January 30, 2007, - 9:46 am

Absurd in Arabia: Don’t Challenge the “Seven Wonders” While in Egypt

By Debbie Schlussel
Well, no-one accused Egypt of being a democracy. It is anything but that. Still, the recent reaction by the Egyptians to a silly global contest by a Swiss adventurer is telling.
According to Associated Press, Bernard Weber, the “adventurer,” is holding an international contest to name the “new” seven wonders of the world (he calls it “N7W”). It’s a promotional contest designed to get people interested in international culture and history–and to promote Weber.


Adventurer Bernard Weber With Soon-to-Be Beheaded Egyptians

But, as you probably know, Egypt’s ancient Pyramids of Giza (which weren’t even built by the Arab peoples now occupying Egypt), are on the original “Seven Wonders of the World” list. And the very sensitive Egypt takes offense at this contest. They’re afraid the Pyramids can’t withstand the new test, apparently. And they’re mad that the Pyramids are lumped in with the Statue of Liberty as finalists in this meaningless contest.
So, when Bernard Weber visited Egypt, this month, to hold a news conference about it, he was silenced. The Egyptian police shut it down. I guess he should be happy he wasn’t beheaded.
But it’s yet another illustration of how freedom to utter even the most unimportant things is shut down by Arab Muslim countries, whose delicate sensibilities can’t even withstand an amusing and irrelevant contest and press briefing about it. Everywhere else he went, Weber was welcomed by countries who were happy to draw more attention to their tourist sites, even if Weber’s contest calls them into question as wonders. But not in Egypt, where they very clearly don’t have a sense of humor . . . or civil rights.
Be happy you’re in America, where we have inane contests and promotions every single day. And, even though it’s dumb and insulting, no-one in America is trying to shut down the Kevin Federline Superbowl ad.

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10 Responses

Tell that to the jihad sympathizing liberals who incessantly continue to blast America for being the most hatefull intolerant, and racist country to exist. They don’t have a flying clue as to what its like to have a sword at their necks. Thats why I appreciate democracy. The die hard liberals know they wouldn’t last a day in Egypt which is why they are unfortunately here shooting their beaks off. At least no one in America is threatening them to shut up but apparently they are not gratefull about it either.

Jew Chick on January 30, 2007 at 10:47 am

Today’s Wonders are almost all creations of technology orginating the dreaded and evil U.S.
Suspension Bridges
Sky Scrapers
Moving Pictures
Space Exploration
Satellite Technology
Air Travel
Microwave Ovens
Life Saving Drugs, Surgeries, Imaging Technologies
Cell Phones
Nuclear Energy
Any number of amazing weapons (few of which are actually used for fear of disproportionality and killing (human shields) civilians.
To name a few.
As we move toward socialism and entitlements, these great inventions will begin to dwindle. Notice how little if any new ideas eminate from anywhere else in the world. Most tech’s are reverse engineered or stolen through espionage from the U.S.

dll2000 on January 30, 2007 at 10:48 am

Hey Debbie I guess $2 billion a year in foreign aid does not buy as much as it used to.

Ripper on January 30, 2007 at 11:06 am

Maybe we should add a few of the more recent U.S. wonders-
Golden Parachutes
Superbowl commercials
Talk shows
Budget deficits
Larry King
College Tuition

Happiness Pursuer on January 30, 2007 at 11:36 am

Uh, I hope you’re kidding about the Kfed superbowl ad thing, because people ARE trying to shut it down : http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,246286,00.html

ConservativesLovePuns(descent) on January 30, 2007 at 11:42 am

Muzlums are devoid/incapable of a sense of humor because mohammad was humorless. Mohammad’s words and actions dictate how every mindless muzlum should behave – from bathing (LOL), entering and exiting his house, praying, eating, dressing, speaking, greeting one another as opposed to greeting the infidel, etc.
There is no allowance for humor because, living as they are required to, muzlums have nothing to smile about. They adhere to a dark cult where everyone other than themselves must be eradicated. They live in countries whose GDP are even below that of African countries (and, yes, this includes oil-rich muzlum shitholes).
Has anyone ever heard of a muzlum comedy club? Are there any famous muzlum comedians? When was the last time anyone saw a muzlum comedic film? Muzlum Vaudeville, anyone? In order for any group of people to be humorous, they need to be able to poke fun at themselves, and, although there’s a treasure trove of humorous shit about muzlums, they will NEVER make fun of themselves – there’s just too much jihad going on to stop and laugh.
The short answer is this: If muzlums poke fun at themselves, then they are mocking their religion and way of life because islam dictates everything about their lives (see above list in brackets). Will they poke fun at their attire? Their women? Their food? Their closed societies? Their terrorist activities?
Bunch of fucktards!

Thee_Bruno on January 30, 2007 at 11:49 am

Here’s the KFed commercial if anyone is interested.

Thee_Bruno on January 30, 2007 at 11:55 am

Uh-oh. A thousand pardons, Sahib, almost forgot the most important wonder of all-
our own Debbie Schlussel
And this is not said in jest.

Happiness Pursuer on January 30, 2007 at 12:06 pm

“Jew Chick” posted this..
“Tell that to the jihad sympathizing liberals who incessantly continue to blast America for being the most hatefull intolerant, and racist country to exist. They don’t have a flying clue as to what its like to have a sword at their necks. Thats why I appreciate democracy. The die hard liberals know they wouldn’t last a day in Egypt which is why they are unfortunately here shooting their beaks off. At least no one in America is threatening them to shut up but apparently they are not gratefull about it either”
The liberals you are referring to are what Lenin once called “Useful Idiots”.

Rich B on January 30, 2007 at 9:22 pm

The fact that 1.2 plus billion people are actually muslim gets my vote as one of the seven wonders…
Dumb or not I laughed when I saw the kfed commercial…FRIES!!!

Jazzman on January 31, 2007 at 8:01 am

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