December 6, 2010, - 11:19 am
Shocker: Arabs, Muslims Cheer Israeli Forest Fire Massacre
I’m sure you all remember the Muslims around the world who cheered the 9/11 attacks–from the Palestinians in the so-called “West Bank” to the Palestinians in Patterson, New Jersey, to the Shi’ite Muslim waiters at a Detroit-area restaurant to the Shi’ite Muslim students in Dearbornistan. Yes, there were the well-manicured faux-condemnations from Muslim nations and organized Muslim groups (all of whom support terrorism and the Islamic terrorist groups, which they refuse to condemn). But the general population–which is the true voice–openly cheered.
Now the same is going on with the massive Israel forest fire massacre, which killed 41.
Back in Business: Palestinian Woman on Ramallah Street Cheered 9/11 Attacks. Now, Her People Are Cheering Carmel Forest Fire Massacre.
We still don’t know “for certain” who did it, but, as I noted last week, it’s certainly Arabs identifying with the Palestinians. We know they are behind most forest fires in Israel, which don’t “erupt” by accident. There have been several conflicting stories regarding arrests of Arabs in connection with the fire or smaller fires nearby.
Again we see the cosmetic “condemnations” and crocodile tears about the Carmel forest fire, but the real way they and their people feel is reflected in the Arab media and on the Muslim street:
Many in the Arab world seem to be happy with the big fire that has been raging in northern Israel over the past few days.
Judging from comments on the blaze from readers in several leading Arab media outlets and websites, a majority believe that God is “punishing” Israel for occupying Arab lands and killing Palestinians, especially during Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip. . . .
Others called on Israel’s enemies, particularly Iran, Hamas and Hizbullah, to seize the opportunity and try to wipe Israel off the face of earth. Only a few readers and viewers expressed sympathy with Israel over the tragedy and loss of many lives.
Following is a sample of the comments that have appeared over the past few days in the Arab media:
“May Allah punish all Arabs who helped put down the fire.
We pray to Allah that the fire will grow and spread to oil wells in the Arab world.” “O Allah, burn them [Jews] before the Day of Judgement.
O Allah, destroy them and all the enemies of Islam.”
“May Allah take revenge against them and displace them together with our corrupt [Arab] governments.”
“This is the right time for Iran. If one fire has caused panic in the Zionist entity, where are Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hassan Nasrallah? And where is Syria? One rocket could set thousands of fires.”
“Allah gives time, but never neglects. The Israelis are being punished for their deeds. We hope their end is nearing.” . . .
“Thank God for this new Holocaust and shame on the Egyptian authorities who rushed to save the Zionists while continuing to lay siege against our brothers in the Gaza Strip.”
“Thank God for burning the Jews the same way they burned our Muslim brothers in Palestine.”
“To Hizbullah, Hamas and all Arabs: This is a golden opportunity to get rid of Israel. The sea and fire are in front of the Jews and weapons are behind them.”
“This fire is the result of prayers from our prisoners held in occupation jails. The fire of Hell will be even stronger. May those Arabs who are helping the Jews burn with them in Hell.”
“Allahu Akbar! This is an effective weapon. We call on our Palestinian brothers to set fire to all forests.”
Remember, these are the people with whom Israel is constantly pressured to make “peace.” Can there ever be “peace” with over a billion who embrace this savagery? You know the answer. All intellectually honest people know the answer.
And, yet, so many of them tell Israel it doesn’t have the right to protect itself against these, um, “people.”
That Was Then . . .
This Is Now . . .
Tags: Arabs, Arabs Cheer, Carmel, Carmel Forest Fire, forest fire, Islam, Israel, Israeli Forest Fire, Muslims, Muslims Cheer, Palestinians, Palestinians Cheer
Uh huh. Israel’s enemies forget something which I noted on the Chanunkah video thread: Israel’s greatest resource is its people, such as the sadly missed and late Ahuva Torner, the Police Chief Of Haifa. Israel may never have the material resources to fix every problem but it is rich in the one asset its enemies can’t match: human capital. So while the Arabs and Muslims can mock Israel and cheer its misfortunes, the truth is Israelis overcome impossible odds like in putting out the Mt Carmel Forest Fire as we saw happened over the last week. And that’s what really bugs them.
Its no contest.
NormanF on December 6, 2010 at 12:12 pm