November 15, 2010, - 4:41 pm

Hangover: Bill Clinton in a Role He Was Made For

By Debbie Schlussel

I always joked that post-Presidency, Bill Clinton would become a Hawaiian Tropic bikini contest judge.  The guy was made for that role.  And while I was joking, I was close.  Check out what Clinton was doing over the weekend.  No matter how awful a President George W. Bush was, I cannot imagine him lowering himself to this:


Bill Clinton . . . the former president [is] sharing screen-time with the fun-loving guys in The Hangover 2, now filming in Thailand, a Clinton source confirms to PEOPLE.

Clinton, who’ll play himself in the comedy, shot his brief appearance on Saturday in Bangkok, where part of the production takes place.

Remember that the first installment of this movie (read my review) featured scenes of strippers giving oral sex to star Zach Galifianakis, with his penis in full view. That’s not to mention the topless scene of star Heather Graham.

Does any American President–current or former–belong in such garbage? Absolutely not. But, hey, no-one ever accused Bill Clinton of class and dignity either in office or out of it.  Just think, if Hillary had become President instead of Barack Obama, he’d be the first First Lady to star in a sleazy movie.

Jay Leno once joked that Bill Clinton’s lasting Presidential contribution was making thong underwear for women the mainstream, after Monica wore it for him in the Oval Office.

Well, now he has another such “achievement”: Hangover 2, which sounds like the title for his second term in office. Only in America.


It won’t be the first role for the former Prez. He also had a role in 2004’s “Brain Robbers From Outer Space,” though I suspect it was film footage from his Presidency.

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11 Responses

And this affects us how? I could care less what a private citizizen does in his spare time.

Nak on November 15, 2010 at 6:26 pm

Mispelled citizen

Nak on November 15, 2010 at 6:27 pm

And the same goes for John McCain in the Wedding Crashers!

Norman Blitzer on November 15, 2010 at 7:49 pm

Clinton’s appearance was shot in BANG-WHERE?
Guess it’s the same ol’ Clinton.

CornCoLeo on November 15, 2010 at 8:08 pm

“No matter how awful a President George W. Bush was, I cannot imagine him lowering himself to this”

Eh, does his book tour count? I mean Bush is going about how his feelings were hurt by Kanye West on the today show and Oprah.

It’s just a silly little cameo. Who cares? At least Clinton’s appearance isn’t meant to be serious.

col on November 15, 2010 at 9:14 pm

Meh, needless to say, Ronald Reagan also appeared in more than his fair share of clunkers. Until the day they died, both he and Humphrey Bogart were reportedly desperately trying to locate every copy of “Swing Your Lady” in existence, so they could destroy all of them and deny that it ever existed.

Irving on November 15, 2010 at 9:59 pm

Wow! Pretty cavalier attitude regarding the ex prevaricator in chief.

I agree with DS. This man is an absolute DISGRACE and he wouldn’t know class and dignity and respect if it came out of his private part.

This POS was IMPEACHED! Never forget that. I dislike him greatly and have NO respect for him. How appropriate he is kicking it in Thailand.

If he wasn’t a sociopath, he’d be spending his time there trying to stop the child sex trade. That’s what a truely GOOD person would do if he had his power. Disgrazia!

Skunky on November 15, 2010 at 10:21 pm

Because he is a sociopath he’s there to pump up the child sex trade. Clinton was the prez who gave the chinese the rocket guidance system they needed to hit the west coast( see Loral Guidance and Schwartz)

bobby99 on November 16, 2010 at 1:29 am

The Hangover wasn’t funny enough to deserve a sequel. I heard the hype about that piece of crap movie for months then finally gave in and watched it. It had maybe 5 funny moments or so but was slow, relatively boring and overly disgusting.

KB: Amen. That pretty much matches my review:

Ken Blazek on November 16, 2010 at 9:35 am

Bill Clinton is the Prez who made it trendy for young school girls to boys oral sex without guilt because its not really sex. This is one person who should be culled from the American lexicon.

Anthony on November 16, 2010 at 6:50 pm

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