October 29, 2010, - 4:21 pm

Entrepreneur of the Year: Antoine Dodson & Halloween

By Debbie Schlussel

He and his, um, “products” may not contribute to the advancement of American culture, but I gotta give credit to the hilarious, frank Antoine Dodson. He’s a hero who rescued his sister from a rapist in their home in the projects of Birmingham, Alabama. And I’m glad to see he’s become a capitalist of sorts and used the situation to better himself and get himself off the taxpayer dime and out of the projects. Kudos to him for that.

You may recall Dodson from the first video below, which has since been made into a gazillion remixes on YouTube.

Since then, he’s made mucho bucks off of that with an iPhone sex offender tracking app (see video, below) and a Halloween costume (also below). I don’t think most White people could get away with wearing the afro part of the costume without being accused of being “racist.” But that must not be a concern because Dodson sold a ton of these costumes. He’s made so much money from this that he’s been able to put a down payment on a home and moved out of the projects. Question is, when all the hype dies down and he needs a steady way to earn a living, will he still be in that home? Let’s hope.

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4 Responses


First part is the best part. Don’t watch the second part of this video (the acoustic portion)… you WILL be disappointed with it.

PatsPFS on October 29, 2010 at 7:15 pm

Honestly, the impression I get from this Antoine is that the way of rescuing his sister was to run over to her room and yell at the prep “take me, take me, yo bad bad man!” who must have been straight enough to run away. That was not dumb, so dumb, for real!

Erwin Mahnke on October 31, 2010 at 2:29 pm

I’m not sure how or why that video interview became such a phenomenon, but good for him. Maybe he’ll get a reality show or something like that.

united states of sharia on November 1, 2010 at 4:07 am

Correction, this is Huntsville Alabama, not Birmingham.

And He is trying to lift his family up which is a good thing.

Shawn Nichols on November 1, 2010 at 10:11 am

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