November 2, 2010, - 2:24 pm

Guess Who’s Also Voting: Muslims Desperate to Show Their Dem Votes Count in GOP Tidal Wave

By Debbie Schlussel

I got this in my inbox, today. It’s from Rami Nashishibi of something called, “Inner City Muslim Action Network,” urging them to vote. He’s also a CAIR activist, so this is probably another CAIR front group. Regardless, he’s an extremist. They are voting today. Are you? A more important question: are you voting for their candidates? As I’ve told you repeatedly, there are plenty of Republican candidates–yes, even “Tea Party” candidates–who are kowtowing to them. It’s not enough that you vote. Make sure you are not voting to elect their dhimmis on “our side” of the aisle.

By the way, do you think he gives a crap about “Rabbi Marx,” whom he references in his letter? Or even Martin Luther King, Jr.? Puh-leeze. But I’m sure he cares about Jesse Jackson, whom he also mentions in the letter. After all, that anti-Semite was the trendsetter for CAIR-style shakedowns and grievance theater.

You see Muslims don’t vote Republican. Most of them don’t, anyway. And tonight’s Republican/Tea Party tidal wave will show that Muslims really aren’t much of a voting bloc–that they don’t have the power that they claim at the ballot box, and which their whines demand. They’re desperate to spin it otherwise. Good luck with that. Sadly, tonight’s evidence won’t matter. Our growing number of dhimmi politicians (I call them Dhimmi-ticians, for short) will continue to pander to them, regardless.


Rami Nashishibi: Urging Extremist Muslims to “Vote in the Name of Rabbi Marx” . . . and Jesse Jackson

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11 Responses

Here’s our pal Rami sharing a stage with Ayers and Dohrn:

Apparently, he’s good buddies with the terrorist two-some, sharing the stage with them at multiple events. He’s a big Hamas supporter, of course, just like Ayers. Can there be any doubt tha Rami and Barak know one another, both community activists from Chicago, and both friends of Ayers and Dohrn.

adam on November 2, 2010 at 3:04 pm

That’s okay Debbie. I mined your site and compiled my list of who not to vote for. Since Snyder and Rocky among others are Hezbollah supporters. I put them on my NO list, along with several others.

You do us a great service by pointing these people out. The Bible tells us to honor the Jews and we will be honored, curse the Jew and we shall be cursed. It’s great these candidates are pro-life. But I cannot vote for them if they’re pro-terrorist and anti-Israel.

John on November 2, 2010 at 3:51 pm

Since voting is considered “shirk” and “kufr”, either they’ve de facto apostatized OR they’re engaging in stealth jihad.

I think it’s the latter. This is the best way for them to overturn “taghut” man-made law with Shari’ah — by using Western institutions against themselves.

Philip_Daniel on November 2, 2010 at 3:51 pm

John, you took the words right out of my mouth!
Well said.

Michelle on November 2, 2010 at 4:21 pm

Your totally right about what you’ve wrote John, I have no idea why radical islamist front groups are co-opting and infiltrating the tea party movement, GOP & DNC. The tea party movement should know alot better than making a deal with the devil by pandering to radical islamist front groups, Debbie, when I first posted here, I didn’t know why you were critical towards the tea party movement, I thought that you were crazy, but luckly for me I use critical thinking & common sense, and I’ve read your old articles about anti-semites infiltrating the tea party movement and I’ve noticed you were right all this time and I was a little naive about what exactly was happening to the movement.

“A nation is identified by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on November 2, 2010 at 5:08 pm

Just keep pointing out the dhimmis to us. I am always shocked to see the who’s who on the so-called Conservative side.

Some peeps may be too afraid to NOT be PC but I am not…I want the truth no matter what.

Skunky on November 2, 2010 at 6:41 pm

Skunky, you know in the bible, it says, “know the truth and the truth shall set you free”, well we shall know the exact truth and facts about the so-called conservatives who are running on the GOP side and recieving money from radical islamist front groups, etc. It’s not just the Democrats who have shady endorsement, but it’s also Republicans who’s getting shady endorsement as well.

“A nation is identified by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on November 2, 2010 at 8:10 pm

Debbie you need your own PAC to raise awareness on a greater level. Bless you, young lady! More TV appearances, as well!

E: You’re right. And I’ve been thinking about it. Tahnks. DS

esther on November 2, 2010 at 9:39 pm

& lets not forget radio.

esther on November 2, 2010 at 10:16 pm

Debbie said:

“And tonight’s Republican/Tea Party tidal wave will show that Muslims really aren’t much of a voting bloc–that they don’t have the power that they claim at the ballot box, and which their whines demand. They’re desperate to spin it otherwise.’

That is a very good point.

Christopher Logan on November 3, 2010 at 5:22 am

C this:

Levi on November 5, 2010 at 6:26 am

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