January 29, 2007, - 3:28 pm

I’ll Be Amazed by These “Incredible” Events When . . .

By Debbie Schlussel
. . . They Happen in Arab Muslim Countries. The whole world is gushing about a couple of things that aren’t so amazing when you consider their contexts:
* Saudi Princess Lolwah Al-Faisal told the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland that if given the chance to change something in her country,

First thing, I’d let women drive.

Big deal. When she says that in public on Saudi soil to Saudi King Abdullah instead of to a group of rich, non-Muslim, liberal elitists, then I’ll be encouraged. When she denounces the Palestinian terrorism that she and her family are funding, then I’ll be impressed. When she calls for Jewish women AND Jewish men to be allowed drive–and even live–in Saudi Arabia, then I’ll be surprised. Until then, this is nothing–barely the “rare” and “direct challenge” the media is claiming.


Much Ado About Nothing:

Saudi Princess Lolwah Al-Faisal, Israeli Cabinet Minister Raleb Majadele

* Israel has its first Muslim cabinet minister, Raleb Majadele.
Another no big deal. Israeli Muslims/Arabs have voted from the beginning and, despite what the Mainstream Media reports, are a part of every day life in Israel–as star athletes, professionals, business owners, etc. Muslims and Arabs now occupy ten percent of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament. Several of those MKs (Members of Knesset) have called on homicide bombers to continue to attacking Jews in Israel. But they are still Members of Knesset, and no-one’s called for their removal.
A big deal will be the day when Jews can be citizens, vote, own weapons, and even exist out in the open in any Arabian Gulf state, like, say, Saudi Arabia, or Kuwait. You’ll never see Jewish members of their phony Parliaments (there was a Jewish member of the Moroccan Parliament). You won’t see Jewish ministers in the Kuwaiti fake cabinet.
These countries won’t even let Jews in, and certainly not those with an Israeli passport. The few Arab Muslim countries that still have a scant few Jews left which they didn’t already kick out are millionth-class citizens, treated worse than insects. And try being a Palestinian in any of those countries. They’re treated pretty badly by their Arab Muslim brethren abroad, and treated better in Israel than in any country outside the Western world.
That Israel made Majadele a minister in the Israeli cabinet is not news. The day when someone named Shlomo or Shaul or Yitzchak becomes a minister of the Qatari or UAE governments, then we can be impressed. And, even then, it probably won’t be exciting because the Jew will probably be someone like the Holocaust denying Neturei Karta rabbis who kissed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Until these things happen, I’m not in the least amazed by these non-events. And I doubt anything will happen to change that condition ever.

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12 Responses

I still can’t quite decide why Westerners hold Muslims to lower standards. My guess is that it’s one of the following:
1. Some sort of benevolent racism – the type where you accept their barbarism, so any small step in the right direction is met with approval. Kind of like how you praise a kid when he ties his shoes or figures out how to dress himself.
2. Fear of being killed for saying, “What’s wrong with you? The rest of the world doesn’t have a problem with not abusing its women and minorities on a societal scale.”
3. Fear of being branded insensitive for saying, “What’s wrong with you? The rest of the world doesn’t have a problem with not abusing its women and minorities on a societal scale.”
Or probably some combination of the three.

Dan on January 29, 2007 at 7:46 pm

Dan, the reason why the West is so nonjudgmental of the Islamic world is because 65 years ago, the Christian world was guilty of almost the same crimes and abuses.
As for Saudi Princess Lolwah Al-Faisal, and Israeli Cabinet Minister Raleb Majadele, what they did are baby steps in the right direction.

Norman Blitzer on January 29, 2007 at 9:16 pm

Christians were beheading people in the streets 65 years ago? Christians were exploding themselves in the center of crowded public areas?
Sorry, I don’t buy it.

Dan on January 29, 2007 at 11:25 pm

The real problem with Muslims in democratic governments is that Islam, the belief system of every Muslim, is a theocracy.
Democracy is antithetical to theocracy; it is, then, anithetical to Islam.
Raleb Majadele cannot practice Islam as Muhammad intended it and serve in a democratic government.
He, like Keith Ellison, is a hypocrite.

PRCS on January 30, 2007 at 2:00 am

Abnormal Blitzed puked up all over this blog with the following;
“Dan, the reason why the West is so nonjudgmental of the Islamic world is because 65 years ago, the Christian world was guilty of almost the same crimes and abuses.”
Wow, what fucking planet do YOU live on?! What typical muzlum propaganda!
As to Debbie’s post;
Saudi Princess (if you can call it that…look at the arrogant glare in that face) Lolwah Al-Faisal told the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland that if given the chance to change something in her country,
“First thing, I’d let women drive.”
Driving should be the LAST thing on her list.
The first things should be;
1. Women being allowed out of the house without being required to be escorted by a male family member,
2. Women being able to speak openly in public,
3. Women being able to sue for divorce and gain child custody without having to prove the impossible,
4. Women being able to dress like a normal human being instead of being required to dress as the Grim Reaper,
5. Women being able to live without fear of beatings for the slightest provocation by their husbands,
6. Women being able to bring charges of rape without having to fear the death penalty for “extra-marital affairs”.
This dumb Arab is typical of the muzlum/arab stalking the Earth – brainless and without a clue.

Thee_Bruno on January 30, 2007 at 9:39 am

Bruno nailed it.

Stealthkix on January 30, 2007 at 9:59 am

Rabbi Meir Kahane zt”l warned about granting a seat in the Knesset to the arabs but apparently the ultra-tolerant,blinded,daft,and naive elites crapping on the Parliament didn’t pay much heed to his premonition. The libel that Israel is an apartheid state just disproves the allegation. Like Debbie mention before, how many jews are known to hold a powerfull position within the arab parliament? I’m addressing this question to the anti-semetic/zionist/israel,pro-arab terror,brainwashed,indoctrinated on the presumption that jews control the world.Perhaps they can help me out here since they claim to be knowledgable in this area which is debatable unto itself.

Jew Chick on January 30, 2007 at 11:14 am

Dear Debbie;
The only Muslem law I agree with is disallowing women to drive.
And every once in a while I like to beat the crap out of the old lady. It helps me relax.
I’m only kidding!! I don’t have any problems with female drivers.

EJO on January 30, 2007 at 10:19 pm

Dear Debbie;
The only Muslem law I agree with is disallowing women to drive.

EJO on January 30, 2007 at 10:21 pm

Dear Debbie;
The only Muslem law I agree with is disallowing women to drive.

EJO on January 30, 2007 at 10:23 pm

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