November 9, 2010, - 11:43 am

Pregnant Muslim Illegal Alien Ran Somalian Sex Ring Across US

By Debbie Schlussel

A pregnant, devout Muslim illegal alien who ran a multi-state sex-slave ring (using 12-year-old girls) is about to give birth.  Yup, exactly the kind of anchor baby we want with U.S. citizenship and all the benefits that go with it.  Right?

I’ve been warning you about the Somalian Muslim immigrant crime sprees across America for several years now. I’ve mentioned the gangs, the murders, the rapes, the bank robberies, the terrorizing of old people and other Americans from Seattle, Washington to Maine. And I told you about Somalian Muslims in the Seattle area who kidnapped under-aged White girls and forced them to be prostitutes. And that’s not to mention the Somalian money-laundering to Islamic terrorists and the illegal alien smuggling rings for terrorists run by Somalian immigrants. You can thank President Bush for a good deal of this, since after 9/11, he significantly increased the number of Muslim immigrants from Africa coming to America and the Somalian immigration wave came largely under his watch. Some of them also came here under Bill Clinton.

Islamic Modesty: These Devout Muslims Ran U.S. Sex Slave Ring Using Girls Younger Than 13 . . .

So, news that law enforcement arrested 26 of 29 suspects in three states for running one of these sex rings (using kids YOUNGER than 13) is no shocker to me and shouldn’t be a surprise for you. It’s just an extension of what they were doing in Seattle.  The ring has been operating in three states for over a decade and the sex slavery began in 2005.  Read the indictment.

Check out the two women at the bottom of the mugshots, above, both of them wearing the hijab, the Islamic hair-covering that’s supposed to be the garb of modesty.  They ran this ring that enslaved 12-year-old girls and younger and forced them to have sex.  Yup, that’s “modesty.”  One of them, Hamdi Ali Osman a/k/a Big Hamdi a/k/a “Boss Lady,” orchestrated a substantial part of the sex ring.  And remember this whole story–of forcing 12-year-old girls to become sex slaves–whenever you hear the BS about “Islamic modesty” and how they deserve special rights that the rest of us don’t have, when it comes to airport scanning or separate gym and swimming hours at public facililties. Also note how most of them are smiling and almost none look ashamed. Religion of Peace, indeed.

Oh, and one other thing: Boss Lady/Big Hamdi is apparently an illegal alien, since Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has put a detainer on her. But no worries, she’s a “student” (probably courtesy of your tax dollars) and she’s pregnant with her own little anchor baby. For anyone who thinks we shouldn’t end birthright citizenship, please tell me why this sex trafficker deserves to give birth to a U.S. citizen who can bring her back to the U.S., one day, even if mommy Boss Lady/Big Hamdi is deported.


When a 15-year-old girl had a disagreement with her mother, a woman just three years older offered to care for her.

The woman, a gang member, would give her a place to stay and food. But there was a catch.

The 15-year-old had to have sex for money or other items of value, according to a federal indictment unsealed Monday.

The teen, referred to as Jane Doe Three in the federal indictment, was one of the underage girls allegedly trafficked by three Somali gangs between the Twin Cities; Columbus, Ohio; and Nashville, Tenn. Twenty-nine people, including three women, were charged. . . .

The indictment said the conspiracy ran from January 2000 to July [2010]; the earliest trafficking began in December 2005. The youngest victim was 12, said St. Paul Police Chief Thomas Smith.

St. Paul police began the investigation in 2008, with the department’s Gerald D. Vick Human Trafficking Task Force leading the investigation, Smith said. . . .

Charges in the 24-count indictment include sex trafficking of juveniles and conspiring to sex-traffic juveniles, obstruction of justice, perjury, auto theft and credit card fraud. The indictment also alleges the sexual assault of an 18-year-old woman. . . .

Three gangs are based in Minneapolis and connected with each other — the Somali Outlaws, Somali Mafia and Lady Outlaws.

One intention of the gangs “is to identify, recruit and obtain females who are under the age of 14 years and under the age of 18 years, to participate in commercial sex acts in exchange for money and other items,” the indictment said. They “use … abuse, threats, force and coercion.”

# Jane Doe One, who turned 14 in January 2006, was taken from the Twin Cities to Columbus, Nashville and other locations from December 2005 to June 2008.

In December 2005, Jane Doe One was taken from Minneapolis to a Nashville apartment rented by Fadumo Mohamed Farah, then 21. She and two others “caused Jane Doe One to engage in commercial sex acts for which they received things of value,” the affidavit said.

When Jane Doe One returned to the Twin Cities in January 2006, Hamdi Ali Osman approached the girl. Osman was 17 at the time. Her aliases are “Big Hamdi” and “Boss Lady,” and she was a member of the Lady Outlaws and a gang called the Lady Bravehearts, the indictment said.

From October 2006 through June 2007, Jane Doe One was taken from the Twin Cities to Columbus. In 2008, when the teen was in Seattle for personal reasons, she was sent to a residence and sexually assaulted.

Jane Doe Two was taken from her house to an apartment at 1374 Westminster St. in St. Paul in December 2006. She was 12. At the apartment, three of the indicted people and others “engaged in sexual acts” with the girl.

Other males arrived and were charged money by the three indicted males to engage in sexual acts with the girl.

“This same activity occurred on multiple dates at this apartment,” the indictment said. . . . In April 2009, a group picked up Jane Doe Two at her high school. Five men “engaged in … sex act(s)” with her. . . . Later that month, the girl was told to engage in a sex act with a male in exchange for marijuana and liquor. She was brought to Nashville in April 2009 to engage in commercial sex acts.

Also in April 2009, one of the suspects spoke to two others about talking to Jane Doe Two’s parents. He told one “to make sure Jane Doe Two’s family cannot come to court,” the indictment said. . . .

In March, Bashir Yasin Mohamud and others brought Jane Doe Four to a Motel 6 in Richfield and rented a room. He, Mustafa Ahmed Mohamed “and other males through force and fraud, had nonconsensual sex with Jane Doe Four,” the indictment said.

First Court Appearance / The 29 people charged are: Abdifitah Jama Adan, 28; Abdullahi Sade Afyare, 19; Ahmad Abnulnasir Ahmad, 23; Yahya Jamal Ahmed, 23; Abdikarim Osman Ali, 22; Musse Ahmed Ali, 23; Hassan Ahmed Dahir, 21; Fadumo Mohamed Farah, 25; Idris Ibrahim Fahra, 22; Yasin Ahmed Farah, 19; Abdullahi Hashi, 24; Fatah Haji Hashi, 23; Abdirahman Abdirazak Hersi, 20; Muhiyadin Hassan Hussein, 22; Dahir Nor Ibrahim, 38; Abdifatah Bashir Jama, 23; Andrew Kayachith, 20; Abdigadir Ahmed Khalif, 24; Bashir Yasin Mohamud, 26; Mustafa Ahmed Mohamed, 22; Fuad Faisal Nur, 24; Abdifatah Sharif Omar, 25; Liban Sharif Omar, 21; Mohamed Sharif Omar, 26; Hamdi Ali Osman, 22; Haji Osman Salad, 20; Bibi Ahmed Said, 19; Ahmed Aweys Sheik, 24; Yassin Abdirahman Yusuf, 21. . . .

Osman, 21, has been in Minnesota for 14 years, her attorney said. Her mother and brother are in the area, and she is working.

But Assistant U.S. Attorney David Steinkamp said Osman’s prior criminal record is serious, including a felony theft from a person in Hennepin County and a guilty plea to disorderly conduct. He also said U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement had put an immigration hold on Osman.

The judge ordered Osman be detained until her next hearing Friday.

Bibi Said’s attorney argued for her release pending a removal hearing based on her age — she is 19 — and the fact that Said is “seven or eight months pregnant.” The attorney said Said is a full-time student with family ties in Minnesota.

Deport her NOW.

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36 Responses

Yet another situation where somebodys kids weren’t raised to be strong enough to get the hell away and stay away from scum bags. Like some sort of Elizabeth Smart situation. But look at what gets all the press. The white folks crime. Wouldn’t want to cast a bad light on the scum bag black immigrants who HAPPEN to worship alah. This is so wrong on so many levels. It’ll be interesting to see how much justice is served. Probably not to much. Just so sickening, and yeah, it’s an old story and look at the lack of coverage. b.s.

samurai on November 9, 2010 at 11:57 am

    Your comment is further proof of the racism that Schlussel lets slide on her site. Anti-black comments? Classy.

    j on November 10, 2010 at 11:06 am

Of course of you listen to Obama and the likes of Lindsey Grahamnesty, we can’t seal our borders and we have to give amnesty to all illegal aliens because all they’re doing are the jobs Americans refuse to do.

Yawn. Tired of the load of crappy-crap-crap spewed by the advocates of shamnesty.

The Underground Conservative on November 9, 2010 at 12:08 pm

Time for the PEOPLE of this once great “exceptional” nation to rise and face this travesty of justice. Time to take matters into our own hands of which, according to constitutional law, we have every right as this is invasion of the worst sort.

Keith in Seattle on November 9, 2010 at 12:38 pm

None of this should surprise. Slavery and human trafficking have a long history in Islam going back to the days of Mohammed. Muslims were actively involved in the African slave trade on both coasts – something Black Muslims seem to ignore.

Slavery wasn’t even nominally outlawed in Saudi Arabia until 1965, but it still persists – and not just in places like the Sudan. A few years ago a Saudi businessman working in the US was arrested for holding his servant in slave-like conditions. And this week a Palestinian in eastern Jerusalem was arrested for enslaving a Philipino woman he’d brought over from Jordan.

And yes, Islamic modesty has long been an obvious sham. I have to wonder how many of those enslaved were non-Muslims who, to “devout Muslims”, merit no rights.

Raymond in DC on November 9, 2010 at 1:07 pm

Why do we waste good taxpayer money on these pukes? They broke they law, i.e. the privilige of being an American, or staying in America, revoke/rescind their citizenships or status and deport them back to Somalia or whatever sand dune they’re from. Period. End of f*cking story. Once they commit crimes, against American society..Bing!! You’re done…Go back to the tent where you came from…Somali pirates and pimps in our own back yard. Give me a break. I thought they were being persecuted and sh*t? We need to stop the B.S. immigration policy for these numbnuts. End it. Pronto…
Lock and load. We got targets coming down range….The Sarge

The Sarge on November 9, 2010 at 2:18 pm

Send the Somalians back to Somali. They clearly did not come here to become Americans.

Disgusted on November 9, 2010 at 2:58 pm

first of all..y’all are bullshitting and listening to debbie who had no clue whats really going on…..even with these sex traffic includes inocent young somali & african american girls so its not only the white girl that struggle with the pain…so before u come up with ur own idea’s about somali’s & muslims first look at ur own back yards & ur own crazy serial killers & rapers & plus these 29 ppl not only caused pain to america but to entire somali community that reside here in USA and around the globe so don’t include every somali that live here in usa are apart of it…igorance is bliss..

sabrina on November 9, 2010 at 4:24 pm

    So YOU say that ignorance is bliss huh? Well, I GUESS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW!!

    Next time try to spell words instead of using IGNORANT text message methods! “YOUR” is not spelled “ur”. “YOU” is not “u”.

    YOU ARE SO Dumb-downed, sabrina!!

    Sewsalot on November 9, 2010 at 5:37 pm

    Please let us know when you acquire some basic literacy, decency, and just a tad of intelligence. Coverng up for such an evil thing makes you just as evil. The “distraction” of bringing up unrelated things as a response to such criminal acts shows your mental poverty as well.

    Worry01 on November 9, 2010 at 6:14 pm

Thank You Debbie for real journalism. I heard about this on CNN three times and on the radio. It gave me the impression it was disgusting American born Child Molesting perverts. WOW what a revelation. Totally disgusting. If this was American born men pimping young girls, you wouldn’t hear the end of it on the Today Show or The View.

CaliforniaScreaming on November 9, 2010 at 4:34 pm

Just like cock roaches, they caught these FEW devils and we all know there are probably THOUSANDS more just like them living in the so-called Somali “community”.

Somalis are NOT worthy of the great price paid for our freedoms by our Founding Fathers and all those American heroes of all our wars.

SHIP THEM ALL BACK TO THEIR HELL-HOLE, SOMALIA! We do NOT need these losers. OUT, get them OUT!

Sewsalot on November 9, 2010 at 5:43 pm

    fuck all u bitches yall all can suck dick and get of somali peole
    dick. Debbie u are number one bitch n next time dont talk about
    a case that u dont have any idea bitch

    haji salad on April 20, 2013 at 6:34 am

oh, how these skinny, tender “bois” will indeed be relished in federal lockdown-land! they will taste the horror and shame of involuntary buggery, just as did their terrified victims. and those hijab-clad ho’s of allah? they, also, will rock to & fro in abject misery whilst hugging themselves in the corners of their squalid cells.


Graty Slapchop on November 9, 2010 at 10:02 pm

Like Debbie repetedly points out… America should thank Bush for the Islamic onslaught on America. Look at Bush’s record on covering up for Islam (starting with easy-visa program for Saudis to covering-up 9/11) to illegal immmigration (‘If they can cross Rio Grande, they are welcome’). Behind the stupid look was a traitor, who did not stop at covering up for Saudis, but sent young American braves to fight Saudi’s war against Iraq (making-up the ‘WMD’ story).
Not many Americans realize that Bush was a curse on America (ofcourse, the arguement being John K was worse). If Democrats had any gonads, they would prosecute ‘George W Bush for Murder’ but they didn’t proving that Democrats and Republicans (barring a few like Tom Tancredo) are traitors alike.

Kapil on November 9, 2010 at 10:27 pm

This does not surprise me at all to hear Nashville, TN mentioned in something like this. Nashville is full of illegals and getting worse by the day. It is not uncommon to see a lot of Muslim women in full garb.

I am waiting for the day when the shit really hits the fan because it definitely will in Nashville.

Patrick on November 10, 2010 at 1:17 am

Deport all of them. We do not need third world trash in the USA and make it just like their third world country.

Bobby'sBrain on November 10, 2010 at 9:06 am

To all those moaning, Somalia locates in the heart of the world where east meets west and south meets north. Deport Somalis in USA back to Somalia and we’ll ban the usage of our sea. Fuck the UN, fuck the international laws, the sea is our own and somebody should pay $10,000,000 per every captured ship or you’ll stop the utter disgrace and the extreme racism. These 29 guys didn’t harm Americans, they harmed Somalis in America.

Asair Firin on November 10, 2010 at 10:45 am

Well Asair, you had best remember when the wrath of the West hits, you don’t be surprised. We also have more bullets than you have bodies and use liberaly.

Drakken on November 11, 2010 at 12:23 am

Debbie schlussel? sounds like a foreign name to me. schlussel? maybe we should deport you back. LIsten here “ms. Debbie” America is not YOUR country for you to say who should and who shouldn’t get deported.

America is blessed to have Somali immigrants out of all. The best people in the world, the most humanistic, the most hospitable. Like in every society, we also have our vices and our troublemakers. America is built on immigrants, and with all immigrants come the good and the bad.

Let me tell you something about the beautiful Islamic faith of ours, the perfect living system for humanity: it does NOT condone these acts, nor does it condone acts of treachery and terrorism.

It’s easy to sit and write behind the comforts of your home, but the hate you are spewing is disgusting. You are so spoiled and to be so arrogant is amazing. You are lucky to be in this country, it is trash like you that bring humanity down to its knees.

Shame alone is not enough for these criminals, but a harsh punishment so that any future of this kinds of activities is quieted. All the while we must not forget that these individuals have individual stories that have led them to such criminal activity such as this, so we must socially look at this and what really went wrong and how can we steer future children of the world from taking steps like this. All we can do as bystanders is just criticize, but our critique falls into deaf ears because these individuals are lost. Social programs must be created to fight these kind of situations and travesties.

I can write more about this.. but I’ll leave it at that…

Nin Xanaaqsan on November 11, 2010 at 1:02 am

    Nin Xaaaqoan.

    Here in Europe, and also in my country Denmark, we have heavy problems with people from Somalia .

    And I can tell You that we WISH to get rid of them, to send them back to Somalia, EVERY ONE OF THEM!

    Out of Europe and back to their own country – because they have nothing, NOTHING to do HERE in Europe !

    Vivi Andersen on December 8, 2010 at 8:46 pm

So let me try and wrap my skull around this, this shit has been going on for 10 years and our great law enforcement popo’s finally caught up to these monkeys and so what now? Are they going to be prosecuted or left to back to school make more anchor babies and suck more off the teat of Americans for time eternity or just until our country crumbles? Why are these thugs allowed to continue with this activity? Didn’t we as a nation work tirelessly to vette out the La Costra Nostra and even made up laws to bring them down and now we don’t have enough law enforcement to bring the jack hammer down and maul this infestation before there is no turning back. But yet we will sit glued to the boob tube and watch boobs like Palin waste our earwax on her incoherrant rammblings Good G-d almighty. There ain’t no saving this country. Hoist the flag of distress.

Tmorlan on November 11, 2010 at 10:50 am

bring them here somlia there going to be nice ppl

ibraahin on November 11, 2010 at 4:48 pm

Nin Xanaaqsan you are trash, not Debbie. I guarantee we could operate in this nation without one Muslim. The lights won’t turn off and the people won’t go starving. You claim, “Social programs must be created to fight these kind of situations and travesties.” We don’t need any social programs paid by taxpayers to tell people not to pimp their children into prostitution. I don’t see any social programs aimed at Jews to stop child prostitution in their community. Why should I subsidize Muslims to raise their child in the right manner? Muslims kill Muslims more than any other group of people. Maybe you should start on yourself than others. Jews have been a great asset to our nation. A very resilient people outnumbered by other peoples and yet they achieve so much. They should be admired, yet others like you get jealous because of your own shortcomings and Islam’s shortcomings.

CaliforniaScreaming on November 11, 2010 at 6:32 pm

    NewsFlash you Moron! Human Trafficking is happening all over the world. It’s not a border problem.

    Tammy on November 15, 2010 at 2:00 pm

Faduma Farah (8) IS NOT GUILTY!! Ive known her for years!!! No way possible!!

Jona on November 12, 2010 at 2:09 pm

Anyone else amazed these criminals are mostly 20 years old?

Doesn’t take very long for them does it….

Personally I am really getting sick of all these Muslims being involved in sex trafficking and terrorism. I am surprised there are not more articles and busts about Muslim group doing money laundering through Middle Eastern restaurants here in the U.S.

I have seen the way many Muslims treat their wives and it is not nice.
If you have any doubt about it, go visit a Muslim country such as Malaysia or Lebanon. If you make it out alive, you will surely be stripped of the brain washing going on in the United States, to be accepting of these horrible people.


With Islam, it is a one way street. You don’t have to be doing anything to them for them to want to kill you.
Islam is surely the religion of the devil.

I was recently told about Muslims coming up and kidnapping whole city of Irish from Ireland and taking them back to the Middle East and using them as human slaves back a few hundred years ago.

Jessie on November 12, 2010 at 11:55 pm

This is another huge Somali crime the government and media is trying to cover up. Look how long it took for them to even begin an investigation. The feds have known about this all along and the media won’t report this kind of story because criminal aliens are coddled like pets. It’s obvious the real reason 3rd world immigrants are being brought here is to committ crimes against Americans.

Of all the poor choices of human garbage to let into this country Somalis are the WORST. Low IQs and high crime rates.

There was another huge Somali criminal network busted not too long ago for the biggest welfare fraud ever. They’re not content with just grifting the system for free housing, school, food stamps, welfare payments, medical and all the rest, they stole millions from the welfare system through an organized criminal network.

Now Obama is pushing to restart the P-3 refugee “family reunificaion” program. This “chain migration” program was suspended 2 years ago when DNA testing proved over 80% of Somalis who entered the US under the P-3 “family reunification” program weren’t even related!! In other words fraud. Somali women breed something like an average of 8 plus kids.

Stop immigration and start deporting.

frank on November 13, 2010 at 1:57 am

Free All DA Homies Bang Bang Somali Mafia

Mafia on December 10, 2010 at 11:36 pm

some of the comments here are rediculous,
firstly, in islam all these acts are forbidden any one who commits such crimes has clear judgement and punishment if proved,those rants accussing islam of these deplorable acts you need to read between the lines and know the stance of islam towards these awful sins and crimes,if it,s true somalis are involved in such acts then they are misled by the Godless american communities,such acts are not taking place here in somalia how can somali immigrants forget their religion,culture and dignity.?finaly i would like to request my brothers and sisters in america to bring their children back to our islamic
secondly i don’t believe that somalis are involved in these shameful acts but they can be escape gaots.
The police have no evidence about their crimes,but i think they are paid to put our community to shame,why their names and pictures were printed before the judgement what about if they are found guilty?

seyfullah wardoon on March 28, 2011 at 4:10 am

some of the comments here are rediculous,
firstly, in islam all these acts are forbidden any one who commits such crimes has clear judgement and punishment if proved,those rants accussing islam of these deplorable acts you need to read between the lines and know the stance of islam towards these awful sins and crimes,if it,s true somalis are involved in such acts then they are misled by the Godless american communities,such acts are not taking place here in somalia how can somali immigrants forget their religion,culture and dignity.?finaly i would like to request my brothers and sisters in america to bring their children back to our islamic republic of somalia to be rehabilitate and cleaned from the western clumsy culture
secondly i don’t believe that somalis are involved in these shameful acts but they can be escape gaots.
The police have no evidence about their crimes,but i think they are paid to put our community to shame,why their names and pictures were printed before the judgement what about if they are found guilty?

seyfullah wardoon recorrection on March 28, 2011 at 4:17 am

some of the comments here are rediculous,
firstly, in islam all these acts are forbidden any one who commits such crimes has clear judgement and punishment if proved,those rants accussing islam of these deplorable acts you need to read between the lines and know the stance of islam towards these awful sins and crimes,if it,s true somalis are involved in such acts then they are misled by the Godless american communities,such acts are not taking place here in somalia how can somali immigrants forget their religion,culture and dignity.?finaly i would like to request my brothers and sisters in america to bring their children back to our islamic republic of somalia to be rehabilitate and cleaned from the western clumsy culture
secondly i don’t believe that somalis are involved in these shameful acts but they can be escape gaots.
The police have no evidence about their crimes,but i think they are paid to put our community to shame,why their names and pictures were printed before the judgement what about if they are found no guilty?

seyfullah wardoon recorrection on March 28, 2011 at 4:19 am

Racist bitch

white man on July 20, 2011 at 8:20 am

Half of them is out outlawwwwww

outlaws on May 26, 2012 at 11:08 pm

am realy in shock becouse iam a muslim and i didnt expect seen like this can realy bve coused by our fellow muslim women

abdinassir on January 26, 2013 at 4:53 am

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