February 13, 2007, - 5:59 pm
BREAKING: Surprise! Terrorist in Utah Mall Shootings is a MUSLIM; UPDATE: Had Dead Relatives in War
By Debbie Schlussel
More “Religion of Peace” peacefulness. Remember last night’s shooting murder of at least five people at Salt Lake City, Utah’s “Trolley Square”? Five other victims are holding onto life–in critical or serious condition–including a pregnant woman.
Well–surprise! surprise!–the shooter/murderer is a Bosnian Muslim “refugee,” Solejman Talovic. No word on his immigration status. And whenever the Mainstream Media calls someone a “refugee,” it’s generally a euphemism for illegal alien.
Although the Salt Lake Tribune is reporting that authorities–predictably–have no motive for the shooting, let’s face it. This guy is an Islamic terrorist. Terrorism expert and private investigator Bill Warner–whose site I read often–believes this terrorist attack was
some sort of payback for Muslim executions in Bosnia, with the payback influenced by Al-Muhajiroun web sites [featuring film of the Nicholas Berg and Daniel Pearl execution murders]. During the course of the attack, members of the attacking forces executed a group of approximately nineteen (19) Bosnian Muslim men on the main road near the centre of the village where the Glogova villagers were gathered. This first group of executed men included . . . Uzeir Talovic. At least two Muslims executed in this incident in the Bosnian-Serb conflict were surnamed “Talovic.”
(Bill Warner is the real thing and has done a lot of extensive work on Al-Qaeda offshoot Al-Muhajiroun’s presence in the U.S. You’ve probably seen a lot of it used, uncredited, by a certain red-headed so-called terrorism expert. The real expert is Bill.)
So much for President Bush’s and Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff’s repeated claims that there hasn’t been another terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11.
Tell that to the victims of Trolley Square, LAX’s El-Al shooting by Hesham Mohammed Hedayet, and countless other incidents by “lone shooters” who all happen to be Muslim.
To those who’ve frequently wondered aloud why Muslims have never attacked an American shopping mall, there’s no longer any need to wonder. It has happened.
Thanks to Bill Warner and reader Misha for the tip.

**** UPDATE, 02/14/07: Bill Warner finds that more of Talovic’s Muslim relatives died in fighting. He points out that AP identifies Trolley Square terrorist Sulejman Talovic’s aunt–also a Muslim “refugee” from Bosnia–as Ajka Omerovic. Warner reports:
In the report I sent you, yesterday (see above), concerning the Bosnian Muslims who died in fighting with Serbs in Srebrenica, I listed Uzeir Talovic. Look at the list again and note all the names with the surname of his aunt, Omerovic. There are eight listed.
Yes, this is what we get for helping the Bosnian Muslims against the Serbs–terror, murder, and mayhem in U.S. malls. The Muslims blame us anyway.
Thanks, Bill Clinton.
Tags: Ajka Omerovic, Al Muhajiroun, al-Qaeda, Bill Clinton, Bill Warner, Bosnia, Bush, Daniel Pearl, expert and private investigator, Hesham Mohammed Hedayet, Homeland Security chief, Michael Chertoff, President, Salt Lake City, Sulejman Talovic, terrorist, the Salt Lake Tribune, Trolley Square, United States, Utah
Has any organization started to take stats on the percentage of wild killing attempts to a mass populace that are committed here in the US by muslims compared to non-muslims. Obvioulsy there are a lot of killing not reported that are committed by non-muslims by what we are looking for here is public killings where the victims are random and number is irrelevant. I’m sure the percetnage of them being muslims will be a staggering majority.
Avatar on February 13, 2007 at 6:42 pm