January 9, 2007, - 11:54 am

American Immigration Enforcement Held Hostage, YEAR ONE

By Debbie Schlussel
Today marks the first (and, hopefully, the last) anniversary of Julie L. Myers‘ a/k/a “The ICE Princess” reign over Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
More than a year ago, I began writing about the “President’s” awful nomination of this incompetent woman to head up the enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws and the ever shrinking customs investigations (drug smuggling, money laundering, weapons smuggling, child pornography, etc.) that were the domain of the Office of Investigations of the U.S. Customs Service.


Julie Myers: The Joke That’s Lasted A Year.

What’s the punchline?

(Artwork by David Lunde/Lundesigns)

I put the word “President” in quotation marks because–even though it is his ultimate and foolhardy nomination and subsequent recess appointment–The ICE Princess was in charge of the search for the new ICE chieftain, and she pulled a Cheney. She chose herself, and the President approved because her uncle–General Richard Myers–pressed the President to help his “talented” niece, and her old crony and former boss, DHS chief Michael Chertoff, pimped her to the White House and on America, as well.
It was a year ago today, January 9th–after the cowardly recess appointment–that Myers stepped into her way totally cool office, got her runaway bride glare photogged to be posted all over ICE, and got her unearned credentials.
In that one year, I’ve detailed the tremendous waste of your tax dollars in the name of Myers’ and her cronies’ self-promotion, including a week-long party in her hometown of Kansas City, featuring respected immigration enforcement authority, Tommy Lasorda. At $30-50K, it was a big cha-ching for Lasorda (courtesy of U.S. taxpayers), a good time for ICE Princessdom, and the loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars in your money that could have gone to–and Congress allocated expressly for–immigration enforcement. Myers also absurd, wasteful bonuses–like the $45,000 reportedly given to ICE Director of Investigations Marcy Forman-Friedman a/k/a “Peppermint Patty.”
In that same time, ICE agents from all over the country have repeatedly complained to me that ICE is constantly short of money–that they are constantly short of pens and files to open new cases and investigations, and are not allowed to get oil changes on cars that have driven several thousand miles. ICE can’t afford it.
Then, there are Myers’ failures–no, refusals–to work with local law enforcement to help them help ICE enforce immigration laws. When Costa Mesa, California Mayor Allan Mansoor announced plans to have about 200 officers train with ICE and engage in immigration enforcement, little did he know that Myers would put the kabosh on it. Ditto for a group of Oklahoma legislators who also wanted to partner with ICE to make Oklahoma a State friendly to immigration enforcement. Myers couldn’t be bothered.
She was too busy partying in Kansas City, making dumb ICE Promotional videos, when a great video (minus Myers’ runaway bride visage) was already in existence. Taxpayers paid twice so Myers could stamp herself into it. Proving that twice is not always twice as nice.
And don’t forget The ICE Princess’ creation of a new, high-paying personal legal counsel position, because she wanted her own personal lawyer–being too good to go to the ICE army of lawyers everyone else in her agency uses.
In January, when she started the job (though she had a spy–fellow cronyist spoiled brat, Daniel T. Fahner–at ICE for months before), she began by ordering ICE agents in Texas to turn illegal aliens they arrested at a job site back to the great American abyss, without even verifying their identities. And it’s been similar tactics ever since.
Under her watch, The ICE Princess has allowed agents who participated in sex crimes and harassment to remain on the job, with one even being allowed to retire and collect a generous pension. She’s changed the rules so cronies, like her friend, Traci Lembke (head of ICE’s Office of Professional Responsibility), can keep jobs with limited hours and flexible conditions that are unacceptable and unheard of for a man.
And Lembke’s job doesn’t really matter anymore, anyway. When it comes to professional responsibility, Myers doesn’t care about maintaining honesty and integrity within ICE ranks. She promoted John P. Torres, a man who obtained a job for an unqualified alleged extramarital paramour of his, to a permanent position within ICE and nixed ICE OPR’s prescribed several-month suspension of him. He’s Director of ICE’s Detention and Removal Operations. Not good to have a guy so willing to engage in unethical conduct running that operation (and he’s no qualified to do so, either). Yet, despite that, Myers made him the permanent chief of that division and canceled any discipline for his unethical–and, likely, illegal–behavior. So much for discipline.
She encouraged agents like Brian Moskowitz a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz” to continue consorting with extremist Muslims–even a “former” terrorist–who support terrorism. She hasn’t had a problem with Moskowitz asking that “former” terrorist to recruit Muslim agents, or with the fact that serious investigations into the Islamic community’s involvement in immigration violations have been shut down or ridiculously compromised, to sustain this absurd relationship.
So what are Myers achievements, other than promoting herself at the cost to you, the American taxpayer? Well, she did have ICE do some arrests at employers–first the pallet company in the spring, and then the raid of Swift & Co. meat packing in December. But did you know the Swift raid was a year in the making and planning? If all raids take that long, don’t look for many to happen. Do you enjoy the fact that you paid for a week’s worth of partying for 1,000 ICE personnel in Denver in connection with the raid? Gives extra special significance to the moniker, “Mile High City,” in a lot of ways.
In the case of the pallet company, previously incarcerated illegal aliens were released to freedom to make room for those newly arrested for the cameras. Many of those arrested were released within a day. A big waste, but useful in crafting Myers’ PR and image to the outside world, which is her main goal, since she’s roundly despised within her agency.
Despite zero law enforcement experience, barely having held any job in the Bush Administration for more than a year, and a lackluster record of ever having done anything to deserve this job, a 36-year-old from Kansas had enough pull, enough cronies, and enough protectzia to get the job she wanted, with wanton and wholesale disregard for America’s national security.
We’re not sure who is more harmed by The ICE Princess–the citizenry of the United States of America, or the baby she chose to have while in this very important position that requires 24/7 attention and involvement. Either that baby is suffering from inadequate attention by its mother or the country is suffering from inadequate attention to running the fiefdom that enforces immigration law.
It’s clearly the latter, judging by the past year. Agents are leaving in droves, retiring early despite plans to stay on, and transferring to other agencies even with a steep cut in government paygrade to do so. Morale is at an all-time low. And that is due, in no small part, to the person at the top and her lack of management, leadership, and law enforcement knowledge.
Happy Anniversary to ICE’s own Veruca Salt–the selfish, incompetent Julie Myers. We hope there won’t be a second one.
American Immigration Enforcement Held Hostage, Year One.

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9 Responses

How much is her one year anniversary bash going to cost us?
I hope Peppermint Patty buys her a nice gift with her unearned bonus……

MarySJ on January 9, 2007 at 12:59 pm

Veruca Salt….LOL…ingenious, Debby…

TexasFed on January 10, 2007 at 12:05 am

I agree with you about the ICE princess being totally unqualified to run the ICE show but peppermint patty and John Clark have really done the most damage in ICE. During their short tenure, they have selected mostly legacy customs SAC’s to run the ICE show (only 2 legacy INS SAC’s have been selected) throughout the U.S.
I also don’t know where you are getting some of the hot info but in your first paragraph in this article you mentioned the ever shrinking customs investigations (i.e drug smuggling, money laundering, cyber etc.). Maybe you should visit the southwest border and see what really is going on. Customs investigations in these areas are alive and well (not shrinking). As a matter of fact, most of the SW ICE investigations personnel are in legacy customs groups conducting long term custom investigations. So before you start drinking too much of that customs kool-aid, please come on down to the southern border and see what is going on in ICE.
OH yeah love your articles regarding ICE.
P.S. Morale is really bad.

migra on January 11, 2007 at 12:01 am

The entire merger has been a tragic exercise of futility. A completely dysfunctional INS is dissolved and merged with US Customs with devastating effects. ICE has become nothing more of a bastardized ?Super INS.? INS was without any oversight and totally in the red financially. Then to top if off they make Mike Garcia, legacy INS, the ICE designer & then the ICE Princess the dessert. Problems began with promotional disparities, ?We must promote equal number of Legacy INS guys.? It was bad enough that the vast majority of INS agents were promoted to GS-13 without meeting the criteria, handling benefits fraud and limited alien smuggling with not much success, therefore the need for the merger. But at ICE HQ the vast majority of ?Big Wigs? are former INS/Border Patrol in vital positions which they weren?t/aren?t qualified for. So when I hear legacy INS pukes chiming in on their life is hell, I remind them that their agency was the cancer which the merger was suppose to fix, hence the limited number of INS SACs is indicative of the some sense of not perpetuating the cancer which was the legacy INS left.

ICEMAN on January 11, 2007 at 7:43 am

The entire merger has been a tragic exercise of futility. A completely dysfunctional INS is dissolved and merged with US Customs with devastating effects. ICE has become nothing more of a bastardized “Super INS.” INS was without any oversight and totally in the red financially. Then to top if off they make Mike Garcia, legacy INS, the ICE designer & then the “ICE Princess” the dessert. Problems began with promotional disparities, “We must promote equal number of Legacy INS guys.” It was bad enough that the vast majority of INS agents were blanket promoted to GS-13 without meeting the criteria, handling benefits fraud and limited alien smuggling with not much success, therefore the need for the merger. But at ICE HQ the vast majority of “Big Wigs” are former INS/Border Patrol in vital positions which they weren’t/aren’t qualified for. So when I hear legacy INS pukes chiming in on their life is hell, I remind them that their agency was the cancer which the merger was suppose to fix, hence the limited number of INS SACs is indicative of the some sense of not perpetuating the cancer which was the legacy INS left.

ICEMAN on January 11, 2007 at 7:45 am

Debbie…could you make this your 2007 project? It would be so good for America if a career ICE employee were promoted to head this agency at such a critical time in the history of our country. I KNOW there have to be some qualified individuals. It is time for the political appointments of non-qualified people to STOP!!!
Thanks for all your efforts…I do hope someone is reading who has the power to make the necessary changes!!!

JASCC on January 11, 2007 at 10:53 am

and…may I add my heartfelt THANKS to all ICE employees who are out there doing their job and trying to figure out just what the heck is going on at the top. You are appreciated!!!!!!!!!!

JASCC on January 11, 2007 at 10:55 am

Hey Mr. Iceman: You typify the typical, highly intellectual customs agent that we (INS) see on a daily basis at the office. Customs usually comes in at 10AM and leaves at 2PM ( of course while only working major complex investigations), while the INS guys are just counting the money we made for our GS-13 promotions and thanking our lucky stars that we (INS) were merged into customs. But I would also like to add, since you seem to know everything about the merger and seem to have HQ connections, I am puzzled at who you are referring to when you say the “VAST MAJORITY OF BIG WIGS IN ICE HQ” are former INS/USBP are in vital positions. I am looking at the HQ table organization chart and I only see one INS person. I don’t know if anyone told you this, but Garcia has been gone for some time. Didn’t you get the memo? Anyway, Mr. Iceman, you sound like an FNG customs guy who is clueless about enforcing the INS laws and you probably never will learn. Just do us a favor, because it sounds like you have a long way to go before you retire, when work has to be done, just get out of our way.
Hey Mr. ICEMAN you don’t suppose that maybe many of the SAC/ASAC promotions were because they were fellow customs classmates/amigos of Foreman and Clark? Tells what you think Iceman.

migra on January 12, 2007 at 10:10 pm

Migra, just like alcoholism the first step to correcting the problem is admitting it! INS wasn?t doing there vital job, what most would call a dismal failure, hence the merger. Immigration issues are vital to the protection of our country and I have been pressed into embracing enforcing these laws. Customs wasn?t perfect, far from it but you?ll have to admit the INS was a mess.
Legacy Customs Agents didn?t hire on to do Immigration work or otherwise they would have joined INS, Capiche! I am somewhat excited that you actually sound like you want to do immigration enforcement, I applaud you and hope that your sentiment will be pervasive but wishing is all that everyone can do. My best to you, Brother ICE Agent.

ICEMAN on January 16, 2007 at 3:53 am

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