January 8, 2007, - 4:22 pm

Get Out the Violin II: Terrorist Damra Arrested, Jailed; Turned in to Israel by Fatah (Poetic Justice)

By Debbie Schlussel
Well, now we know “where the heck he is.” As if we care.
Convicted and deported Islamic Jihad terrorist Fawaz Abu Damra, whose relatives were whining that he’s missing, have now “found” him. . . in an Israeli jail.
Seems he was arrested by Israelis after Fatah terrorists who control the Palestinian Authority turned him over. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) says they turned Damra over to the Fatah-controlled PA, so what happened after that seems to indicate that Fatah, which is feuding with its HAMAS terrorist brethren, gave him over to the Israelis:

Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman Greg Palmore repeated Monday what had been said Friday – that Damra was flown to Amman on Thursday and taken to the Allenby Bridge, where he was directly handed over to Palestinian authorities. . . .


Israeli Jailhouse Rock:

Islamic Terrorist Fawaz Abu Damra Meets Poetic Justice

Palmore said that if Damra were arrested, Palestinian authorities – not U.S. authorities – must have handed him over to the Israelis.

Why would the PA do that–hand him over?
Well, ostensibly, Islamic Jihad (Damra’s terrorist group) is trying to act as the “broker” of “peace” between HAMAS and Fatah terrorist groups, but it’s hardly an independent broker, and Fatah knows that.
Islamic Jihad is basically HAMAS. The two groups coordinate homicide bombings and a lot of other stuff together, and often claim joint credit for the operations. They are so close that you can almost hear Captain and Tennille singing “Love Will Keep Us Together” (written by evil Zionist Neil Sedaka) in the background. In a letter convicted Islamic Jihad terrorist chief Sami Al-Arian (Damra’s partner in crime) faxed to a friend in Yemen, he wrote,

the merger with the brothers in HAMAS is almost complete.

Well, the “merger” was never completed. The guys in Mergers and Acquisitions never completed the paperwork, apparently. But they’re allies.
So, now, Fawaz Abu Damra is part of the war between the two rival terrorist groups for control of the Palestinian Authority hellhole. And he’s in jail in Israel, where it’s possible he’ll be treated with the “appropriate measures” we humanitarians running American jails never gave him. . . if you know what I mean. Torture of terrorists has been outlawed in Israel since at least 2000. But perhaps he’ll get his from Fatah inmates.
Call it poetic justice. Fawaz Abu Damra, Welcome to “Palestine.”
Meanwhile, back home, his buddy–some idiot named Don Bryant–is very concerned that a terrorist mass-murder fundraiser might actually face justice:

Don Bryant, president of the Greater Cleveland Immigrant Support Network and a friend of Damra’s, was alarmed when he learned Damra had been detained.
“Our biggest fear is that he might stand trial in Israel,” Bryant said. “This is a nightmare for him.”

My biggest fear is that there are too many Americans as clueless as Bryant in our midst. I wonder how many other terrorists Don Bryant has helped in the Cleveland area.
Hopefully, someone’s keeping an eye on him. But, unfortunately, probably not. Just like I was the only media person to attend and cover Damra’s deportation hearing, I’m probably the only one looking into Bryant.

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4 Responses

Hey Debbie, don’t pick on the “compassionate,” naive, idiot, imbecile, cluless, delusional, politically correct, average American citizen and voter.
He is our first line of defense against the muslims and their plot to take over America. He is the one who put Pelosi in power.
Instead, be grateful that we have the smartest people on Earth. Not even in Europe you can find them. Oh, maybe in the U.K., France, Spain and Germany.
So, be like the rest of us, the American Sheeple and have fun.
Let Bush and Pelosi take care of business, they know better than us, they will protect the muslims from us. Don’t worry.

Independent Conservative on January 8, 2007 at 5:20 pm

Whatever happened to the guy who drove his Mustang into the walls of this guys mosque?

MarySJ on January 8, 2007 at 9:02 pm

I wouldn’t be so hopeful in seeing Damra facing justice, Debbie. Just watch the Israeli governement offer him for exchange.

Witch-king of Angmar on January 9, 2007 at 7:22 am

What’s with the violin images? You should go back to more pictures of the Mexican crotch-grabber.

Dan on January 9, 2007 at 11:59 pm

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