August 29, 2005, - 10:07 am

FOX’s “Prison Break” Off Limits to Michigan Cons

By Debbie Schlussel
The Detroit Free Press’ intrepid reporter, Dawson Bell, writes that Michigan’s 50,000 inmates will be unable to view FOX’s “Prison Break,” when it debuts tonight–only the second time Michigan prisoners have experienced censorship in their TV viewing.
The blackout is understandable, since the show allegedly features architectural drawings for underground utility tunnels, prison riots, etc. The main character breaks into prison to get his wrongly convicted death-row prisoner brother out. He tattoos the prison blueprints on his body.
Interestingly, the show–taped at Illinois’ retired Joliet facility–is permitted viewing for Illinois prisoners. Why?
***UPDATE: 08/30/05–I watched “Prison Break’s” debut, last night, and I can definitely understand the Michigan Dept. of Corrections’ decision to censor this show from the prisoner-viewing public. It would only inflame prisoners and inspire them to violence, chaos, and plans to escape. In the first two hours of the show, prisoners engaged in many fights, acts of violence, riots, crafting of weapons, escape plans, etc. After watching, my question is even more pronounced: Why were Illinois prisoners (the “Prison Break” setting) allowed to watch this show?

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2 Responses

Censor enough times and it becomes the norm. I think the prison system is the lab for the new police state that the Neo Cons and Neo Libs are preparing us for. You first test the censorship in prison and then go to the public, then next this site.
Guess who’ll be in prison for criticizing both the Neo cons and Neo-libs?
The lovely Debbie Schlussel

KOAJaps on August 29, 2005 at 8:29 pm

Censor enough times and it becomes the norm. I think the prison system is the lab for the new police state that the Neo Cons and Neo Libs are preparing us for. You first test the censorship in prison and then go to the public, then next this site.
Guess who’ll be in prison for criticizing both the Neo cons and Neo-libs?
The lovely Debbie Schlussel

KOAJaps on August 29, 2005 at 8:31 pm

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