February 9, 2007, - 11:53 am

Anti-Illegal Alien = Klan Member?: USA Today Falls for ADL/SPLC Ploy

By Debbie Schlussel
The far left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) have long shrieked that you and I–who want to control our borders and get illegal alien criminals deported once and for all–are in league with the Ku Klux Klan, and, in fact, are racists ourselves.
It’s their attempt to brush all of us–the SPLC’s and ADL’s real targets are not the Klan but the Minutemen, etc.–who want to control immigration as racist extremists. As I’ve written in the past, the SPLC defines those of us who want safe borders as “civil rights violators” and “hate-crime perpetrators.” The group gives millions in “tolerance” grants specifying tolerance as acceptance of illegal aliens.


Fortunately, few in the Mainstream Media bought that absurd propaganda. Until now. Today, USA Today has a headline that screams:

Immigration Becomes KKK Rallying Point

But wanting to control our borders has nothing to do with racism. That the KKK allegedly is using this issue is irrelevant. If you’re joining the Klan, you’re a racist and a bigot. Immigration has nothing to do with it. If you’re just into controlling the borders, you’ll have nothing to do with the Klan.
Saying that we are on the same side as the Klan is like saying we are like them because we both have to go to the bathroom and relieve ourselves also. It reminds me of the absurdity when idiots like Rosie O’Donnell say that Islamic terrorists have children and love them, too. What it has to do with the price of tea in China, I’m not sure (and it’s debatable that they love their children).
But since the SPLC and ADL–multi-million dollar conglomerates–need new targets to sue and suck money from–and racist targets are drying out, they sue those of us who oppose the illegal alien tsunami and take our property on behalf of those illegal aliens, as I’ve documented.
And they need to drum up business and anti-border control advocate sentiment. And USA Today, today, is helping these far left interest groups in the cause.
And the ADL is just a tad hypocritical on the illegal alien issue. the ADL rightly issues frequent reports complaining about Islamic terrorists and terror supporters in the U.S. But many of them came here because of lax immigration laws or because they are here illegally.
You can’t have it both ways. That’s why the ADL report issued, this week, citing immigration as an issue that makes it “easy to spread hate,” is even more annoying. (Full report here.)

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19 Responses

USA Today? Figures. “USA Today” is toilet paper. It’s “People” magazine on newsprint, masquerading as legit journalism. It’s written for 12 year olds with a short attention span.
Why else would they give it away in hotels? Like somebody would pay for it?

Skippy on February 9, 2007 at 12:42 pm

i agree with your logic here, but it would be nice if you also applied in your discussions of islam and atheism. you seem to selectively fall prey to the fallacy of ‘secundum quid’ when ever it fits your purposes.
with regard to immigration:
– i hardly find fault with a person willing to take great risk to seek a better life… the focus here should be on the domestic firms that are hiring illegal immigrants. hit them hard enough that they no longer are willing to play fast and loose with the law… i don’t think there will be too many illegal immigrants coming over for non-existant jobs.
– oh, and there should probably be at least a token acknowledgement that the usa stole the southwest from mexico in 1848…

ready5 on February 9, 2007 at 12:43 pm

Groups like the ADL are more concerned about being “Politically Correct” than they are with our national security. Liberals don’t realize that when you do nothing about the illegal alien invasion, eventually some people are going to turn to extremists like the KKK for answers. They’re bringing about the very thing they’re crying about.

FreethinkerNY on February 9, 2007 at 12:51 pm

Thanks Debbie for pointing out the purpose and hypocrisy of this whole KKK thing.
“i hardly find fault with a person willing to take great risk to seek a better life.”
I fault people who knowingly break our laws. Disregard our culture and care only about the dollar bill as far as America is concerned. Although I’m not sure what this has to do with the KKK article.
“Groups like the ADL are more concerned about being “Politically Correct” than they are with our national security.”
PC they are for sure but make no mistake they are also shaking that money tree. This has as much or more to do with power and cash flow as it does with PC.

AlturaCt on February 9, 2007 at 1:07 pm

LIBERALS have been in bed with America’s enemies since the early 1960’s. LIBERALS are always opposed to whatever is good for America, and they champion all that will bring about her end.
LIBERALS Hate America!

Thee_Bruno on February 9, 2007 at 1:10 pm

Does bad boy of the Internet, the Urkel of blogging EminemsRevenge work for Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)? After all, I supposedly live in Amerikkka.

Jeff_W on February 9, 2007 at 1:17 pm

Ready5: JUst checking my facts. Who inhabited Mexico prior to 1848 and where did they het it from and before that where did those people come from and so on. That argument is liberal drivel as every square mile on this planet was inhabited by groups that at one time or another had emigrated from another land. The bottom line my friend, is that we have laws as a nation today and we have the right to control who we allow into our country. If by any chance, the country becomes another, well then, I’m sure that another set of laws will govern the same idea.
It’s about time to put away that PC logic in favor of what actually occured the last 10 millenia

Islamsnotforme on February 9, 2007 at 1:27 pm

Ready5: Just checking my facts. Who inhabited Mexico prior to 1848 and where did they get it from and before that where did those people come from and so on. That argument is liberal drivel as every square mile on this planet was inhabited by groups that at one time or another had emigrated from another land. The bottom line my friend, is that we have laws as a nation today and we have the right to control who we allow into our country. If by any chance, the country becomes another, well then, I’m sure that another set of laws will govern the same idea.
It’s about time to put away that PC logic in favor of what actually occurred the last 10 Milena

Islamsnotforme on February 9, 2007 at 1:27 pm

Sorry for the duplicate folks

Islamsnotforme on February 9, 2007 at 1:30 pm

true that a lack of answers brings about radicalization… but its not true that liberals are advocating “doing nothing”.
i also fault people who “knowingly break our laws”… such as those who employ illegal immigrants. but whenever you have such economic assymetry between two bordering nations, there will be this type of immigration. also, laws are not automatically moral… some concerns supercede whatever happens to be on the books.
do you seriously think that liberals actually hate america and are conciously concerned with “bringing about her end”?
a decent but predictable point. “who inhabited mexico prior to 1848?” uh… the mexicans. or are you talking prior to 16th century? well yes, the spanish engaged in their religious fanaticism throughout the americas, but i’m not defending that.
let me turn your point on its head: are you saying that the people of poland should’ve just obeyed the laws of nazi germany after hitler invaded? after all, the germans were just another one of those “groups that at one time or another had emigrated from another land”. bottom line “my friend”: the passage of time does not make an immoral/illegal act suddenly moral/legal.
by thinking that something is okay just because it “actually occurred the last 10 milena (sic)”, you commit a fairly egregious logical fallacy. if you want, read hume’s “a treatise of human nature” (1639) for more on the ‘is-ought problem’ or moore’s “principia ethica” (1903) for more on the ‘naturalistic fallacy’.
obviously the usa has the right to dictate its own immigration policy… the question is whether or not the usa’s past actions towards mexico have affected our current border problems. i only suggestion a “token acknowlegement” so that those who are ignorant as to why the border is where it is might be enlightened.

ready5 on February 9, 2007 at 1:58 pm

ready5 is a fucktard!

Thee_Bruno on February 9, 2007 at 2:58 pm

LIBERALS have done more harm to this country with their failed policies over the last 40 years and they still continue.
LIBERALS have always sided with America’s enemies…so, yes…LIBERALS HATE AMERICA!

Thee_Bruno on February 9, 2007 at 2:59 pm

ready5 needs what all pseudo-sophisticated Lieberals need: A good Draino enema. His brains will then be cleansed of Lieberal fecal matter.

FreethinkerNY on February 9, 2007 at 4:09 pm

By the way, Thee_Bruno, great statement: “LIBERALS have done more harm to this country with their failed policies over the last 40 years and they still continue.” And, you’re right. ready5 is indeed a Fucktard.

FreethinkerNY on February 9, 2007 at 4:16 pm

i am more than happy to engage in a civil debate of facts with you… and despite you repeatedly calling me a “fucktard”, i’ve tried to extract your claims and respond to them. so if you want to persuade me to your viewpoint, try not acting like a ten-year-old.

ready5 on February 9, 2007 at 4:42 pm

ah… i see thee_bruno has a little friend. how nice. for the record, i am not a liberal. i am, however, one who insists on facts and good logic. i have similar debates with propoganda-spewing absolutists of all stripes… including those on the left. the step you (and yours) need to take is to stop with the playground antics and put forth a compelling argument… otherwise your decrying of your loyal opposition’s rhetoric is flat-out hypocritical. of course, if you just want to host a cheerleading session and pat yourself on the back, them “mission accomplished”, i guess.

ready5 on February 9, 2007 at 4:46 pm

The problem w/ the KKK taking up the rallying cry is that the media will jump all over it and use it to lump real reform proponents into their midst, the same way they try to illicit more support for amnesty by failing to distingush between legal and illegal immgration. It will prevent any candidate who supports security and enforcement from being called anything but a racist or a fanatic.

takn on February 9, 2007 at 7:07 pm

The ADL and the SPLC are completely racist organizations, which are racist against any and all white people. They consistently search for “injustices” against non-whites, and ignore injustices to whites.

davidlanham on February 15, 2007 at 11:43 am

i agree… ‘secundum quid’ is a particularly common fallacy, which most media sources (including this one) are guilty of. the left has gotten fairly absolutist on race issues as of late and have ended up tying their own hands… the high road isn’t always pragmatic and often self-defeating. on this issue, i feel the left is being particularly reactionary and contrarian… forcing them to cling to even the most fallacious logic. but when the right feels appropriately frustrated, they should take a moment and recognize times when the roles have been reversed and it is the right who is stubbornly clinging to absolutist stances.

demagogueshatelogic on February 16, 2007 at 11:47 am

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