January 11, 2007, - 2:25 pm

Rosie Nation: Too Much Hype Against Thin Models, Not Enough re-Fat Slobs

By Debbie Schlussel
With all of the hypersensitivity of the Politically Correct crowd over thin models, you have to wonder:

Where were they for Twiggy?

These PC whiners constantly complain that thin models are inspiring their daughters to become anorexic, but the numbers don’t bear that out. It’s really a non-issue that has been trumped up into one. America is not experiencing an epidemic of uber-thin girls dying.


Which One is a Bigger Problem? Answer: The BIGGER Problem

America’s biggest weight problem is the increasing waistline, not the decreasing one. There used to be a time when a fat slob like Rosie O’Donnell would never be chosen to host a show. It’s bad TV, and it’s bad inspiration for girls. It tells them that it’s okay if they’re fat slobs, too, because they, too, can get a multi-million dollar national hosting gig even though they pig out ad infinitum and don’t exercise.
We’re supposed to consider chubby girls and zaftig women pushed on us in a Dove campaign of “Real Women” to be glamorous. Sorry. They ain’t. I don’t aspire (or is that, de-spire) to look like them.
Sure, some complain that it’s their “glands” or heredity that make them fat, and they can’t help it. Uh-huh. I used to ask them why no-one in China or Japan (except Sumo wrestlers) have those glands. Well, now, apparently, they’re getting the glands there, too. Earlier this week, USA Today’s front page bore a story on how Chinese kids are getting fat now that their diet is getting Americanized, and they’re not exercising. Glands, schmands. It has nothing to do with it.
Then there’s the startling figure in the 21st annual “Eating Patterns in America” produced by the research firm NPD Group. The percentage of adults in America who are dieting in the smallest in at least 16 years–only 26% of women and 19% of men are watching what they eat.
With that and almost two-thirds of Americans obese, it hardly seems that the “ultra-thin” models are making a dent. Too bad for that.
That said, I don’t support what they just implemented in the People’s Republic of Canuckland. On January 1st, Canada started a Children’s Fitness Tax Credit, where government reimburses parents $80 per child annually for money spent on fitness and sports activities (mostly soccer). It’s a small amount, but government shouldn’t be getting into the health biz more than it is already. It’s a combination of Big Brother and the Nanny State that could ultimately lead to government monitoring what you eat and other lifestyle matters it should stay out of.
I’m no supporter of the ACLU. But this short phone call to the pizza shop could be in our future. And we don’t want that.
When you reorganize the letters of “Nanny State,” you get “Neat and Nasty.” Emphasis on Nasty.
Either way, intervening on thin models’ right to be thin (if they die of starvation and are too dumb to eat enough to survive, it was natural selection) or fat people’s right to be large and not in charge, is a nasty business that the state should be proscribed from.
So lay off the thin models. Your country is dying from eating too much food, not seeing models who eat too little of it.

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6 Responses

Fashionista History 101—The U.K. launched the Shoah-slim “sex goddess” upon U.S. shortly after the original Monica Lewinski, Marilyn Moroe, died along with Camelot. THAT opened the floodgates to the Amerikkklan imperialism that would counter the setting sun on the British empire…but history has a nasty way of repeating itself!!!
So as THIS cuntry embraced the anorexic ideal on Madison Avenue, IT got fat and lazy as THAT image of the Amerikkklan MASSUH RACE was broadcast throughout a “third” world…little did the spin-miesters realise that SOME folk would think the Fourth Reich ideology a tad bit insane.
So now that Malcolm’s chickens are coming home to roost, y’all are looking toward China/Wal-mart to justify YOUR manifest destiny?
There used to be a time when a fat slob like Rosie O’Donnell would never be chosen to host a show. It’s bad TV, and it’s bad inspiration for girls. It tells them that it’s okay if they’re fat slobs—and here it is i’m trying to promote a show to OUR mutual friend at CBS featuring the REUBENESQUE Ms Schlussel…

EminemsRevenge on January 11, 2007 at 4:40 pm

*tongue in cheek* — obviously, “the bigger one” !

Chief RZ on January 11, 2007 at 5:15 pm

“Fashionista History 101—The U.K. launched the Shoah-slim “sex goddess” upon U.S. shortly after the original Monica Lewinski, Marilyn Moroe, died along with Camelot. THAT opened the floodgates to the Amerikkklan imperialism that would counter the setting sun on the British empire…but history has a nasty way of repeating itself!!!
So as THIS cuntry embraced the anorexic ideal on Madison Avenue, IT got fat and lazy as THAT image of the Amerikkklan MASSUH RACE was broadcast throughout a “third” world…little did the spin-miesters realise that SOME folk would think the Fourth Reich ideology a tad bit insane.”
Dude, you forgot to rail against the “United $nakes of Amerikkka!”
Have you ever read MIM Notes, by the way?

Dan on January 11, 2007 at 6:42 pm

I’m no fan of the skinny minies–they look emaciated to me–but, I have to agree with you DS, fat is gross–period. Some folks look just fine with a few extra pounds but obese is just plain gross.
Don’t you marvel when you are at a restaurant and you are eating your meal where they have a buffet (generally I hate buffets–but every so often, what are you gonna do?) –and you see these fatties loading up there plates waddling back to their booth. You just shake your head—mmmm-luxurious!!!
Hoodia is here now? Does anyone know if it works to lose weight? Most of the fat to normal weight transformations that I have seen are the gastric bypass types. That works. Only thing there, if you eat your normal load of pizza in your walnut sized stomach you die like Brenda Scott, the Detroit City Councilwoman did a few years back.

BB on January 12, 2007 at 8:29 pm

Thanks for hitting the nail on the head, Debbie!
I’m tired of fat people telling me “it’s genetic”.
I know two fat (no, not overweight, no, NOT
pleasantly plump, just plain ‘ol FAT women. Thin
parents, even thinner siblings, but fat women with
no restraint. Hey, I (and three other fit men)
helped a woman last winter. She laid face-down
in the snow and for 45 minutes. Why? Because she
was so fat that rolling over wasn’t a remote option.
She couldn’t even get to her feet by herself! No
wonder my health insurance costs are through the roof!!

Yeah, I’m out of shape too, but I’m still a 19% male.
Getting back into shape after injuries. I’m almost
back to my high school waist-line. That was almost
40 years ago, but salad and protein powder can make
you mean. I still like the Double Bounty mushroom/
cheese burger, but I feel better on sprouts. In case
you were wondering, yes, sprouts make a person mean too!

Rick Buchanan on May 25, 2011 at 4:37 pm

You are a terrible person.

Samantha on October 26, 2012 at 2:42 am

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