February 1, 2007, - 3:02 pm

Oy Gevalt: Guess Who’s Wearing a Jewish Star?

By Debbie Schlussel
With the number of Jews in the world shrinking (Judaism is not a proselytizing religion and intermarriage is at a rate of over 50%), it’s always welcome when people convert to the faith. With rising anti-Semitism, philo-Semites are also welcome, too. But I doubt any subscribers to either of those two concepts had in mind the latest wearer of the Star of David.
My question: Must we Jews claim this no-underwear-wearing, genitals-exposing, millionaire trash queen, soon-to-be ex-wife of hip-hop slacker Kevin Federline? I mean, we already have Roseanne and Ron Jeremy and that’s more embarrassment than any religion should have to suffer.
All of tabloid-dom is abuzz about this photo from X17Online.com. Apparently, Britney Spears is “dating” (euphemism) Jewish model Isaac Cohen. Thus, the Esther, er . . . Madonna act. Now, we have to find her a Hebrew name. I vote for “Zonah.”


Not Kosher: Britney Goes From K-Fed to Matzoh & Manischewitz

And Brit may have a thing for Jewish guys. Radar Online reports that soon-to-be ex, Kevin Federline a/k/a Fed-Ex, may have Jewish blood on his father’s side and that Federlein (different spelling) is a Jewish last name. Must we claim him, too?!

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16 Responses

L’chaim! Now we have the B’nai Brit Society. Let’s all celebrate Yom Shal T’brit! She’s got “Shiksa-ppeal”!

Yiddish Steel on February 1, 2007 at 3:34 pm

Very funny. And that caption is hilarious! You might think about a sideline career in comedy.

Lance-TMQ on February 1, 2007 at 3:38 pm

A) IF you didn’t include he picture, i wouldn’t even KNOW what BS lloks like…and notice her initials…
B) Too bad THIS isn’t a report of Farrakhan or Al Sharpton converting!!!
One of the STUPIDEST things i ever said in my life was that the Jews killed Jesus,,,fortunately i was no longer in Catholic school, where i learnt that crap, and the guy i said it to was a Conservative Jew who told me WHY Jezeus wasn’t considered the MOSHIACH to jews.
OF COURSE i thought he was full of crap and i then went out to disprove him..ANY so-called Christian or Muslim who TRIES to REFUTE that Jews are Adonai’s CHOSEN are either delusional or STUPID

EminemsRevenge on February 1, 2007 at 3:41 pm

Jezebel? No, not appropos. I’ve got it! She should get the name of one of Lot’s daughters. What would be the Hebrew for “daughter of Lot”? This poor White trash girl is to be pitied.

Dr.Dale on February 1, 2007 at 3:54 pm

Someone please tell me the fascination with this stupid broad. She never could sing, she was (stress WAS) a nice looking bim but nothing great, she’s obviously a lousy parent, and is dumb as a rock.
This People Magazine culture/mentality really worries me about this country.

Jeff_W on February 1, 2007 at 4:01 pm

Funny post Debbie.
Why is she wearing a Jewish star? Because she’s dating a Jewish guy? These people are so bankrupt that they wear all these symbols as pure fashion. She’s an idiot at best. It’s the same when people wear the cross for no reason except that it is fashionable. The cross has no meaning for these morons.
She’s essentially going to out-Jew Madonna/Esther who is not a Jew but pretends to be when it suits her.

CarpeDiem on February 1, 2007 at 4:51 pm

Bad boy of the internet, who some have called the Dave Chappelle of blogging, EminemsRevenge tells it like it is!

Dan on February 1, 2007 at 6:59 pm

Just another Hollywood nitwit/douche-bag trying to be chic, or, as someone else in this thread posted “fashionable”. If she can’t sustain a marriage vow which (I assume) she took in Church then what the hell is she doing wearing the Star Of David? Why would the Jews want her???? Next year it will be some other Religion or Faith (or someone) else for this little bimbo.

Rich B on February 1, 2007 at 9:36 pm

Dan, “Bad boy of the internet, who some have called the Dave Chappelle of blogging,..”
Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
Bad boy of the internet? Dave Chappelle of blogging?
Is “Dan” short for “Danielle”, aka Eminem’s Revenge mommy? Idiot of the internet, the Forrest Gump of blogging is more like it.

The_Man on February 1, 2007 at 10:20 pm

Bimbo is the new standard..sad commentary on society.

jwstuart on February 2, 2007 at 5:23 am

its fair. look how many people who claim to be christians, but don’t act the least bit like Jesus Christ. Plenty of them get in front of cameras also. Some of them weekly.

Egyptoid on February 2, 2007 at 8:41 am

Thereís EminemsRevenge STILL FLAILING about trying to understand his former CatholicismÖ
ER when you set out to challenge someone, make sure you have a good grasp of the subject matter in question, so that you donít fold in the first 5 minutes.
Give or take about 30 quotesÖI can think of about 10,000 proof quotes~
Oh and EminemsRevengeÖGODíS CHOSEN didnít end with the Jews. A common theme, or rather occurrence, in the Old Testament is the first-born being passed over and the INTENDED BLESSING going not to the one for it was originally intendedÖbut to an UNEXPECTED RECEIVER.
In the grand scheme of thingsÖhow do you think that themeÖand what blessing ended up being imparted to the Roman Catholic Church by the very Lord Himself?

The Canadien on February 2, 2007 at 12:16 pm

I’m trying to find a Jewish list that will include singer & Mogen Dovid wearer Al Green.I think he’s the best hope to “shame” future Cantors to return to the style of “the hometeam” defined by Cantor Yossele Rosenblatt(whose rendition of Kol Nidre brought Jazz icon Ornette Coleman to tears-or Al Jolson who does ‘Kol Nidre’ in ‘The Jazz Singer’),rather than mostly to the style I expect of Opera School flunkouts.

jaywilton on February 2, 2007 at 2:44 pm

“Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
Bad boy of the internet? Dave Chappelle of blogging?
Is “Dan” short for “Danielle”, aka Eminem’s Revenge mommy? Idiot of the internet, the Forrest Gump of blogging is more like it.”
Dear Mr. The Man:
Congratulations. You have no ability to recognize a joke.

Dan on February 3, 2007 at 12:47 am

I’ve have Jewish blood on my father’s side. There are lots of philo-semites. Jews should have them in their company rather than born Jews who hate Israel and suck up to Musim extremists. I love Isrel dearly having family there and hate the latter. That should tell you where my sympathies lie. I no longer watch network TV news because its so biased against Israel. Today its a lot worse. I’m by nature a person imbued with a strong belief in God who wants righteousness in this world. But the Children Of Darkness remain strong indeed.

NormanF on February 15, 2007 at 1:16 am

fuck the jews

Emily Harman on August 28, 2012 at 6:06 pm

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