October 17, 2007, - 2:29 pm
Not Again!: Laura Bush Tells Mideast Muslims About Their Most Pressing Chick Prob . . . Breast Cancer?!
By Debbie Schlussel
Laura Bush ALREADY did this, last year, and I wrote about the absurdity of it all. But, in the Bush Administration, every dumb pander to Islam must be repeated a million times over.
The last time Laura Bush went on a Middle East tour, she lectured the Islamic folks there about the most pressing problem facing women. If you thought the prob was female genital mutilation/clitorectomies, honor killings, honor suicides, being forced to wear a hijab, niqab, or burqa, forced arranged marriages, or the lack of rights of women to obtain a divorce, own property, or drive, you would be . . . . WRONG!
Nope. Facing death by stoning or beheading for going the wrong way on any one of the items noted above ain’t a big thing to good ole girl Laura.
Instead, she highlighted the one thing that is ultimately less preventable and deliberate . . . Breast Cancer.
And now she’s gonna do it again. Breast Cancer Awareness will be the focus of her October 20-26 trip to the Mid-East, where she’ll meet with IslamoFascist Kings.
Because, who cares that you are about to be gang-raped and then beheaded by your brothers for allowing the gang-rape to happen because a hair was sticking out of your head-scarf and you deserved it? You might just have a lump and you gotta do those monthly exams. Marie Antoinette said, “Let Them Eat Cake.” Laura Bush says, “Let Them Wear Pink Ribbons.”
One of her stops, Jordan, pointedly voted down a law outlawing honor killings. The others, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia (where woman can’t drive), and Kuwait, all permit it.
Pink ribbons from Laura in a nation of Black hijabs, early coffins, and blood running in the streets from “Chop-Chop Square’s” latest activities (beheadings of “adulterous” or otherwise disobedient women). Way to go, Bushie-ette.
And then there is that little issue of “Breast Cancer Apartheid” practiced in 3 of Mrs. Bush’s four stops (Jordan is the exception): They don’t allow Jews from the country that has made so many Breast Cancer research advances to enter their countries. As I wrote when she made her Islamo-Breast Cancer Awareness Tour, last year:
There is a country in the Middle East that is a world leader in cancer research, treatment, and technology. That country, Israel, is a world leader in the breast cancer fight. Unfortunately, it is also a country that is boycotted by both Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Though Israel has allowed many patients from Islamic countries into Israel, Israeli doctors are not allowed into Saudi Arabia or the UAE. No Israeli citizens are nor any Jews. Israeli products, including cancer medicines developed and manufactured in Israel or by Israeli companies, are NOT allowed in. Nor are they allowed to be purchased. It’s part of the official Arab boycott of Israel that is ongoing.
On this site, we’ve reported on the travel apartheid, tennis apartheid, and even thoroughbred horse-racing apartheid against Jews practiced by these countries in compliance with the Arab boycott. So why does Mrs. Bush condone this? And why is she speaking on breast cancer issues in countries that deny their citizens the benefits of important life-saving treatments and medical professionals, merely because both emanate from a Jewish state? In Saudi Arabia, women can’t even drive themselves to the doctor for a breast exam/mammogram. They’re not allowed to drive. Period. In both Islamic countries, women can’t get divorces and they are killed in honor killings, something that is far more preventable than breast cancer.
But Mrs. Bush is glossing over all of that with the broad stroke of the PC cause of breast cancer. She can wear all the pink ribbons she wants. But speaking out on breast cancer in countries which have far deeper cancers that inspire deliberate murder around the world–not to mention, the murder of their own women, is like putting lipstick on a pig. And being laughed at by all the pigs in the poke, while you keep falling over in their slop.
Shame on you, Mrs. Bush.
But not to worry. Laura Bush’s spokeswoman wants people to know that she won’t don the headscarf while meeting up with the Saudi King and his royal Al-Saud family of Bush cronies. That’s for the little people:
“They do not expect nor encourage it,” of Western visitors at official meetings, said Bush’s spokeswoman, Sally McDonough. “As members of the official traveling party, we will not need to wear any head scarves or abayas at any point”
Oh, goody. No prob, though, that America’s military women and lower level government employees must cover up from head to toe. Just so long as the female Bushie doesn’t have to.
Laura, You’re Doin’ a Heckuva Job. T minus 14.5 months of this misguided Presidency.
Not that I’m looking forward to the Hillary Rodham Cankles Administration. Bill Clinton will probably make breast cancer awareness his issue, too . . . so long as he gets to do the monthly mammary exams.
Oh, and one other thing: Doesn’t Mrs. Bush know that Muslims are upset that Breast Cancer Awareness–and Black History–get a whole month? Hello . . . . .
Tags: America, Bill Clinton, Breast cancer, Bush administration, Bush's spokeswoman, cancer, cancers, Chop-Chop Square, clitorectomies, Debbie Schlussel, female genital mutilation, Hillary Rodham Cankles administration, Israel, Jordan, King, Kuwait, Laura Bush, Laura Bush Tells, law outlawing honor killings, leader, leader in cancer research, Marie Antoinette, Middle East, Sally McDonough, Saudi Arabia, spokeswoman, stroke, travel apartheid, UAE, United Arab Emirates
OMG! Is she actually going to say the word “breast” out loud? I hope they don’t cut off her head for that.
AmericanJewess on October 17, 2007 at 6:03 pm