December 3, 2010, - 4:34 pm

“Totally Qatarded”: Funny VIDEO & More on Anti-US FIFA Decision

By Debbie Schlussel

Yesterday, you read my take on the horrible, America-hating decision by the international soccer body, FIFA, to bring the World Cup to anti-Semitic, terrorist-hosting Islamic dictatorship Qatar, instead of to Kansas City, USA.  But there’s more I have to say on it, as more has come out today–most of it confirming what I said, yesterday.  More on that below.

But, first, I recommend you watch comedian Jimmy Kimmel’s funny, spot-on commentary on the matter.  As you may have noticed, unlike others on the blogosphere, I never use the word “retarded” or some other incarnation of it, as I find terms, like “leftard,” offensive and low-class.  This is my one exception, however–in saying that I agree with Jimmy Kimmel’s view that the decision is “totally Qatarded.”  Oh, and I also agree with Jimmy that this isn’t the first time that Qatar has beaten the U.S. because they crushed us in the competition for the title, “Most Sand.” You gotta watch this.

Extremist Makeover: Qatar’s Sheikh Hamad Celebrates w/ FIFA Stooge President Joseph “Sepp” Blatter

And now for the other stuff on Qatar. Yesterday, I mentioned that Qatar is way too hot to host the World Cup. Associated Press says it’s up to 130 degrees there, making Kansas City look like an icebox. The Qataris claim they’ll have air-conditioned outdoor stadiums, whatever that is (it’s kinda tough to air-condition more than a small space, outdoors). So, I guess we can assume that the usual environmental BS from the green-freak liberals who run these events is out the window to appease some people wearing the scarves of murder and oppression on their heads and faces.

Yesterday, I mentioned the likely bribes from Qatar. And it turns out that two members of the executive committee were not allowed to vote in the final round because of “corruption allegations.”

Also, Qatar has just 500,000 people. You need a much larger population to get enough people to attend to make the event a success.

“Basically, oil and natural gas won today. This was not about merit, this was about money,” former U.S. national team star Eric Wynalda said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. Qatar “is a country that is really going to struggle to host this event. A successful World Cup would mean the attendance would be twice the population.”

This was all about affirmative action for Muslims and the Middle East . . . the Muslim Mid-East. (They’d never have the guts or the decency to have the World Cup in Tel Aviv, even though it’s a much more appropriate venue.) FIFA President Joseph “Sepp” Blatter admitted as much.

“We go to new lands,” FIFA president Sepp Blatter said.

More like, new hells. And, as I noted yesterday, Islamo-fascist, terrorist-aiding, Judenrein-practicing “new lands.”

The Big Boobs Who Run International Soccer Chose Islamo-Fascist Apartheid State Qatar

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21 Responses

Yup. Qatar doesn’t really have the climate, population or the space to make the World Cup successful.

Then again the decision had nothing to do with sports and everything to do with politics, money and Islamo-pandering.

But they’ll never admit it at FIFA.

Qatarded, indeed!

NormanF on December 3, 2010 at 6:59 pm

There is serious talk in US and UK soccer circles of withdrawing from FIFA, because who really needs them?

Red Ryder on December 3, 2010 at 7:18 pm

You know, I really have trouble comprehending the insensitivity of readers of this blog. We all know why Qatar has such a hot climate. We have been reading about global warming and climate change for a long time now, and when we just sit there and don’t do anything to correct the situation, countries like Qatar suffer because of our inaction. Qatar suffers because we did not pay sufficient heed to Al Gore.

We should all support Qatar and make contributions to this fine country in recognition of the fact that our pollution, and our inaction with regards to climate change have caused the excessive heat in this victimized country.

Little Al on December 3, 2010 at 7:56 pm

Debbie I hope that a Kosher restaurant and a Chabad house open up soon in Qatar to serve any visiting Jews. In fact they’ll need a gay bar, a couple of churches and a bunch of whore houses to provide all the amenities of a real World Cup host. I wonder if Qatar made this bid in part as an insurance policy on their own existence 10 years from now.

A1 on December 3, 2010 at 8:27 pm

Qatar relief…

elvis on December 3, 2010 at 9:04 pm

How was Qatar even in the bidding for the World Cup? It doesn’t have the climate to play soccer. The entire country doesn’t have the population or the hotel facilities to host the world’s teams and the many thousands of fans. How was this even a choice?

Even if Qatar somehow builds new air-conditioned domed stadiums and dozens of brand-new hotels and dozens of new restaurants and new water sources and new airports and such overnight, who’s paying for all this? Other Arab countries?

Qatar basically has to more than double in population and build an entirely new country in ten years.

The choice is so outstandingly bad, it boggles the mind. There’s corruption in the bidding, almost certainly, but stupidity, too?

I’d like to see Qatar host the World Cup. I don’t see how it can possibly be done.

Barry Popik on December 4, 2010 at 12:38 am

Why does US play soccer in the first place? Football, Basketball, Baseball, Lacrosse, Tennis, et al are not enough?

Infidel Pride on December 4, 2010 at 1:55 am

“Yesterday, you read my take on the horrible, America-hating decision by the international soccer body, FIFA, to bring the World Cup to anti-Semitic, terrorist-hosting Islamic dictatorship Qatar, instead of to Kansas City, USA (…) Yesterday, I mentioned that Qatar is way too hot to host the World Cup. Associated Press says it’s up to 130 degrees there, making Kansas City look like an icebox.”

You seem to believe that the USA would have organized the World Cup in Kansas City. This is laughable: every World Cup is played in a dozen of stadiums and the american bid included cities from the east coast to the west coast.

“Yesterday, I mentioned the likely bribes from Qatar. And it turns out that two members of the executive committee were not allowed to vote in the final round because of “corruption allegations.”

You only learned that yesterday? They were suspended six weeks ago! Google Amos Adamu and Reynald Temarii for more details. Interestingly, the UK based Sunday Times exposed these officials saying that they could guarantee votes for… the USA! So much for the anti-americanism of FIFA, huh?

“This was all about affirmative action for Muslims and the Middle East . . . the Muslim Mid-East. (They’d never have the guts or the decency to have the World Cup in Tel Aviv, even though it’s a much more appropriate venue.) FIFA President Joseph “Sepp” Blatter admitted as much.

“We go to new lands,” FIFA president Sepp Blatter said.

More like, new hells. And, as I noted yesterday, Islamo-fascist, terrorist-aiding, Judenrein-practicing “new lands.””

Sure… saying “we go to new lands” definitely proves that he is an islamo-fascist. Seriously though, if you had your facts right, you would have known that he made that statement AFTER the vote had taken place and the decision was announced. It was merely a reference to the fact that the 2018 and the 2022 World Cups (the hosts of these events were announced at the same time) will be organized by countries which have never organized the World Cup before. And why is the decision specifically an America-hating one when Australia, Japan and South Korea were also bidding to stage the 2022 World Cup?

But you seem to be such an expert in soccer. I am sure you can also explain why the islamo-fascist FIFA will only organize it’s first World Cup in a muslim country almost 100 years after the first event was staged. Or why the America-hating FIFA has already organized the 1994 World Cup and the 1999 and 2003 Women World Cup in… yep, the USA.

Jay White on December 4, 2010 at 3:04 am

Soccer is the ultimate equalizer. No special equipment needed – just you and a ball. In a society hooked on money-shots (touchdowns, home-runs, big-ass blocknusters, bling, 5-alarm heart-attack crappy-meals at SickDonalds), it’s great to see 11 fine Americans prove to the world that they have game in South Africa.

Too bad FIFA dropped the ball.

But wouldn’t it be nice if team USA (or CANADA, eh?) scored a victory there?

It’s just a matter of time, just like the game.

The Reverend Jacques on December 4, 2010 at 6:50 am

For policial correctness FIFA President should now be called Joseph “Sheep” Bleater

CaliMatt on December 4, 2010 at 9:44 am

Infidel Pride:

handegg, apehoop, and luckswing are all shit sports.

Pendulum on December 4, 2010 at 1:03 pm

This pinhead looks like an Arabic Terry Thomas.

#1 Vato on December 4, 2010 at 2:28 pm

Soccer, or “Football” as the Europeans call it is a boring, faggoty sport that most Americans aren’t interested in.
I think this is the reason so much hell is raised at soccer games, because the sport is so boring, the fans have to get a riot going in order to have some excitement.

RT on December 4, 2010 at 3:23 pm

US hosted 1994 World Cup, give other nations the chance to host it.

joe on December 4, 2010 at 3:31 pm


American football isn’t much better.

Pen on December 4, 2010 at 4:17 pm

Since there was a World Cup not too long ago in South Korea, maybe now they should award the 2022 one to North Korea instead of Qatar. During the tournament the players will enjoy grand lodging at some of the finest 5-star concentration camps in Asia. The players will travel throughout the country to the designated venues on top-notch bicycles smuggled in from the South. Players and visiting fans will enjoy some of the finest dining the country has to offer. They will get to be first in line at food collectives to feast on each collective’s specialty dish, totori-muk (acorn gelatin), and kimchi (if available). Rice? Maybe, if FIFA can smuggle some in from China.

CornCoLeo on December 5, 2010 at 12:53 am

As much as many prognosticators and so-called experts are saying President Obama is going to have a tough time getting re-elected, the reality of the situation is that President Obama will get re-elected against almost any potential GOP challenger.

However, one candidate cannot be over-looked. If we learned anything from 2008, we should’ve learned that organization and social media skills are paramount to a campaign. No one is actually going to “come out of nowhere”. To become the most powerful person in the world, you have to build quite an organization. That’s why only one person has a chance to beat President Obama in 2012.

This will make it all clear:

Dan on December 5, 2010 at 6:56 pm

    You just cannot be serious! Flip Floppney???

    Yeah right! He’s a LIBERAL…trouble is the Left views him as the quintessential evil Republican. This proves Liberals not only don’t have a grasp on the issues, but they have no real understanding of Republicans…just the mythology of the long-tired, fake, cheap boogie-man talking points.

    Conservatives are in trouble because they have no one new to take on Zero even after two horrible years of destroying America.

    Skunky on December 5, 2010 at 8:24 pm

Playing soccor in Qatar is going to be like playing soccor in Death Valley. Oh well maybe they can build ice hockey rinks and play “indoor soccor”. It was a much better game here in the states when the played soccor on indoor ice rinks. Player got very good at kicking rebounds off the glass.

burt on December 6, 2010 at 11:08 am

Corruption is the foundation of both FIFA and the International Olympic Committee. Selection of Qatar proves beyond any reasonable doubt that FIFA is the most corrupt international sports organization on earth. Qatar is the terrorist money laundering capital of the region and obviously the best at moving large amounts of money to pay corrupt FIFA selection committee members.

BonzerWolf on December 6, 2010 at 5:28 pm

holy crap,cant you just let the small country have their day?

Bob the non political on December 11, 2010 at 6:51 pm

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