January 24, 2007, - 11:17 am
“Strippers Changed My Life”: The Sleaze Whose Name is Brad Pitt
By Debbie Schlussel
You know Brad Pitt?
He’s the actor who is Mr. Angie Voight, who is constantly telling us how America doesn’t give enough to the poor, how Americans aren’t generous (even though they’re the most generous on earth), the guy who had a PBS show how Americans’ homes waste energy and aren’t “green” enough (while he lives in an energy wasting 11,000 square foot mansion and flies in private jets), how Americans are this and Americans are that.
Well, Mr. Proud High School Graduate, Father of Out-of-wedlock Kids, and purveyor of other important, fine moral lessons of America, tells us all, via Newsweek, where he learned these gems he’s imparted to America:
from strippers who “changed my life.”
I had a job driving strippers around … . Yeah, my job was to drive them to bachelor parties and things. I’d pick them up, and at the gig I’d collect the money, play the bad Prince tapes and catch the girls’ clothes. It was not a wholesome atmosphere, and it got very depressing. [DS: Ya think?!] After two months I went in to quit, and the guy said, ‘Listen, I’ve got this one last gig tonight.’ So I did it, and this girl — I’d never met her before — was in an acting class taught by a man named Roy London [a famous acting coach]. I went and checked it out, and it really set me on the path to where I am now . . . . Strippers changed my life.
Yup, this is America’s self-anointed moral authority–the man whose life was changed by strippers. And I had the gall to call his sleazy girlfriend, “Skankelina,” when this guy is the Mayor of Skanksville (she’s the First Lady).
As I’ve written before, Brad Pitt rhymes with hypocrite.
Memo to the unwise: Don’t get your morals from the sleazebags of Hollywood. (The wise already knew that.)
Tags: acting coach, actor, America, Angie Voight, Brad Pitt, Brad Pitt By Debbie Schlussel, energy, First Lady, Mayor, Newsweek, Prince, Roy London, Skanksville, waste energy
Brad Pitt may be telling Americans how to be green, but he certainly isn’t telling them how to lead a chaste lifestyle. If a stripper changed Pitt’s life for the better, then God bless both Pitt and the stripper.
Norman Blitzer on January 24, 2007 at 11:40 am