January 10, 2007, - 5:07 pm

Farewell, Mrs. Munster a/k/a Mrs. Moses

By Debbie Schlussel
Since I liked watching “The Munsters” re-runs as a kid (one of my friends even lived on Mockingbird Lane in Scottsdale, Arizona), I gotta recognize the passing of Mrs. Lily Munster, actress Yvonne DeCarlo. In addition to playing Herman Munster’s wife, she also played Moses’ wife, Sephora, in “The Ten Commandments” (the Cecil B. DeMille original, not last year’s horrid remake), and died today at age 84.
Yvonne DeCarlo, Rest In Peace.



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10 Responses

I loved the show as a kid and still love it today. Thanks for the second photo. She was truly a great looking woman who had the talent to transform herself into Lily Munster. Talent and beauty – hard to find these days.

Allen on January 10, 2007 at 6:44 pm

I LOVED The Munsters.
I first saw the 10 Commandments in 1959 at the Drive-in when I was in kindergarten in a tiny town in West Texas (It took a while in those days for movies to get to West Texas). My kindergarten class was taught by a retired public school spinster teacher (in her day, female teachers in Texas were discharged upon marriage)
Because this was during a period when we prayed in class and teachers talked about God unapologetically, I was allowed to discuss the 10 Commandments movie in kindergarten class. My teacher said it was blasphemous because it showed God when it showed the burning bush. I was allowed to argue the point. ( All I remember about my argument is being indignent because I was so excited about learning about Moses and she was ruining it for me.)
Back to Yvonne DeCarlo. Her passing reinforces for me the fact that many thing have changed for the worse.

Sue Bob on January 10, 2007 at 9:02 pm

Yvonne DeCarlo made me a man.

lance de boyle on January 10, 2007 at 11:50 pm

She was an elegant woman.
I have several Munsters episodes loaded on my iPod. Great show, great cast.
Even as Lilly Munster, Yvonne moved and acted with grace and class.

Thee_Bruno on January 11, 2007 at 9:57 am

THE FIRST well known busty Canadian? Definitely one, with a lot more class, than the present-day busty Canadian.
(We all know who that is)

The Canadien on January 11, 2007 at 10:37 am

The Munsters was one of the greatest sit coms ever created. I have the entire 3 season collection on DVD, and I can watch the episodes ad-nauseum; they never get old. Yvonne De Carlo was one of the hottest women of her time; an absoultely stunner of a beauty. So many women of today that horde tabloid coverage can’t even compare to what class, grace, dignity, and beauty that Ms. De Carlo possessed. She will be missed.

Yiddish Steel on January 11, 2007 at 11:07 am

Did poor, homely Marilyn Munster ever find a guy?
Ah, the Golden Age of TV! To me it was so sweet during my childhood to be able to sit down and watch Munsters, Green Acres (my all time favorite), Get Smart, Beverly Hillbillies, and other awesome sitcoms and not hear bad language, silly social commentary, and sexual situations and just HAVE FUN.

Jeff_W on January 11, 2007 at 12:21 pm

How about Petticoat Junction?

Thee_Bruno on January 11, 2007 at 1:57 pm

my favorite slot machine in Gulfport,Ms pre Katrina of course, was the nickel Munsters. During bonus wins, Fred would proclaim “I don’t know what im doin’, but I’m havin’ fun!”
Ms. DeCarlo, uh, Lily paid the second highest and my wife hit 5 Lilys..paid a pile. lol
I’ll always think of her in a kind way and Fred Gwynn was a sad loss just recently.
Mr.Gambini.. what, exactly, is a yute?

icanplainlysee on January 11, 2007 at 10:07 pm

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