’d be more sympathetic to Islam after 19 of its adherents murdered 3,000 Americans?
Well, strangely, Ms. Oprah of the self-named conceit, “Oprah’s Angel Network,” is MIA during this week’s Hurricane Katrina disaster. Nowhere to be found.
Oh, sure, I know she’s on vacation. And, yes, I know she has more important shows to put on when the season starts–her conspicuous 20th Anniversary self-congratulation.
You’d think she could interrupt her vacation and get off her rear for something as big as this–to help her fellow Americans who have made her so wealthy and fortunate. You’d think she could interrupt her summer vacation for a special Hurricane fundraiser episode. A show where all the mindless women and metrosexual Mr. Moms–who buy Oprah Book Club books and Oprah’s Favorite Things like obedient zombies–would give money and supplies for the tragic victims of Katrina.
But you would be wrong.

Oprah cares about the world’s victims (while on camera) . . . .

America’s victims? Not so much.

Instead, this week, viewers were treated to such important Oprah episodes as “Gorgeous Men of Decorating” (yesterday), “Oprah’s Wildest Dreams Bus” with Mariah Carey and Halle Berry (today), and “Look Ten Pounds Thinner Instantly” with the “What Not to Wear” snobs from England(Wednesday). Then, there was my personal fave, “The Dog Whisperer Helps Oprah and Stedman” with their “daughter” dog’s issues (Tuesday).
Wait, you say, until next week. Think again. Coming up on Oprah, Monday: “Gwen, Enrique, and Hilary,” America’s hip pop stars.
I’m sure the Louisiana and Mississippi victims would have loved these third-time re-runs–if they had power, a home, and a TV.
Oprah who became the first Black female billionaire off of viewers like these victims, is ignoring them–when a show by her could garner more assistance for these victims than anyone short of the President.
But she’s nowhere to be found. It’s a slap in the face of these poor people who gave Oprah so much. I hope America remembers the real Oprah Winfrey.

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6 Responses

Considering that 90+% of the refugees in New Orleans are Black, having Oprah ignore this is doubly shocking.

hairymon on September 2, 2005 at 8:45 pm

You’d think she’d help, looking towards blacks to support her during political strife. Welllllllllllllll, it appears that they’re not rich enough. Typical HOstess cupcake

KOAJaps on September 2, 2005 at 8:47 pm

Oprah could buy a decent home and car for every single family in the SuperDome without blinking an eyelash.
I bet Harpo Studios has some great showers and could hold a few families, not to mention Oprah probably has many other mansions that could house some families.
Oprah only cares about the worship from celebs and upper class white bread zombies, not the great unwashed.

The_Man on September 3, 2005 at 12:39 am

Celine Dion donates aid for New Orleans, but…

Debbie Schlussel reports that Canadian singer Celine Dion has donated $1 million in aid for victims of Katrina in Louisiana and Mississipi, but that Angelina Jolie and Oprah Winfrey don’t seem to have followed suit.

Tel-Chai Nation on September 4, 2005 at 11:07 am

I don’t really understand why you seem to think Oprah has been “missing in action”. It seems like you simply overlooked the epsiode that is DEDICATED to New Orleans that aired Tuesday, September 6, 2005. Want proof?
Thanks for listening.

be_informed on September 7, 2005 at 4:16 am

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