January 17, 2007, - 9:58 am

Showing Up @ the Airport Way Too Late While Muslim

By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE: Northwest Airlines a/k/a “Dhimmi Air” Quickly Caves, Gives Apology, $$$ to Whining Hezbollah Muslims ****
So, you’re flying back to the United States from Germany. You are late for your flight . . . way too late.
Even though for international flights you are required to check in at least an hour before the scheduled take-off time and board the flight a half hour before the flight, you arrive for the flight 20 minutes before take-off. The airline does not allow you on board and, maybe even makes you pay to get on the next flight because it’s overbooked. Since it’s the last flight out, your tardiness also costs you the expense of a night at a hotel.
What do you do?
If you’re like everyone else, you quietly chastise yourself for being late and kick yourself for the hassle and extra money your own lack of time-budgeting cost you. You knew the rules, and you blew it.


Leaders of Threatened Muslim Northwest Airlines Boycott:

Hassan Qazwini (w/ Hezbollah Spiritual Leader/Specially Designated Terrorist Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah), Najah Bazzy
But if you’re an American Muslim, you raise holy hell, scream and yell about bigotry, Islamophobia, “flying while Muslim,” etc., etc., etc. ad nauseam. And nausea. And you threaten to boycott the airline. Rules? Who cares about the rules? Hijackers? Security needs? Why is that my concern? The people who did that hijacked my religion, and I’m entitled to a giant chip on my shoulder and tons of privileges and special treatment because of it.
That’s what started yesterday, with press conferences on TV all over Detroit held by Hezbollah-supporting, Shi’ite Imam Hassan Qazwini, head of the Islamic Center of America, North America’s largest mosque. I’ve written about Qazwini, since 1998, when I went undercover to his mosque and watched Qazwini and his congregants vehemently cheer on Louis Farrakhan’s anti-Semitic tirades and calls for a jihad on America’s Jews. I wrote about this in The Detroit Newsistan, before it became Islamist-occupied territory.
His friend, Hezbollah spiritual leader and Specially Designated Global Terrorist, Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, is the man who gave the fatwa (religious decree) okaying the bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983, murdering over 241 Americans.
I’ve also written about his congregants, like Najah Bazzy, a nurse who proudly proclaimed in 2004, “I’m embarrassed to be American,” and provided an anti-Israel exhibit to the Arab American National Museum. She is also suspected of helping pregnant Muslim foreigners who defraud Medicaid, getting U.S. taxpayers to cover the costs of hospital delivery of their children (and automatic U.S. citizenship for these Islamist anchor babies).
These are the kinds of people the rules for early arrival for flights were made for, NOT the people for whom the rules should be especially bent.
Ms. Bazzy and Mr. Qazwini led yesterday’s whining, hysterical multiple-press conferences threatening a Muslim boycott of Northwest. Believe me, I’d love to boycott Northwest, too. Not because of this, but because the airline stinks and has total contempt for its non-whining–read, non-Muslim–customers. But, if you are in the Detroit area, you simply don’t have a choice. Northwest runs most of the flights, unless you want to be flying all day, connecting everywhere, to travel 500 miles.

Official Dhimmi Aircraft

I doubt a Muslim boycott will really take place, based on that logistic fact. But what I know will happen is tons of capitulation by Northwest Airlines. That’s what they do. The airline annually donates tons of free tickets to extremist pro-terror groups, like the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, flying people like “former” terrorist Imad Hamad all over the country for free. Well, actually not for free. You are making up the difference in your ticket price. Northwest even paid for ADC’s interns to travel cross-country.
Northwest gives in any time ADC or CAIR or any pan-Islamist group gets a paper-cut or lets out a whisper. Muslim Northwest employees who violated Northwest’s vacation and sick day policy, lying about being sick to go to a wedding were given their jobs back after being fired. Why? Easy. ADC yelled, and whined, and complained. Don’t look for non-Muslim employees to get such flexibility in company policy from Northwest.
But do look for Northwest to give in to the whining “showing up way too late at the Airport while Muslim” Muslims. They’ll get money, free tickets, a well-paid Northwest-wide sensitivity training consulting contract, an apology, and a whole lot of other stuff.
Cha-ching, cha-ching, cha-ching.
That’s Northwest’s dhimmi track record. And on that, at least, the airline has always been very consistent.
Dhimmi Air flies the not-so-friendly skies.
**** UPDATE: Northwest Airlines a/k/a “Dhimmi Air” Quickly Caves, Gives Apology, $$$ to Whining Hezbollah Muslims ****

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19 Responses

I’ve read you call for boycotts on your site over much less. Much much less.
Also, why aren’t you happy that Muslims are talking about not flying?

ConservativesLovePuns(descent) on January 17, 2007 at 11:17 am

How about we encourage a Muslim boycott of Northwest, then I’ll feel safer because I won’t have to worry if there are any terrorists on board! —–“Qazwiner” sure is a slick one, maybe Northwest will give him a free one-way ticket back to Iran!

CarpeDiem on January 17, 2007 at 11:39 am

Debbie, you may be a NWA prisoner up in Detroit, but most of us in the rest of the country have alternatives, and believe me, we will use them.

sonomaca on January 17, 2007 at 12:05 pm

Debbie, please keep us posted on which airlines the muslims decide to boycott. I may start flying again.

dms on January 17, 2007 at 12:27 pm

Yeah… There are 2 sets of rules: Rules for everyone to follow, and rules enacted for those that refuse to follow the rules for everyone else. F@#% these people! Go ahead and boycott, no one gives a rat’s ass! I’d prefer to fly on a Muslim-free airliner.

Yiddish Steel on January 17, 2007 at 12:34 pm

Actualy this is a great trend. Soon muslims will be required to boycot all airlines and there will be none left for them to fly on. Not only will $hit like this ever happen again but we wont see planes being flown into buildings either.

Avatar on January 17, 2007 at 12:51 pm

Didn’t this happen in Germany? Ask the German employees why they kept these Muslims off the flight. Perhaps they were late due to Islamic Tour bus ride to look at Mohammed Atta’s old apartment where he stayed for awhile?

TheOmegaMan on January 17, 2007 at 1:14 pm

If I hear the word Islamophobia one more time, I am going to scream!
A phobia is an irrational fear.
Given all the terrorism and murders that Muslims have committed in the name of Islam recently, any fear of Islam is clearly not irrational.
It therefor follows, and clearly so, that the term Islamophobia, as it is currently being used, is essentially a self contained non sequitur.
I propose a new definition of Islamophobia: Fear, on the part of Muslims, that the truth will be told about Islam.

feralcat9 on January 17, 2007 at 1:27 pm

Why do you automatically assume all of us are white? The point of the article Debbie wrote was that these Muslims were demanding extra special treatment. I worked for a major Airline at JFK and I wouldn’t care if you were a pauper. Mother Teresa or even (gasp) Oprah. If you were late for check in you are S.O.L! I denied boarding to literally hundreds of people who arrived late including some very famous persons. Once a flight is closed out there are checklists in place regarding load factor, weight distribusion, catering and so on. Passenger manifests have been issued and to re-open a flight will inevitably delay it and cause complications for those other passengers connecting onwards.
There are other issues than racsim here.

MarySJ on January 17, 2007 at 1:28 pm

If we’re mouthbreathers, you must be dragging your knuckles. You are the result of years of PC brainwashing, and were too obtuse to find flaws in “the lession”. You believe in multiculturalism, but those whom you feel so righteous in defending do not. They want to kill you. They want to enslave your women. They want to destroy this great country. This country that allows idiots like yourself to spew lies and hatred toward the only ones who are attempting to save you and your sorry lifestyle. You are the biggest problem we have. Go away, and let your mother wipe your sorry PC ass. You’re not welcome here, and if you were, you couldn’t keep up anyway.

Skippy on January 17, 2007 at 1:29 pm

“Didn’t your mothers teach you all better manners? Weren’t you raised in the great American Melting Pot?”
I saw some twin towers melt not too long ago. Talk about bad manners!

Golden Boy on January 17, 2007 at 1:30 pm

It makes me so sick when I hear, read, or see what these Islamic jerks are doing. I have no irrational fear of anything …. never have, so Islamophobia is not jermane. I, as do many in the silent majority, see these people as enemies of our country attempting to twist our laws and subvert our Judeo-Christian base and American culture for their own benefit. I hear more and more people are becoming tired of this crap. I think we should all pitch in and provide them all airfare back to the Middle East where they belong…whether they like it or not.

FreeAmerican on January 17, 2007 at 2:45 pm

Anyone wanna takes bets on what muslims will be outraged about next? I say it’s the mild winter.

Witch-king of Angmar on January 17, 2007 at 3:56 pm

Debbie Schlussel rules on any Muzzlim news story out of Detroit area. She’s got the inside track

dennisw on January 17, 2007 at 8:41 pm

DEBBIE said:
ìThese are the kinds of people the rules for early arrival for flights were made for, NOT the people for whom the rules should be especially bent.î
Feralcat9 said:
ìIf I hear the word Islamophobia one more time, I am going to scream!
A phobia is an irrational fear.
Given all the terrorism and murders that Muslims have committed in the name of Islam recently, any fear of Islam is clearly not irrational.
I propose a new definition of Islamophobia: Fear, on the part of Muslims, that the truth will be told about Islam.î
ìIf you were late for check in, you are S.O.L! I denied boarding to literally hundreds of people who arrived late including some very famous persons. Once a flight is closed out there are checklists in place regarding load factor, weight distribution, catering and so on. Passenger manifests have been issued and to re-open a flight will inevitably delay it and cause complications for those other passengers connecting onwards.
There are other issues than racism here.î
MuslimsÖjust play by the rules, practice time-management and you wonít have any boarding problems. If AIRPORT SECURITY takes longer to process you itís because your religion is full of all kinds of ìcraziesî. Youíve brought that on yourselves, and we (the law-abiding public) no longer WANT to take any chances.
MUSLIMSÖwhat nation on earth wants them?

The Canadien on January 17, 2007 at 10:25 pm

We are the melting pot that finances most of the rest of the world’s problems even though we have to go into debt to do it. Why? We shed our American Blood on foreign soil for most of the rest of the world. Why? We are the country sending the most money, food and people to help third world starving nations. Why? We do it because of Judeo-Christian principles. We have more so we share it with the world in need. I don’t see muslims and their prayer cloths dishing out food and medication for the people in Africa, do you?
When we get fat & selfish then we become a rotting product consuming nation who grow to demand comforts and ignore the rest of the world. This is dangerous because we become passive. We let everyone else who wants a part of this, come to the party and take what they want and do what they want. They are taking advantage of our giving society.
Muslims are abusing us and why are we too fat and lazy to rescue our own lives? These people are inspired by demons of death and hatred and murder. They believe in it as their purpose in life! How can we just sit there and let them run us over? Don’t think so? Look at Michigan! It is fast becoming a muslim country unto itself! Ask Debbie!
MUSLIMS DO NOT HAVE AMERICAN RIGHTS BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT AMERICANS!!!!!!!!!!!! Their rights are in their countries where they should go back to, to get them!
And if you think that’s not true, I suppose you will vote for Barack Obama for president. He dedicated two years of his life learning the islamic faith in a muslim school. Are we going to let a muslim be president?
WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!These are people with smiles on their faces and knives behind them, ready for you to turn around so they can stab you in the back! The muslims who do not kill, support those who do, by their silence and their financial contributions because islam tells them that’s their obligation!
WAKE UP!!!!!!!! Or eventually they will be at your door in Anywhere, USA taking over the comfortable life you thought you were protecting using politicians as your means of entitlement to a complacent lifestyle.
I now understand those countries who forbid any foreigners from coming in unless they have a professional career and a purpose beneficial to their society….. Why are we lambs leading ourselves to the slaughter!

LAMadDog on January 18, 2007 at 10:20 am

Only in America do America-haters get preferential treatment while normal loyal Americans who never supported the 9/11 attacks or groups that endorsed it have to follow all the rules. Muslims get a pass on NWA while patriotic American Jews like the Shekel Blogger have to catch the next flight.
Any airline but Northworst from now on.

Lagniappe'sGuy on January 18, 2007 at 10:45 am

Please, dear God, give US a non-Muslim airline… The stock will increase geometrically.

Rick on January 18, 2007 at 6:20 pm

In this modern world the art of Management has become a part and parcel of everyday life, be it at home, in the office or factory and in Government for universal and social upliftment of all sections of the siciety. In all organizations, where a group of human beings assemble for a common purpose irrespective of caste, creed, and religion, management principles come into play through the management of resources, finance and planning, priorities, policies and practice. Management is a systematic way of carrying out activities in any field of human effort. Management need to focus more on leadership skills, e.g., establishing vision and goals, communicating the vision and goals, and guiding others to accomplish them. It also assert that leadership must be more facilitative, participative and empowering in how visions and goals are established and carried out. Some people assert that this really isn’t a change in the management functions, rather it’s re-emphasizing certain aspects of management.
Its task is to make people capable of joint performance, to make their weaknesses irrelevant, says the Management Guru Peter Drucker. It creates harmony in working together – equilibrium in thoughts and actions, goals and achievements, plans and performance, products and markets. It resolves situations of scarcity, be they in the physical, technical or human fields, through maximum utilization with the minimum available processes to achieve the goal. Lack of management causes disorder, confusion, wastage, delay, destruction and even depression. Managing men, money and materials in the best possible way, according to circumstances and environment, is the most important and essential factor for a successful management.

bhattathiri mp on June 10, 2007 at 6:52 pm

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